
ubptgbot<dohbee> @kokonutti [Is touch even capable of running desktop software?], Libertine is for legacy app usage00:05
ubptgbot<kokonutti> So in shorty00:20
ubptgbot<kokonutti> [Edit] So in short, there's no way to use it as a touch enabled desktop?00:21
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Or does libertine allow for regular C00:21
ubptgbot<kokonutti> [Edit] Or does libertine allow for regular access for apt repositories?00:22
ubptgbot<kokonutti> The only thing that I seek is a Linux for this device that supports the hardware well00:22
ubptgbot<dohbee> @kokonutti [Or does libertine allow for regular access for apt repositories?], It's a container to install and run legacy or CLI apps in00:24
ubptgbot<dohbee> @kokonutti [The only thing that I seek is a Linux for this device that supports the hardware …], Phones and tablets are not PCs, and trying to treat them directly as such will definitely lead to disappointment00:25
ubptgbot<hacker12455> @kokonutti [The only thing that I seek is a Linux for this device that supports the hardware …], You could try running regular ubuntu or pmOS with the mainline kernel but that is not the scope of this group00:37
ubptgbot<mateosalta> @Fuseteam [Not sure morph has an feature to support self signed certs yet, but it is in the …], Sure, just a flag away I think02:07
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @mateosalta [Sure, just a flag away I think], as is everything xD03:01
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @kokonutti [Is touch even capable of running desktop software?], ubuntu touch has a 2GB readonly rootfs to make sure things work reliably and due to mobile limitations … as already mentioned for desktop software there is libertine … you can think of libertine as a box to put "desktop software"  … gui software installed in there are launc03:08
ubptgbothable through;the drawer as normal and with the proper bind mounts has access to the home directory … major caveats will be that the gui is not suited for small touch screens ;)03:08
ubptgbotNeyar Nishanth was added by: Neyar Nishanth04:58
ubptgbot<Neyar Nishanth> Can I get an iso file of Ubuntu Touch05:00
ubptgbot<Neyar Nishanth> Pls reply soon05:01
ubptgbot<Coolomatics> Hi, there is no iso. You use the installer to bring it to supported smartphones.05:41
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> I hear the Volla Phone supports multi-boot via SD card. Does it allow for example UT on the eMMC and the customised AOSP OS on the SD card?05:58
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> And, has anyone successfully had it imported to the USA or Canada?06:00
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> [Edit] I hear the Volla Phone supports multi-boot via SD card. Does it allow for example UT on the eMMC and the customised AOSP OS (aka Volla OS) on the SD card?06:01
ubptgbotAbhi Singh was added by: Abhi Singh07:16
ubptgbot<Abhi Singh> CAN I USE Ubports On redmi note 8 pro07:17
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Abhi Singh [CAN I USE Ubports On redmi note 8 pro], Please see list of supported devices: https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/07:20
ubptgbot<Abhi Singh> @Flohack [Please see list of supported devices: https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/], Ok thanks but my One is not available07:22
ubptgbot<Abhi Singh> Can it be develop futher for other devices07:26
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @Flohack [Please see list of supported devices: https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/], I think we need a faq for newcomers07:40
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @Flohack [Please see list of supported devices: https://devices.ubuntu-touch.io/], [Edit] I think we need a faq for new comers07:40
ubptgbot<Flohack> @ItsMeShouko [I think we need a faq for new comers], Yes but where to put it? =) We can pin here, but still people will ask I think.07:43
ubptgbot<Flohack> The link to devices page is on the homepage, what eslse can we do07:43
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @Flohack [Yes but where to put it? =) We can pin here, but still people will ask I think.], We can use a bot that can display a link for FAQ when a new user joins the group07:48
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> It can look a bit spammy07:48
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @Fuseteam [ubuntu touch has a 2GB readonly rootfs to make sure things work reliably and due …], Thanks a lot! To all of you. The nexus 7 2013 has 7" fhd display so even older apps should behave07:51
ubptgbot<boriseto> Hmph, I was going to suggest to make the bot to pm the new user, but I think it isn't allowed in telegram. I'll check if there is a way to filter those messages out for "old" users (ps you are not old, just veeery experienced)07:52
ubptgbot<kokonutti> 607:56
ubptgbot<Flohack> @boriseto [Hmph, I was going to suggest to make the bot to pm the new user, but I think it …], A group is a group you cannot just display messages for one guy07:58
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @Fuseteam [ubuntu touch has a 2GB readonly rootfs to make sure things work reliably and due …], And I plan to use it with a Bluetooth keyboard and touch as a mouse replacement08:00
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Mostly going to be just remote managing my home environment from that instead of carrying a laptop with me when I don't have to08:01
ubptgbot<X YZ> @TartanSpartan [I hear the Volla Phone supports multi-boot via SD card. Does it allow for exampl …], VollaOs on the phone and UT or SFOS on sd.08:04
ubptgbot<kokonutti> quick question08:11
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I have TWRP on the device08:11
ubptgbot<kokonutti> will it be replaced but ubuntu touch?08:11
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I have a modified (enlarged) partitiontable too08:11
ubptgbot<kokonutti> should I return the fstab to stock before installing?08:12
ubptgbot<kokonutti> or does ubports installer just deal with it?08:12
ubptgbot<Danfro> @kokonutti [should I return the fstab to stock before installing?], From what I know you need to restore stock partition sizes before running the installer.08:13
