
=== THC is now known as Hash
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trohrtI am trying to setup a ubuntu server install on LUKS + BTRFS01:35
trohrthere is the script I wrote to setup and partition my hard drive http://ix.io/2DmO01:35
trohrtfrom what I am reading the ubuntu desktop installer "ubiquity" is a GUI that can see unencrypted LUKS devices when attempting to install ubuntu01:36
trohrtI cannot see the containers using the CLI ubuntu server installer for 20.0401:36
trohrtWould anybody be willing to assist me with this?01:36
trohrtis there a way to install a base system to a mountpoint using a cli command?01:42
trohrtsimilar to "pacstrap" on Arch Linux01:42
summonnerbol, https://github.com/libratbag/piper/   the libratbagd might be your fix01:46
ntborusahello all!01:48
dmoernerI used snap to install nextcloud. Recently, if I run snap start nextcloud, it times out saying it has exceeded the maximum runtime of 1m. How can I increase the maximum runtime or get more verbose information on this problem? snap start has no --verbose flag01:53
dmoernerAh, I figured out the problem01:55
trohrtomg debootstrap exists01:56
trohrti have not used ubuntu in damn near 4 years outside of work and we don't use much more than the standard installer + our post-install scripts :P01:57
axilarishi, i need some help, my ubuntu web server is suddenly out of space02:13
axilarisi tried to rm some files. but i still see its full02:13
axilarisis there like a recycle bin like windows that i need to clear to free diskspace in ubuntu02:14
Toadisattvashould be a trash icon on the desktop02:17
Toadisattvaor in your file manager at least02:17
jadaxhi I'm on Ubuntu 20.4, trying to get THE LINUX COMPATIBLE wifi brostrend ac1200 dongle, I installed rtl8812au driver, loaded it but my wifi usb card just doesn't show up as network device02:27
jadaxlsusb lists it but that's about it02:27
YWH_1 In the package repository what does a dummy package mean and do?02:38
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jadaxis there a way to calibrate old TV connected over HDMI->composite adapter? I'm talking about adjusting screen boundaries04:04
HashI deleted a mysql db using mysql cli client04:23
Hashany chance to undelete that db storage file from the disk/filesystem?04:23
siwicaHow can I save the systemd logs to multiple locations simultaneously?04:50
DiamondciteOpen multiple terminal windows and connect via SSH?04:53
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lotuspsychje!ops | Wh0amI_ bad news07:34
ubottuWh0amI_ bad news: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, chu07:34
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havvhi, all my network interfaces are down and I can't connect, what should I check? I have dual boot with windows on this machine and it works there10:29
futurilehavv: has it ever worked? or are you installing for the first time?10:34
rk4`ip l` is a good start10:34
havvfuturile, it did, I just booted it today and something's messed up, didn't see any errors in `systemctl status NetworkManager` or `dmesg`10:35
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futurileOK, so you know it can work - something changed then. Check you haven't disabled wifi somehow - right click the networks icon (if you're using that) and try disabling/enabling.10:40
futurilethere's also the wifi command, and as rk4 said check the try ip l to see the status10:40
havveverything is down, I tried `ip link set dev up`, but nothing happens10:46
tomreynhavv: what kind of network interfaces? ethernet? wireless?10:46
tomreyndid they come up on ubuntu previously?10:46
havvtomreyn, both and yes10:46
tomreynare they still listed in lspci?10:47
havvthey are, yes10:47
tomreyn(or lsusb if external / dongles)10:47
tomreyndoes rfkill list the wireless one as blocked?10:47
havvI checked, everything is unblocked, but now I remembered that on thursday I ran a VM with libvirt and I did not use the default NAT option for networking, maybe it's got something to do with it10:48
tomreynhmm, i think this should only be relevant if you chose to configure passthrough of the ethernet interface. or you have other leftover configurations from this experiment which prevent use of those interfaces on the host system now.10:50
tomreynis this a desktop? which ubuntu version? or a different flavour?10:51
bolsummonner: Thanks, I'll check it out!10:53
havvtomreyn, this is a laptop, plain ubuntu 20.0410:53
tomreynhavv: https://www.windowscentral.com/how-disable-windows-10-fast-startup10:54
havvI have dual boot with windows 810:54
tomreynit applies there, too, i think10:54
tomreynyou want this for dual-booting windows with anything else10:54
tomreynyes, windows 8 also has fast startup. but windows support would be at ##windows10:56
havvI checked, it was disabled10:57
tomreynso when you're back in ubuntu check what    nmcli d    and    nmcli c    says10:58
tomreyndoes it list both interfaces, are both in state connected?10:58
havvok, it's back now after I changed to VM network back to NAT from macvtap11:09
futurilehavv: congrats!11:19
* futurile remembers why he keeps copious notes when messing with stuff - nearly always some change you did a couple of days ago and forgot about11:20
lotuspsychjewelcome Coraxyn what can we do for you today?11:59
CoraxynRunning vanilla Ubuntu on 4k monitor.  Is it possible to increase size of title bar - font and icons?11:59
CoraxynLotus :)12:00
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CoraxynExploding Cat12:10
futurileCoraxyn: you probably want fractional scaling - but I've never used it - https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2020/04/ubuntu-20-04-fractional-scaling-support-setting12:13
