
jaydenIs there an offtopic ubuntu channel00:00
nikolamSquarism, depending of desktop environment used, there coould be GUI fo setting a CPU governor mode. I'm on Xfce (xubuntu-desktop) with cpu frequency monitor panel plugin00:01
nikolamjayden, #ubuntu-offtopic I suppose00:01
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mx6523Hello everyone! I have managed an lubuntu install on a USB key with persistent storage, but it is configured to automatically log in during boot, and I don't know how to configure it to boot to a login menu instead of into the desktop. Any advice would be greatly appreciated04:04
mx6523The usb installer program seemed to somewhat clone the lubuntu ISO into the USB key, so I guess it is using the same boot config as that. I don't know a great deal about Linux internals, but I am going to research the packages used during boot to switch from  desktop04:08
krytenmx6523: Are you not planning to use the setup for longer, or is there any other reason you didn't just do a normal install to the USB drive?  It's what I'm using for about 1.5 years now myself.04:18
mx6523I tried using the built in Ubuntu installer but it failed on the USB key04:31
mx6523kryten, did you have to do anything specific to use the official installer on your USB data drive?04:32
mx6523If I recall correctly, the official Ubuntu installer failed when configuring the boot loader04:33
mx6523kryten, did you use the default configuration for partitioning? I guess I will try that again04:38
mx6523I'm going to attempt to use Ubuntu's installer on this USB key again. That would be so much better than what this mkusb has given me04:49
alazyI expected to quickly find the best backup tool for my needs with a little googling but it really hasn't been so simple. I have two ubuntu boxes, each with a 2TB HDD. One is an always-on home server with my data. The other is mostly offline. I want my backup tool to copy any blocks that have changed between the two drive partitions (exactly same size in bytes) every few days. Incremental backup,05:24
alazyblock-level, networking not an issue because I can use NBD. What tool does that?05:24
matsamanalazy: rdiff-backup, bup, some others05:27
matsamanrsnapshot, but it doesn't do deltas so copies more05:28
alazymatsaman: thanks, I'll focus on reading about those. What about the ancient dump command? Seems to fit the bill at first glance.05:44
matsamanif it works use it05:45
mozzarellaI'm getting awful video performance, how can I solve that?06:01
quartershello. I was wondering how to disable tap touchpad to click. I've tried setting MaxTapTime to 0 and TapButton1 to 0 within both etc/X11/xorg.d/70-synaptics... and with synclient but I'm still seeing this issue06:08
quartersas well as xinput set-int-prop 10 "Set Enable" 8 006:09
kinghatwhen settings up an ftp server and you generate ssl certs, do you need to manually move them to the openssl certs dir to be able to connect over ftps?06:09
matsamanquarters: you want to use ... discrete buttons only?06:11
quartersmatsaman: yes, for clicks06:11
matsamankinghat: should be able to use "sftp" with just openssh...06:11
kinghatthis is for other users and i dont want them to have shell06:12
matsamanthere are ways to have no shell and use ssh/sftp06:13
* matsaman shrugs06:13
matsamanmakes more sense to me, to use ssh secure by default, and disable shells if you don't want them06:14
matsamanthan ftp not secure by default, try and make it secure, and do a bunch of extra work that doesn't make much sense to you at the outset06:14
matsamanbut um06:14
matsamanI guess we have a tiny #vsftpd channel here, etc.06:14
kinghatthe other users only use ftps06:16
kinghatthis container is using pure-ftpd06:16
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kinghatwould the .pem file need to be moved somewhere? i actually dont know if its the pub key or not. says private and cert.06:24
matsamansorry I don't know, but someone will06:28
matsamanyou could probably also ask #linux06:28
kinghatthanks for the time matsaman 🙏06:29
DarwinElfwhy is uid:gid almost completely inconsistent across *ubuntu installations?06:53
DarwinElfif you install a real Unix like OpenBSD, FreeBSD, or the last Unix-like GNU/Linux (Slackware, even for quasi-official SlackBuilds) uid:gid for extra software is standardized, not just added (like in Ubuntu) in the order you add it in... there's really no reason why that behaviour should've been discontinued06:54
matsamanwhat does it get you?06:54
