[18:12] cmaloney: you didn't post the actual error message in your email. [18:13] I don't have the actual error message [18:14] was a "hey, if you know anyone who has run PostgreSQL under Ubuntu..." [18:15] oh, lul, well... there isn't enough info to be helpful. [18:18] cmaloney: normally you don't have to touch any of that, but if they have an excessive number of tables (thousands) or are doing something else with FDW or other postgresql abuse, then it may be a prob. [18:18] how about records, because this has a boatload of records [18:18] I'll see if I can get the error message [18:20] nope. [18:20] Will post follow-up when I have something [18:20] can have many billions of records in single or multiple tables and the open file count can still be very small. [18:20] thx for at least looking at it. :) [18:21] YW [18:48] jrwren: Added log messages [18:51] oh wow. they are down. that sucks. [22:16] whoa! [22:16] $ uptime 22:16:17 up 966 days, 33 min, 4 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00