saxinIn Ubuntu 20.04 i got the wireless working after following some steps on Github. RTL8812au. In Ubuntu 12.10 with the 5.8 kernel it no longer works. Is there any guide I can follow to get it up and running on the 5.8 kernel?12:16
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jeremy31saxin: what github?12:29
jeremy31I hope you had a typo and you are using 20.10 with the 5.812:29
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BluesKajHi all12:45
ufkif i have many files in a directory, ls -1 foo/_b_* may result with a big list of arguments.. is there some kind of a regex search in ls so i can do ^_b_.*$ something like that ?13:47
mgedminyou can ls -1|grep '^_b_.*$'13:47
mgedmin(the .*$ part is unnecessary; |grep ^_b_ would suffice13:48
gordonjcpthis is more of a generic Linux or even X question, but is there a way to lock the screen without it being able to accept a password, until you send an unlock command?13:49
gordonjcpor indeed, lock the screen but with a different password to the currently logged-in user?13:49
NetBillyHello #ubuntu. I need help with my new intel nuc10i7fnh. Are there fixes for Sound and multi-HDMI output?13:51
lotuspsychjeNetBilly: did you firmware update your nuc to latest?13:52
NetBillyI run this to fix sound "pacmd set-card-profile alsa_card.pci-0000_00_1f.3 output:analog-stereo+input:analog-stereo" but it seems to default back to wrong port, so I have to run it multiple times.13:52
NetBillyI updated firmware yes.13:52
lotuspsychjeNetBilly: wich ubuntu release/kernel are you running please?13:53
NetBillyLinux Mint 20 - 5.4.0-52-generic13:53
lotuspsychjeNetBilly: oh, mint has its own support channel, please visit;13:54
ubottuThe Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)13:54
lotuspsychjegordonjcp: there used to be the package 'sux' that let you run things from current user on another user, but its depraced, not sure whats a current workaround these days13:55
Owl-Citycan anyone look at this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libfprint/+bug/187924713:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1879247 in libfprint (Ubuntu) "[27C6:538D] goodix fingerprint is not supported." [Wishlist,Confirmed]13:59
lotuspsychjeOwl-City: seems like devs are busy on it14:00
lotuspsychjeOwl-City: did you tr other ubuntu releases and/or kernels yet?14:01
Owl-Citylotuspsychje it works with ubuntu 18.04 with kernel 4.15 and stopped working after I upgraded to 20.0414:02
lotuspsychjeOwl-City: are you the creator of this bug?14:03
Owl-Cityno, I am looking for a solution or a hack to make the fingerprint work for this specific model, so far I found nothing14:04
lotuspsychjeOwl-City: fingerprint support improved on ubuntu 20.10, an idea to test?14:05
Owl-CityUbuntu came as OEM os with my dell device but it's sad they don't provide any Support either14:06
Owl-Citylotuspsychje yes sure14:06
lotuspsychjeOwl-City: also, if you are affected by this bug, please mention a new comment this worked on kernel 4.15 on 18.04, can be useful for the devs14:06
Owl-Citywill do, thank you for your time :)14:07
gordonjcplotuspsychje: hiya14:36
gordonjcplotuspsychje: I wonder if that would do it14:36
gordonjcplotuspsychje: for the avoidance of the XY problem, I want to be able to lock and unlock a screen "remotely" with maybe (not critical) the option to unlock it as an "admin" user14:37
tomreyngordonjcp: to lock: dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.gnome.ScreenSaver /org/gnome/ScreenSaver org.gnome.ScreenSaver.Lock14:44
tomreyni assume you can't unlock remotely.14:45
tomreyngordonjcp: you rather seem to be looking for something along the lines of a kios mode though https://help.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/lockdown-single-app-mode.html.en14:55
lotuspsychjethats a good idea14:57
gordonjcptomreyn: boom14:57
gordonjcptomreyn: I knew someone would know14:58
gordonjcptomreyn: no, it's not kiosk mode, I just need to lock a desktop14:58
mgedminlock the screen then change the user's password ;)15:05
gordonjcpmate desktop, mate-screensaver-command has --lock and --unlock15:10
trohrtWould anybody here know if it were possible to enable an NFS file share to use Active Directory authentication on Ubuntu 20.04? I'd hope so but I'm not finding a whole lot with my google fu. Ubuntu server is joined to domain with realmd (using sssd backend and not winbind)15:13
trohrtI had a lot of issues with winbind, got it semi-functional, debut still had issues with credential caching and such. I moved to sssd but then I find out smb shares are not compatible with sssd :(15:14
gordonjcptrohrt: "not compatible with SSD" how exactly?15:17
mgedminsssd != SSD15:17
gordonjcpah, glasses on Gordon15:17
trohrtgordonjcp: https://sssd.io/15:17
trohrtfrom what i have to understand it has to do with SID mapping between domain users/groups + unix thru winbind OR sssd15:18
trohrtI am currently reading https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/windows_integration_guide/smb-sssd in an effort to find something helpful to my situation. people do this sort of stuff all the time in production i just don't know what pieces to use :P15:19
TJ-trohrt: you'll need to use Kerberos; NFS >> Kerberos >> Active Directory. This may help: https://fedoramagazine.org/secure-nfs-home-directories-kerberos/15:26
trohrtTJ-: i think that's exactly what i was looking for. thank you very much, i'll let you know how it goes. I was about to leave the domain and try going back to winbind *shudders*15:27
trohrthopefully this allows me to share my media across my lan securely with AD auth15:27
