[01:14] Is there a way to make security/system updates automatic? [02:11] hi [02:11] is this working? [02:16] Damours mercier was added by: Damours mercier === JonathanD is now known as NotJonathanD === zxq9 is now known as _zxq9_ [03:38] fritzi HOLZMANN was added by: fritzi HOLZMANN [03:48] (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/uihoCJNA/file_38834.jpg Guys any problem [04:16] your fan did [04:16] died* [04:18] Risto JULIA was added by: Risto JULIA [04:31] (Video, 14s)https://irc-attachments.kde.org/FV4tuCxd/file_38835.mp4 [04:46] @RikMills, Kubuntu 21.04? [04:47] I just have Kubuntu 20.10 :v [05:32] @Archxlover, Ooh u here too === __zxq9__ is now known as zxq9 === kira is now known as Guest97618 [07:20] but i like the names lol [07:32] Sup guys [08:41] Hi dear, … Could you tell me how to add the Keyboard of Horami Language (hac) to Linux attributes like Kubuntu and Ubuntu .... … Yours sincerely … Ako Marani … Translator of Telegram language to Horami and maker of a Horami Keyboard for Windows since 2012 ... [09:27] @AkuMarani, You should look into the XKB Project: https://www.x.org/wiki/XKB/ [09:28] Here is a tutorial how to create a custom keyboard layout: https://karols.github.io/blog/2013/11/18/creating-custom-keyboard-layouts-for-linux/ [09:35] @bauchhaus, Thanks a lot🙏💐💐💐💐💐💐 === mike_ is now known as Guest11003 [10:40] hi...my kubuntu won't boot properly since I can't reach the login screen. XOrg.0.log says "(EE) open /dev/dri/card0: No such file or directory"...any ideas about this? [10:51] Hi!; would it be possible to sync the vault files between a focal fossa and groovy gorilla kubuntu install using syncthing? or would they be all pooped up with the permissions? would be nice to have my secure folders sync between desktop and laptop [10:58] @RikMills, yes … updates came in [10:59] @derEremit, Great. Sorry about that. Just bad timing. debian had a similar thing updating to 5.19 the other day [11:00] @RikMills, the funny thing is I had the same problem with kde neon when they pushed 5.20 … that time it to me 2 days to figure out what's wrong :D [11:01] well … that's the downside of always living on the edge :D [11:01] @derEremit, Yes, it was the same. The technical reason why it happened was totally different, but the result was the same! [11:01] Shit happens :D [11:01] (Document) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/jXMbmuh0/file_38845.mp4 [11:03] well, after always switching to the next unstable kubuntu, once the archives are open, that's the first time in years I had an unstable system, so. … I am still very pleased with all the work you guys do! [11:06] Yeah, usually KDE plasma devs don't make breaking changes in the libraries, so partial upgrades don't tend to crash things much. This time they did, so it turned out the old kwin could simply NOT work with the new kwayland-server lib [11:07] (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/V0CxcQ1Q/file_38847.jpg [11:07] Anyone can help me? [11:08] @Pink, can you start krunner? [11:08] @derEremit, Sorry my laptop is bootup [11:09] 😅 [11:09] @Pink, is this before login? [11:09] @derEremit, No [11:09] I just install kubuntu [11:36] (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/idr4OJh8/file_38852.jpg [11:36] How to install latte-dock please? [11:41] Kubuntu forums isn't working for me. Says the security certificate has expired. [12:32] Hi all [13:09] Bings-M: yes. the admins of that forum are in the US, so will probably get up soon to find that! [13:22] NFCOfficial was added by: NFCOfficial === acheronuk is now known as RikMills [14:20] https://del.dog/yfexoolona.go … Help please, having an weird errors [14:22] https://del.dog/yfexoolona.go … Help please, having an weird errors [14:24] because you are using an unsupported 3rd party kernel [14:25] Uhm how to get back to original kernel and remove Xanmod completely [14:25] I have used for 1 -2 months did had issues [14:26] But after I installed virtual box it wasn't working so I removed it later and after that Im getting this error [14:31] @RikMills, How to remove Xanmod and switch back to the generic kernel? [14:32] Igone Montero was added by: Igone Montero [14:32] Undo what you did to install it I guess. I have zero idea where it comes from, or anything else about it, so cannot say more === NotJonathanD is now known as JonathanD [15:11] hi? [15:15] a little help please! i can see user list, joins and leaves, and my own messages but no other chat/messages are visible. can someone try to pm me please? [15:16] if i dont respond its because i cant see any messages [15:17] drspastic: using what exactly? Matrix, IRC? [15:17] which client? [15:18] Mamarok thanks im on konversation, but the problem persists even on webclients. i just dont get it [15:19] im on lots of channels that should be busy [15:19] well, obviously you can read my message :-) [15:20] and what did you change from the default settings? [15:21] Mamorock: aah yes only can read you atm all settings default [15:22] this is a nick i have had since the year dot so to speak [15:23] let's kerp this here, then, which Kubuntu version? Please answer my questions [15:23] keep* [15:24] FWIW: there is nobody else speaking in here currently, maybe you expect conversations that don't actually ghappen [15:24] Mamorock: yes, its latest kubuntu run in a vm on top of debian. all network is passed straight through to it [15:25] "Lattest" is jsut not good enough, I need numbers [15:25] Mamorock: ohh i expected it to be non stop busy with all these users [15:25] 20.10 or 20.04 (which si the latest LTS) [15:26] and what channel are you in where you think there are