
dokosergiodj: looking at check-manifest, I'm questioning the usefulness of the autopkg test ... you are using tox which gets everything from pypi, and doesn't test anything which is packaged08:26
tjaaltondoko: should python depend on ca-certificates? see bug 187931008:58
ubottubug 1879310 in python3.9 (Ubuntu Focal) "python package does not depend on ca-certificates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187931008:58
dokotjaalton: hmm, how do other languages like ruby and perl handle that?09:09
tjaaltonor maybe apt should depend on it instead of recommending09:14
themillI would have thought that if you wanted ca-certs in the container you'd install it. Doesn't seem right for any interpreter or even apt to be deciding what certs the admin wants to trust09:21
dokoyou can configure that using debconf, otoh probably not many people are doing that09:28
tjaaltonfor ruby it's rubygems-integration that pulls in ca-certificates09:29
tjaaltonso doing 'apt install ruby' installs it09:29
xnoxbdmurray:  did you mean install python3-pip?! we have moved on to python3 a long time ago.....11:22
rbalintslyon, xnox: sponsored user-setup again12:01
slyonthanks for the heads-up!12:02
rbalintthe block-proposed tag can be removed now imo12:02
slyonI will do that12:02
cpaelzerhi, I'm looking at a (for me) new kind of i386 autopkgtest issue that others might have touched before and wanted to ask for hints or former solutions14:56
cpaelzerthe test I look at uses pkg-config, but due to our "actually amd64 but with i386 arch added"14:56
cpaelzerpkg-config won't find the .pc file from foo-dev:i38614:56
cpaelzeris that a common pattern and if so could one point me to anther package that was affected that I could use to copy the solution from?14:57
seb128cpaelzer, https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=94657715:06
ubottuDebian bug 946577 in libinput "Please make autopkgtests cross-test-friendly" [Minor,Fixed]15:06
seb128cpaelzer, and yes it's common, I sent a stack of similar reports and patches15:06
seb128cpaelzer, (email text is copied from one Steve wrote)15:07
cpaelzergreat, thanks seb12815:07
seb128sil2100, hey, could you help unblock the yaru/focal SRU? it's needed to unblock some snap theme fixes to land since the experience needs to be similar accross series15:09
sil2100seb128: ah, it's the one Robie was looking at and had some concerns? I can take a look at that15:10
seb128sil2100, I think it ended up being blocked on the gnome-shell vs testing extensions in the archive discussion but it isn't linked to gnome-shell so we could let that one in alone, it basically copied gnome-shell uptream fixes to our themes but it's not dependant of code changes15:12
seb128they apply as well on the current shell version15:12
seb128I checked with Marco before pinging :)15:12
seb128sil2100, ideally we would unblock the shell but I'm unsure what is needed ... maybe you have some suggestion?15:12
seb128sil2100, and thanks :)15:12
* sil2100 is diving into the backlog to have the full context15:14
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bdmurrayxnox: My point was about the strange c-n-f response15:26
rbalintseb128, do you know what broke https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/g/gvfs/hirsute/i386 ?15:30
seb128rbalint, no idea sorry, sounds like python3 not installable, unsure if it's meant to be or if there is another issue15:31
rbalintseb128, thanks, digging further later then15:33
sil2100seb128: ok, so I think I can indeed unblock yaru-theme with all the information - for gnome-shell I wouldn't want to straight away override Robie until all the concerns are resolved15:33
Laneyrbalint: don't, it was a victim of me mis-updating a hack we have in autopkgtest-cloud, it just needs the reset-test hint bumped :(15:35
seb128GunnarHj, ^ the gtk one you mentioned might be on the same case15:38
rbalintLaney, oh, so the passes were false positive because i386 tests ran with amd64 packages?15:41
GunnarHjseb128: It might? It's probably above my head. About to build isenkram in a hirsute PPA.15:42
Laneyyou can look for '-a i386' being present or not in the top line15:42
iceyhey - I'm seeing an odd issue in a focal pbuilder today: when I run `pbuilder-dist focal build ../build-area/nova_21.1.0-0ubuntu1.dsc` on a freshly built package, there are unit test failures like: `FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'systemctl'`. After the build fails, if I drop into the chroot and `apt install systemctl`, the tests pass. Has there been some change recently that might account for that or is there some odd config15:42
iceylocally (ie: I should rebuild the environment)15:42