TJ-trohrt: in case you're not aware; it is VITAL to keep all the system's clocks closely in sync so don't skip the NTP15:28
trohrtTJ-: on my arch linux client that I have authenticating with AD I have /etc/ntp.conf set to point to my domain controller - if i do that on Ubuntu that should take care of that right?15:30
trohrtwith ntpd15:31
TJ-trohrt: yes15:31
TJ-trohrt: required because Kerberos relies on timestamping15:31
trohrtit is done. thanks for the reminder, that would have been frustrating as heck :P15:32
trohrtTJ-: kernel reports TIME_ERROR: 0x2041: Clock Unsynchronized15:36
trohrti have my DC set as only server in /etc/ntp.conf15:36
TJ-trohrt: that's telling you the clock is currently not synced ... soon after starting it should gain sync. you'd get the same messages using "ntptime"15:41
trohrtdid a dpkg-reconfigure tzdata. ntpdate -d HOSTNAME.domain.local resolves my domain controller manually15:42
trohrtshould be good enough? Lol thanks again15:43
blueeagleWow. Haven't been on here for a while. :) I'm trying to install roundcube on a server that has nginx installed already. However the package wants to install apache2 for some reason. Is there a way to apt-install it without having it put apache2 on my box? (other than manually installing it)15:47
mgedminblueeagle: pass --no-install-recommends to apt15:48
blueeaglemgedmin: Still wants to install apache215:49
mgedminhow does one expose php stuff from nginx?  with php-fpm maybe?15:49
mgedminblueeagle: hm, the maybe some other transitive dependency pulls in apache2; try sudo apt install roundcube apache2-15:50
mgedminit'll either do it, or tell you why it needs apache215:50
mgedminroundcube (in groovy) Recommends: apache2 | lighttpd | spawn-fcgi | php-fpm | httpd-cgi15:50
mgedminerr, roundcube-core15:50
mgedminah, it also Depends: libapache2-mod-php | php, so if you don't currently have 'php' installed, it'll try to pull in apache215:51
mgedminphp (in groovy) depends on php7.4 which Depends: libapache2-mod-php7.4 | php7.4-fpm15:52
mgedminso basically install php-fpm first and then roundcube shouldn't need apache2 any more15:52
blueeaglemgedmin: roundcube-core depends on libapache2-mod-php | php which I interpret as either libapache2-mod-php or php.15:54
mgedminyes, and apt always installs the leftmost part of any alternative if none of them are already present15:55
blueeaglemgedmin: this seems to work> sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install roundcube libapache2-mod-php- apache2-bin-15:55
blueeaglemgedmin: but will it leave roundcube in a "broken" state?15:55
mgedminno, apt doesn't let you do that15:55
mgedmindid it install php-fpm?15:56
blueeaglemgedmin: php-fpm is already installed through tiny-cp15:57
mgedminhm, then I don't really understand why apt was trying to pull in apache2...15:58
mgedminah, was the php package installed?15:58
blueeaglemgedmin: roundcube-core seems to depend on it?15:59
blueeagleI do not know.15:59
mgedminbecause that was the other alternative dependency that could've pulled in apache16:00
mgedminroundcube-core Depends: libapache2-mod-php | php, apt picks the leftmost one if neither is installed16:00
mgedmin(and then libapache2-mod-php depends on apache2 itself)16:01
blueeagleHmm.. Well, php-fpm is installed. At least php --version yelds the version string.16:01
ioriablueeagle, you can always  download Roundcube from Github16:02
blueeagleioria: I think you missed the first part of the conversation.16:04
ioriablueeagle, you want RC with nginx and not apache16:04
blueeagleioria: the last bit of the orignal post was (without installing it manually)16:05
ioriaoh, sorry16:05
blueeagleioria: I know that I can install it manually, but I wan to communicate this to others without explaining how to install and configure this from scratch. :)16:05
* mgedmin doesn't really understand why people prefer nginx to apache216:06
blueeaglemgedmin: This is more about learnign something new. :)16:09
trohrtmgedmin: i agree. though i have had some make the argument nginx gets better performance overall - not sure how accurate that is really, i never notice a difference lol16:14
TJ-I suspect most of the nginx vs apache arguments are from before apache + php could support event-based workers16:15
blueeagleTJ-: I am not sure that I agree. It is more like the bsd vs gnu/linux argument. Both can do the same thing, but in different ways.16:22
TJ-prior to Apache 2.4 its event model wasn't considered stable; whereas from the start nginx is designed to be event-driven; There was a time when the resouresources and performance of apache lagged behind nginx - often due to sites also requiring backward compatibility and use of PHP extensions that weren't stable with the event MPM16:25
trohrtTJ-: that makes a lot of sense when you think about the environment I work in... i don't have much more than amatuer-intermediate experience with this sort of thing and most of what i'm referencing right now is from what my coworkers have said to me about it. they have lots of webservers running on docker hosts between our 2 main offices. i'm just a "desktop services engineer" at the moment they16:27
trohrtdon't let me code or manage anything linux heavily16:27
cariveriHi. Some of my .desktop files wont offer the option of allowing execution. eventhough +x on the file. ubuntu 20 by upgrade from 18. Can anyone help?16:46
mgedmindesktop files are not meant to be executed16:47
mgedminthey're meant to be placed in ~/.local/share/applications/ where gnome-shell finds them and lets you e.g. pin them to the dock, or find them by typeahead search, or in the app grid16:47
