
callmepkgood morning all00:59
dufluMorning callmepk 01:37
callmepkmorning duflu 02:04
seb128goood morning desktopers06:36
jameshseb128: I think I have the root cause for that thunderbird/portals bug, which I've filed upstream: https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal/issues/54506:38
gitbotflatpak issue 545 in xdg-desktop-portal "OpenURI.OpenFile() fails when used with document portal paths" [Open]06:38
jameshno quick solution though06:38
jameshIt seems like a deficiency in xdg-document-portal: different apps' views of a file are exported with different inodes, so xdg-desktop-portal doesn't believe the file is the same06:41
dufluMorning seb128 06:55
seb128jamesh, hey, great, thanks for investigating the issue!06:57
seb128hey duflu 06:58
seb128jamesh, it's not a major issue so no hurry06:58
jameshseb128: fyi, it looks like there was a big rewrite of the document portal code in x-d-p 1.7.0, which is newer than what we shipped in focal.  When we do have a fix, it will probably mean version upgrades rather than backporting a small fix07:06
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:23
didrockssalut oSoMoN 07:23
oSoMoNsalut didrocks 07:24
oSoMoNhappy Friday the 13th šŸ§Ÿ07:25
didrocksheh, indeed07:26
dufluMorning oSoMoN and didrocks 07:27
didrockshey duflu 07:30
oSoMoNgood afternoon duflu 07:30
marcustomlinsongood morning desktoppers08:02
jameshhi marcustomlinson 08:09
marcustomlinsonhey jamesh08:09
didrockshey marcustomlinson, jamesh 08:15
marcustomlinsonhey didrocks08:18
dufluHi marcustomlinson 08:28
marcustomlinsonhi duflu08:30
seb128jamesh, ack08:34
seb128hey oSoMoN, didrocks, marcustomlinson, happy friday! how are you?08:34
marcustomlinsonseb128: doing alright, happy friday indeed :) you?08:35
jameshIt's Friday the 13th in 2020.  What's the worst that could happen?08:35
didrocksseb128: tired, not enough sleep, but ok :)08:35
seb128marcustomlinson, I'm alright :-)08:36
seb128didrocks, I would say that it's almost the weekend, but I'm unsure that help in any way solving the tireness...08:36
didrocksyeah :)08:37
GunnarHjGood morning seb128 and everybody else!08:40
GunnarHjToday's isenkram activity on this Friday the 13th: It proved to be an appstream issue, and a proposed groovy fix of appstream is available here:08:40
GunnarHjDo you have a minute for sponsoring an upload?08:40
seb128hey GunnarHj!08:40
seb128GunnarHj, we are in sync from Debian and it's not team mainained there08:41
GunnarHjseb128: It's a groovy SRU.08:41
seb128I'm unsure that's worth SRUing on a non LTS serie, I doubt that software is popular08:41
seb128let me time to type :p08:41
seb128there has been no report on launchpad on the issue, I wouldn't overload the SRU team with that08:42
GunnarHjseb128: Isn't a completely broken package a valid reason for an SRU?08:42
seb128my rule is that if the bug didn't get reported by any user then it's not worth spending SRU resources on, especially in a non LTS08:43
seb128also we need the fix in H first before SRUing08:44
seb128the Debian maintainer has been responsive so hopefully he does an upload which get autosynced08:44
GunnarHjseb128: The appstream fix in Debian is on its way "soonish". It's the same maintainer in Debain as upstream.08:45
seb128well, let's wait for that to land first08:45
seb128I'm quite busy today but we can rediscuss next week, or maybe you find another sponsor who likes more the idea to do a SRU to 20.10 ;-)08:46
seb128duflu, btw I saw your comment yesterday, I was the one who pushed the master bluez branch as 'ubuntu', it seemed more sense to me and more standard with what other packages are doing09:28
seb128rather than having to rename every cycle09:28
dufluseb128, The wiki on how to maintain it still says to use the series name, not ubuntu. And it also says "this is a better process than other projects use", so I would prefer to keep it09:30
dufluI see it from a generic software engineering perspective, that 'hirsute' tells you more than 'ubuntu'. That doesn't require advance knowledge that other projects use 'ubuntu' to refer to the current series09:39
seb128whatever, I don't have the motivation to argue about vcs details, I just found annoying having to branch so others could contribute their fixes and also we have more branches that we need09:39
dufluIt's the same number of branches either way09:40
seb128we could call it ubuntu/master if you prefer09:40
seb128no it's not09:40
seb128focal and groovy never got a SRU09:40