ubptgbot<kokonutti> (I know this is assuming a lot, such as that someone even has n7 flo at hand)08:13
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @Danfro [From what I know you need to restore stock partition sizes before running the in …], okay08:13
ubptgbot<kokonutti> does this install affect twrp?08:14
ubptgbot<Danfro> I remember errors because of not matching partition sizes for other devices.08:14
ubptgbot<kokonutti> okay08:14
ubptgbot<kokonutti> luckily it's a simple ish script to do08:15
ubptgbot<Flohack> @kokonutti [does this install affect twrp?], Yes we will install our own recovery, since updates are flashed by a special script in recovery mode08:15
ubptgbot<kokonutti> can  someone do a quick rundown on how to use libertine?08:15
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @Flohack [Yes we will install our own recovery, since updates are flashed by a special scr …], okay08:15
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I assume it is fixed as easily as just flashing twrp back and wiping partitions?08:16
ubptgbot<kokonutti> if i wanna return back to regular androids at some point08:16
ubptgbot<kokonutti> or for some reason ub touch is not what i need08:16
ubptgbot<kokonutti> been loking at pmos too08:16
ubptgbot<kokonutti> but it doesn't support bluetooth08:16
ubptgbot<Flohack> @kokonutti [I assume it is fixed as easily as just flashing twrp back and wiping partitions?], Yes08:17
ubptgbot<Danfro> @kokonutti [can  someone do a quick rundown on how to use libertine?], http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/libertine.html08:17
ubptgbot<kokonutti> tjank you!!!!!08:17
ubptgbot<Flohack> You might want to clear partitions however, to reduce space usage of the respective other OS you are wiping. Android and UT dont use the same storage concept, so they will report both occupied space that cannot be freed08:17
ubptgbot<kokonutti> so in TWRP, just wipe everything?08:18
ubptgbot<kokonutti> uuuuf08:31
ubptgbot<kokonutti> is there any other way to install it than from ubuntu?08:31
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I don't have a ubuntu install at hand08:32
ubptgbot<kokonutti> debian!08:32
ubptgbot<kokonutti> or can I somehow get the instaler to run on arch08:32
ubptgbot<Flohack> Installer works on many OSes08:34
ubptgbot<kokonutti> yeah apparently08:34
ubptgbot<kokonutti> sorry for not reading website first08:34
ubptgbot<kokonutti> the cli tool seems to no longer work08:34
ubptgbot<Flohack> No, dont use this for production ;)08:34
ubptgbot<kokonutti> right08:42
ubptgbot<kokonutti> got the appimage to work08:42
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I assume the flashing step takes a while?08:43
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Udev rules failed08:44
ubptgbot<Flohack> @kokonutti [Udev rules failed], Yes need to be set manually sorry08:44
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Which ones?08:45
ubptgbot<kokonutti> It's not very verbose😅08:45
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Some usual adb udev issues08:45
ubptgbot<kokonutti> ?08:45
ubptgbot<Flohack> Try that maybe08:46
ubptgbot<Flohack> Fwd from Flohack: See that answer with 42 upvotes: https://askubuntu.com/questions/461729/ubuntu-is-not-detecting-my-android-device08:46
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Thank you08:53
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I haven't had udev issues before so this was confusing08:53
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Tidigare adb devices just worked08:53
ubptgbot<kokonutti> [Edit] Previously adb devices just worked08:53
ubptgbot<Flohack> Hmm AppImage might have issues, yesterday a user reported the same. Snap was working then08:54
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Okay08:56
ubptgbot<kokonutti> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/TxAxRWNj.png It's booting08:57
ubptgbotDoggoWithHat was added by: DoggoWithHat08:57
ubptgbot<kokonutti> And once that's done and validated I tell the result to the app?08:57
ubptgbot<kokonutti> is there any way to change the terminal user=09:07
ubptgbot<kokonutti> [Edit] is there any way to change the terminal user?09:07
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I don't wanna be phablet : D09:07
ubptgbot<kokonutti> terminal tells me it only allows 2 users09:08
ubptgbot<kokonutti> and delepting phablet breaks everything?09:08
ubptgbot<kokonutti> or is that done in libertine?09:09
ubptgbot<fredldotme> There is no valid reason to change the phablet user to something else. The system expects phablet to be there.09:09
ubptgbot<kokonutti> yes I understand that09:09
ubptgbot<kokonutti> but is there way to make additional users09:09
ubptgbot<kokonutti> shell leads me to believe it's impossible09:10
ubptgbot<fredldotme> Even if you added a user, it's very likely they will disappear after an upgrade. And they won't have writable home.09:11
ubptgbot<kokonutti> i only need an username09:11
ubptgbot<kokonutti> to make my remote management easier09:11
ubptgbot<NotKit> @Flohack [Yes but where to put it? =) We can pin here, but still people will ask I think.], I think it's still useful to have written answers for questions "why can't we just support a device X and what does a port require"09:11
ubptgbot<kokonutti> ssh my.domain = easy09:11
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I know I am whining09:11
ubptgbot<kokonutti> but is there really no way?09:12
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I can set up a script somewhere to add the user09:12
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @kokonutti [I know I am whining], make an ssh config with phablet as the authentication user on your management PC first.09:12
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I know09:12
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @kokonutti [I know I am whining], [Edit] make an ssh config with phablet as the authentication user on your management PC instead.09:12
ubptgbot<NotKit> can't you use SSH config to set up... Yes09:12
ubptgbot<NotKit> no, I mean to have SSH config on phone with correct username for server set09:12
ubptgbot<kokonutti> what happens if i use apt?09:12
ubptgbot<kokonutti> everything dies every update?09:13
