
=== vrubiolo1 is now known as vrubiolo
hetiiI provision nodes with block devices via terraform on openstack. By using fdisk i'm able to to read Disk identifier: 0x4f02700b and I wonder I I can somehow set this id from terraform/openstack perspective so the cloud init will be able to mount given disk to given location?11:47
hetiiok I see that  /dev/disk/by-id/ contains links like scsi-0QEMU_QEMU_HARDDISK_05599f26-70d3-470c-b -> ../../sdc and 05599f26 is a part of my openstack volume id, in my case 05599f26-70d3-470c-b2fd-42b9e0ccd018 so I could use this information, but if you know other way then also let me know.11:55
meenawhat's wrong with using sdc?12:28
meenahetii: or is there too much potential for clashing?12:29

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