
jose__alguien m lee?01:17
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IrcsomeBot1r00fz was added by: r00fz05:24
MrSassyPantsNew problem: X/KDE start before sound drivers are fully loaded. Is there a thing somewhere I can set to start the X stuff reliably AFTER all the other stuff?06:32
diogenes_MrSassyPants, sddm.service is responsible for startimg X.06:35
diogenes_<diogenes_> MrSassyPants, sddm.service is responsible for startimg X.06:36
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andre_\o/ juhu ich bin in #kubuntu \o/06:47
andre_oh, sorry for the german :(06:48
IrcsomeBot1<marmasou> hi everyone, please give me advise how to solve the grub rescue problem.I have ssd and hdd  win10 and kubuntu. whenever i turn on my pc i am facing with grub rescue. Thanks06:50
diogenes_marmasou, where's the preface of the story?06:52
IrcsomeBot1<marmasou> @diogenes_, since i remove my kubuntu and install again i face with this problem.06:57
diogenes_marmasou, how you removed Kubuntu?06:58
IrcsomeBot1<marmasou> @diogenes_, by bootable flash menory  … system boot06:59
diogenes_marmasou, did you create an efi partition when installing Kubuntu?07:01
IrcsomeBot1<YesEyeCan> Huh, this problem again07:01
IrcsomeBot1<marmasou> @diogenes_, yes. i did07:03
diogenes_marmasou, type: ls07:04
diogenes_see what you get.07:04
IrcsomeBot1<marmasou> my root partition is  (hd1,msdos5)07:07
diogenes_ls (hd1,msdos5)/boot07:08
user|6395Helloo everyone07:13
user|6395I have an hp laptop with dual boot. But yesterday hp came change my mother board.. And I lost my dual boot. That was weird because at the first launch I saw the grub.. I tried to go in the bios and launch Linux but I don't see it. Somebody can help me?07:16
IrcsomeBot1Kiran was added by: Kiran07:16
IrcsomeBot1<Kiran> How to repair my laptop?07:17
diogenes_user|6395, but can you even boot anything?07:18
user|6395It boot windows automatically07:19
diogenes_user|6395, see if Linux partitions are still there.07:20
user|6395I saw with a Linux disk reader from windows and I still saw thrm07:20
diogenes_user|6395, you can write on usb some grub rescue utilities, boot that and reinstall grub.07:22
IrcsomeBot1<Kiran> Uhm i installed a kernel, when i boot i cant see grub, it directly boot into kubuntu,  whill booting  it show kubuntu icon and than a blank screen with few errors07:25
IrcsomeBot1<Kiran> Im unable to boot into grub boot loader, so that i could  change kernel07:26
user|6395Like super grub2disk? I'm searching on internet but not sure..07:27
diogenes_Kiran, hold shift key down while booting.07:27
diogenes_user|6395, MX Linux has an easy tool to recover grub so you can install  MX on the USB or DVD.07:29
user|6395So I can recover grub with an other Linux? Because I already have a kubuntu usb07:34
diogenes_yes you can, even technically with Kubuntu but it's way more complicated (for new users).07:35
diogenes_so better go the easy way.07:36
KurozenSo everything I install with Muon is treated as user or system-wide?07:39
user|6395I'm sorry for stupid questions : for the creation of the USB, I use Rufus. I just stay everything default and start?07:45
diogenes_user|6395, yeah use rufus but in DD mode.07:48
user|6395OK I boot on the usb07:58
user|6395Go in the boot rescue menus07:58
user|6395Did it! Thank you!!08:03
diogenes_user|6395, did it fix?08:03
pearoswhats up08:04
user|6395I Lauch the old grub, lunch Linux and from there I think I can Re grub no?08:04
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diogenes_user|6395, after you ran MX Linux boot repair utility, you just need to reboot and it should give you the usual grub menu where you choose which system to boot.08:08
user|6395So I think I choose the wrong option aha08:10
user|6395Didn't work when I restart08:10
user|6395There is : find efi bootloader, find grub menu, find windows bootloaders and reboot08:13
diogenes_try: find efi bootloader08:13
