
jasonosubluI was wondering if you could please help me getting a mouse to work with Lubuntu?17:55
jasonosubluCurrent configuration for the input method:18:45
jasonosublu * Active configuration: missing (normally missing)18:45
jasonosublu * Normal automatic choice: ibus (normally ibus or fcitx or uim)18:45
jasonosubluI tried to open the input settings and this appeared. Could you help me understand what I should do? Thank you.18:47
jasonosubluIt says /.xinputrc as missing.19:01
jasontvbCurrent configuration for the input method:21:07
jasontvb * Active configuration: missing (normally missing)21:07
jasontvb * Normal automatic choice: ibus (normally ibus or fcitx or uim)21:07
jasontvbI tried to open the input settings and this appeared. Could you help me understand what I should do? Thank you.21:07
jasontvbIt says /.xinputrc as missing.21:07
=== jasontvb is now known as jasonosublu

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