
=== kyle is now known as BadAtProgramming
IrcsomeBotDeni Firnansyah was added by: Deni Firnansyah03:23
IrcsomeBotTJ Wolf was added by: TJ Wolf03:32
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IrcsomeBot<uh uh> hi06:20
IrcsomeBot<uh uh> i need help with making a command on kubuntu06:21
IrcsomeBot<uh uh> i mean like setting up a hotkey to open a program06:22
IrcsomeBot<uh uh> within the custom shortcuts setting06:22
IrcsomeBot<uh uh> i barely see anything about this online sadly06:22
IrcsomeBot<uh uh> yes i see you can do that inside the normal shortcuts but i want to make a custom in custom shortcuts06:29
IrcsomeBot<uh uh> how do i make a command that launches a program06:41
IrcsomeBot<uh uh> im trying to make a command for kde connect to open firefox from my phone06:42
IrcsomeBot<binarymatter> I was trying to remove the keys from previous ubuntu installation but mokutil is giving me this error07:49
IrcsomeBot<binarymatter> (Photo, 1044x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/79NlFvhW/file_38916.jpg07:49
IrcsomeBot<binarymatter> (Photo, 1046x1280) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/XbxSWvU5/file_38917.jpg07:50
IrcsomeBot<binarymatter> Can anyone pls help07:50
IrcsomeBot<binarymatter> Did the work around mentioned in the forum. Exporting the keys and removing them one by one. But it too resulted in same error07:50
IrcsomeBotCross Bianca was added by: Cross Bianca07:51
IrcsomeBotALESSIA CLARA was added by: ALESSIA CLARA07:51
IrcsomeBotAbid Hunter was added by: Abid Hunter07:56
IrcsomeBotRitesh Jaiswal was added by: Ritesh Jaiswal08:43
* abze la mujer de frank de la jungla acaba de salir de la carcel, nos alegramos09:41
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IrcsomeBotSockworkOrange was added by: SockworkOrange11:40
IrcsomeBot<SockworkOrange> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/VsGvnBbf/file_38919.jpg hi, I am installing kubuntu on my XPS laptop and it's been like this for 1.5 hour. … The same installation worked fine the day before on an IdeaPad. Any ideas?11:41
IrcsomeBot<SockworkOrange> nevermind, I think I got it. An ongoing ubi-partman bug12:02
BluesKajHi folks12:30
krasi-georgievhi all, I think there is a bug with the `Advanced keyboard settings` when I set - `swap left ctrl with left alt` it also swaps the meta key with the ctrl - what happens it that pressing ctrl+left arrow or alt+left arrow no longer navigates through the page history in Chrome, Can someone tries it to confirm the bug and I will open an issue with the details.13:29
fahad-M> <Archxlover> @fahad-M, Lol there is no base in ubuntu … Ubuntu comes with de14:07
fahad-Mi meant, i manually added pop os repository and installed it over standard ubuntu installation14:07
user|86875Good morning. I installed kubuntu along with my win 10 installation and its not giving me the bootloader dual boot option.  I forget what it was called during the installation but it asked for a partition that I've never been asked for before, I forget the name of it..14:10
fahad-Mgrub bootloader14:16
Mamarokkrasi-georgiev: I might have misread, but why changing the shortcuts? There is always the risk it is used elsewhere already, so changes can have side effects...15:05
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DaveD896I downloaded the Kubuntu 20.10 iso and mounted it on my system, but when I browse the file i do not see an installed.  The install folder is empty.  How do I install this version of the OS?17:45
DaveD896I meant to say, I do not see an installer.17:46
drspasticunetbootin to a usb?17:47
drspasticDaveD896 unetbootin to a usb?17:47
DaveD896No, I did not copy to a USB, the iso is in my download folder.17:48
drspasticyou need to boot the iso17:49
claydoh_DaveD896: you need to use tools like rufus or balena Etcher in order to create a bootable USB using the iso file17:49
DaveD896So, I copy to a usb stick then boot from that?17:49
drspasticnot quite17:50
drspasticrun rufus, select the iso file, select the usb stick to burn, click go17:50
DaveD896OK thanks.  I will try it.17:51
drspasticor use nero and burn to dvd17:51
drspasticDaveD896 might be useful to open this chat on another pc or your phone in case you need further help, as you will need to reboot into a 'live' install system17:53
ekiqHello I can't install voip on Ubuntu. Can someone help me please?18:51
IrcsomeBot<jorgetech_spacebiker> I tried upgrading to Kubuntu 20.10 but the upgrade GUI crashed in the middle of the operation after downloading the packages, I had to manually upgrade the packages and install the plasma and kubuntu desktop packages (for some reason they got removed). … But now my desktop has black icons everywhere with missing UI elements everywhere (see photo)20:32
IrcsomeBot<jorgetech_spacebiker> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/ZecSS43q/file_38948.jpg20:32
IrcsomeBot<jorgetech_spacebiker> How do I fix this?20:32
IrcsomeBot<jorgetech_spacebiker> SDDM has the same problems, black icons20:33
IrcsomeBot<jorgetech_spacebiker> OK, spoke too son20:36
IrcsomeBot<jorgetech_spacebiker> I had to install the package libqt5quick5, for some weird reason the libqt5quick5-gles got installed. Knlw everything is normal20:36
user|42901I downloaded 20.10 today and made a bootable pendrive using Rufus, wherein I selected the MBR partition scheme and wrote the image in DD mode.21:54
IrcsomeBotMILLS Riva was added by: MILLS Riva22:24
StepNjumphi guys... I'm on Kubuntu 19.01 and apt-get update gives me errors.... Any ideas how I could fix that so I could upgrade please?23:06
StepNjumpsorry I'm actually on 19.0423:07
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:07
StepNjumpthank you very much IrcsomeBot23:09
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