DarwinElfi'm talking about everything from in the mid-100s to about 499.  It makes it easier if you're administering multiple systems06:55
matsamanto use numbers other than names?06:56
DarwinElfa uid or gid is a number corresponding to a name06:56
matsamanbut then what happens when old software isn't used06:57
DarwinElfnot relevant to the question06:57
matsamanwhat's the point in infinitely incrementing numbers06:57
* matsaman shrugs06:57
DarwinElflike for example, one might crunch numbers for science with BOINC (like SETI@Home) on multiple computers... one might want to transfer data from one to the other... but the boinc:boinc uid:gid numbers were added in random order, not a standardized order like on Unix[-like]06:57
DarwinElfand various other software... I must have 50+ additional uid:gid all added in non-orderly order06:58
matsamanI sympathize with you in that unnecessary changes from the status quo are obnoxious, but that's how id's work everywhere: they are unique but can't be relied upon to mean more than that06:58
matsamanthe order you put things in changes which id goes to what, that is far more common06:59
DarwinElfand if I wanted to make a backup of configuration for all such *ubuntu systems, I now have to do several individually...06:59
matsamantime to make your scripts smarter is all06:59
matsamanalternatively ...07:00
DarwinElfit's something I've never seen before this.  I typically don't use anything non-Unix-like personally (just administer some for users)07:00
matsamanwhy so many different OSes?07:00
matsamanso IT/support07:00
matsamanI think support should dictate which OS is used, and not end users =)07:00
DarwinElfwell I can't force the users to use what I've always preferred for desktop...07:01
matsamanI don't know why they would care if it looks the same and works the same and runs their stupid apps07:01
matsamanbut I know what you mean07:01
DarwinElfthey'd just erase it and use a paid Windows-like instead of this free one07:01
matsamanthere will be certain users who are like "OMFG THIS ISN'T MY PARTICULAR APP OMFG!"07:01
matsamanall the money and labor wasted on supporting people with poor preference in software =P07:02
DarwinElfafter trying to standardize it (just on a spare PC) some stuff stopped working, so I'll have to reinstall... if I copy /etc/passwd & /etc/group in first from their main PC (should be exactly same) will the extra software use that instead of a different random order?07:03
matsamandunno, but as you already know, that is an easy test07:04
DarwinElffor some older OSes, it definitely would... don't know what happens when you start adding uncertainties like systemd...07:04
DarwinElfoops, I forgot there's /etc/group, /etc/gshadow, /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, and versions of each ending with a hyphen07:10
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ducasseDarwinElf: if you copy those across, you need to take care of file ownership on the system you copy them to07:30
DarwinElfit'll be a new system though, as said07:37
isomarigreetings, how can I get dtrx to work on focal?08:30
javangoHello. Can you advise please good GUI for removing duplicate files? Ubuntu 20.0408:59
gebbioneHi all. I am facing a black screen in my Ubuntu . I m running an Nvidia card and when I push it to do some work I suspect it breaks the rendering of windows. I am on the F3 terminal. I killed all heavy processes . What else can I do to try and recover the session on F209:02
lotuspsychjejavango: there's a speedy-duplicate-finder snap if you like09:07
lotuspsychjejavango: for other ubuntu cleanup try bleachbit & stacer09:08
javangolotuspsychje, thank you!09:11
gebbioneGot disconnected, my ubuntu has a black screen. Currently running some GPU heavy processes and I suspect this causes something to break with the window rendering. I usually go to F3 (terminal) and kill heavy processes i don't need and nautilus and sometimes this works when i go back to F2 and I regain control. not this time. What can i try to do and where can i see a possible error09:23
gebbioneto report it to NVidia09:24
gebbioneanyone awake?09:25
lotuspsychjegebbione: didnt you LTS upgrade yesterday?09:25
gebbionelotuspsychje, i didn't put 20 yet09:26
gebbionebut yes yesterday i installed the new nvidia drivers through the upgrade09:26
gebbionei suspect it might have some bugs compared to the older version09:26
gebbionebut not sure what to check09:27
lotuspsychjegebbione: try !nomodeset to bypass black screen and install your nvidia driver needed09:27