user|6395Yeah it find them08:14
user|6395Boot Ubuntu, boot no label (USB I think?) and boot Microsoft and 3 boot fallback08:15
user|6395Now do I boot one of them or just restart?08:16
diogenes_try boot ubuntu08:16
user|6395It launch the grub for Ubuntu and windows like before08:17
diogenes_go to Kubuntu and see if it boots.08:18
user|6395Yes it Launch with everything like before08:20
diogenes_now open a terminal.08:21
diogenes_run: sudo update-grub08:21
diogenes_see if it finds windows08:22
diogenes_now turn off PC, remove the usb and start the PC.08:23
diogenes_see if all works.08:23
user|6395Snif, it started windows automatically08:26
diogenes_ok go back to MX, boot Kubuntu.08:27
diogenes_tell me when you're on Kubuntu.08:27
user|6395I'm there08:28
diogenes_on Kubuntu?08:29
diogenes_in terminal run: lsblk08:30
diogenes_is / on sda?08:31
user|6395No, only sda1 in std08:32
diogenes_so / is sda1?08:32
user|6395No, no mountpoint08:33
user|6395All the / in nvme0n108:33
diogenes_user|6395, run: lsblk | nc termbin.com 999908:35
diogenes_share the url.08:35
user|6395Try to download boot-repair?08:35
diogenes_sudo grub-install /dev/nvme0n108:39
diogenes_see if it reports any errors.08:40
user|63950 error08:40
IrcsomeBot1<YesEyeCan> Make sure only one drive is connected08:40
user|6395Installation done08:40
diogenes_ok now turn off PC and you know...08:41
user|6395OK I have the grub back08:44
user|6395I'll do some test but I thinks it's all done08:44
user|6395Thank you very much diogenes08:44
diogenes_you're welcome.08:45
IrcsomeBot1Agnolo Britt-Marie was added by: Agnolo Britt-Marie10:11
austinIm using crouton11:30
IrcsomeBot1<linuxophil> Hey guys! I am on Kubuntu 20.04 and have weird keyboard issues lately. When typing I get two kinds of malfunctions: sometimes letters I definitely typed are skipped in the text and sometimes a letter or other keystroke is repeated many times. That happens with a wired HP keyboard and a newly bought noname wireless keyboard. Weird is that a logitech k400+ wireless keyboard does not seem to have this problem. Any ideas what could be11:53
IrcsomeBot1the problem?11:53
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BluesKajHi folks12:45
IrcsomeBot1anonymous_dood249 was added by: anonymous_dood24912:59
IrcsomeBot1<anonymous_dood249> After installing kubuntu  … i got struck at kubuntu welcome screen … I retried installing..same issue occurs again and again😕13:00
BluesKajwhich kubuntu release?13:06
IrcsomeBot1<anonymous_dood249> 20.04.1 lts13:09
BluesKajlogin to the VT/TTY with ctl+alt+F3, then login with your username and pw at the prompt, then, sudo apt update;sudo apt upgrade ...if there were any updates and upgrades, reboot13:33
IrcsomeBot1<anonymous_dood249> Okay I'm gonna Install again.. … I'll try it.. … Thank You For Your support13:50
BluesKajno need to install again , just run those commands13:54
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tepetjoin #18kl16:27
tepetleave #18kl16:27
tepetjoin #malaysia16:28
MalsasaHello, Kubuntu Community!16:46
* Malsasa is using Kubuntu right now16:46
ludsteUptime: 11 minutes17:28
ludsteSysinfo for 'ludger-ThinkPad': Running inside KDE Plasma 5.18.5 on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS (Focal Fossa) powered by Linux 5.4.0-54-generic, CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7300U CPU @ 2.60GHz at 2491-3186/3500 MHz, RAM: 2918/19901 MB, Storage: 32/141 GB, 200 procs, 0.21h up17:29
ludstehallo, hab 'ne Frage zu NFS :-)17:35
IrcsomeBot1SUSANNA Janis was added by: SUSANNA Janis17:49
IrcsomeBot1<SUSANNA Janis> (Photo, 474x748) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/myFrfW8M/file_39040.jpg17:49
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IrcsomeBot1go_mario was added by: go_mario20:53
austindoe anyone know how to ubuntu on ARM64 chromebook?21:07
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