
uberarchangel[m]Hi, so my sound card Asus Xonar DS does not seem to want to output sound properly. If I crank everything in alsa in the tray and on the external knob I get very distored playbak and it is not consistant and I can barely hear it01:53
OvenWerksuberarchangel[m]: a better description would help.06:26
OvenWerksuberarchangel[m]: which version of ubuntustudio are you using?06:27
OvenWerksuberarchangel[m]: crank everything? Is your audio interface internal or external?06:28
* OvenWerks was not aware of asus making anything like a (semi)pro audio device06:29
OvenWerksuberarchangel[m]: which applications are you using with the device06:31
OvenWerksIt looks like it is a PCI card06:31
OvenWerksdo you know which kernal module it loads?06:32
OvenWerksin a terminal run: lsmod |pastebinit06:33
OvenWerkspaste the url it puts out here06:34
OvenWerksalso in a terminal: cd /tmp && wget https://community.ardour.org/files/adevices.sh && bash ./adevices.sh |pastebinit06:37
OvenWerksthat should be all _one_ line06:37
OvenWerksagain put the url here06:37
OvenWerksnote that I am not likely to be here more than a few hours06:38
rghgot a bug on lubuntu 20.10 (fresh install)11:37
* rgh sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/xnabhggORjOEOJGHwmDPQiBD/message.txt >11:37
Eickmeyer[m]rgh: Yeah, that has to do with a bug in libffi. There's literally nothing we can do about it, it's not a bug in studio-controls.15:23
rghEickmeyer: does that mean I can't install controls?16:03
Eickmeyer[m]rgh: That's an OvenWerks question. Did you install it via ubuntustudio-installer?16:06
rghI think via apt16:07
rghBut u installed now16:07
Eickmeyer[m]No, did you install ubuntustudio-installer first? It should pull it in.16:07
rghNo I first installed controls and then I thought. Wait! The usinstaller!16:08
OvenWerksrgh: di you run all the upgrades?16:08
rghOh that's a good one16:09
OvenWerksThe iso install may have the broken version of libffi but updating may fix it16:09
rghThat would make sense16:09
OvenWerksI am sure there are people running it where it was broken and then started working16:09
rghWell, kernel gets an update16:10
OvenWerksas always16:10
rghI'm on lubuntu btw. Coz netbook16:11
* OvenWerks is off to breakfast16:11
Eickmeyer[m]Understandable, but there's a reason ubuntustudio-installer exists. :)16:11
Eickmeyer[m]It's mentioned on the front page of ubuntustudio.org16:11
rghOfc I ran in the classic : download wifi drivers to enable internet...16:12
rghYes. But. Wait.16:12
rghOh god. It's gonna build kernel modules now16:13
rgh_day 36 : rob is still updating his netbook__16:14
Eickmeyer[m]HAHAHA rgh16:16
Eickmeyer[m]Netbook compilations. Big yikes.16:17
rghI'm actually gonna use this for coding too16:18
Eickmeyer[m]Just don't use it to compile ardour. You'll be sitting there for days.16:18
rghI did that on a Compaq Mini16:26
rghOvenWerks: same error16:30
rghhow to check which libffi I have ?16:31
rghoh it's libffi8ubuntu116:35
david65Hi, I have a hardware question relating to using Ubuntu Studio & I'm hoping someone can give me some advice on it19:16
corrinado[m]david65: What's going on?19:30
david65Ah, So specifically-I'm going to set up a high end laptop with U Studio for my wife. She is a performing musician: records audio tracks, makes music videos, does livestream to FB etc...also she does audio and video editing. I'm looking at integrated graphics vs nvida19:35
david65....I've no knowledge about nvida....is it better to use a nvida graphics systems versus intel integrated for better performance?19:36
tomreyndavid65: intel integrated graphics chipsets are low performance, good enough for office work but that's it.19:38
tomreyndavid65: there are also amd integrated graphics, which are a good bit more performant than intels, but still not suitable for professional video editing.19:39
Prikkebeen[m]<Eickmeyer[m] "Prikkebeen: It's a known bug wit"> ok thanks !19:40
david65Ah, ok. So...while I'm very comfortable with Linux-I've no knowlwdge of Nvida & there are alot of Nvida to decide from. Can or would y'all recommend a certain kind of Nvida?19:40
tomreyndavid65: for that, you'll need to use a dedicated graphics card, which is available from both amd and nvidia. nvidias can only ber properly (performance) run with their proprietary drivers. for amd graphics chipsets, whether integrated or dedicated, there are open source drivers which provide good performance.19:41
david65OK, great. I'll start looking at Nvida with dedicated cards. I've used AMD in the past and it didn't work well for me.19:43
david65Thanks! (y)19:43
tomreynpersonaly i'd definitely prefer amd due to their open source drivers, but others say that nvidia is the only thing you should go for. i disagree, unless you depend on graphics computation through their proprietary api19:43
tomreynAMD has introduced a new open source driver some years ago, amdgpu, which is used for their current hardware. previously, they had fglrx, a proprietary driver, and there was also radeon, an open source driver.19:46
david65Ok, I'll re-look AMD. my previous negative experience with it was likely user-error. Thanks for the advice & I'm sure I'll be learning a lot about using U Studio for music production very soon!=D19:50
OvenWerksrgh: you could just comment out those two lines in sudio-controls (and maybe autojack as well)21:48

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