ioriablueeagle,   apt-get install -s roundcube-pgsql roundcube nginx php php7.2-fpm   (on bionic, 7.4 if focal) does not install apache16:48
* mgedmin doesn't remember how ~/Desktop/ icons work, maybe those are .desktop files too16:48
mgedminioria: would it work with an unversioned php-fpm (for distro version independence)?16:49
ioriamgedmin, idk16:49
* mgedmin can't test because he already has apache2 installed16:50
* mgedmin is too lazy to spin up a docker16:50
blueeagleioria: Thank you. However all I appeared to need was libapache2-mod-php- apache2-bin-16:50
ioriai see16:51
blueeagleI use tiny-cp to set up mariadb and php-fpm, so now I am getting to grips with wild card subdomains to make webmail.* point to roundcube. :)16:51
blueeagleI did write this up when I was working on this for 20.04, but that was derailed by Covid, so here's to trying again.16:52
cariverimgedmin: I used to use .desktop fiels as shortcut for, say, wine applications. afer the upgrade it stopped working. now I moved one to ~/.local/.share/applications but is not found in the dash/app grid.16:53
mgedminno . in share16:54
blueeaglecariveri: Seems like that change came in 19.04 where .desktop-files stopped working. Some say that there should be an option to right-click the file and "Allow launching".16:55
cariveriblueeagle: yes but at the specific .desktop it wont show up. another did just fine.16:56
cariverimgedmin: yes, share16:56
EriC^^cariveri: can you pastebin a sample of one that isn't working?16:56
EriC^^cat /path/to/file | nc termbin.com 999916:56
mgedmingnme-software is terrible in ubuntu16:58
RougeRheya anyone able to help me t/shoot a DNS issue with ubuntu --> pfsense17:03
cariveriEriC^^: https://termbin.com/p3td17:06
jeffrey_fI was playing with the nvidia settings and now I'm getting gliching.  How do I default those settings?17:07
blueeaglemgedmin: Roundcube is loading fine. THank you for your help. Also thank you for your effort ioria.17:08
EriC^^cariveri: all wine ones dont work?17:09
cariveriEriC^^: no, another worked fine.17:10
EriC^^cariveri: can you post the other one?17:11
mgedminthe Terminal=true looks a bit strange17:11
cariverimgedmin: without does change.17:12
giacoubuntu + external 4k monitor = bad17:12
mgedmingiaco: wayland or xorg?17:13
cariveriEriC^^: right now, non of the .desktop files work as they should. but at least another wine one allows the option to in the context menu.17:14
EriC^^cariveri: can you pastebin that file that works?17:14
jeffrey_fHow do I revert NVidia settings to default?17:14
giacomgedmin: xorg17:15
mgedmingiaco: wayland is supposedly better for HiDPI; especially if you want different scales on different monitors17:16
EriC^^cariveri: odd, for me that file you pasted has an allow executing, and if i chmod +x it, it changes name17:17
giacomgedmin: yes, exactly17:17
giacomgedmin: how to switch to wayland?17:17
mgedminof course wayland has its own share of problems, e.g. currently chromium (and all other snap apps) don't work in ubuntu groovy unless you install libmutter from groovy-proposed17:18
mgedminand don't let me start on nvidia17:18
EriC^^cariveri: i wonder why it likes some .desktop files but not other though, maybe the location they are in is the problem?17:18
mgedmingiaco: in the gdm login screen, after you enter your username and press enter, there's little cog icon in the bottom right that lets you choose "Ubuntu on Wayland" as your session17:18
mgedminthis choice is remembered on next login for the same user17:18
giacomgedmin: on xorg scale must be equal on every monitor. Fractional scaling works but it introduces an horrible lag and gives a general bad feedback17:19
mgedminit's my understanding that 4K monitors don't need fractional scaling, a 2x scale is more appropriate there?17:19
giacomgedmin: thanks. I am already using nouveau drivers instead of nvidia ones, and the latter doesn't work with fractional scaling17:19
mgedminmy condolences on having nvidia hardware17:20
giacomgedmin: sure but with xorg if you select 200% it goes 200% on all monitor, including the laptop one that is 1080p17:20
EriC^^giaco: ar eyou using --output ?17:21
EriC^^*are you17:21
giacoI'd be more than happy to stay on xorg + 200% on 4k and 100% on laptop monitor, but it seems that fractional scaling must be enabled for that17:21
mgedminwait, fractional scaling allows independent scaling of each output on xorg?  neat!17:21
giacoEriC^^: I've been trying fiddling manually with xrandr, but I had no more success than with ubuntu's monitor settings or arandr tool17:22
phox_Hi! Could somebody help me double check that I'm ordering the right type of internal memory for my laptop? I have put the output from the program "dmidecode" in a pastebin, and would like like to know if it would make sense for me to buy a 4 or 8 gb internal memory stick. https://pastebin.com/W830EQEe17:22
giacomgedmin: yes, on 20.04 you can enable flactional scaling and get different scales on different monitors on xorg17:22
mgedminlol snap-store is also terrible17:22
mgedminshows me a fake lxd snap update that 'snap refresh --list' doesn't see, spins the spinner forever with no progress when I attempt ro refresh the updates17:23
mgedmingiaco: cool!  shame it's slow17:23
mgedmingiaco: let us know how it goes with wayland!17:23
mgedmin(does wayland even work on nvidia?)17:23
giacomgedmin: it is usable, if you don't mind that slow feedback feeling17:23
giacomgedmin: I'm going to switch now. Let's see what happens17:24
mgedminphox_: it says you currently have one 4 GB DDR4 SODIMM in one slot, and the other slot is empty -- is that right?  do you have 4 gigs total?17:25