ubptgbot<kokonutti> as apt seems to exist09:13
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @kokonutti [everything dies every update?], there's potential, yes. We don't use apt to install software of upgrade the system09:13
ubptgbot<NotKit> not every, but your changes may get overwritten09:13
ubptgbot<fredldotme> we use image-based concepts instead09:13
ubptgbot<kokonutti> that I know09:13
ubptgbot<kokonutti> yeah09:13
ubptgbot<kokonutti> because android bs09:13
ubptgbot<kokonutti> yes09:13
ubptgbot<kokonutti> but it should not overwrite /home/phablet?09:13
ubptgbot<kokonutti> or is there a safe store I can put my configs to=?09:14
ubptgbot<kokonutti> okay09:14
ubptgbot<kokonutti> so if i apt install firefox?09:14
ubptgbot<kokonutti> it works09:14
ubptgbot<kokonutti> and my config lives after updates?09:15
ubptgbot<NotKit> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10197559/ssh-configuration-override-the-default-username#10197697 just in case09:15
ubptgbot<kokonutti> thänc09:15
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I have sofar had no issues with unchangeable usernames09:16
ubptgbot<kokonutti> but that is helptufl09:16
ubptgbot<kokonutti> is there any way to get even firefox?09:19
ubptgbot<fredldotme> Only in Libertine, and that won't be optimized for touch09:22
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I don't much care for optimisation for touch09:23
ubptgbot<kokonutti> i care for manageable size, linux and good battery09:23
ubptgbot<kokonutti> and this fits the bill with support for all radios09:23
ubptgbot<kokonutti> and apparently usb too09:23
ubptgbot<fredldotme> Yeah, battery will die sooner since it's not utilizing the GPU for rendering.09:23
ubptgbot<DINE6> @kokonutti [<reply to media>], Friend … Can you tell me this mobile brand name or model09:24
ubptgbot<kokonutti> nexus 7 flo09:24
ubptgbot<DINE6> Ok friend09:25
ubptgbot<kokonutti> libertine says no candidate for firefox09:25
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I guess this is arm32 and ain't noone porting ff to that09:25
ubptgbot<NotKit> do you need virtual keyboard in Firefox?09:25
ubptgbot<kokonutti> no09:25
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I have a bluetooth one with a mouse09:25
ubptgbot<kokonutti> https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/accessories-and-monitors/keyboards-and-mice/keyboards/KBD-BO-TrackPoint-KBD-US-English/p/4Y40X4949309:26
ubptgbot<kokonutti> this09:26
ubptgbot<kokonutti> no vim in libertine?09:34
ubptgbot<kokonutti> or do I need to do additional stuff to get libertine searching things?09:35
ubptgbot<kokonutti> it seems to find nothing at all09:35
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Could arm32 be a problem?09:35
ubptgbot<YougoChats> @kokonutti [Could arm32 be a problem?], maybe there just isn't an install candidate for this architecture. … You can see if you can find a suitable .deb elsewhere, put it in your Downloads folder and select that from the libertine menu09:40
ubptgbot<YougoChats> dependency hell at your risk of course09:41
ubptgbot<kokonutti> hmm09:41
ubptgbot<kokonutti> this os would be the perfect base09:41
ubptgbot<kokonutti> but seems my device is just too old09:41
ubptgbot<kokonutti> uhhhh09:41
ubptgbot<kokonutti> does it support incoming ssh -X?09:42
ubptgbot<NotKit> you mean connecting to device and starting device apps on PC?09:47
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Yes09:48
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I am afraid my arm32 is the issue09:48
ubptgbot<kokonutti> What a shame09:48
ubptgbot<Jim Katsanos> Is there any building group for ub?09:49
ubptgbot<kokonutti> How the heck do I get vim09:50
ubptgbot<kokonutti> There's already nano09:50
ubptgbot<kokonutti> There isn't gcc or any build tools09:50
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Can't compile from source09:50
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Ääää09:50
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I am probably not the intended user for this 😅09:51
ubptgbot<YougoChats> i managed to install and run some stuff for Rpi in libertine. maybe look there09:52
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Okay09:52
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Rpi is 6409:52
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I guess this'll be a fancy ssh box09:53
ubptgbot<YougoChats> if it runs it runs?09:53
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Yeah but arm32 uses different assembly09:53
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Apps made for arm64 can't run on 32 it09:53
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Or do you also have n7flo?09:53
ubptgbot<YougoChats> no, Fairphone2, OnePlus one, BQ M1009:54
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Hmmmm09:54
ubptgbot<YougoChats> i in stalled armhf debs09:55
ubptgbot<YougoChats> [Edit] i installed armhf debs09:55
ubptgbot<YougoChats> try in separate container, if it breaks, no harm right?09:56
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Ye09:58
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Bluetooth isn't working09:58
ubptgbot<kokonutti> (was testing with USB kbd)09:58
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Maybe I'll go back to android for this particular tablet09:59
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Lineage+fdroid had me all I needed09:59
ubptgbot<X YZ> How would i in ut protect myself from tracking, fingerprinting, cookies etc while browsing the internet?  … Are addons like on pc/ff available/ necessary? … How about changing dns and ad-blocking? 🤔 … Am willing to read all relevant docs if somebody could please point me to them ... … Thanks! 😀👍10:05
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @kokonutti [no vim in libertine?], have you tried apt update in libertine?10:06
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @kokonutti [does it support incoming ssh -X?], yes it does10:06
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> are you sure you are in libertine?10:07
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @X YZ [How would i in ut protect myself from tracking, fingerprinting, cookies etc whil …], for ad blocking there uadblock in the store10:08