gebbionedoesn't that require a restart and grub editing?09:28
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | gebbione09:29
ubottugebbione: Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.09:29
gebbionethe black screen is happening while running darknet , an application that uses the AI features of the nvidia card. I don't have a problem at boot09:30
gebbionei m trying to recover the window and troubleshooting if possible why it has gone to a black screen09:30
gebbionei m not stuck at boot09:30
gebbionesed /why/while/09:31
gebbionewhat logs might be showing failures related to blackscreens09:36
lotuspsychjegebbione: errors about your system in the journal logs09:38
lotuspsychje!journalctl | gebbione09:39
ubottugebbione: journalctl is a command for viewing logs collected by systemd-journald. E.g. "journalctl -f" reports system messages as they are logged until you press Ctrl+C. See the journalctl !man page for other options.09:39
gebbioneis it /var/log/journal or similar?09:39
gebbionei checked Xorg.log etc but cannot see anything meaningful09:39
gebbioneeven restarting gdm does not work09:41
* abze la mujer de frank de la jungla acaba de salir de la carcel, nos alegramos09:41
gebbionenow it keeps showing the login screen, after i login it goes black screen again09:46
hingridahello I am trying to find an answer to why my xbox controller doesn't work with bluetooth anymore, seems like sysfs.conf qwe has disappeared from /etc. Isthat ieven possible?09:54
hingridashould I have sysfs.conf in /etc?09:56
hingrida(default kubuntu)09:56
hingridahello anyone knows what magic trick I need to do to have my xbox bluetooth controllers working again in kubuntu? I tried several tutorials but nothing helps. The devices are being detected but pairing is no-go.10:40
hingridait was working before. also I had a file sysfs.conf which is now gone - this might have something to do with it10:41
eliyahutbrhey guys. my blue tooth decided not to work today. tried https://itectec.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-no-bluetooth-found-plug-in-a-dongle-to-use-bluetooth-ubuntu-18-04-1-lts/ any other suggestions?11:16
eliyahutbrthis is messing me with binge watching grey's anatomy, so any help would be greatly appreciated11:16
eliyahutbranyone home?11:37
eliyahutbri did wait 20 minutes so as not to be spamming the channel11:37
eliyahutbrany ideas about what i can do to do to get my blue tooth back?11:37
summonnereliyahutbr, what have you tried so far to fix it?11:38
fradwhat voip would you recommend to communicate with a windows terminal?11:59
jeremy31eliyahutbr: what bluetooth device is it?12:10
BluesKajHi folks12:30
KurozenDoes the terminal have a thing such as "horizontal buffer" similarly to in Windows command prompt so that I can increase it past the window size for getting rid of word-wrap while keeping same window size12:37
KurozenScrollback is the vertical buffer, so not that, that's not an problem.12:38
tomreynKurozen: if you're referring to virtual terminals: most of them, includiing gnome-terminal, won't actually insert line wraps into the output, just visually wrap lines at the window border.12:43
tomreyni.e. you can copy and paste a line which was wrapped on screen, but when you paste it it won't be contain newlines anywhere but where they were meant to be.12:44
tomreynfor a tty, you can use a pager, such as "less", to scroll output horizontally12:45
tomreynor redirect output to a file and use whichever utility you like to insspect the output later - there, too, no extra newlines will be inserted.12:46
tomreynmaybe you're using putty or some windows terminal to access the ubuntu terminal? if so, this could explain the newlines you assem to be seeing.12:47
KurozenOh, right, I don't think there's any newlines inserted right, it's just a visual wrap, but it's the visual one that's bothering me, not that big of a deal tho, when dealing with git sometimes the output is wide due to code and all kinds of info12:48
KurozenNo I'm Kubuntu using Terminal12:48
KurozenOr sorry, Konsole is the name here.12:48
KurozenThey may not have any reference to a "horizontal character buffer" but perhaps I will find the solution by just looking for how to "disable line wrap".12:51
tomreynso use a pager which supports horizontal scrolling, or disable (visual) line wrapping in konsole, if it supports it. kubuntu specific support is best received in #kubuntu12:53
KurozenGot it, I'm still familiarizing about Ubuntu and Kubuntu differences, not just the GUI it seems.13:11