mgedminphox_: usually it's better to install the same SODIMMs in both slots, that way you get speedups from using them in dual-channel mode17:26
cariverimgedmin: yes , weird. I have to get back to it later. thankas so far.17:26
Saumaxgood morning everyone17:26
phox_mgedmin, yes i have 4gb. i was unsure if that was the only slot or if i had two. It just looked to me like one slot was called "0" and the other one "2" so i was confused.17:26
phox_mgedmin, what do you mean by the same SODIMMs? should i upgrade both slots rather than to put 8gb ram in the free slot?17:27
mgedminphox_: I meant same-size SODIMMs17:27
Saumaxlittle question, is there any relative fast way to change all "ubuntu" pharses in ISO files or all packages using this string should be reconfigured separately?17:27
mgedminphox_: but actually let me google/wikipedia, the thing about dual-channel might be outdated information17:28
mgedminyeah, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-channel_memory_architecture#Dual-channel_architecture says this is still applicable to DDR417:28
giacomgedmin: ok, I'm on wayland now. Surprise surprise, I can get 100% and 200% on different monitors without enabling fractional scaling!17:29
mgedminwayland ftw!17:29
giacomgedmin: general feeling is good!17:29
giacomgedmin: problem is, which problems should I expect?17:30
mgedminhope you didn't plan to share your desktop because that doesn't work in wayland currently17:30
phox_mgedmin, thanks for looking into it. I'm not really a hardware guy so im not sure what you are referring to :P What is the pracctical implications of this? That it's better to have 4+4gb RAM rather than 4+8gb..?17:30
giacoso far I've been opening most apps and the only problem I've encoutered is terminal that says "Couldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?"17:30
mgedminphox_: well, you get faster memory bandwidth that way, but having more memory overall may be better thant faster memory bandwidth!17:31
mgedminideally get 2x8 GB or even 2x16 GB -- dmidecode said your motherboard supports up to 32 GB17:31
futurileSaumax: you probably want to give more context to what you're trying to do. Normally, "find a list of files and change the names" is the sort of thing that 'find' and 'xargs' are used for.17:31
mgedmingiaco: yes, wayland uses libinput rather than synaptics; gnome-control-center can handle that and you can use17:32
mgedminhmm, maybe you can't use xinput17:32
mgedminsynclient has been deprecated for _years_ now17:32
mgedminno, I think xinput should still work, via Xwayland17:33
mgedmindunno, the settings available in gnome-control-center were sufficient for me17:33
giacomgedmin: I also see that scaling is fake ... I have selected 100% on 1080p and 200% on 4k, gnome's settings are scaled, but firefox on 4k is still at 100% so everything is small. So scaling is a lie17:34
giacothe title bar, the button, everything is smaller17:34
Saumaxfuturile solely changing string is not problem by itself but this approach render unwanted consequences like broken packages and configs, my question is: is there safe method to change en masses file names containing "ubuntu" to "test"17:35
mgedmingiaco: scaling works well when applications are native wayland; firefox still uses xwayland by default17:35
mgedminI've forced my firefox to use wayland by exporting MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 in my .profile17:35
mgedminso far I haven't noticed any problems17:35
mgedmin(there was briefly a time around firefox 71 where I had problems from forcing Wayland, but that was fixed in 72)17:36
giacomgedmin: thanks!17:36
futurileSaumax: yeah, that's what I thought you might be asking. It's not to do with the 'files' on the disk, there's metadata in each package that has to be changed. There's ways to make a package and put a temporary name in it: edit the package source and add a temporary name.17:37
mgedminI briefly played with fractional scaling on this laptop (1080p internal screen at 160 dpi + ultrawide 34" 1080p external at like 75 dpi), and gnome-web was the browser that handled things best, being a native wayland app17:38
mgedminsharp text and everything17:38
futurileSaumax: you still won't be able to install your 'test' package into a place where you already have the 'ubuntu' one though. They'll be trying to put files in the same location.17:38
mgedminhad to stop using it after a while because slack didn't work and youtube couldn't change playback speed17:38
mgedminin the end I gave up on fractional scaling and got used to the tiny text on this 13" 1080p screen17:39
Saumaxfuturile that what i thought, how about configuration files for example? like directories (usr/share/linuxmint/locale/) and so on?17:40
futurileSaumax: same problem, you can't install to a location that another package (the 'ubuntu' named one) without causing problems. It sounds like you need to look at the 'Debian or Ubuntu developer' set-ups - which show you how to create a chroot (and you can do things like bind mounts to test if your new package is working)17:42
giacomgedmin: well firefox works nicely with that environment variable17:43
futurileSaumax: so you change metadata in the source package (ie change name to '-test'), then you use a chroot to do a test install, and then you can use bind-mounts or mess with your path to test it locally.17:44
Saumaxquite a bit packages to plow through17:45
mgedmingiaco: if you use any snap-ified apps (e.g. chromium) and plan to upgrade to 20.10, maybe wait a few days for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/1897224 to be uploaded17:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1897224 in snapd "Graphical snaps can't run in Gnome 3.38 Wayland sessions (can't open X display)" [Undecided,In progress]17:46
