
ThaurwylthIs there a readily available way or option to find cursor instantly? Like, momentary flash or something.00:53
Thaurwylth...In Plasma, that is.00:54
IrcsomeBotLortie TANIA was added by: Lortie TANIA06:16
jasoncollege24having an issue with kde Connect in kubuntu 20.04, where commands like "loginctl unlock-session" and "loginctl lock-session" do nothing. These commands worked normally in 19.04, and 19.10. (Note that these commands don't do anything in terminal either)07:26
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IrcsomeBotAldrin *Crypto4chun was added by: Aldrin *Crypto4chun09:35
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IrcsomeBot<SharGen19> How to change computer name12:17
IrcsomeBot<SharGen19> And how to change nickname12:17
IrcsomeBot<SharGen19> On kutuntu12:17
BluesKajHi all12:45
=== dilfridge is now known as Blofridge
viewer|25Hello everybody. I installed Kubuntu 20.10 on HP Probook. It was working fine. However there was an oem configuration icon on desktop, I double click it. It ask to configure on next boot. On boot I configure oem. This end up with black screen and the mouse cursor. Any help please.13:36
diogenes_viewer|25, you could try the recovery option in the boot menu.13:51
viewer|25diogenes thank you for reply. recovery option is not working.14:10
BluesKaj!nomodeset | viewer|2514:11
ubottuviewer|25: Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.14:11
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ItzJreamho ware you16:13
ItzJream*how are you?16:13
KurozenIs it possible to get a more clear view of installed packages and their dependencies, Muon Package Manager does seem to distinghuish but it's all mismashed and not clear what the user actually requested and what were automatically added16:14
Kurozenit says "automatic" but it still not clear due to all being in a single line and time-sorted without much options16:14
KurozenSpeaking about History view16:14
ItzJreamim new to linux...16:14
Kurozenif you're new to linux you're not going to know that so don't bother with it.16:18
ItzJreambut i could help...16:18
ItzJreamthe things that i know16:18
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ItzJreamguys my discord crashed the first time i started it and now it shows 'A Fatal Javascript error Occured'16:50
ItzJreamwhat to do?16:50
IrcsomeBotBaldo PUCCI was added by: Baldo PUCCI17:14
k8s-crawlerHi folks, anyone using Kubuntu in Hyper-V? If so, was there steps you can link to to get Enhanced Session Mode working? Looking to do fullscreen (4k) and the directions for Unbuntu 20.04 don't seem to apply in this case.18:41
k8s-crawlerDon't all answer at once. :)18:54
IrcsomeBotSam Curran was added by: Sam Curran18:59
IrcsomeBotBK CN was added by: BK CN19:15
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user|6446how upgrade kubuntu?19:34
IrcsomeBota3_ko6bo was added by: a3_ko6bo20:41
IrcsomeBot<a3_ko6bo> bonsoir20:50
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IrcsomeBotPaterneGuiffo was added by: PaterneGuiffo22:16
IrcsomeBotrkksbloxox was added by: rkksbloxox23:43

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