[11:59] Hi folks. A merge vs rebase question - I have a PR that's out of date with Master, should I use the "Update branch" button in Github? - it will do a merge into the branch. Or should I manually do a rebase? [12:19] i always just rebase [12:20] i don't know enough what magic Update Branch does, and i feel a rebase that i control is cleaner [12:23] plus, smoser has asked me a few times now to squash my own 302934 million commits and add the extra fluff that github has added there (like, Co-Authored-By: ) [12:24] minimal: so, your choice, you can try and see if the button is satisfactory to you [13:43] meena: i dont think it really matters. since the project has decided "rebase and squash", it seems that it has made a decision to choose rebase over merge as a development decision (they do both have + and -). [13:43] i constantly am doing 'git fetch upstream && git rebase -i upstream/master && git push smoser HEAD' [13:43] but i think the button is fine. all it really does (i think) is just 'git merge && git commit' [14:07] Hello, I'm in the process of reading a cloud-init documentation and I'm wonder if it's possible to do network configuration of ipv6 with `post-up ip route add local ipv6/ipv6_prefix dev lo`. [14:07] you help me? [14:27] Yeah, as we squash-merge all the commits, it doesn't matter whether you rebase or "Update branch"; the merge commit will be squashed away anyway. [15:06] meena:, smoser:, Odd_Bloke: ok, was just cautious of a merge in case it affected/messed up commit history. [15:08] Yep, very reasonable; I would like to get to a point where we aren't squash-merging everything, but that's unlikely to get any of my time in the foreseeable future, unfortunately. [15:08] tirex: in the network-config YAML you can add static routes [15:46] @Odd_Bloke, for PR #626 everything done but it appears to be blocked on your last review - I closed off each of your individual comments but GitHub seems to think there's 1 change your requested still open. [15:47] s/@Odd_Bloke/Odd_Bloke:/ [15:52] minimal, but how? any examples with that? [15:52] minimal: Cool, thanks! Re-reviewing that is second on my list today, I should get to it. :) [15:55] tirex: are you using v1 or v2 network config? [15:57] v2 [16:03] ok, as an example: [16:04] version: 2 [16:04] ethernets: [16:04] eth0: [16:04] routes: [16:04] - to: abcd:de12:3456::/64 [16:04] via: ::1 [16:04] Never tried it for lo interface but think that should work [16:05] might need to quote the ::1 bit, i.e. '::1' [16:29] minimal: this configuration will generate me a interface like this: [16:30] ```iface ens3 inet6 static [16:30] `iface ens3 inet6 static [16:30] address abcd:4f8:1c17:6da6::1/64 [16:30] gateway fe80::1 [16:30] post-up route add -A inet6 ::1/64 gw abcd:4f8:1c17:6da6::/64 || true [16:30] pre-down route del -A inet6 ::1/64 gw abcd:4f8:1c17:6da6::/64 || true` [16:30] but I need `post-up route ip add`, "ip" is important [16:31] tirex: did you swap the "to:" and "via:" values? [16:32] "via" == "gw" (the gateway), whereas your /e/n/i file has them swapped around [16:32] yes [16:38] is this Debian or Alpine? [16:39] debian 10 [16:39] is there a problem with the route command not working? [16:53] tirex: is there something that you want "ip route" for that the usual "route" command cannot do? [17:04] minimal: I want to apply `ip route add local ipv6/ipv6_prefix dev lo` but I don't know how to replace this with `route` [17:06] I don't understand, the generated /e/n/i above basically looks ok (once you correct the "to:" and "via:" in the network YAML) [17:12] I tried different combination with `route` and neither worked like the ʻip route` shown above [17:13] even when I type command from command line instead of cloud-init [17:16] does this work manually? "route add -A inet6 abcd:4f8:1c17:6da6::/64 gw ::1" [17:21] smoser: rharper: Your thoughts on https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/659 would be much appreciated, as it's a new upgrade framework/approach. (It's a clean resubmission of https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/609, for context.) [17:25] minimal: #626 landed, thank you! [17:31] @Odd_Bloke, thanks! [17:33] General question about the /etc/hosts templates in cloud-init - they all have FQDN forms of localhost/localhost4/localhost6 before the short form. This has the side effect that any time you run a "netstat" or "ss" you'll see the long-form name of the loopback IPs. Wondering whether to submit a PR to swap this around [17:35] same question applies for the short-form and long-form hostname entries as well === MAbeeTT_ is now known as MAbeeTT [17:53] minimal: sadly, this isn't work manually: `SIOCADDRT: Invalid argument` [17:55] timex: yeah, was testing it here - seems to be an issue that the "route add" command is doing a dns lookup on the "::1/128" value. Looking at the Debian route source code currently [17:56] "ip" is a more modern tool that does the same as the older ifconfig/route/etc but currently the cloud-init eni.py uses only "route" and not "ip route". [18:10] timex: if you are just trying to blackhole some traffic then you could run the "ip route" command via either bootcmd or runcmd in your user-data instead [18:31] Odd_Bloke: i think 659 is probalby more than i have time to think about right now. sorry. [18:40] i feel like the best way to fix resizefs, would be to fix growfs.c to exit with something other than 1 all the time. [19:23] how do y'all feel about exceptions based flow-control…? [19:47] smoser: Ack, no worries; just wanted to make sure you had the opportunity. :) [20:05] I have a digitalocean droplet running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (just upgraded) that takes 2 minutes to set up the network after boot. I think something is amiss in its cloud-init. 'cloud-id' reports 'none' instead of 'digitalocean'. [20:06] plujon: Can you pastebin /var/log/cloud-init.log somewhere for us? [20:07] Odd_Bloke: That file is 10+ MB. Shall I paste only since the most recent boot? [20:08] https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/faq.html#faq has some useful looking commands... [20:12] Oh dear; I just blew away the old server ssh identity. Ugh. [20:13] https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/faq.html#how-can-i-re-run-datasource-detection-and-cloud-init # ran these commands, :-( [20:14] Ah, yeah, you don't want to do that on anything but an ephemeral system. [20:18] Odd_Bloke: http://ix.io/2DAM grep 2020-11-09 /var/log/cloud-init.log [20:19] Oh, wait, that file was also recreated. [20:20] plujon: Hmm, less helpful than I was hoping; could you paste /var/log/cloud-init-output.log? [20:20] plujon: Yeah `clean --logs` wipes away cloud-init's cached state and its logs. [20:21] http://ix.io/2DAO # /var/log/cloud-init-output.log [20:21] Looks like an interesting error in there: "Getting data from failed" [20:27] how do i tell side_effect that… no Exception is raised? [20:31] Ah, ssh keys restored. [20:34] Odd_Bloke: Would logs be more useful if I were to reboot..? I suspect not... [20:40] meena: In what context? [20:40] /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/93-digitalocean-cloud-config.cfg was last modified in 2016 . Hmm. [20:42] plujon: Yeah, I suspect you're running into problems because of something to do with that: cc_ubuntu_init_switch hasn't been shipped by cloud-init since 2017, for example. [20:42] plujon: (As an aside: https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/661 :) [20:42] Are files in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d supposed to be updated by digitalocean, or me, or something else? [20:44] plujon: Those files are used to configure cloud-init's behaviour: the cloud-init package ships defaults, but those defaults can be overriden or modified by other files in there. [20:44] In this case, DO must have some specific configuration in there, for whatever reason. [20:45] Odd_Bloke: Thanks; maybe I'll try copying a digitalocean cfg from another machine. It seems like DO writes the files at image creation time (and never again?). [20:45] plujon: I'd suggest going to DO and asking them for assistance: I'm sure you won't be the first DO user to hit this, so hopefully they have specific, known-good advice for remediation. [20:50] Odd_Bloke: Thanks; I'll try DO... [20:52] plujon: Cool, thanks! Let us know how you get on. :) [20:56] Will do, thanks. [20:56] FTR, is cloud-init kind of like chef or puppet? [21:03] plujon: neither. [21:03] plujon: It has some overlap in what it can do to individual systems, but it's ultimately very different: it's baked into (most) cloud images, and takes care of discovering and processing the cloud's metadata. [21:05] You can specify to the cloud (via user-data) that cloud-init should perform some actions to the system when it's launched (https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/modules.html is a list of the modules which you can specify config for), but it's substantially more limited (intentionally!) than config management systems. [21:07] i have https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/655 now ready for actual review. [21:07] Goneri: give it another test, if you have time / resources [21:14] falcojr: ^^^^^ [21:16] with #655 merged, i'll have all current(ly known) FreeBSD bugs and feature requests fixed, and can get back to refactoring [21:17] and, this excursion was quite educational in terms of testing, so i hope to have #588 in shape soon! [21:17] but, now, i sleep. [21:18] (or read about sheep, https://uncpress.org/book/9781469634661/the-herds-shot-round-the-world/ ) [22:26] falcojr: i will propose a patch to growfs, to use https://man.freebsd.org/sysexits but not tonight [22:26] and even if i do, it'll be a while before that hits a -RELEASE