
Unit193bluesabre: https://lists.debian.org/msgid-search/87a6vg3kv7.fsf@melete.silentflame.com11:01
xnoxtrying to build the notes xfce plugin with gtk3 and vala stuff16:20
xnoxhowever, it seems to try to find vapi files for xfce libraries.... that don't exist.16:21
xnoxwhere are they supposed to come from?16:21
Unit193I believe that's taken care of during 'make dist' if I'm not mistaken, I've sort of been waiting for a release as the vala stuff is gone, so I am lead to believe.  But it's taking longer than I'd like.16:23
Unit193I was about to try and nab a git snapshot, but then he was talking about releasing after fixing a flickering bug.16:24
xnoxi guess i'll wait then.16:27
xnoxyeah, i was trying to compile the git snapshot. and it fails at not finding xfce conf vapi files =(16:27
xnoxUnit193:  also, they did very ugly things with their configure scripts, hence i must do16:27
xnoxdh_autoreconf ./autogen.sh16:28
xnoxdh_auto_configure -- --enable-maintainer-mode16:28
xnoxto ensure that all the vala stuff is rebuilt from scratch16:28
xnoxas per distro packaging policies16:28
Unit193That autoreconf override shouldn't be needed...  But yeah I've seen the need for maintainer mode before, specifically on git snapshots.16:30
xnoxUnit193:  yeah it does.... at least from git.... because it's not called configure.ac but configure.ac.in which is preprocessed by xfcedevtools which is call in autogen.sh.16:34
xnoxsince regular "autoreconf -fi" does nothing, and never produces a fresh ./configure script16:34
xnox..... unless something is very very very broken.16:35
xnoxi am packaging from git, not for tarballs16:35
Unit193Thought about that bit...  Though with the newer dev-tools..16:35
Unit193Meh, I got further but hit error: The name `Xfce' does not exist in the context of `Xnp.Application'16:51
Unit193xnox: But, make sure all the introspection stuff is installed, then fix the name of Xfconf in */Makefile.am since the gir stuff is 'Xfconf' rather thah 'libxfconf' there.16:55
Unit193I have no idea how this is supposed to work, but the missing namespace stuff is all from libxfce4util.16:59

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