giacomgedmin: I tend to avoid snap and also I tend to stay on LTS17:47
Saumaxfuturile if it comes to chroot i know how to use it, already created custom iso with some changes (additional apps / configs and so on)17:47
mgedminbut then chromium doesn't use wayland so scaling would not work right anyway17:47
giacomgedmin: but you've just solved my home setup and I owe you one17:47
mgedminjust you asked for possible problems and I pointed this one out17:47
futurileSaumax: cool - well hope I helped17:47
Saumaxoh surely you helped, now i must think what i can do with it17:47
mgedminalso I'm glad to hear that noveau is now capable enough to drive a 4K monitor at acceptable speeds17:47
giacomgedmin: I can live with some apps not scaling properly. As long as firefox, terminal and telegram are scaled OK, I've covered 90% of daily usage17:48
Saumaxto tell truth i wanted to create test distro just for sake of learning it17:48
giacomgedmin: yes 4k@60Hz very smooth17:48
futurileSaumax: yeah, lots of people have created 'spins', might be some decent docs around about it17:49
Saumaxand im starting to think if its not better to create one from bare minimum instead of basing on other distro17:49
giacomgedmin: well, actually the laptop uses Optimus technology and is a muxless model, so primary card is intel and part of the rendering might be delegated to nvidia. Actually not sure if I'm on intel or nvidia for desktop rendering now17:50
mgedmingnome-control-center -> Details -> Graphics17:50
giacomgedmin: it says intel17:52
mgedminI've never had a laptop with Optimus, but my understanding is that everything uses intel by default, unless the .desktop file has PrefersNonDefaultGPU=true, or you right-click and select the menu item to launch using optimus17:52
mgedminI don't know if noveau supports optimus tbh17:52
giacomgedmin: I can control per-app which gpu to use with DRI_PRIME=0 or 117:52
giaco0 is intel, 1 is nvidia17:53
Saumaxfuturile if you know some proper docs about custom distros then i would be more than happy to see them, meanwhile ill look for some myself17:53
giacoand it works: "DRI_PRIME=1 glxinfo | grep "OpenGL vendor string"" returns nouveau17:53
mgedminoh cool!17:53
giacoalso DRI_PRIME=1 MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 firefox seems to work17:54
giacobut not sure how to test17:54
EriC^^Saumax: you probably want to head over to the linuxmint support channel and ask there for docs if you're using linux mint, in any case maybe you find this helpful too https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeDistroHowto17:55
EriC^^!linuxmint | Saumax17:55
ubottuSaumax: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)17:55
Saumaxubottu EriC^^ oh don't get me wrong, i tested several ones, ubuntu, mint, fedora, arch - im not sticked to single one, just pasted directory from mint just because im running it on vm currently17:56
ubottuSaumax: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:56
EriC^^Saumax: ah i see17:56
giacomgedmin: I was benchmarking webgl on "DRI_PRIME=1 MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 firefox" and kernel didn't like it  BUG: kernel NULL pointer dereference, address: 000000000000000818:05
giacoimmediatly after "nouveau 0000:01:00.0: Enabling HDA controller"18:05
giaconeed to reboot18:06
mgedminwell that's fun18:07
mgedminif you report that bug, it has a slight chance of getting fixed before the next LTS18:08
phox_mgedmin, i went ahead and ordered 2x8gb DDR4 SODIMM memory, thanks for the help =)18:09
abbix /close18:26
giacomgedmin: I find the font rendering much better in wayland18:58
giacomgedmin: and performances are way better. Browser scrolling is much smoother than Xorg18:59
=== kinghat7 is now known as kinghat
mgedminnice!  wayland is supposed to be The Future!19:03
mgedminof linux graphics19:03
mgedminI am surprised tho that wayland has any effect on font rendering19:04
srulii have an issue with apt update / install, it cant connect (tries ipv4 then ipv6) i can ping the ns and the ip without an issue i ran tcpdump on my firewall and when running apt it does not hit my fw, googled for the past few hours tried many solutions including disable ipv619:12
mgedminsruli: could it be that your apt is using a proxy, which is not reachable?19:13
srulii never configured a proxy and did not find any proxies in my apt.conf.d files, not sure where else to llok19:13
mgedminhm, maybe try running tcpdump on your machine19:14
srulii tried i only see outbound packets no respoinses, but for ping the packets are fine19:14
jwashhi guys, how do i connect through a serial cable? i have a very old device which needs service via serial cable19:21
bushmaster_Hello, I am trying to install Java 14, JDK 14 SE in my Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS19:32
bushmaster_it keeps saying E: Unable to locate package oracle-java14-installer19:33
bushmaster_can anyone help please19:33
TJ-sruli: can a web-browser, curl, or wget, access the same URLs that apt fails on?19:33
srulihey TJ- its headless but i can ping it and can wget ubuntu.com19:34
TJ-sruli: try the exact URL to the package with wget. Use "apt-get -o Debug::Acquire::http=true {update|install pkg}" to get the exact URLs19:36
TJ-sruli: or, if using a https repo Debug::Acquire::https=true19:36
sruliTJ-: those are timing out too, but wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/i/ipset/ipset_6.34-1_amd64.deb does not work on that machine19:41