TheWildwhy powering down USB disks (udisksctl poweroff) crashes my X session so often?14:29
TheWildThere are no segfaults reported in dmesg.14:29
arteomphi, guys. Where can i read about kernel GA backporting policy for the LTS releases?14:52
arteompFor example in 18.04.5 current kernel version is 4.15.0-124.127 and it seems (relying on changelog) it doesn't include these patches:14:52
arteomphttps://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/a983b5ebee57209c99f68c8327072f25e0e6e3da (from 4.16 mainline)14:52
arteomphttps://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/8de7ecc6483bf94cef9f48c4c3511ef3e9ee6d40 (from 4.19 mainline)14:52
arteompIs any way to force these patches (or any others) to be backported to current LTS kernel? What is standart way to do it? Or only security patches are backporting?14:52
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BlueEaglearteomp: Not sure if this was answered and the answer is not in irclogs yet, but there was a backports team before. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports15:17
TheWildwhy TeamViewer doesn't start the GUI on my laptop?15:20
BlueEagleTheWild: Often if an application does not run properly starting them from a terminal yields more information (i.e. error messages)15:20
TheWildI'm doing and nothing happens. According to terminal and logs, everything is nice.15:21
BlueEagleTheWild: Just to be sure that I understand correctly; you are attempting to run Teamviewer on your linux box, but the interface does not show up, correct?15:22
TheWildthe last messages are:15:23
TheWildNetwork process started (7480)15:23
TheWildLaunching TeamViewer GUI ...15:23
TheWildand it gets stuck15:23
BlueEagleTheWild: 20.10 or 20.04?15:23
BlueEagleTheWild: And gdebi-core is installed?15:24
BlueEagleTheWild: Well, I guess it would have to be to install TeamViewer in the first place.15:24
TheWildah got it15:24
TheWildsudo apt install qml-module-qtgraphicaleffects qml-module-qtquick-controls qml-module-qtquick-dialogs qml-module-qtquick-layouts qml-module-qtquick-privatewidgets qml-module-qtquick-window2 qml-module-qtquick215:25
TheWildthe non-package-manager version is broken and will not show that something is missing15:25
transhumanistis there a ubuntu based immutable linux distribution15:25
transhumanistI a looking for  one that doesnt require a reboot in order to flip15:25
BlueEagleTheWild: Very good.15:26
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tomreynarteomp: i suggest re-asking in #ubuntu-kernel (ideally on a business day). generally, you have the choice between GA and HWE/LTSE kernels, but I assume you're already aware of it.15:45
rapidwaveWhere do I find the right documentation to know of VirtualBox drivers need signed for UEFI Secure Boot?15:50
rapidwaveMessage says to check Linux documentation15:50
BlueEaglerapidwave: Perhaps this can help? https://stegard.net/2016/10/virtualbox-secure-boot-ubuntu-fail/15:53
tomreynrapidwave: if they're unsigned but required to be signed it will say so in your logs after you booted. the kernel module will not load then.15:53
BlueEaglerapidwave: also https://www.linuxuprising.com/2019/07/virtualbox-6010-adds-uefi-secure-boot.html claims that they have signed drivers.15:55
tomreyni think the latter article refers to the upstream (virtualbox.org) distribution15:57
tomreynubuntu documentation on secure boot signing is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot15:58
BlueEagletomreyn: That might be. It was one of the first hits when I attempted to google-fu it.15:58
chietahow to turn off the the display16:01
BlueEaglechieta: On/Off-button? :)16:07
BlueEaglechieta: Do you want the display off permanently, or until a key is pressed (i.e. screen saver style)?16:08
BlueEaglechieta: Also, do you have X running on this box, and are you on a graphical terminal?16:09
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Squarismis Vulkan a thing for us running ubuntu? How can I see what steam games support Vulkan?16:16
chietayes i have the X  and graphical terminal16:17
tomreynSquarism: there are mesa-vulkan-drivers and vulkan-utils for the open source (Mesa/DRI) drivers. I think nvidias' proprietary also support VK16:18
BlueEaglechieta: Ok. And how "off" do you want the screen, and do you want it to come back on a keypress, or just be off?16:18
chietajust be off16:20
WaltS48Thunderbird 78.5.0 release candidate test on Ubuntu 18.04.16:21
tomreynWaltS48: hi, what's your ubuntu support question?16:21
