[03:09] good morning [05:53] why's there no expert around when I need one!? :) [05:54] ubuntu support is 24/7 TJ- :p [05:54] yeah, it's not Ubuntu though, it's Libroffice Impress weirdness [05:54] oh, not the expert myself, but whats going on? [06:08] I've got line of text scrolling from right to left across a landscape page, about 70 characters. last few characters get chopped off [06:10] really annoying - it's drawing part of a character too so looks like some kind of rendering bug [06:14] ah, seems to be a limit on the max width. reducing from 400pt to 380pt worked around that [06:14] now I've got to figure out how to force the text animation not to repeat! keep changing the option but it doesn't 'stick' and returns to continuous! [06:25] hmm no idea [07:21] good morning [07:43] ducasse: are you sure it is? :) [07:44] lol [07:44] good enough for government work :) [07:44] maybe Ben64 can lean you a libreoffice hand^^ [07:59] is Ben64 awake at this hour then?