
TerrencePicklesI have an old desktop that I'm trying to set up as a samba file server. It's not hooked up to a monitor/keyboard, but I have it set up so that I can ssh into it. I believe that it04:40
TerrencePicklesI keep getting kicked off though. I'm wondering if it's entering some sort of rest mode. Does anyone know how I would check that and how to disable?04:40
guivercTerrencePickles, if it's used remotely as a file server (esp. headless), are you asking about Ubuntu Server?04:45
TerrencePicklesI'm using lubuntu 20.04.0104:47
guivercwhy not ask on #lubuntu the.  I'd not waste resources on desktop & just use server.  if using a desktop, you'll need to change power settings, desktop settings to match a server config though (desktops save energy, servers are built for data throughput & always functional)04:54
guivercask in #lubuntu or #ubuntu (official flavors can use #ubuntu too)04:55
ilias_grhi all. I updated today my system (18.04) through terminal. After update was completed I run: sudo apt-get autoremove --purge but system returned: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SSNWsfSgpv/. The same output system now returns when I run: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. Any help to overrid this error?11:23
ilias_grI purged "install-info" and now system returns no error.11:34
user72hi! I have asked in the past about a video streaming problem. Sometimes when I play a video, the video stops and the video just keeps loading. After closing all browsers I notice that all streaming video is stuck (as in loading forever) even if I use another streaming service (like vimeo). At the same time every non-video streaming site works fine11:56
user72(speed). It now happened again. Last time the suggestion was to run ping. The results don't reveal a network problem https://pastebin.com/G8PFAbvX11:56
user72I have no idea where to start looking to debug this problem11:57
user72PS playing local videos works fine11:57
Maikuser72: i responded to you but you never answered and left12:02
user72Maik I apologize. Is there a searchable log? Otherwise if it's not too much of a trouble and you recall the answer would it be possible to repeat it?12:03
Maikno problem there are logs over at https://irclogs.ubuntu.com if you know the date when it was psoted. But i'll pastebin it for you. Hold on.12:06
Maikuser72: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sfTXyYtT3S/12:07
Maiknot sure if it's helpfull and i didn't have time to investigated further12:08
user72amazing thanks, let me take a look. PS I have this issue on a high end laptop and the internet connection is most of the time very good. viedoconferencing, audio streaming, downloading works as expected when I experience the problem12:09
Maikuser72: using wifi?12:12
Maikor cable?12:12
Maikalso, if it's a shared network you're on and others are streaming, downloading or whatever, you'll never get the full speed iirc.12:13
user72it's cable and not a shared network, only 1 computer12:31
user72Maik FYI the main advice from the article, ie disable hardware acceleration didn't have any effect on the problem :(  I believe that the rest of the advice (drivers) are windows specific and can't help anyway12:55
Maikah, bummer...13:01
Maikuser72: i don't know either then. Sorry if i can't be of any more help.13:02
user72Maik many thanks anyway. PS any wild pointers would be useful, as I really don't know where to start looking look at :/13:23
Maiksearch for that message youtube is pointing out, that's all you could do i guess13:28
gnrpuser72: Maybe going to one of the parties involved will give you more debugging competence anyway. E.g., check for firefox bugs or so and then you might find more likely somebody who had exactly this problem and can get you the right direction13:29
user72thanks both: gnpr the issue is cross browsers, so I don't think it's FF/Chrome specific.13:38
ilias_grhi all. Is install-info package a necessary system package?14:59
powerman2206Well hello there boys15:24
powerman2206So uh, thoughts on Chicago95?15:33
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xu-irc85wHi all, relative newcomer looking for assistance, what's the proper way to install an all in one device, when I plug in the usb, it sometimes recognizes the device and some times it does not and when I go into an application like Mousepad and go File > Print > I'll see multiple all in ones installed22:34

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