
=== ut is now known as Guest55271
Guest55271is there good documentation on screen saver/power management?  I can get to work for me.07:47
Guest55271can *not*,   of course07:48
diogenes_Guest55271, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man1/xfce4-screensaver.1.html07:52
Guest55271I hoped for something more detailed.  If tried to configure screen saver and power management in the XFCE desktop, i.e. in the GUI, but cannot get to work the way I want07:54
Guest55271I upgraded from 18.04 to 20.04 yesterday, and have the problem since upgrade07:55
Guest55271I don't need a screen saver with idle time activation but it would be nice.07:55
Guest55271But I want the laptop to keep running but lock the screen if I close the lid.07:56
Guest55271In 18.04 that worked but not in 20.04 it seems.07:56
Guest55271It seems there is some conflict in the config between screen saver and power manager.07:57
diogenes_Guest55271, if the problem occurs after an upgrade, i'd first create a new user and login as the new user and see if the problem persists.07:58
Guest55271I had the situation when both were enabled, and then suspend or wait the idle time, I had to unlock the screen twice immediately07:58
diogenes_also to to session and startup > applications autostart and make sure no other savers start at the same time like e. g. xscreensaver, light-locker and xfce4-screensave all start up together.07:59
* diogenes_ is offline08:00
Guest55271that's want I meant with good docs.  How do these all play together08:00
Guest55271and with power managemnet08:00
xu-help85wIs it possible to upgrade to 20.10?18:15
Maikxu-help85w: yes18:42
Maikxu-help85w: https://docs.xubuntu.org/latest/user/C/migrating-upgrading.html#upgrading18:43
zzero1upgraded from zesty zapus to bionic Sth is seriously wrong with new way dns is being handled. To restart systemd-resolved takes over one minute. If disable the systemd-resolved (that takes a full minute as well) and populate the /etc/resolv.conf I have dns resolution. Suggestions on how to fix "with the new way" ?20:01
zzero1I'm over ssh20:02
zzero1cat /etc/network/interfaces https://termbin.com/2js120:09
brainwashzzero1: I suggest asking in #ubuntu-network20:10
brainwashprobably not the correct channel name20:10
zzero1I figured as much :)20:10
brainwashguess you'd have to use the general ubuntu channel20:12
brainwashI was probably thinking of #ubuntu-server20:14
brainwashfor network specific stuff20:14
zzero1that was it20:14
zzero1I looked it up20:14
jdwwattsthis password pop up is strange23:31
jdwwattsit comes on everytime I boot up but the stuff I read says there is no real secure way to get it to quit23:33

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