
naybs808I was hoping to be able to contribute to ubuntu's docs. I'm just trying to get my head around things, is the documentation project, essentially focused on the Ubuntu Desktop (/server) Guide as seen in the help application?16:32
tomreynnaybs808: hi. that's great you would like to help. i'm, not sure whom to talk to about it, though. maybe wxl knows (but it can take a good time for them to return).16:44
tomreyni think there's help.ubuntu.com which is the 'official' documentation and there's wiki.ubuntu.com which is a community effort.16:46
tomreynnaybs808: it seems that there's an effort underway to migrate some or all of the community documentation towards https://discourse.ubuntu.com/ though - see https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/documentation16:48
tomreynmaybe that's the best place to get started now16:49
naybs808Alright, thank you tomreyn! 16:52
tomreynnaybs808: you're welcome! :)16:53
naybs808I'll have a go at proof reading some of the help wiki for now  :) 16:56
naybs808How long have you been involved with ubuntu project for?17:00
wxltomreyn: don't laugh at me but i don't even remember being on this channel XD18:41
wxlnaybs808: i *CAN* tell you that there has been general frustration and consternation with regards to the wiki. it has many technical issues and has often been a target for spam. as a general rule, there's been heavy migration from it, both in the discourse link that tomreyn mentioned as well as in ubuntu flavors who have often gone and built their own resources18:43
wxlnaybs808: that said, i'm not sure that the documentation team as such is even really a thing. i do see on the mailing list a fair amount of discussion about translations, so it seems that particular resource has been co-opted that way, which largely makes a lot of sense18:45
wxlnaybs808: i would urge you to contact the *team* you're interested in helping with. for example, if you happen to really like lubuntu, check in with them on how you can help. and if it is "stock" ubuntu you want to help with, i'd probably write a post on the discourse18:48
wxlnaybs808: there's some interesting comments here with regards to the state of the documentation team https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/contribute/2618:49

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