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> add-on/extensions aren't supported yet and dns can be persistently be changed yet10:10
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @Fuseteam [are you sure you are in libertine?], I have no how to set it up 😅10:31
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Can I get a dummy explanation10:32
ubptgbot<kokonutti> There was the libertine menu in settings10:32
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I created one there10:32
ubptgbot<kokonutti> That's all I've done10:32
ubptgbot<kokonutti> It didn't find packages10:32
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Or can someone at least point me to documentation10:33
ubptgbot<X YZ> @Fuseteam [add-on/extensions aren't supported yet and dns can be persistently be changed ye …], Does this mean that my privacy on the internet is better protected using Android and browsers (FF, Tor, ...) with correctly configured add-ons (not to mention Ubuntu on PC) than using UT / Morph? 😳10:52
ubptgbot<Tafitson> @kokonutti [Or can someone at least point me to documentation], http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/libertine.html10:52
ubptgbotimaximmoscow was added by: imaximmoscow11:01
ubptgbotrichter Herman was added by: richter Herman11:05
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @X YZ [Does this mean that my privacy on the internet is better protected using Android …], FWIW there is a Tor browser in the OpenStore11:07
ubptgbot<X YZ> @fredldotme [FWIW there is a Tor browser in the OpenStore], Thanks, good to know, will take a look and try it ... 👍11:10
ubptgbot<Flohack> @X YZ [Does this mean that my privacy on the internet is better protected using Android …], You can open private tabs in Morph, and there is a very hackish solution for blocking ads by dns redirection, but other than that there is not much yes. Write a petition to Mozilla so that we can embed their browser, but its very unlikely they even11:12
ubptgbot respond ;)11:12
ubptgbot<Flohack> Idk how well the tor browser works tbh11:13
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @Tafitson [http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/libertine.html], Thank you11:14
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Is there anything that can be done to get Bluetooth working?11:14
ubptgbot<kokonutti> It would make my setup perfect11:14
ubptgbot<X YZ> @Flohack [You can open private tabs in Morph, and there is a very hackish solution for blo …], Mozilla does not let UT embed FF? Shame on them ... 😳11:16
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @X YZ [Does this mean that my privacy on the internet is better protected using Android …], hmm would say depends on what you mean with protecting your privacy11:17
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @X YZ [Mozilla does not let UT embed FF? Shame on them ... 😳], its fairly difficult compared to chromium yes11:18
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @kokonutti [Is there anything that can be done to get Bluetooth working?], for your bt keyboard?11:19
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @Fuseteam [for your bt keyboard?], Yes11:19
ubptgbot<kokonutti> The usb works but it's clunky11:20
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Bluetooth doesn't seem to work at all currently11:20
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I installed the edge build on the installer11:20
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Can I use apt in libertine?11:21
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> it should work but i don't have o— ohw i wouldn't install edge11:21
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Okay11:21
ubptgbot<kokonutti> So mainline would probably work?11:21
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Or the default whatever11:22
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> edge is the developer sandbox, things break often there11:22
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Ah11:22
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Okay11:22
ubptgbot<kokonutti> What steps should I take to reinstall the different versions?11:22
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Go to bootloader and repeat install process with the app?11:23
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> you can switch through system settings iirc11:23
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Okay11:24
ubptgbot<kokonutti> And then it's just a matter of system update?11:24
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @kokonutti [Can I use apt in libertine?], ohw and yes you can, no sudo tho; its an unprivileged container11:24
ubptgbot<kokonutti> No way to elevate privilege?11:24
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Or do I just install debs with the installer on gui?11:25
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @kokonutti [And then it's just a matter of system update?], yes just go to update settings and switch channel11:25
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Because for some reason the system libertine search did not find anything11:25
ubptgbot<X YZ> @Fuseteam [hmm would say depends on what you mean with protecting your privacy], Preventing advertisements, making sure no third party knows who I am and which websites I visit and what links I follow, protecting IDs and passwords entered to access online-accounts, ... the usual stuff.11:25
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @kokonutti [No way to elevate privilege?], you can get a root shell fwiw11:25
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Okay so # apt install xyz works?11:26
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> but libertine has its own tool to use apt to install inside the container as well11:26
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Okay11:26
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> yes11:26
ubptgbot<kokonutti> How do I enter libertine with the system term?11:26
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Can't?11:26
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @kokonutti [Because for some reason the system libertine search did not find anything], yeah the search is broken iirc :x11:27
