[03:05] Issue operator#450 opened: is_doomed() [09:08] morning [11:13] ¡Muy buenos días a todos! [11:14] Morning facubatista [11:14] hola bthomas [11:31] PR operator#451 opened: protect calls to juju-log from messages starting with dashes [14:15] * Chipaca takes a break [15:48] * facubatista -> lunch [16:16] * Chipaca refrains from setting things on fire [16:17] * Chipaca instead gets a cuppa [16:49] facubatista: charmcraft init --add-missing ? [16:50] Chipaca, --add-missing? what for? [16:52] facubatista: so it adds files that are missing but doesn't overwrite existing ones [16:59] Chipaca, with a log in warning like "not creating/writing foo because it's already there"? [16:59] Chipaca, I'm +1 to the idea, anyway [16:59] * facubatista -> bank [16:59] facubatista: sgtm [16:59] * Chipaca ⇝ not a bank [16:59] :-p [17:16] Heck. No easy way to change "forked from" on github. So I have to delete my github mongodb repo and re-create it. justinclark JoseMasson please note ^ service disruption for the next 5-10 mins. [17:21] justinclark: done https://github.com/canonical/mongodb-operator/pull/1 [17:21] PR mongodb-operator#1: Refactor [17:22] * bthomas takes a tea break [17:34] Thanks bthomas. Taking a look now. [17:35] * bthomas is back [17:36] justinclark: please keep in mind there is still small bits of work to be done like adding tests, socstrings, cleaning up comments, messages etc. Somethings I can do part of the review but for tests I will create a separate pull request. [17:40] bthomas: I added some comments about fstrings [17:40] thanks JoseMasson will gladly make all changes to keep you happy :-) [17:41] bthomas, noted. I think the most important thing is that there's a working charm that can be used by KubeCon people. Those other things can come later. [17:41] Nooo I love fstring, but Xenia don't :P [17:41] he, he [17:42] I like fstrings too. Sorry that slipped by. I wasn't focused on these things during the refactor. [17:42] thanks for pointing it out. [17:43] bthomas: If you want, you can copy this file to mongodb-operator repo in order to have CI in every PR and commit: https://github.com/canonical/graylog-operator/blob/main/.github/workflows/python-package.yml [17:44] JoseMasson: We should add you to charmcraft team so we can add you to reviews through github. Not sure how to go about it though. Perhaps ping jldev. Thanks for CI link. Will add it. If you don't mind please put it in a review comment so I can address all review comments together. [17:45] ack [17:46] JoseMasson: Lunch time! I'll be back in some minutes [18:03] ok peeps i'm stepping out [18:03] facubatista: @ me on mattermost for those reviews, if and when [18:03] if it's later than my 2300 i'll get to them tomorrow morning 🙂 [18:04] * bthomas presses his "off" button [18:27] * facubatista is back [21:25] Issue operator#452 opened: event.unit is None when using update_relation_data [22:17] Just made a PR for charmcraft force option. Feedback welcome === facubatista changed the topic of #smooth-operator to: general discussion of the operator framework || github.com/canonical/operator || ops 1.0.1 || charmcraft 0.6.1 [23:13] * facubatista eods now