sruliTJ-: it gets stuck here "Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (security.ubuntu.com)||:80" but pinging the ip or ns works19:43
tomreynsruli: in the tcpdump, do you see syn, syn/ack, ack?19:51
tomreynsruli: is the virtualization you're using there properly forwarding packets?19:52
tomreynjwash: you need to configure serial console support on the system to run one first of all.19:52
TJ-sruli: so, firewall rules blocking TCP19:52
srulitomreyn: i dont see syn/ack mesages19:54
TJ-!info docker.io groovy19:54
ubottudocker.io (source: docker.io): Linux container runtime. In component universe, is optional. Version 19.03.13-0ubuntu3 (groovy), package size 37999 kB, installed size 187158 kB19:54
srulitomreyn: TJ-: the rest of traffic is working fine, i was able to wget some random files from different sites without an issue so its not a firewall issue19:55
sruliTJ-: INPUT/OUTPUT/FORWARD are all ACCEPT with no added rules19:56
srulithis works fine too wget https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.1/ubuntu-20.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso19:57
tomreyncould be different packet sizes, need for proxy-arp or the like19:57
jwashtomyren, ty19:57
tomreynwhich virtualization is this, what's running on the host, which firewalls are in use where, how is networking setup, which ubuntu releases are being used where, default kernels for these releases?19:58
tomreynsruli: ^19:58
tomreynjwash: does it help, though?19:59
jwashtomyren: like this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto19:59
jwashi need to create the /etc/init/ttyS0.conf right19:59
srulitomreyn: host if 18.04 GUI, kvm (libvirt) guest is 18.04 headless, all iptables rules are default (did not add any)20:00
tomreynjwash: which ubuntu release is this? the documentation you found is probably outdated, except for the grub part20:00
srulitomreyn: the network on the guest is libvirt's NAT kernel is 4.15.0-54-generic, and on the host 4.15.0-112-generic20:01
TJ-sruli: are you doing the tcpdump in the guest, on the host, or both? also, which image was used to install the guest? There was a similar issue to this with default LXC/LXD container images some time ago where all by limited apt operations were blocked20:02
tomreynjwash: add console=ttyS0 or console=ttyUSB0 to /etc/default/grub's GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX and update-grub20:03
tomreynGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=tty1 console=ttyS0,115200"20:05
sruliTJ-: i did a dump on host/guest and on the router, on the router i did not see any hits when running apt commands. the install image was ubuntu-18.04-live-server.iso (i see i also have images 18.04.{1,2} so it might have been one of those i have no way to know20:05
jwashtomyren like this: http://www.hastebin.net/idutitabyg.vala20:05
sruliTJ-: sorry postfix of -amd64 on those images20:05
tomreynjwash: see the 'Modified /etc/default/grub' here: https://blog.wataash.com/ubuntu_console/20:06
tomreynjwash: hastebin is broken, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com or termbin.com20:06
TJ-sruli: OK so likely not the LXD issue I mentioned. in which case it if the host sees the packets being routed out towards the router but the router doesn't receive them, there's either a firewall rule on the router, or a routing issue on the host20:07
sruliTJ-: there is a firewall on the router, but it allows apt commands from my host and all other traffic from the gusts, no clue how to find what might be blocking this20:08
tomreynjwash: notbly, you don't need to configure a getty, systemd should automatically spawn one when it detects those grub lines20:08
TJ-sruli: can the host do a wget that the guest fails on?20:08
TJ-if so, the problem is in those 220:08
sruliTJ-: yes the host works fine20:09
TJ-OK, so then the issue is most like the host then20:10
TJ-sruli: what does "sudo iptables -t nat -nvL FORWARD" and/or "sudo ip6tables -t nat -nvL FORWARD" report?20:10
TJ-sruli: my bet is there's a broken/missing libvirt chain and/or rule20:10
TJ-sruli: ignore that, wrong commands20:11
sruliTJ-: "iptables: No chain/target/match by that name." i got no FORWARD chain in my nat table20:11
TJ-sruli: what does "sudo iptables -t nat -nvL " and/or "sudo ip6tables -t nat -nvL" report?20:11
jwashtomyren: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rKDBmm8qcw/20:11
sruliTJ-: https://termbin.com/bdrs the ip6 tables has no rules just ACCEPT chains20:13
tomreynjwash: "I'm trying to recover password as instructed on page 13"?20:13
jwashyes https://download.schneider-electric.com/files?p_File_Name=ASTE-6Z6K56_R0_EN.pdf&p_Doc_Ref=SPD_ASTE-6Z6K56_EN&p_enDocType=User%20guide20:14
jwashfor my apc ap790020:14
tomreynjwash: so you'r enot actually trying to access the ubuntu system with a serial console, but to use the ubuntu system to connect to the serial console provided by the "apc ap7900"?20:16
tomreynjwash: glad you'Re pointing this out. :)20:17
tomreynno need to make any changes to grub then20:17
tomreynundo those20:17
jwashwill change back20:17
TJ-sruli: looks like those DNAT rules are responsible; usually libvirt creates its own chains20:18
tomreynjwash: also remove /etc/init/ttyS0.conf if you created it20:18
tomreynjwash: so you've got a classic rs-232 to rs-232 port direct connection?20:18
tomreynor via usb, and on which end?20:18
jwashserial to serial20:19
jwashone end is a true serial, other is a phone type connector20:19
sruliTJ-: those dnat rules are to access one of the VM's its added by a hook when the vm starts.20:19
sruliTJ-: i will shut down that VM which should clear those rules and try from another VM20:20
=== jeddo- is now known as jeddo
