
lubot<teward001> wxl: tsimonq2: @kc2bez: mind if I do a thing and make Discourse work with a MinIO S3-compatible store for things?00:49
lubot<teward001> if it works then we can spin a minio env for Lubuntu to use for S3 instead of costly AWS00:49
kc2bezMakes sense to me. @teward001 I am using that for my restic backups on my freenas box. 00:51
lubot<teward001> kc2bez: yeah previously I think Simon used his s3 or smth for everything, but S3 is expensive per *action* vs MinIO00:52
lubot<teward001> it's currently spinning from data.thomas-ward.net as a test but if it works for us i'll do some trickery ;)00:53
lubot<teward001> and make s3.lubuntu.me work (need Canonical to do work for that lol)00:53
lubot<teward001> all posts being rebaked right now (that's a discourse thing? o.O)00:53
kc2bezObject storage is the way to go for stuff that doesn't see a lot of change.00:53
lubot<teward001> yep well getting DNS style working is a little bit harder01:00
lubot<teward001> so i'll have to... think on this a bit01:00
lubot<teward001> because default minio is path based01:00
lubot<teward001> and Discourse yanked that function in 201901:00
lubot<teward001> kc2bez: do you happen to have DNS style paths set up proper?01:01
kc2bezI only have 1 bucket and I just point restic at it. It never leaves my local domain so DNS is all local.01:04
lubot<teward001> hmm01:13
lubot<teward001> i'll have to dig then01:13
lubot<teward001> i think the issue is just discourse on the lubuntu infra is sucking at DNS resolution :P01:13
lubot<teward001> GOOD I got it working02:04
lubot<teward001> OK so i'll be spinning a new infra component for Lubuntu called 's3' for our simple storage using free minio and the configs I need02:04
lubot<teward001> some trial and error to acquaint myself with minio configs and boom.02:05
lubot<teward001> discourse going down for some work (docker app rebuild for reasons)03:53
lubot<teward001> iit's back04:03
lubot<teward001> and my work on s3 storage for it is bleh04:03
lubot<teward001> so i'll dig into that04:03
lubot<teward001> (going back to normal for now heh)04:03
=== acheronuk is now known as RikMills
lubot* The_LoudSpeaker awards a cup of coffee to teward for his help21:20
kc2bez!cookie | @teward00121:21
ubot93@teward001: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!21:21
kc2bezThat is the IRC way @The_LoudSpeaker :P21:23
tewardit is The Way21:41
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> /command !cookie teward22:50
lubot!cookie teward22:50
lubot<UniversalSuperBox> that is the IRC way, though I can't see the results.22:50

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