
Chipacabrb, new kernel09:46
bthomaswonder if the new kernel is a fix for the recent root shell exploit10:01
Chipacabthomas: which root shell exploit?10:02
Chipacabthomas: https://ubuntu.com/security/notices/USN-4616-110:05
Chipaca(so not a kernel bug)10:06
bthomasAh ok. Indeed. I was mistaken.10:07
facubatista¡Muy buenos días a todos!10:35
bthomasनमस्ते facubatista10:55
facubatistahola bthomas10:55
facubatistareviews appreciated: https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/pull/18011:45
mupPR charmcraft#180: Support to create a library, first step in all the lifecycle <Created by facundobatista> <https://github.com/canonical/charmcraft/pull/180>11:45
JoseMassonGood morning!12:15
Chipacait is! because i have yet to get lunch!12:17
* Chipaca fixes that12:17
JoseMassonBon Appetite!12:19
bthomasChipaca facubatista : Is the implementation of event.defer() like a co-routine i.e. does the hook continue from the point event.defer was called or does it continue from the begenning of the hook.12:19
bthomasI am expecting it continues from beginning of the hook.12:19
facubatistabthomas, it's not a subroutine at all12:19
Chipacabthomas: defer means 'deliver this event again later'12:19
facubatistabthomas, the event just is sent again, the method is called "from scratch"12:19
bthomasok got it so it is from begining of hook. That is good.12:20
Chipacafacubatista: writing operators in scratch would be fun12:20
facubatistaChipaca, we can hire Felipe!12:20
Chipacafacubatista: and then fire him!12:20
Chipacafacubatista: two life lessons for the price of one!12:20
bthomaspoor Felipe12:20
Chipacafacubatista: clearly what we should do is set up an apprenticeship scheme where apprentices *pay us* to learn how to write operators12:21
bthomasChipaca: I think that would work if we remove some of the docstrings12:21
Chipacanah, just rotate them all one method to the right12:22
bthomasAlthough there still some needs which opens up the possibility of consulatation12:22
bthomasha ha. I like rotation.12:22
Chipacathis joke probably brought to you by me learning about the >>>= operator in javascript, yesterday12:34
bthomasHaven't seen that. I would have expected compound assignment with right shift to be >>= .12:36
bthomasJoseMasson justinclark please use my latest develop branch for mongodb . It allows you to connect directly to monodb fully initialized.12:38
JoseMassonGreat bthomas! the branch named "refactor" ?12:39
bthomasGive it a shot. As always I love hearing about any bugs and issues. It may not solve the problem of Graylog connecting to the wrong host. I am not sure about that one but we can dig into it in today's pair programming session.12:40
* bthomas -> lunch13:27
* Chipaca → break13:37
* Chipaca actually going to take that break now13:48
JoseMassonChipaca: A break with "Chipaca con chicharrón y mate" or tea and biscuits?14:14
ChipacaJoseMasson: just a cuppa coffee14:15
* bthomas needs coffee too14:28
justinclarkbthomas, still same logs as yesterday :/15:06
bthomasjustinclark: there are two issues 1) Graylog not seeing mongodb 2) Mongodb not properly initialized. If you connect with mongoclient do you see a prompt such as "rs0:PRIMARY>" . If so mongodb is initilialized. Is this the case ?15:08
mupPR #1: Fix stop event attribute <Created by dshcherb> <Merged by niemeyer> <https://github.com/canonical/operator/pull/1>15:08
niemeyerHi mup...!?15:09
justinclarkbthomas, if I do "mongo <ingress-address>, I got "rs0:SECONDARY". When I did "mongo <ingress-address>/graylog", it was "rs0:PRIMARY"15:10
bthomasjustinclark: Yes ingress address is what I meant15:11
bthomasIf you got either SECONDARY or PRIMARY that is fine15:11
bthomasEither indicate that mongodb is initialized15:11
bthomasjustinclark: can we jump on Graylog daily link15:13
bthomasam there now15:13
* facubatista -> bbl18:06
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