
xnoxrealtime-neil:  netcfg is not at all used on firstboot.00:15
xnoxrealtime-neil:  specify netplan.io yaml file to do that on firstboot? cause you can write out /target/etc/netplan/*.yaml that has wind-card matching and does dhcp on all the things?00:15
xnox(with either netowrkd, or network-manager, as desired)00:15
xnoxor like install oem-config in target (with a debconf, gtk, or kde frontend) to do firstboot stuff there?00:16
realtime-neilxnox: now that's a thought; could I do that from the preseed late-command, into the chroot?00:16
xnoxyeah, you should have /target available to copy things to it, echo /cat <<EOF, cp, or like in-target echo ....00:17
realtime-neilxnox: sweet; I'll harvest the /etc/netplan/*.yaml from a regular dhcp install and drop it as payload in the preseed late-command00:18
realtime-neildoes Bionic have netplan or something else?00:20
xnoxrealtime-neil:  bionic has netplan.io, but i can't remember if it already was installed by default there.00:23
xnoxyes, it is always installed. it is in task minimal in bionic.00:23
xnoxrealtime-neil:  or write one from scratch..... https://netplan.io/examples/ it's not hard. You probably will want to like match on en* and match on eth*00:24
xnoxwhatever is easiest for you00:25
realtime-neilxnox: excellent, that'll work; thanks00:25
realtime-neilwhat's this bit I'm seeing about "network manager"? It looks like the Bionic installer dropped a `/etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml` that defers everything to a renderer: NetworkManager00:30
xnoxrealtime-neil:  it did not drop it.00:30
xnoxrealtime-neil:  it's only installed by desktop installer, on desktop systems.... if you ever used a desktop installer.....00:30
realtime-neilxnox: so that's something I did when I brought in ubuntu-desktop.00:31
xnoxi'd say it's something you haven't done yet00:31
xnoxby default, no netplan config is created at all.00:32
xnoxit's upto the installer to make one. on server typically a networkd one is created; on desktop typically a "defer all things to network-manager" is done + NM config copied from live environment if any; or like cloud-init creates one based on a metadata source; and so on.00:33
realtime-neilgot it00:34

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