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Play911:27
ubptgbot<kokonutti> [Edit] Okay11:27
ubptgbot<kokonutti> How do I get a shell into the container?11:27
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> you can yes, check the shell access section of the docs11:27
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> i forgot the command11:27
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Sorry11:27
ubptgbot<kokonutti> It's right there xd11:28
ubptgbot<kokonutti> If I install a different shell via that shell, will it show up in the app menu?11:28
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Like gnome term or something11:29
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> i recommend setting up the container of ssh btw, it take a while, so the process needs to finish before you can do stuff11:29
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @Fuseteam [i recommend setting up the container of ssh btw, it take a while, so the process …], Hmm?11:29
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Is it in the same doc as all the libertine stuff?11:29
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> yes gnome term is installable and will show up but uh it might not launch haha11:30
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Also, do I need to add some sources to the app store, didn't seem to find telegram there11:30
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @Fuseteam [yes gnome term is installable and will show up but uh it might not launch haha], Any terminal?11:30
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Even xterm11:30
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> teleports is the telegram client11:30
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Ah11:30
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] teleports is our telegram client11:30
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> i haven't tried xterm11:30
ubptgbot<kokonutti> How about element.io?11:30
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Matrix client11:31
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> fluffychat i would say11:31
ubptgbot<kokonutti> It's available for mainline Ubuntu11:31
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @Fuseteam [fluffychat i would say], Okay11:31
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> but development on that has slown down recently11:31
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Right11:31
ubptgbot<kokonutti> If I install desktop software via container, how many things break?11:31
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I have access to mouse and keyboard11:32
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Does it support a pointer?11:32
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> element is also an electron app hmmmm11:32
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Because in an optimal world I only use the underlying hw Ubuntu provides and replace everything else11:33
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Or at least have the option of turning it into a useful desktop when I need one11:34
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Like is there a way to get to tty and init x on a different one11:35
ubptgbot<kokonutti> As the regular terminal's apt is disabled for a reason11:35
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Can it be forked?11:36
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I understand that the update process is very different due to aneroid limitations11:36
ubptgbot<kokonutti> So is that what locks it down so much?11:37
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Because imagine a tablet with i3wm and desktop software11:37
ubptgbot<kokonutti> AND touch11:37
ubptgbot<kokonutti> It requires a specific bootloader and kernel yes?11:38
ubptgbot<X YZ> @kokonutti [Because imagine a tablet with i3wm and desktop software], Sounds like pinetab to me...11:38
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Some blobs to get radios working?11:38
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I could start building my own frolnthisb11:39
ubptgbot<kokonutti> [Edit] I could start building my own from this11:39
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @X YZ [Sounds like pinetab to me...], I have this11:39
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Am too poor to buy new hw11:39
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Would love to give new life to this one11:40
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Postmarket guys haven't gotten Bluetooth or battery management working11:40
ubptgbot<kokonutti> So that's out of the question11:40
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Because this project is doing amazing with the hw support11:43
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Is three any conceivable way to get apt working natively?11:43
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I am willing to deal with updates making me have to fix everything11:44
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Is there a development chat I can go pester?11:45
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I feel like this is fairly off topic for tho group11:45
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @dohbee [like, you could probably take atom or vscode, and write a qml wrapper to load th …], wow this is 2 years ago now11:46
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @kokonutti [So is that what locks it down so much?], so it's not really "locked down" it's just apt works in way that would make it more likely to break the system (the system in general not the current system)11:48
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> ask yourself this: "why does apt require sudo?"11:49
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> the answer is because it wants to dump the folder structure into the rootfs, and that it. on ubuntu touch this rootfs is readonly11:50
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> and due to cache limitation the rootfs is only 2GB which doesn't leave much room to install stuff even if you remount rootfs as readwrite11:51