rbalintLaney, i guess the reset test should be converted to badtest, right?15:42
Laneyno, if it does start to work again legitimitely we'd want to consider those results15:43
Laneyicey: if you need systemctl then it sounds like you're missing a build-dep on systemd15:43
rbalintLaney, because we have force-reset-test gvfs/1.46.1-1ubuntu1/i386 and 1.46.1-1ubuntu1 in the archive15:43
Laneyrbalint: I just increased that from some earlier version15:44
iceyLaney: has something relevant changed? as this is the version that is released in Focal as well15:44
LaneyI dunno, maybe you used to get systemd by some dep chain before and now you don't15:44
iceydh-systemd ?15:45
iceyanyways, going to try with adding systemd directly15:47
LaneyThat or the chroot / build environment you used before has systemd in it and this one doesn't now15:48
Laneybut not dh-systemd no, that doesn't depend on systemd15:49
iceymhm, no idea what caused it then :-/15:56
seb128sil2100, thanks for the yaru review, and ack for the gnome-shell one, I didn't want to ask you to bypass anything, I think we need to address the concerns from the desktop side, probably by doing a round of testing of extensions for that one16:12
seb128but then we probably should update to .7 directly now that it's available to avoid having to do another around16:13
seb128Trevinho, ^16:13
ItzSwirlzAre ISO Builds passing? Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix's builds are failing with ca-certificates https://github.com/Ubuntu-Cinnamon-Remix/iso-builder/runs/137542505816:58
xnoxwhat is in the /iso-builder/tmp/amd64/chroot/debootstrap/debootstrap.log ?17:10
xnoxthat would have actual errors....17:10
xnoxalso note it does say right that the related package is a different one... "(possibly the package dconf-service is at fault)"17:11
rbalintxnox, have you given a try to backporting riscv64 cgo to 1.15?17:19
rbalintxnox, apparently i can't get systemd migrated without it17:20
rbalintxnox, or i can cheat with hints17:21
sergiodjdoko: that package has been on my list of "fixes TODO" for a while.  you're correct, that autopkgtest is moot.  I haven't had the time to fix it yet17:23
ItzSwirlzxnox: I'm probably going to locally build it, but I'm wondering if anyone else is having a similar problem.17:37
rbalintxnox, i give it a try to backport the cgo patches17:49
rbalintxnox, i let mwhudson take a look at it first https://github.com/4a6f656c/go/tree/riscv64-cgo-1.1517:54
ItzSwirlzxnox, I think this is what it comes down to: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/s9SDbFy6fd/18:08
ItzSwirlzI don't have admin access to QA builds or the physical ISO QA builder scripts and all so are those packages in the paste installed?18:08
xnoxbdmurray: hm true. can you open a bug? i wonder if we have a manual hint for it somewhere.19:12
bdmurrayxnox: yeah19:15
mwhudsonrbalint: i'd almost prefer to remove golang-defaults from proposed until 1.16 is ready but i don't have strong feelings about it19:54
rbalintmwhudson, this sounds sad a bit20:13
rbalintbdmurray, could you please merge https://code.launchpad.net/~rbalint/britney/+git/hints-ubuntu/+merge/393510 ?20:14
mwhudsonrbalint: well given you've done the work of backporting, we should probably use that i guess20:14
mwhudsonrbalint: have you tested this much?20:14
rbalintmwhudson, no, i have not started yet, it just looked not overly complex20:15
mwhudsonrbalint: if it builds snapd in a ppa i guess that's good enough :)20:15
rbalintmwhudson, and since you uploaded 1.15 i wanted to ask20:16
mwhudsonrbalint: your branch seems based on 1.15, not the latest point release20:17
mwhudsonwe have 1.15.2 i think, which is also not the latest point release20:17
mwhudsonso it probably makes sense to update that in debian before any of this (that's usually trivial, gbp import-orig --uscan && upload)20:18
rbalintbdmurray, fixed it up a bit20:21
rbalintmwhudson, thanks for the tips20:22
mwhudsonrbalint: i can do the debian update if you want20:22
rbalintmwhudson, that would be great because i'm about to file a day off for tomorrow20:23
mwhudsonrbalint: ok20:23
mwhudson(merge)mwhudson@anduril:~/src/pkg/cryptsetup$ git ubuntu lint21:45
mwhudson"lint" is not currently available21:45
mwhudsonwhat am i missing?21:45
seb128sil2100, rbalint , the glibc/bionic SRU can probably be unblocked again? I noticed it was still set on 0% but since it turned out to be a lftp issue and that has a fix uploaded now no reason to keep it blocked right?22:25
mwhudsonrbalint: i've just uploaded golang 1.15.4 to unstable23:15
mwhudsonrbalint: although 1.15.5 just got pre-announced for three days time...23:15
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