WaltS48Oops! Wrong channel. Sorry.16:21
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WaltS48But since you asked. When is that outdated Thunderbird 68.10.0 going to be updated?16:22
BlueEaglechieta: Does this work? https://askubuntu.com/questions/253818/manually-turn-off-monitor16:32
chietachecking BlueEagle16:34
alnrwhere is the options to change the background color of the task bar? I changed it via either dconf, gnome-tweaks but not i cant find the option. in the same place was an option the task bar to only the width needed instead of all the way across17:08
sotanibhediI am using ubuntu 20.04 LTS, I have a bluetooth headphone with mic.. though the headphone works fine the mic does not work17:09
sotanibhedialso even though my laptop has mic it is not recognised by ubunut17:09
sotanibhedibut when I connect my wired headset the mic of wired headset works fine, any solution for my laptop and the wireless headset's mic ?17:10
transhumanistis there a ubuntu based immutable linux distribution, preferably one that doesnt require a reboot between switches?17:36
Maiktranshumanist: isn't Ubuntu Core just that?17:48
transhumanistwill check never used it, thanks17:49
Maiknever used it either, i just googled on "ubuntu based immutable linux distribution"17:50
cariveriHi. How do I boot ubutnu 20 to commandline and start GUI only by command on the occasion ?17:52
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transhumanistI googled same thing, didnt put Ubuntu on there, lol17:54
Maikcariveri: is this what you're looking for? http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2020/05/boot-ubuntu-20-04-command-console/17:55
cariveriMaik: sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target <-- I just foudn this. looks promising. as first step. I guess with systemctl start gdm brings me back to the GUI . right?18:00
isapgswellif you want to avoid intel mei18:01
BlueEaglecariveri: Isn't `startx` enough to open a GUI?18:01
isapgswellwhen you buy a notebook firstboot enter the bios menu and disable all about intel and your vendor note18:01
isapgswelldata wipe ssd|hd18:02
isapgswelland install ubuntu18:02
transhumanistMaik, as I  suspected, nvidia and cuda are not supported quite yet by immutable linux, that is a bummer, then again that was 2019 the article was written and I dont see an update18:04
transhumanistalso it does in fact appear to require a reboot between switches, cant do it on the fly18:05
Maikhmmm... bummer18:05
Maikisapgswell: you need support with Ubuntu? casual chat belongs in #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic18:05
cariveriBlueEagle: hmm. yea should enough to start X.18:05
BlueEaglecariveri: No need to change runlevel if you just need the GUI for some operations.18:06
transhumanistMaik, right now I am doing an almost working solution by running windows 10 with WSL2 and passing nvidia card and cuda through to the guest (recent version on windows side and whatever version thats the same or earlier on the inside of the wsl2 ubuntu container. works except  a few windows bugs make things like disk redundancy (mirroring in windows not a usable thing (without getting a raid card-which wont fit in my crapy comput18:07
cariveriok, let me try. rebooting ..18:08
aroonihey team; i installed font-manager and tried to install the bookerly.ttf font i downloaded but it doesnt show as an installed font... was the ttf the wrong format ?  or do i need to restart in some way first18:18
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cariveriso here we are: setting the commadnline log in worked fine. startx however yielded a questionable result without windowmanger. it loaded a default gnome without click responses , open terminal worked, but the window froze at its place. starting gdm on the next attempt worked as expected. but it is tideous to login is user, enter password again for starting gdm and login once more as user.18:33
cariveriBlueShark: so, startx wasnt doing it ;)18:37
krytarikI believe they meant BlueEagle instead..18:38
cariverioh, I see. I just remembered Bluesomthing .. nevermind BlueShark18:38
BlueEaglecariveri: Hmm. There should be a config file in ~ that defines a default window manager, but I forget its name.18:39
cariveriBlueEagle: so, it was you about the startx from commandline ? cause it did not do the trick.18:39
BlueEaglecariveri: The box that I would usually do this on is currenlty disconnected, so I am not able to look it up for you.,18:40