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> that's why libertine was created11:52
ubptgbot<Flohack> @kokonutti [Is three any conceivable way to get apt working natively?], Not with the current ideas and philosophies. Everything is read only except the home folder of phablet and the install dir for apps. And system settings. Basically then we can do image-based upgrades, as every user will be on the exact same version of the rootfs11:53
ubptgbot<Flohack> Which means we can also apply deltas11:53
ubptgbot<Flohack> Thats really hard if people mess with apt11:53
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> there are ways to make part of `/` readwrite at some point it would render the benefits of a readwrite rootfs moot11:54
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> benefits of the a readonly rootfs include: … less wear on the flash storage … easy recovery … better reproducibility of bugs … and as mentioned by florian: delta updates and better maintainence across different devices.11:56
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> i've been using ut with a readwrite rootfs for a while and what i can really appreciate of this image based system is the easy reset, without data loss11:58
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> i cannot count the ammount of times i have essentially reinstalled ut using ut without lossing any of my apps or files11:59
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] i cannot count the ammount of times i have essentially reinstalled ut using ut without losing any of my apps or files11:59
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] i cannot count the amount of times i have essentially reinstalled ut using ut without losing any of my apps or files12:01
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> sans my apt installed apps i'm kinda looking into a way around losing those, getting close hehe12:02
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] sans my apt installed apps i'm kinda looking into a way to avoid losing those, getting close hehe(spoiler it involves not using apt)12:06
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] sans my apt installed apps, i'm kinda looking into a way to avoid losing those; getting close hehe(spoiler it involves **not** using apt)12:06
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] sans my apt installed apps, i'm kinda looking into a way to avoid losing those; getting close hehe (spoiler it involves **not** using apt)12:06
ubptgbot<Mister_Tails121> Does anyone know if there is an emulator for old (and new) versions of UT?12:07
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Mister_Tails121 [Does anyone know if there is an emulator for old (and new) versions of UT?], Not really, no12:10
ubptgbot<Mister_Tails121> @Flohack [Not really, no], Uuuuu .... Sad ... It would be nice to have an emulator or iso image for VirtualBox12:11
ubptgbot<Flohack> Well without a real hardware below its not much difference to a traditional desktop, so its questionable whats the benefit12:12
ubptgbotAmit Mishra was added by: Amit Mishra12:15
ubptgbot<impreza233> @NotKit [non-MediaTek Xiaomi often as well], My tucana has Android 9 GPL but not 10 GPL12:28
ubptgbot<Heng Ye> Will it be possible to have encrypted /home?13:50
ubptgbot<TartanSpartan> @X YZ [VollaOs on the phone and UT or SFOS on sd.], What about the reverse?14:29
ubptgbot<NotKit> @impreza233 [My tucana has Android 9 GPL but not 10 GPL], we care about Android 9 kernel anyway so far14:29
ubptgbot<impreza233> @NotKit [we care about Android 9 kernel anyway so far], But, the five cameras? How could be integrated?14:35
ubptgbot<NotKit> I don't know how is it implemented in Android, which part is done by HAL and which is by camera software14:35
ubptgbot<Flohack> @impreza233 [But, the five cameras? How could be integrated?], It could be that we only 1 camera to life, for example. The more parts are done in higher levels the less we can easily migrate this to UT.14:37
ubptgbot<zoomer296> Hey, this reply comes very late but you can do what @TacoBarz said, or you can buy a PinePhone. … The PinePhone may serve you better if you're an enthusiast14:37
ubptgbot<zoomer296> @Руслан [Unfortunately, no. 😞], Hey, this reply comes very late but you can do what @TacoBarz said, or you can buy a PinePhone. … The PinePhone may serve you better if you're an enthusiast.14:40
ubptgbot<zoomer296> @Руслан [Unfortunately, no. 😞], [Edit] Hey, this reply comes very late but you can do what @TacoBarz said, or you can look at the PinePhone. … The PinePhone may serve you better if you're an enthusiast.14:40
ubptgbot<X YZ> @TartanSpartan [What about the reverse?], As far as I know ABM only supports dual-booting of UT or SFOS from SD with VollaOS on the phone. … But sometimes the devs are here and can tell you more, or you join them at https://t.me/andbootmgr14:44
ubptgbot<impreza233> @NotKit [I don't know how is it implemented in Android, which part is done by HAL and whi …], I will have to investigate it. In fact, OpenCamera on Android only recognizes the main 108 MP camera, and not at full resolution, only binned14:48
ubptgbot<impreza233> @Flohack [It could be that we only 1 camera to life, for example. The more parts are done …], So the Xiaomi bits, for example, would not work in Halium, I guess14:48
ubptgbot<NotKit> yes, especially if those are part of vendor app and do not work in 3rd party Camera apps14:50
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @Fuseteam [and due to cache limitation the rootfs is only 2GB which doesn't leave much room …], Sjjjj15:58
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @Fuseteam [and due to cache limitation the rootfs is only 2GB which doesn't leave much room …], [Edit] Ahh15:58
ubptgbot<kokonutti> So libertine can be used in a useful way?15:59
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes it can15:59
ubptgbot<kokonutti> It's basically a chroot with useful extras15:59
ubptgbot<kokonutti> It just seems cumbersome to setup16:00
ubptgbot<dohbee> it is an unprivileged container for running legacy applications, yes16:00
ubptgbot<dohbee> it is an incomplete and experimental feature, yes16:00
ubptgbot<dohbee> so it still has some bumpy edges16:00
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Right16:00
