
=== acheronuk is now known as RikMills
sem2peiea question to the ubuntu kernel team regarding the ATH driver17:06
sem2peieare there arguments against mapping the cards to 0x6c instead of 0x64?17:06
sem2peie0x64 is the most restrictive world domain and the complete midband is missing17:07
sem2peie0x6c in principle means world wide roaming and should be the most compatible domain17:07
sem2peiein addition, the card pulls the regdomain anyway when connected to an AP (association hints) and then adjusts the transmission power 17:08
sem2peiebut there are still some restrictions and not all channels can be used 17:08
sforsheesem2peie: you'd have better luck asking the developers of that driver, maybe try in #linux-wireless17:13
sem2peiei have already asked the ath devs, but have not yet received an answer17:15
sem2peiesforshee but since you are here, the regdb in focal might not be up to date, there are some things missing (I think I saw your key in the CRDA)17:33
sem2peiefor example there are some frequencies missing in Panama17:34
sforsheesem2peie: yeah it is out of date, we haven't often updated the regdb in stable releases18:12
sforsheeif you file a bug though we can look at updating at least for those rules18:13
sem2peiethis makes me a bit surprised, i mean your regdb is used by big projects like openwrt or dd-wrt and is always up-to-date18:19
sem2peiethe regdb in focal is 2 years old and there is a lot missing18:19
sem2peiealso a stable release wants to have a current regdb 18:19

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