
ubottulotuspsychje called the ops in #ubuntu (Wh0amI_ bad news)07:34
Sonidoes the ubuntu IRC team ban openly autistic and/or openly plural ppl?15:09
tomreynSoni: I'm answering this as a very new IRC'er here, so take it with a grian of salt (and stay around for possibly better answers). There's no mention of "(openly) autistic" and/or "(openly) plural" on the user https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines or operator https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorGuidelines guidelines. rather, i would think that discriminating against specific mindsets just because they're different would not be15:52
tomreyntolerated. On the other hand, someone constantly pointing out how they're better because they're different, on channels which are unrelated to this topic, or someone insisting to discuss a matter they are convinced is within scope for the channel while the guideline state differently, could probably get banned.15:52
tomreyndoes this answer your question?15:54
tomreyn(please also read the guidelines if you haven't.)15:54
Soniwe've read them15:55
Soniwe made a project about decentralized software development and got banned from archlinux for trying to figure out how to do decentralized versioning with archlinux packages, because the official domain for our project is https://ganarchy.autistic.space/15:57
Soni(they took an issue with the "autistic space" part)15:57
Soni(well, "official". it's decentralized, there isn't really "official" anything. it's more like our personal instance tbh.)15:58
Sonithat's the whole context basically15:58
tomreyni'm not sure what 'decentralized versioning' is, but i'm not very familiar with arch linux16:02
Soniit's a ganarchy thing, not an archlinux thing16:02
Sonibut it does need at least some package manager support (apt/pacman/etc)16:03
tomreyncan you explain pluralism? i may have misunderstood it. is this why you'd speak in a "we" form ?16:03
Sonibut that's a thing for #ubuntu :p16:03
Soniyeah uh16:03
tomreynto me, pluralism is general openness to different ways of thinking and living.16:04
Soniwe tend to link ppl this FAQ https://www.pluralpride.com/playbook16:04
Soniit's plurality, not pluralism16:04
tomreynoh, i got it wrong then.16:04
tomreynthanks for the link, i'm having a look now, if mostly for personal education.16:08
tomreynno need to thank me for catching up on things i should probably have known.16:13
tomreynSoni: so, maybe this is relevant to know: #ubuntu is for support with ubuntu installations, and software which comes with it, it's not well suited for discussing what ubuntu should rather be, or how it should be extended or improved upon. that's more what #ubuntu-discuss is for. there is also #ubuntu-app-devel for ubuntu targeted software development, and a lot of other channels.16:22
tomreynbut those channels all state what their purpose are on their /topic, so no need to remember this.16:22
Soniso #ubuntu-discuss for making apt packages?16:23
tomreynfor developing your custom packages and packaging them ,a dn making them available on your ppa or other third party apt repository, #ubuntu-app-devel, i guess.16:24
Soniah, okay16:24
tomreynthos thats not a very active channel16:24
tomreynthe easiest way to get software into ubuntu through apt is to go through debian really16:24
tomreynthere are also snaps, though.16:25
tomreynanyways, we're already beyond the scope of *this* channel now, i guess ;-)16:26
Soniyeah. thanks tho. :)16:26
tomreynyou're welcome. please remember to /part this channel once you consider the original topic to be answered (as i said, you may want to wait for more feedback, that'd be fine with me personally.)16:28
Soniwe'd like to wait for more feedback, but will do. thanks.16:29
tewardUnfortunately, this is the channel for operator/abuse questions - not really the place to get feedback from the IRC Team (#ubuntu-irc is more suited for the general Ubuntu IRC discussions) - if you have no operator-specific questions then you should depart the channel, per the /topic here.17:40
Sonioperator-specific = only a single operator can reply?17:47
tomreynSoni: To remind, I'm new, and should probably have pointed you to #ubuntu-irc instead right away, since you're not really reporting a current case of abuse (and waiting for this to be handled) but rather have policy questions.17:54
tomreynyou'll basically meet the same people and can get as good an answer in -irc as you could here.17:55

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