
IrcsomeBot1logika_rasa was added by: logika_rasa02:57
NicholasDHello, can someone help me to setup Google Drive and file sharing on Kubuntu 20.10? Dolphin not showing Google Drive and Windows PCs public folders..08:37
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riat125Hi. I have a question for you: is it possible to install ndiswrapper on Kubuntu?10:09
fahad-M<NicholasD "Hello, can someone help me to se"> hi try installing plugin from dolphin services11:47
fahad-Mand for g drive, there was a special app in default repository11:48
fahad-Ma quick google search might help11:48
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BluesKajHi all12:52
MetamorphosisFor some reason I can't run Dolphin as root using "kdesu".13:13
BluesKajkdesu is no longer recommended usage, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1044354/kdesu-not-working13:16
IrcsomeBot1AndrePaula was added by: AndrePaula13:23
MetamorphosisBluesKaj I need a root file manager. How can I do it?13:47
BluesKajMetamorphosis, add root to dolphin places, and any file edits will require a pw13:49
MetamorphosisI have no idea how to do it.13:50
MetamorphosisI did this : ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/kf5/kdesu /usr/bin/kdesu13:51
MetamorphosisBut the result is : QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'13:52
MetamorphosisExecuting Dolphin with sudo is not possible due to unfixable security vulnerabilities.13:52
BluesKajMetamorphosis, dolphin>view>show panels>places, then right click on places>add entry14:00
BluesKajI call my label root14:01
BluesKajand of course the path is /14:01
IrcsomeBot1<marmasou> (Photo, 1280x960) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/4DQSaj78/file_39074.jpg How can i solve this problem?14:23
BluesKaj@marmasou, do exactly what the message says14:30
IrcsomeBot1<marmasou> @BluesKaj, I want to open synaptic  but i  face with this problem … unable to get exclusive  lock..14:40
BluesKajyou probly have dpkg open with some other package manager14:57
IrcsomeBot1<marmasou> @BluesKaj, No, i sure ot is not open15:01
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MetamorphosisBluesKaj I don't need access to the root folder. What I need is to have dolphin with root access to all files.15:43
netcrashHello, my xrdp session shows a black screen and closes the connection , I can't see nothing helpful in the logs. Only the open and closing of the session , I'm running kubuntu 19.10 , have a opened session already in the host , this issue does not happen in kubuntu 20.x . any ideas?16:34
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IrcsomeBot1E A was added by: E A22:37
IrcsomeBot1<TJ Wolf> i need some help installing kubuntu 20.10 i keep getting a grub-install /dev/sda failed. I always use whole drive and let the installer install grub to sda everytime i get this error. I tried it 5 times and and couple more on different usb stick with the same thing. I'm just using MBR Legecy.23:49

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