
=== akem_ is now known as akem
lubot<matkoniecz> The recommendations from website are to backup files and install 20.04 rather than upgrade.12:14
Maik@matkoniecz if your talking to the one that was here yesterday, they are long gone. One of the reasons i dislike bridges from matrix, telegram and the like to irc....12:17
Maikyou guys never see when someone leaves12:17
kc2bezIt is possible to check on the Telegram side. `/names` will display the users in IRC.12:19
kc2bezAlso, the channel is logged so someone could go back and read the log.12:19
MaikPretty sure that 90% to 95% of the users who come here don't even know about the channels being logged, don't read the topic and don't bother with it. :)12:36
MaikBeen on IRC long enough myself to know that. ;)12:36
rghMaik: matrix shows leave / join messages12:52
Maikgood for matrix then, i dropped it long ago12:53
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=== xeno_ is now known as Guest53008
=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF
=== longerstaff13 is now known as Real-CeeGee

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