TJ-sruli: "tcp dpt:80 to:" will likely be the culprit20:20
tomreynjwash: do you have the original cable that cam with the device?20:21
jwashi think the one i have is the original20:21
sruliTJ-: I NEED TO SCREAM ;-)20:22
TJ-jwash: I had to make up a longer cable for one of those recently, RJ12 (6p6c)20:22
tomreynjwash: so just install minicom, configure the port, and connect20:22
tomreynconfiguration is: 9600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control,20:22
TJ-jwash: doen't the PDU have Ethernet ?20:23
jwashit does20:23
TJ-jwash: you need to reset the password then?20:24
jwashbut I can't find the connection port for ethernet20:24
jwashi've held down the reset button for 15 secs20:24
sruliTJ-: what can I do about "tcp dpt:80 to:" i kinda need that rule20:24
jwashbut it seems like it isn't restarting20:24
tomreynjwash: it's /dev/ttyS0 (upper case S)20:24
sruliTJ-: this issue is with the source 80 or dst 80?20:25
TJ-sruli: limit it to a specific interface that doesn't clash20:25
jwashi had to do /dev/ttyS020:27
jwashthanks for looking at this with me20:27
tomreynyou're welcome20:27
jwashcool, i have  login console, now for the reset20:27
jwashnice, worked perfectly20:29
=== jeddo- is now known as jeddo
sruliTJ-:  i did not need this rule "tcp dpt:80 to:", removed it all is working fine20:32
sruliTJ-: tomreyn: many thanks20:32
tomreynyou're welcome20:33
sruliTJ-: was nice hearing from you.. it's been a while20:50
samdragonhello, I'm having wifi issues on ubuntu 20.04 and I'm not sure how to debug. I have tried a number of things like updating the system, installing backport-iwlwifi-dkms, uninstalling that package, installing the intel wifi driver from their website, disabling the N band, disabling power saving mode. but the issue persists where after sustained wifi usage the conneciton will degrade and I'll get a bunch of errors in the dmesg21:20
EriC^^samdragon: what error msgs?21:21
EriC^^!paste | samdragon21:21
ubottusamdragon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:21
boredguyI just noticed the icon for the app launcher on ubuntu budgie is missing in the top panel.21:25
boredguyAny idea how to get it back? I can't launch any apps without it.21:25
samdragonEric: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Gmc7h9DyS4/21:26
samdragonI see two different MAC addresses in the dmesg logs, it times out to the first one, lets say MAC_ADDR_ABC and then auths successfully against the second one. but when I run `arp -n` I see the MAC_ADDR_ABC listed21:34
EriC^^samdragon: try using these settings https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1918191#p191819121:34
EriC^^also somebody mentioned when not using 5ghz they have no issues, maybe also worth a try21:35
jeremy31samdragon: How are you disabling power management?21:36
samdragonI have a file /etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi-3options.conf : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ts4N24XJPp/21:39
samdragoni'd prefer to use the 5g band because I live in an apt and have heard 5g is better for less congestion in crowded places21:40
EriC^^samdragon: i think there's a typo there, im guessing it's supposed to be 0? 11n_disable=821:40
jeremy3111n_disable=8 enables aggressive TX21:41
EriC^^samdragon: shouldn't it be "1" though to disable ?21:41
samdragonso I can add those other opts to that conf file. how can I verify that file is getting read tho?21:41
samdragonyea I had seen both 8 and 1, and when I looked at the actual settings in use (by reading some file in /sys I believe) it was already set to 1, so I'm overriding it to 8 in the modprove conf file21:42
jeremy31samdragon: in terminal>  grep [[:alnum:]] /sys/module/iwlwifi/parameters/*21:43
EriC^^samdragon: yeah you can add the other options, i guess you can use /sys to see if they're loaded21:44
jeremy31samdragon: what does this command show>  cat /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf21:44
samdragonparams and NM conf : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fQ2WDFkGk5/21:45
jeremy31samdragon: Is this one of intels 9200 series?21:47
samdragonits an AX1650i https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fjqwBWN3NJ/21:48
samdragonkiller wifi bro21:48
samdragonthe intel driver is keying off this part tho I think: 201NGW21:49
jeremy31samdragon: see https://askubuntu.com/a/1046682/300665 and run the first group of commands, 7 of them to install the latest Intel backports, then reboot21:50
TJ-samdragon: no, the alias matches the device ID - "lspci -nn -d ::280" the last bit between [ and ]21:50
samdragonthose instructions for building the latest backports locally, I've never run them but is that the same as installing backport-iwlwifi-dkms?21:54
jeremy31samdragon: backport-iwlwifi-dkms is likely an older version21:54
samdragonok I'll try installing the latest from that git repo21:56
samdragonfor my curiosity, how do you know that the dev id that you need for the lspci command is 280?21:56
jeremy31samdragon: If you have the same issue after installing those, use the email address on "modinfo iwlwifi | grep author" and contact Intel devs21:57
TJ-samdragon: that's the class ID for wireless network devices21:57
jeremy31Intel actually uses the main and subsystem IDs as they have too many products21:58
samdragonok thanks!22:05
Begetablecan someone help me change directory to a usb drive i plugged in? i can't figure that out22:44
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circuitboneBegetable:  Did you `cd /media` ?23:19
Begetablecircuitbone, got it. thanks for the reply!23:19
circuitbonenp m823:19
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