
oopsafter mistakenly configuring "sudoers" , i quit from root users , then i can't enter the root user account , how to fix it00:35
wxlyou have no sudo user?00:42
wxland i assume you did nothing to enable root?00:43
wxlif so, your best bet is to use a live image, mount the file system, and fix it up00:43
lubot<N0um3n0> @oops [<oops> after mistakenly configuring "sudoers" , i quit from root users , then i …], rw init=/bin/bash in grub, and you have a root shell, change sudoers file, and reboot00:49
lubotRyuKurisu was added by: RyuKurisu00:56
oopswxl: i am very curious that the "sudoers" recover automatically after rebooting the system ,01:05
oopshow to activate the root user ,01:05
wxloops: i would advise against it in general https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:20
oopswxl: i noticed the "sudoers" which are normal are the usb's sudoers file, the lubuntu live usb hasn't rescure option , if i start with pc's own system , i can't copy usb's "sudoers" to overwrite the system's "sudoers" owning no privilege , the other hand , i use usb's system , i can't find the hard disk 's "sudoers"01:30
wxloops: just do what @N0um3n0 suggested. it's easier.01:31
zarcos1buenas nuches alguie en linea para poder comentar y pedir ayuda conrespecto a lubuntu 20.0401:48
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al_nz1Hi All06:33
al_nz1What does Lubuntu 18 use for networking?06:34
al_nz1I cant seem to set a static IP06:34
guivercal_nz1, there is no Lubuntu 18, Lubuntu is a desktop release so is yy.mm format; Lubuntu 18.04 uses network-manager-gnome https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/lubuntu-desktop06:55
al_nz1Hi guiverc06:57
al_nz1it looks differnet this end06:57
al_nz1though kinda similar to your link06:57
al_nz1but no amount of changing the networkin the GUI results in a change in ifconfig06:57
guivercYou mentioned 18, are you using a snap only based release (eg. Ubuntu Core 18) or a desktop (Lubuntu 18.04), or server install (18.04); server installs don't use NM by default so if it wasn't a Lubuntu install you may not have all desktop config (ie. switched to NM)06:59
al_nz1how would I check06:59
guivercyou screen shows yourself in netplan (setting IP addresses for a server install) ... Ubuntu desktop & Lubuntu desktop use Network Manager not netplan07:03
guivercthat was purely by $PWD or your directory.. no configs were visible07:04
guivercal_nz1, this may help you better, note: I don't know what you've done07:05
al_nz1uname -a a says Linux Ubuntu 4.15.0-123-generic07:08
al_nz1not server07:08
guivercal_nz1, it would say the same on both Ubuntu Desktop & Ubuntu Server.. they have the same base  (with differences on top, netplan for server networking, network manager for desktop..)07:09
guivercIf it was me, I'd click Edit Connections on the network manager icon on the panel, go to IPv4 (or IPv6) change to manual, then set whatever you want/need... it's how I've done it on my 18.04 box here07:11
* guiverc can't find a good online guide sorry; I see a number of gnome which is roughly the same, but windows look different07:15
oopsafter my screen locked , i can't open it any more , it's only a background and a cursor ,the cursor can move artilary07:27
guivercoops, providing release details is helpful (are you using Lubuntu, logged into Lubuntu session or something else?)07:28
oopsLinux oops-Latitude-D520 5.4.0-42-generic #46~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 10 07:09:27 UTC 2020 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux07:29
guivercthat's kernel info, doesn't help much with telling me what you're using (I can guess for sure, but best if I'm told rather than risk a wrong/unhelpful guess that may make things worse)07:30
oopsi can't understand the last statement meaning07:31
guivercWhat OS & release are you running?07:32
oopsi use lubuntu on my 32 bit obsolete pc07:32
guivercuname provides details of kernel, not of OS.  5.4 kernel is used by a number of options; my guess is you're on a 18.04, but it's still best if I'm told that as it's also used by 20.0407:32
guiverc:) thanks07:32
guivercyou were logged into lubuntu session (not openbox; it acts like what you're describing)07:35
guivercI just logged into openbox (18.04), if I right-click I get a menu of a few options... you don't get that do you?07:36
oops_the quality of my net isn't well07:37
guivercoops, does ctrl+alt+T open a terminal?07:41
guiverctry `lxpanelctl restart`   which may restart your panel07:43
oopseverything is still original07:45
oopsi added sudo with 'lxpanelctl restart'07:45
oopsi noticed the bottom panel flash once when i type that command07:46
lubot<Fairnandes> Can't change preferred font size for every program. How does that work?08:54
guiverc@Fairnandes, https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/3/3.2/3.2.2/appearance.html will show changing the LXQt desktop font size..  As I understand it, programs can decide if they follow their own standard, or another standard. KDE apps tend to follow KDE/Qt standards, GNOME apps tend to follow GTK standards.. so nothing catches "every" program09:13
lubot<Fairnandes> The thing is that this doesn't have any effect on the actual font size of any application10:19