dufluIt is, because 'ubuntu' and 'master' don't exist09:40
seb128they wouldn't have a branch09:40
dufluThat's an interesting point09:41
dufluThough might create confusion too09:41
seb128that's how every single other desktop package is maintained09:41
seb128we have ubuntu/master09:41
seb128and we branch to ubuntu/<serie> when we SRU09:41
dufluYeah, but again my goal was to invent a superior process to what came before, not to copy it09:41
seb128that would have sense if the process was baked to be rolled out and used for other packages09:42
dufluIf anyone really wants to then they can start a new repo using a different process09:42
seb128it doesn't make sense to have a one off on our entire set09:42
seb128it's just confusing09:42
dufluIt does if you are trying to get others to do the same in future09:42
seb128well, as said that's not worth the argument09:42
seb128I find being standard having more value than being better, let's disagree09:43
seb128it just means people who are familiar with other desktop packages are going to get confused and go through a learning exercice to be able to do change there or just to get things wrong (as I did)09:43
seb128but not a big deal09:44
oSoMoNricotz, FYI:Ā https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-beta.hirsute/revision/138210:45
ricotzoSoMoN, great!, isn't neon enabled by default on ubuntu armhf? regarding qcms12:15
oSoMoNricotz, no, it's not12:18
ograthere are still many ARMv7 devices without neon support, particulary in embedded ... you would not be able to run on them ... 12:19
ogra(that said, it is trivial to enable NEON for snaps at build time (i do that for a few of mine) if you know they will not be run on that low end devices)12:20
ricotzoSoMoN, ah, ok12:31
=== acheronuk is now known as RikMills
oSoMoNogra, thanks for the precisions! in this case we are talking about the firefox deb packages, not sure how applicable that restriction isā€¦13:41
oSoMoNout of curiosity, how do you enable NEONĀ for snaps at build time?13:41
ograwell, by simply enabling any possible neon build time options usually13:42
ograthat indeed depends how deep yu need to go for an app ... if you have i.e. a video-decoding lib underneath you will not be able to use the deb as build-package but will have to re-build from source13:43
ogra(by adding a separate part for that specific lib)13:43
ograhttps://github.com/ogra1/omxplayer-snap is an example ... but there i build most relevant bits from source13:44
oSoMoNack. IĀ now remember that not so long ago IĀ enabled NEON for the armhf build of the chromium snap, and a user filed a bug that chromium would crash because it was trying to use the NEONĀ instruction set, so IĀ reverted that change14:00
oSoMoNricotz, is there a reason for not pushing 83.0 beta packages for xenial to the firefox-next PPA ?14:09
ograoSoMoN, yeah, there is likely a lib re-build needed for some depending lib then14:10
ografor a browser that might become complex pretty quickly14:10
ricotzoSoMoN, a bunch of python related changes14:13
oSoMoNricotz, did you manage to get a working build somewhere, or does this require work?14:14
ricotzoSoMoN, sorry, I didn't purse it further14:15
ricotzoSoMoN, https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-beta/rev/5596a03b533414:15
oSoMoNok, I'll work on it this afternoon then14:16
ricotzoSoMoN, there were builds for thunderbird 68.12.0 though ;)14:17
oSoMoNI'm glad IĀ figured out the armhf FTBFS and failing autopkgtest yesterday, it would have been stressful otherwise14:17
oSoMoNricotz, IĀ prepared builds for 68.12.0 in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages too14:18
oSoMoNneed to validate them and hand over to security for sponsoring14:18
ricotzyeah, e.g. keeping xenial on firefox 78.x would have been easier, but therefore such a dependency needs to be known way earlier14:19
ricotzoSoMoN, I noticed, but there were tb builds available for a couple of months ;)14:20
oSoMoNyes, I'm lagging behind for thunderbird :/14:20
ricotznah 68.x is easy, the 78.x transition is a pain14:21
ricotzthe external gnupg support is more of my taste14:22
luna_Ubuntu and Canonical Q&A on Linux Application Summit 2020 now14:26
hellsworthgood morning desktopers15:19
kenvandinehey hellsworth 15:19
oSoMoNgood morning hellsworth & kenvandine 15:19
hellsworthhi there guys :)15:19
oSoMoNricotz, https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-beta.xenial/revision/138415:55

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