cariveriBlueEagle: ok. for now I reverted the settings. I can get back to it another time.18:41
BlueEaglecariveri: .xinitrc18:42
BlueEaglecariveri: Keep in mind that my knowledge may be horribly outdated and that might no longer work.18:43
cariveriok, dont worry. a bigger problem occured an needs attention.18:43
cariveridesktop pc broke down, and booting to terminal was my one attempt to circumvent it. unfortuantely, that did not help much, the system freezes even before anything grapical. it might be the cpu that fails.18:45
cariveriThank you guys anyways!18:51
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Blade-RunnerI have removed seahorse, turned on and off automatic login and i still get a screen that wants authentication when i open chrome. How can i stop this?19:42
quadrathoch2Blade-Runner you need to look into basic-passwords or sth like that, sorry was way back when i last used chromium19:43
quadrathoch2it's a startup variable19:43
Blade-Runnerodd thing is, if i click cancel multiple times the request disappears19:44
Blade-Runneryou would think it would be either off or on, no disabling it by clicking cancel19:46
Blade-Runner ok, i'll keep looking, :/19:46
quadrathoch2Blade-Runner that's the command 'google-chrome --password-store=basic'19:47
Blade-Runnerok, so i get your saying its not ubuntu its chrome, ok19:48
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quadrathoch2Blade-Runner yes19:49
Blade-Runnerok, i kept looking for a ubuntu answer so i'll look at that thanks19:49
alnranyone know where is the setting to change the opactiy of the dock? in the UI. i think its in gconf-editor or gnome-tweaks but i cant find it. also now i inadvertantly changed a setting that moving the cursor to top-left corner shows a task chooser screen20:00
quadrathoch2alnr if you are using dconf it should be under /org/gnome/shell/ and then the specific extension20:03
alnrquadrathoch2, thanks, i had done it on UI somwhere - i remember choosing color from a palette and also sliding a slider for opacity20:13
quadrathoch2alnr i never had a ui for the ubuntu dock, but for the other extension called dash to dock20:14
alnryeah taht was part of it. it was either dconf, compiz, or gnome-wteak i think20:14
quadrathoch2gnome-tweaks, as it had a config menu20:15
alnrah got it, it was in gnome-tweaks, extensions, dash to dock, then gear icon20:16
quadrathoch2alnr yep :)20:17
alnrthen appearance :)20:17
alnrnow i have to find what a change to make cursor in the corner blast the task manager window20:18
alnrwhat i changed*20:18
quadrathoch2sorry can't help you with that20:18
kinghatanyone using sftp in a container? trying to play with atmoz/sftp and im wondering if i need to have the actual users on the host machine? i just want them to live in the container and write/read to their respective dirs in a mounted volume20:23
quadrathoch2kinghat, why would you need to have users on the host? the container doesn't even have permission to read that the users file20:25
kinghatwhy does it want to specify UID/GID if they are not users on the host as well?20:30
quadrathoch2kinghat where what oO? please explain more20:34
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quadrathoch2kinghat i still can't follow you. the page you linked, just gives you the options how you add users for the sftp container (so people can connect to it)20:41
kinghatisnt it telling you to map the local IDs to the container IDs per user?20:43
quadrathoch2no? kinghat20:43
quadrathoch2you can just define your own20:44
kinghatquadrathoch2: do you understand why they want rsa and ed25519 keys?20:57
quadrathoch2kinghat well because keys are more secure than passwords20:58
kinghatno i mean why both?20:58
quadrathoch2kinghat it's just an example, choose one20:59
kinghatquadrathoch2: can i pm or maybe theres a better channel for a couple more questions?21:11
quadrathoch2kinghat I'm pretty sure there is a better channel, as this is not really a ubuntu problem. maybe #docker? but not sure21:16
fluiDis there a way from the command line to see and edit who has admin privileges?21:50
GunArm_For some reason my (mostly) headless 18.04 server isn't outputting video properly21:52
GunArm_when I turn it on all the bios screens have video output and I see the grub menu and when Ubuntu is chosen, the screen goes black after that21:52
GunArm_when I unplug the vga cable and plug it back in, the monitor says it's detecting a connection, but the display is black21:53