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Can it get me my armhf Firefox and  other armhf debs running?16:00
ubptgbot<kokonutti> So that they appear in my usual ui?16:01
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Without gigantic pain?16:01
ubptgbot<kokonutti> And is the UI how bound to the system?16:02
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Does it use systemd?16:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes, firefox is installable, though not sure why you need it specifically to connect to an internal web server to control home automation. does the host browser not work?16:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> no it doesn't use systemd16:02
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Initrc?16:02
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Can I get to tty1?16:02
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Or other tty:s16:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> and you ask too many questions too quickly for people to give you useful responses, particularly with so many irrelevant comments and questions thrown in16:03
ubptgbot<dohbee> @kokonutti [Initrc?], no, it uses upstart16:03
ubptgbot<dohbee> @kokonutti [Can I get to tty1?], no, phones are not PCs16:03
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @dohbee [and you ask too many questions too quickly for people to give you useful respons …], I know16:03
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @dohbee [no, phones are not PCs], Right16:03
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I am sorry16:05
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I am probably trying to create something ub touch wasn't made to do16:05
ubptgbot<kokonutti> The reason it for me interested is the successful access to all hw16:06
ubptgbot<dohbee> because it's using old android kernel with android HAL and libhybris, yes16:06
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Yeah16:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> but we're also building an OS for devices that is reliable for regular people. not to run web servers16:07
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Yes16:07
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I just want a pocketable desktop16:07
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Pinetab would be it16:07
ubptgbot<kokonutti> But I'm poor16:08
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Is there a way to build from source?16:08
ubptgbot<kokonutti> The os that is?16:08
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Couldn't easily find a github16:08
ubptgbot<kokonutti> And start prodding16:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> build what? all of UT? yes, but it's not like building android where you just  check out 50GB of a git repo and then type a few things16:09
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I have built Linux and  kernels before16:10
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Not a problem16:10
ubptgbot<kokonutti> But like get the build files etc and do my custom to fit my niche needs16:11
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I understand ub touch is a bunch of bubblegum that works  yes?16:11
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I need the kernel and blobs, I'll get my graphics etc sorted16:12
ubptgbot<Flohack> @kokonutti [I understand ub touch is a bunch of bubblegum that works  yes?], We have 400+ repos on Github and Gitlab. Plus we pull a lot of stuff still from Canonical 16.04 package repos. And then put all together. Its almost impossible for 1 person to customize everything on top of what we customize ;)16:12
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Fuck16:12
ubptgbot<Flohack> @kokonutti [I need the kernel and blobs, I'll get my graphics etc sorted], Believe me its not that easy16:12
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I want to try :D16:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> @kokonutti [I need the kernel and blobs, I'll get my graphics etc sorted], if you just want halium so you can run debian on top or something, you might want to check out Mobian, but docs for building the android parts are at https://docs.halium.org16:13
ubptgbot<Flohack> Canonical invested man-years into that, and a lot.16:13
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @Flohack [Canonical invested man-years into that, and a lot.], I know16:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> most things in debian do not work with libhybris though, so you are still going to have a massive headache with it16:13
ubptgbot<kokonutti> The literal only reason for me to have this is the drivers etc working16:14
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @dohbee [if you just want halium so you can run debian on top or something, you might wan …], You mean to say mobian and that could work?16:14
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I apologise for being a total idiot16:14
ubptgbot<dohbee> @kokonutti [You mean to say mobian and that could work?], i mean it will be closer to a traditional linux experience. i don't mean it will necessarily work well, given how most traditional linux apps have no idea how to deal with android hardware16:16
ubptgbot<dohbee> i wouldn't call any tablet as "pocketable" either really :P16:16
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Right16:25
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @dohbee [i wouldn't call any tablet as "pocketable" either really :P], More pocketable than a laptop16:26
ubptgbot<dohbee> @kokonutti [More pocketable than a laptop], i have a laptop that is smaller than a nexus 7.16:26
ubptgbot<kokonutti> Idea is to have a useful device in case I forget my laptop16:26
ubptgbot<kokonutti> And also to use hardware already at hand16:26
ubptgbot<dohbee> well, i don't know what your exact goals are, and can't infer them from all your posts, but rather than asking random questions about how underlying components work or how to try and force your tablet to work the same as a traditional linux PC, you would get more useful answers and help if you stated clearly what your end goal is (ie what16:31