discussions happening so that I can check (talking about Freebode, of course) [15:26] Freenode* even [15:27] many people just hang out in channels, many users doesn't mean everybody is talking all the time, especially in a support channel [15:27] 20.04 plasma 5.18.5 kernel 5.4.0-53-generic 64 bit [15:28] right, so not really latest as I guessed :-) [15:28] the latest LTS, though [15:28] ok not like daily latest :) [15:29] I use 20.10 with Plasma 5.19.5, nothing daily here [15:30] i still only see you. has nobody else posted anything all this time? [15:30] nope [15:30] doh! feeling silly now [15:30] which is quite normal [15:31] i remember a few years back i used to go on the #ubuntu channel and it was a shouting match in a playground [15:31] IRC channels are used for support and development, so there are discussions when needed, if you want to chat you need an offtopic channel [15:31] let me check there [15:31] * BluesKaj posts, Hi Mamarok, drspastic :-) [15:32] hi BluesKaj :-) [15:32] drspastic: try #kubuntu-offtopic for random chit-chat [15:32] @RikMills I have uninstalled that custom kernel but an error [15:33] (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/fFUi9fXq/file_38876.jpg [15:33] ok my panic is over. thanks for the patience [15:33] drspastic: yw [15:34] i will try again the channels that maybe suited better to my original query , unless anyone here is familiar with setting up qemu nvidia passthrough [15:36] I manage to avoid Nvidia in the last 30-something years, so not my expertise [15:36] * Mamarok is quite happy with her new AMD laptop [15:38] yeah and VMs aren't my "thing" tried several OS on them and there was always some thing major that ruined it for me. [15:39] if you want a LOL the cards im using are nvs300 and quadro600! ancient relics but im learning so its the principle i want to get used to [15:40] dpkg: error processing package lvm2 (--configure): … installed lvm2 package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1 [15:40] i have been using vm kubuntu, puppy, windoze, etc for a year on this old dell r710 and no issues at all. i had help setting it up though. [15:45] BluesKaj: I am with you, there, VMs are not my cup of tea either, it is possible to set up several systems without having to go through hoops. I prefer dual boot and being able to have several Linux distros to choose from the login manager [15:48] i used to do that but the computer serves webpages and files as well so its always up, and i can experiment on vms without risking the host setup [15:49] and i often run music software in win10 and llinux together like synth patch controllers [15:55] our band records from mics into a mixer connected to a laptop running reaper [15:57] no synth, real guitars, bass and drums, but we're old school i guess [16:03] anyway gotta go...later, take care [17:19] bonjour.. de l'aide s'il vousplait à propos de la création de la liste de logiciels installé sur Kubuntu [17:19] english? couldn't understand you, just saying [17:21] any guys heard of the lastest vulnerability in Ubuntu where a non-admin user can get access to root? [17:21] ok. i'd like to reinstall Kubuntu without loosing all the software already installed. what must i do ? [17:21] hmmm, do u have any recovery media? [17:21] yes [17:21] you meen usb drive ? [17:22] but wait, that's i guess is not possible, because when YOu remove system, YOu remove everything [17:22] however if you want a reset [17:22] it depends on the recovery media, and your kubuntu version [17:23] i know.. i'm readin a DOC about this and it is too complicated for me (noob) [17:23] but even a reset probably will bang everything [17:23] so am I lol [17:23] LOL [17:23] i must keep reading i think [17:23] maybe [17:23] i guess you are arab ? [17:24] you can always learn sth [17:24] nope [17:24] sorry [17:24] Pakistani [17:24] for? [17:24] good people [17:24] thank you [17:24] i'm Tunisian (noth africa) [17:25] It's nice to meet you [17:25] welcome to kubuntu community [17:25] thnks.. [17:25] thnks.. [17:26] if you find sth, feel free to share the solution [17:26] if don't, well [17:26] hope for the best [17:27] I'm having an issue with emacs displaying utf-8 characters on GUI, on the other hand, uft-8 charset display normally if I launch emacs on konsole (terminal mode). What is causing this? I'm running kubuntu 20.04 [17:28] check emacs preferences? [17:29] I did, it's checked utf-8 by default [17:29] utf8 is default for system as well? [17:30] what problem it causes? [17:30] some characters are missing, also emojis doesnt work [17:31] hmmmmm [17:31] i also made sure utf-8 is the defaul in the init file of emacs, but nothing changes for the GUI [17:31] but if I launch from konsole, it works [17:32] on terminal mode [17:32] ok maybe it sounds funny, but maybe uninstall and install again, it is, anyways, time tested method lol [17:33] sudo apt reinstall packagename [17:33] ok, I'll try it later [17:33] good luck [21:57] diiegg was added by: diiegg [21:59] Hi, hope your doing well, Im using ubuntu cinamon as my base op I wonder if its possible to full change from cinamon to kde ? [22:04] diiegg: a full installation is likely a better idea [22:31] @tomreyn, Could I reinstall ubuntu with kde to keep my files or better a clean installation? [22:34] diiegg: i'd backup /home, do a clean installation, restore /home [22:35] Ok [22:35] Thanks [22:45] diiegg: if your current restricted (non-root) user has a different user id (uid) or group id (gid) - run "id" to check - than 1000 and 1000, you'll need to chown -R 1000:1000 /home/yourusername once the installation is done, and after moving the backup back in place.