GunArm_I can ssh in, which is the normal way I work with the machine, but if anyone has any ideas why hard video out stops working in ubuntu I'd appreciate any suggestions21:54
fluiDprobably a grub boot parameter to force the video move21:56
fluiDyou could try things like "vga-791"21:57
fluiDmodes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VESA_BIOS_Extensions#Linux_video_mode_numbers21:58
quadrathoch2I guess starting with nomodeset can also be an option21:58
GunArm_yeah I just saw a SO post talking about setting acpi=off21:58
GunArm_let me see what my grub line is currently.  I think it did require some modification early on because it needed some tweak to not do some SSD power saving mode that would lock up the environment21:58
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GunArm_are "linux" and "kernel" synonyms in the grub syntax?22:10
quadrathoch2i mean the kernel name is linux GunArm_ ;)22:11
GunArm_heh well yeah but I assume that is like some reserved keyword in grub config syntax, which everyone is calling "kernel" but on my system it's "linux"22:13
quadrathoch2GunArm_ in the grub config it should always be linux :/22:14
GunArm_oh, hm ok maybe I misunderstood what I was reading22:14
geoffoi'm strongly considering moving to ubuntu from macos, but my testing has been a bit odd. wondering if it's because of the hardware (2017 5k 27" iMac) or that's just the way it is.22:17
AnjorApple is flawed.22:18
geoffoi'm running at 5k and bumped fonts up to 1.25 using gnome-tweak-tool, but stuff is kinda weird. startup applications need to be restarted so they're scaled correctly.22:18
geoffoi got no sound over the headphone port either so probably just hardware issues22:19
quadrathoch2geoffo the sad point is, the newer the hardware, the more likely it won't work, as apple uses their own design in hardware22:20
geoffowell that makes me feel better about building my own pc and running ubuntu on that22:21
geoffooverall, the experience is pretty darn good, i must admit. just a few little quirks here and there22:21
quadrathoch2geoffo just make sure that your mainboard is not something exotic ;)22:22
geoffojust a boring old gigabyte z490 :)22:22
geoffonothing here _seems_ to exotic, but it has been nearly a decade since i did my own build so idk. https://newegg.io/9324cbc22:23
GunArm_this is where I saw it specified as "kernel" instead of linux.  doesn't really matter just saying22:24
geoffohearing that my problems are all because of the stupid apple hardware choices is making me feel better though :)22:24
quadrathoch2geoffo am I missing something? or do you want to buy 9 cpus oO? :D22:24
geoffonope, i'm good with just the one :-)22:25
quadrathoch2GunArm_ oh probably because most people don't associate linux with the kernel specifically22:26
quadrathoch2geoffo just saying as it listed 9 intel cpus22:26
geoffoodd. i just see the one on my side. says it's an i9, but just the one processor. i guess it's actually 10 because it's got 10 core? but what do i know, i've been an apple nerd for years22:27
quadrathoch2ahh, reloading the link gave me the correct list, I guess the only thing I would change would be the western digital disk, but not because of the linux support. they are just a s**** company22:27
quadrathoch2geoffo I guess are fine with the igpu?22:29
geoffoyeah, i don't do any gaming so as long as it can do web videos at 60fps or whatever, i'm happy22:29
geoffosometimes i'll fire up some stuff in VLC, but nothing that would demand a dedicated video card for sure22:29
geoffomost of my CPU is dedicated to "compiling" typescript... at least M-F 9-5 ;)22:30
quadrathoch2geoffo with that setup you shouldn't have any issues, as intel is well supported :)22:30
geoffothat is fantastic news22:31
geoffothe only thing i'm having doubts about is the 2-in-1 audio jack on that case. i've got high hopes that i'll be able to continue using my earbuds w/ mic, but i'm not counting on it22:31
geoffoi guess worst case, i get to explain to my wife why i need a fancy external mic ;)22:32
quadrathoch2geoffo wow that's the first time I see a pc case with a 2 in 1 jack :)22:34
quadrathoch2not the best time to need a mic (at least in my country)22:34
geoffothey're hard to come by apparently. i looked high and low for that one. i wanted a smaller case, but that is a really nice feature so... fingers crossed22:35
quadrathoch2everything bought out, so any mic costs like +$300 or something like that22:35
quadrathoch2geoffo that's why I use my phone to call around. there is a OBS plugin to take over the cam + mic from an iphone22:36
