
xnoxmwhudson:  rbalint: 1.15 cgo backports ftbfs see https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/4328/+packages10:16
xnoxmentioned to jsing too over MM.10:16
dokorbalint: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libace-perl/1.92-8build2/+build/20267584  glibc induced ftbfs, blockin perl10:28
dokocpaelzer: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsys-virt-perl/6.8.0-1build1/+build/20268152  requires libvirt 6.8, blocking perl10:43
dokocoreycb: ^^^10:45
xnoxi am doing rebuilds for small transitions11:11
cpaelzerdoko: I'm on libvirt 6.8 since two weeks already11:16
cpaelzerdoko: I'd have been ready by today/tomorrow I guess if not for the +1 week that is now11:16
cpaelzerdoko: if you tell me that it is plus-one'ish to unblock that by continue merging libvirt then fine11:17
cpaelzerotherwise I'd go back to that next week11:17
mwhudsoni feel like i should post https://imgflip.com/i/4lsy64 again11:29
cpaelzeryeah mwhudson11:34
Laneydoesn't help when a security update takes your cloud down either11:42
dokorbasak: https://patches.ubuntu.com/libd/libdbd-mariadb-perl/libdbd-mariadb-perl_1.11-3ubuntu2.patch is this still required? if not, please could you sync?13:12
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xnoxdoko:  merged and upload. still needed.14:08
xnoxhm, something is odd with dwz on arm6414:11
xnoxdh_dwz -a -a14:11
xnoxdwz: debian/olive-editor/usr/bin/olive-editor: Unknown DWARF DW_OP_014:11
xnoxdwz: Too few files for multifile optimization14:11
seb128waveform, sil2100 , hey, could you commit your bluez changes to the packaging vcs?14:25
cpaelzerdoko: the new gdb breaks apport tests, if you (or anyone else) have not yet looked into that I'd start to do so14:30
cpaelzerdoko: do you happen to know if this is being worked on already?14:30
dokocpaelzer: I remember bdmurray doing something14:31
cpaelzeroh, ok then I'll not go deeper on that on (all I did so far was run the test locally and find it seems to be reproducible)14:34
cpaelzerthanks doko14:34
sil2100seb128: I did that14:38
sil2100seb128: as per the bug, I prepared MPs for both changes14:39
sil2100seb128: but since it's under the ~bluetooth team, I have no write access14:39
seb128sil2100, ah, I did check there, only the vcs14:39
seb128are you sure?14:39
seb128I'm in a meeting but I will check the permissions after14:39
sil2100That's what LP told me 'You cannot push directly to this repository. Members of Bluetooth can push to this repository. "14:40
sil2100Didn't check in detail14:40
seb128sil2100, k, sorry, I will merge the changes, thanks for the MPs14:43
sil2100No worries! They're both targeting groovy, since someone needs to create the hirsute branch for the main one14:45
seb128sil2100, waveform, so I was just reviewing that, I don't like much carrying "forwarded: no" changes without a strong rational, could you give some background on why they can't be forwarded and how long we expect to carry those changes?15:08
Laneyinteresting patch ;-)15:11
dokois that a LHS?15:11
bdmurraycpaelzer: I did something cycles ago, do you have a log handy?15:12
Laneyit's from https://launchpadlibrarian.net/506235686/bluez_5.55-0ubuntu1_5.55-0ubuntu2.diff.gz but the whitespace didn't c+p properly15:15
cpaelzerbdmurray: yeah I have, just a sec15:17
cpaelzerdoko: just got confirmation that postgresql-13.1 will solve the FTFBS15:17
cpaelzerbdmurray: https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-hirsute/hirsute/amd64/a/apport/20201101_083851_67fdd@/log.gz15:18
cpaelzerbdmurray: be careful there are a bunch of red herrings in there which also show up when runs are good15:18
cpaelzerOnly consider those which match "^FAIL:" please15:19
bdmurraycpaelzer: got it, thanks15:21
bdmurrayseb128: so you confirmed the fix for bug 1870060 but have you seen anything in the Error Tracker yet? I haven't.16:10
ubottubug 1870060 in apport (Ubuntu Groovy) "systemd ProtectSystem/mount namespace makes apport fail (impact most of our default system services)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/187006016:10
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seb128bdmurray, not yet but I don't think there are many hirsute users at this point19:18
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bdmurrayseb128: true, I'll just SRU it19:19
seb128bdmurray, also e.u.c has no releases list stops are 20.1019:19
seb128sorry, let me rephrase, the list of available releases in the combo stops at 20.1019:20
bdmurrayoh, indeed19:20
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