
RikMillsEickmeyer & @all : if possible, please test merged sddm in https://launchpad.net/~rikmills/+archive/ubuntu/sddm-merge14:52
RikMillsseems ok on kubuntu14:53
Eickmeyer[m]RikMills: I'll see what I can do, but it might be a while.15:44
RikMillslubuntu just reported it seems ok, so I may just upload at my EOD15:46
RikMillsif you can do an extra test before then, then great15:46
Eickmeyer[m]RikMills: If it works for Kubuntu then it should work for us. We use a slightly different sddm theme, but at the end of the day it's mostly symlinks to Breeze, so it should just work (tm).16:38
Eickmeyer[m]My hands are a bit tied today with stuff.16:38
RikMillsyeah, that is what I figured, but thought I would ask anyway17:32

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