geoffo:-O i did not know that!!22:36
quadrathoch2now you know :)22:37
geoffomuch appreciated22:37
fradwhat voip could I use on a desktop environment to talk to an user on another desktop environment? I have closed in to telegram and element, but apparently element doesn't support voip. Do you run either telegram or element on ubuntu? what other voip would you recommend, if any?22:38
mefistofelesvoip is a very specific thing, are you sure you mean voip and not just voice calls? In that sense, I guess you can use software like mumble or discord (which is closed and has some privacy concerns)22:39
mefistofelesfrad: ↑22:39
fradI may mean voice calls. I just want to 'phone' with another person (that person being on a windows desktop, me being ubuntu)22:40
geoffoslack. microsoft teams. zoom. none great, but all free-ish22:40
geoffonever used M$ teams, but i use slack daily for work. zoom every month or so for big group meetings22:41
fraddo all of those apps work also with linux geoffo ?22:41
geoffoof course, if you're worried about privacy, ignore me :)22:41
geoffoi know slack and zoom have linux clients22:41
fradyes,I'm concerned about privacy22:41
mefistofelesteams as well22:42
mefistofelesif you are really concerned about privacy you could host your own jitsi meet or mumble server22:42
geoffosorry, can't speak to any privacy-centric voip solutions.22:42
mefistofelesbut it depends on how concerned you are22:42
geoffoindeed. setting up your own is pretty simple.22:42
quadrathoch2jitsi is nice for video calls22:43
fradi believe what I'm looking for is 'voice chat'22:43
mefistofelesjitsi works for audio-only calls as well, fwiw22:43
baldyas i know telegram is not end-2-end cryped22:43
fraddoes jitsi also work under windows?22:43
quadrathoch2ahh good to know22:43
mefistofelesfrad: yes22:43
fradlast time I tried using jutsi the app blocked while loading...22:44
quadrathoch2frad you can also just use the browser for jitsi22:45
fradquadrathoch2, can I voice chat from my browser?22:46
fradquadrathoch2, noob question: from a desktop?22:46
quadrathoch2i did it last time a while ago (was it like april oO?) so it should still work22:46
fradquadrathoch2, do I need to provide a phone number?22:48
quadrathoch2nope, it's just a link you share around22:49
raubHow can I find which disk is the 256G one being listed in https://paste.centos.org/view/652328fe as used for /dev (and some tmpfs)? Is it physical disk or memory?22:49
raububuntu 20 if anyoneis curious22:52
geoffomaybe check /etc/fstab see if anything specific is being mounted to those?22:53
fradquadrathoch2, my terminal opened a new menu: Configuring jitsi-videobridge2 / The value for the hostname that is set in Jitsi Videobridge installation. / The hostname of the current installation: do I have to write something here or leave it emtpy?22:54
quadrathoch2frad oh you want to setup your own jitsi server?22:55
fradquadrathoch2, I don't know, i just wanto voice chat22:56
quadrathoch2frad here you can test it in your browser https://meet.jit.si/22:57
fradquadrathoch2, is there any advantage using the installed desktop version to the browser one?23:00
quadrathoch2frad imho, not really23:00
GunArm_after you make some test edits in the grub menu entry editor, and press ctrl-X, it boots that test configuration you just made right?23:16
fradquadrathoch2, is jitse end to end encrypted?23:16
GunArm_have to ask because this person https://medium.com/@zhanghan177/server-boots-into-black-screen-after-upgrading-to-ubuntu-18-04-1b9f3a87ee60 says "Now after you made the modification, press Ctrl+X or F10 to reboot. After the reboot and inside the grub menu selection screen, select the entry" and I think that is not right?23:17
quadrathoch2yeah it's not rebooting, it's booting the edited version GunArm_23:17
GunArm_ok thanks for confirmation23:18
quadrathoch2frad if it's a 1on1 voip/video call yes23:18
fradwell, apparently it might suit the purpose. quadrathoch2 will you be here in 22 hours?23:20
quadrathoch2eh, idk :)23:20
quadrathoch2can't say for sure23:20
fradI might have to ask your advice again23:20
fradthanks, your tips were useful23:21
quadrathoch2frad no problem :)23:21
shibbolethi've got multiple smartcard-readers, only one of which i can get working with opensc-tools or pcscd/tools23:28
shibbolethlike, the axalto/gemalto cyberflex e-gate readers are supposed to be supported but i din exactly zero docs on this issue23:29

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