ubptgbotyou specifically want to use the device to do, rather than how you want to do it), and asked how to get there or if UT is a good fit for it, first.16:31
ubptgbotNicolas S was added by: Nicolas S17:12
ubptgbotPacoIgnazioTaiboII was added by: PacoIgnazioTaiboII18:46
ubptgbot<PacoIgnazioTaiboII> Hi guys, I've just installed ubports on a Nexus 5. It seems to me that bluetooth and gps are not working. Is there anything specific I've to do to solve the problem?18:48
ubptgbot<libremax> Recently I had a problem with GPS (not getting fix) but BT work well.18:56
ubptgbot<libremax> [Edit] Recently I had a problem on my N5 with GPS (not getting fix) but BT work well.19:00
ubptgbot<Flohack> @PacoIgnazioTaiboII [Hi guys, I've just installed ubports on a Nexus 5. It seems to me that bluetooth …], GPS will work only outdoors and you need to give it some time to finx a fix, uip to 5mins19:04
ubptgbot<PacoIgnazioTaiboII> Thank you, I'll give a second chance also to Bluetooth!19:06
ubptgbot<libremax> @Flohack [GPS will work only outdoors and you need to give it some time to finx a fix, uip …], Of course it was outdoor and I let my N5 20 mins on a table...19:07
ubptgbot<Flohack> @libremax [Of course it was outdoor and I let my N5 20 mins on a table...], You can always try to use test_gps (as sudo) cli tool to see if you get a fix. Its a bit hard to spot but after some minutes longitude and latittude info should pop up19:09
ubptgbot<Flohack> This will tell you if its device-specific fault or app-specific ;)19:10
ubptgbotasem7 was added by: asem719:10
ubptgbot<libremax> @Flohack [You can always try to use test_gps (as sudo) cli tool to see if you get a fix. I …], Thanks, I will try that tomorow.19:11
ubptgbotJ O was added by: J O19:19
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @kokonutti [Can I get to tty1?], What do you need tty for btw?20:12
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Took me a few hours of setting up libertine and installing firefox(mostly setting up libertine)20:15
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/AfV22Od1.png20:15
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Behold firefox20:15
ubptgbot<Andy Bleaden> Was it worth it?20:17
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/mQrjnhLu.png20:17
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Andy Bleaden [Was it worth it?], no it isn´t :P20:17
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> I mean it works if you connect a mouse and keyboard20:18
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Flohack [no it isn´t :P], HoW dArE yOu CaLl LiBeRtInE wOrThLeSs20:19
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> now that was sarcasm20:19
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] now that was sarcasm-ish20:19
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Andy Bleaden [Was it worth it?], Jokes aside what would you consider "worth it"?20:20
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> It runs and it works with mouse and keyboard20:21
ubptgbot<nitanmarcel> @Andy Bleaden [Was it worth it?], Yes20:21
ubptgbot<nitanmarcel> Or he said no?20:21
ubptgbot<Andy Bleaden> Worth hours compared to the usual browser...I use Firefox elsewhere but found the libertine effort not worth it20:21
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Tho since its xmir it's relatively slow i guess20:21
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @Andy Bleaden [Worth hours compared to the usual browser...I use Firefox elsewhere but found th …], I suppose the usual browser is more worth it as its actually convergent20:23
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> And not as slow ;)20:24
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @Fuseteam [What do you need tty for btw?], To have a different user with. xinitrx20:36
ubptgbot<kokonutti> But tbdy seems unproductive20:36
ubptgbot<dohbee> yeah you're not going to run xorg on top of android like that20:39
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @kokonutti [To have a different user with. xinitrx], Ah i see, i have had success running a de over x forwarding fwiw20:58
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Are you looking for a way to install and 'traditional linux' programs?21:00
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Hmm i know there a firefox config to enable touch scrolling21:19
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] Hmm i know there is a firefox config to enable touch scrolling, what was it again21:19
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Found it https://superuser.com/questions/1151161/enable-touch-scrolling-in-firefox21:29
ubptgbot<dtarrant> @Flohack [GPS will work only outdoors and you need to give it some time to finx a fix, uip …], @flohack I've noticed that GPS works indoors fairly reliably on my M10 tablet. Usually gets a fix in about a minute. My Nexus 4 only gets a fix outdoors. Maybe the M10 has a higher gain antenna?21:30
ubptgbot<Flohack> @dtarrant [@flohack I've noticed that GPS works indoors fairly reliably on my M10 tablet. U …], Yeah might be21:44
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Flohack [Yeah might be], Aluminium foil?22:56
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @Fuseteam [Are you looking for a way to install and 'traditional linux' programs?], Yes23:25
ubptgbot<kokonutti> I am somewhat disinterested in the OTA updates23:25
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Ah that explains it23:29
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Is it because how "cumbersome" libertine is?23:30
ubptgbotjimbo jackson was added by: jimbo jackson23:30
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> As shown above firefox appears normally in the launcher when its set up23:31
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> Do you happen to know what your device architecture is?23:33
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @Fuseteam [Is it because how "cumbersome" libertine is?], Yes23:51
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @Fuseteam [Do you happen to know what your device architecture is?], Arm3223:51
ubptgbot<kokonutti> @Fuseteam [Do you happen to know what your device architecture is?], Armv723:53

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