
=== me is now known as Guest73219
Guest73219congrats to ubuntustudio 20.10!15:30
Guest73219I have a deb file of Helm. No way to install it with QApt. Error: Cannont satisfy dependencies.15:33
MauroGaspari[m]Havd hou enabled partner repos?15:35
Guest73219Mauro, where can I enable it. KDE and KDE progs are new for me.15:38
MauroGaspari[m][Guest73219](https://matrix.to/#/@freenode_Guest73219:matrix.org) give me a minute, i will guide you through it15:39
Guest73219I found it - not in Discover but in Muon which is similar to synaptic.15:40
MauroGaspari[m]<Guest73219 "I found it - not in Discover but"> great. if still returns dependency issue, you can try and install it from the terminal, it will most likely give you more details. `sudo dpkg -i /path/to/your/package`15:46
Guest73219is working, thanks!15:50
MauroGaspari[m]<Guest73219 "is working, thanks!"> you are most welcome. 🥳15:51

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