
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
Unit193ochosi: FYI, I'm kind of pushing for notes as it's holding all of Xfce 4.15 in -proposed (which gets me emails.)12:39
ochosihah, right12:51
ochosiit also means that you need to enable GOI in all components ;)12:51
ochosi(on the plus side you can leave xfce4-vala in its grave)12:51
Unit193I mean I think I already did that...12:51
ochosiin that case it should be straightforward12:52
ochosii mostly need to help with fixing the css and i guess then it can go out12:52
ochosiat least as a dev release12:52
Unit193Not xfconf, but everything else.12:52
ochosibut i guess even a stable release wouldn't matter much, it's otherwise been dead so people have to use this version with >=4.14 anyway...12:53
Unit193If it depends on 4.15, best for it to be devel too..12:53
ochosiit doesnt12:54
ochosinotes in its previous form didn't work with 4.1412:54
ochosiat least not the panel plugin12:54
Unit193https://sigma.unit193.net/~unit193/xfce414.html OK, so appfinder isn't stuck in -proposed. :P13:04
Unit193AndreLDM over in #xfce-dev linked a blog post that had people asking about 4.16 in 20.04.  I'd be up for backporting to the PPA again if I could get someone that uses IRC using it, so I can get some form of feedback from a user (I won't be using it)23:19
tomreynhttps://xubuntu.org/requirements/ says 512MB is enough, but testing the 20.04.1 installer in virtualbox suggests it's not: the installer fails while unpacking initramfs. who could update the web page?23:29
Unit193↑ is very accurate, I found that out a little bit ago while testing Core.23:29
tomreyn768 MB is fine (in this BIOS booting VM, with no integrated graphics chipset grabbing some of the ram for itself).23:35
tomreynplaying a youtube video in firefox with two more tabs open wont work then, though.23:57
tomreyn(it did with 1GB)23:57

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