
oopsafter mistakenly configuring "sudoers" , i quit from root users , then i can't enter the root user account , how to fix it00:32
Bashing-omoops: Copy the /etc/sudoers file from the liveUSB environment back to the install - is one way.00:42
sarnoldoops: I think you'll be given a root shell if you reboot into the recovery setting01:04
sarnoldoops: if that doesn't work, using init=/bin/bash or /usr/bin/bash on the kernel command line should give you a root shell you can use to fix things, but it's less convenient than using the recovery option if that works01:04
frenchfaceHey Everyone, I'm having issues with my Ubuntu Server (its either 18.04 or 19.xx) booting. This started a few weeks back where I had to update the bootloader, however this time it is behaving differently.01:28
frenchfaceI'm now getting an "error: attempt to read or write outside of disk 'hd0'. error: you need to load the kernel first. