
francis_murtaghHi, we have a package in Debian New Queue but would like to put it in Launchpad while we wait. I'm trying to upload but I get Rejected sue to it not including the Source orig.tar.gz but then when I so a forced include of source with dgit build -sa. It complains that I'm including the binary .debs. Is there a way to Include source but also as a Source only upload? dgit build -S -sa doesnt seem to work..14:23
francis_murtaghhttps://salsa.debian.org/wookey/arm-compute-library  its package version -5 if that effects anything..14:23
cjwatsonfrancis_murtagh: dgit build-source?14:46
cjwatsonfrancis_murtagh: I don't see this in Debian NEW though (https://ftp-master.debian.org/new.html)14:47
cjwatsonfrancis_murtagh: -5 seems to be in Debian unstable (https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/arm-compute-library)14:47
cjwatsonfrancis_murtagh: And https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/arm-compute-library/20.08+dfsg-514:47
cjwatsonfrancis_murtagh: Consider using backportpackage(1) from ubuntu-dev-tools instead; that will deal with the different version number you'll typically need when producing builds for older Ubuntu releases14:48
francis_murtaghhi cjwatson, i'll try that, thanks. It's actually migrated into unstable since i last looked: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/arm-compute-library15:10
francis_murtaghhey cjwatson couldn't get it to work with dgit build, used debuild instead with same arguments and it worked.17:25
cjwatsonIt would have had to be dgit build-source, not dgit build, as I noted17:34
cjwatsonBut yes, debuild should indeed work too17:34
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