
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
stickupkidachilleasa, bundle diff and charmhub charms https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1231812:40
achilleasastickupkid: so the charmAdaptor is in fact a BundleResolverFactoryFactoryInvoker ;-)12:58
stickupkidyeah, I think that charmAdaptor can die soon'ish12:58
stickupkidi'd rather model dependencies closer to where they're run, but it is what it is12:59
achilleasastickupkid: got some comments on ^^13:18
stickupkidachilleasa, done14:11
achilleasastickupkid: I am looking into store/charmadapter.go. Would it be possible to have two adaptors (one for V3+ and one for older API versions) and instantiate the appropriate one from the diff code where you already check the Charm API version?14:16
stickupkidachilleasa, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/12318 <-- updated16:22
stickupkidthat was fun...16:22
achilleasastickupkid: got 2 meetings back to back, can look again in ~1h16:27
stickupkidachilleasa, maybe16:27
stickupkidachilleasa, of course, i'll pick it up tomorrow morning16:27
=== gsamfira_ is now known as gsamfira

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