RyuKurisu[m]Hello everyone, I've switched from Ubuntu Budgie 20.10 (which I had updated from 20.04) to Lubuntu 20.10 (fresh install).  I like how snappy it is compared to Budgie, but I've hit a snag in my workflow.10:25
RyuKurisu[m]Budgie was able to rotate by itself until I installed Anbox on 20.10 and rebooted at some point.  But does any know by any chance what software was used to enable that?  Another workaround for me would be to know which incantation 'monitor settings' uses to rotate the display, so I can script it and bind it to a key combination?  Because if I use xrandr it elongates my PDFs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯10:25
RyuKurisu[m]* Hello everyone, I've switched from Ubuntu Budgie 20.10 (which I had updated from 20.04) to Lubuntu 20.10 (fresh install).  I like how snappy it is compared to Budgie, but I've hit a snag in my workflow.10:26
RyuKurisu[m]Budgie was able to rotate by itself until I installed Anbox on 20.10 and rebooted at some point.  But does anybody know by any chance what software was used to enable that?  Another workaround for me would be to know which incantation 'monitor settings' uses to rotate the display, so I can script it and bind it to a key combination?  Because if I use xrandr it elongates my PDFs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯10:26
guivercPlease don't repeat your question... (at least not so often).  You can rotate screens via Monitor.Settings https://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/3/3.2/3.2.10/monitor_settings.html ; I don't understand the "rotote by itself"11:08
guiverc`lxqt-config-monitor --help-all` provides clues on what options exist; if you've setup your screens already you can restore to a prior session, RyuKurisu[m]11:13
RyuKurisu[m]<guiverc "Please don't repeat your questio"> I didn't repeat, but that may have seemed like it to you because I made a small correction in Element.11:29
RyuKurisu[m]<guiverc "`lxqt-config-monitor --help-all`"> Thanks, I can probably incorporate that command to a script with keybindings as a workaround! 😃11:30
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RyuKurisu[m]<Hrafnagudh "Hello"> Hi13:37
cool_skeleton_95<RyuKurisu[m] "Hi"> Hello14:28
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RyuKurisu[m]<guiverc "`lxqt-config-monitor --help-all`"> Hmm, I've checked the options mentioned in that command, but it only mentioned altering windows, not monitors or desktops.16:34
kiwi_16hi there16:36
kiwi_16how can I edit the settings of that password check, that appears when I resume from hibernation?16:37
kiwi_16and when I choose "dont ask me for my password on startup" could this sensibly be interpreted with "dont ask me for my password, when I come from hibernation/suspend either"16:38
kiwi_16I see no configuration tool, sddm is the display manager while it does not seem like it and there is no way to configure it or documentation16:39
RyuKurisu[m]<kiwi_16 "and when I choose "dont ask me f"> Sensibly I agree with not asking for a password on startup would also be for coming from resume/hibernation16:40
RyuKurisu[m]<kiwi_16 "I see no configuration tool, sdd"> Isn't it xscreensaver?17:28
Darktroll87is anybody here?18:14
wxl[m]Maybe, maybe not but your question won't get answered if you don't ask it 😄18:22
Maikwxl[m]: already gone but.. lol... true though :D18:30
john_ramboi have successfully paired my bluetooth headset ... it was playing fine before I installed updates ..Now despite pairing there is no sound ...how to fix this ?19:23
wxljohn_rambo: i will say this: bluetooth sucks. that has been my experience in general (not restricted to lubuntu or a particular version). sometimes it takes restarting the bluetooth daemon and/or removing the profile for the device and re-pairing. i've yet to find a consistent process.19:27
tomreynhi sacarde20:03
sacardein I have to run a command at start I have to put it into  ~/.config/autostart20:04
sacardebut if I have to run command at stop of lxde?20:05
wxlsacarde: no such mechanism really in any GUI exists because there's no XDG specification for "autostop" but something like this should work https://askubuntu.com/questions/293312/execute-a-script-upon-logout-reboot-shutdown-in-ubuntu20:08
sacardewhen lxde is stopping, it kill all windows and task with windows20:36
sacardeI whould like to stop my app before lxde kill all windows20:37
sacarde"To log out from the session you can run the command lxsession-logout"20:41
wxlwhy not just write a script that does whatever you want to do and then calls the logout command and use that script to logout?20:43
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kiwi_16RyuKurisu[m] And who decides this?21:07
RyuKurisu[m]<kiwi_16 "RyuKurisu And who decides this?"> This is about the 'no login prompt' issue?  That is more of a developer thing.  wxl will probably know where you can make the feature request/bug report 🙂21:15
wxlwhat's the context here?21:18
guivercRyuKurisu[m], I assumed you'd use --session, grabbing session name from Monitor.Settings->Settings (and list of saved.settings; you can rename so it's not as date oriented); I'm using hirsute but I'd expect it similiar; didn't confirm it's there in groovy23:04
ericcoucou le monde !23:30

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