[01:37] hi? [01:39] I have a problem with NVIDIA. I have the repositories installed, I have version 455 but the nvidia settgins server does not work, I have the nvidia graphic selected but it is as if it was not active. [03:16] @user|50497, copy this to the terminal and report the output: … apt list nvidia-driver* | grep install [03:40] hello there [03:41] so im using Kubuntu on a surface pro 3, and for the most part, its working pretty well [03:41] however, i have encountered an issue [03:42] when trying to connect to a standard WPA2 network, the wifi fails to connect [03:42] in every scenario, no matter what [03:42] it always fails [03:43] however, when running the kubuntu installer, it connects to the wifi just fine [03:44] another issue, however, is the fact that it sometimes connects to an enterprise wifi (ie a wifi network that uses username and password to sign in, instead of just a password) [03:44] it will occasionally connect, but not always [03:44] sometimes, you cannot see any wifi networks in the network list [03:44] a temporary solution that fixes this [03:45] is either to put the surface pro into sleep mode, and wake it up again [03:45] or reboot the surface pro entirely === mjs22 is now known as mjsor === mjsor is now known as mjs_or === mjs_or is now known as mjsor [05:50] prabhushakti was added by: prabhushakti [09:57] Hello every one [09:58] I need help with privatising Kubuntu [09:59] In GNOME DE, it lets you chose what information Apport reports back [10:11] Hello [10:12] I'm trying to make terminal shortcut to start-from directory, on desktop, I'm new to Kubuntu (relatively novice to linux) [10:12] So I don't have to type in "cd dir1" cd "dir2" each time [10:36] Heikkinen CHAGNON was added by: Heikkinen CHAGNON [12:44] Hi all === patrice is now known as Guest78419 === georg_ is now known as goggaen [13:28] hello [13:29] I have lost my network by making a do release upgrade to 20.04 [13:29] I'm on a another PC [13:31] I have reboot and select recovery mode, but I can not activate the network and see if something's is wrong with apt [13:32] Guest78419, run: sudo apt install -f [13:37] ok, I try it [13:41] diogenes_: it is not the problem [13:41] just some packets to autoremove [13:43] sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a [13:47] dpkg --configurer -a give me the prompt [13:47] dpkg --configurer -a give me the prompt [13:47] dpkg --configure -a give me the prompt [13:49] I reboot the box [13:53] how to install plasma-systemmonitor-5.20.0.tar.xz? [13:53] (Photo, 1280x719) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/NY0cvBkb/file_38655.jpg [13:55] oh looks like its only for plasma 20? [14:01] i'm back [14:01] it is not the box [14:01] and not the updates [14:02] and the connexion works on windows on the other pc [14:02] patrice_, but do you see the networks? [14:08] I have remove the old ethernet connection in the plasmoid, I have add another [14:08] with Wifi I can not connect too [14:10] I have precise that i am on a KDe neon? [15:35] I am facing same issues as well [15:36] The modules are gone. Qualcomm modules. Try booting with older kernel. … But before that verify … #lshw -C network … Or # lspci [16:00] SlamPigDestroyer 33 was added by: SlamPigDestroyer 33 [17:21] hello [17:21] hello [17:22] who are you? [17:42] Hello [17:42] can I postpone reporting error? [17:42] KDE Crash Reporting Wizard [17:43] I made a new account for KDE bug tracker but I have my logins on another OS that I need to boot into the same PC [17:45] lmao now ubuntu has experienced an internal error and I need to restart PC [17:45] thanks Kdevelop and their bloated plugins :p [17:45] Apport crash [17:46] Meh, weird error message, "Ubuntu has experienced an internal error" is so misleading, Kdevelop is not part of the inner OS [17:46] Details says it's about Kdevelop [17:47] Also can't copy crash details in this Ubunut based error report, hope it gets saved somewhere [17:56] kohler catrin was added by: kohler catrin [17:59] hello [18:07] can someone give some help with btrfs? [18:07] It says that I'm using 9 gigs aout of 10 but in reality only 500 or so mb is used [18:08] there are no snapshots or subvolumes [20:08] Eilander MARTIN was added by: Eilander MARTIN [20:46] Hi all … Is it normal that my harddrive is always spinning … (kubuntu 20.04.1) [20:56] @smhk1379, There isn't an always on IO read and write just some times but hdd is always spinning [21:10] 🅡🅞🅑🅘🅝 was added by: 🅡🅞🅑🅘🅝 [23:07] hi all [23:08] any could help me [23:09] i install kubuntu 20 but my wifi after 5 minutes disconnect and dont work anymore, i must restart computer then works again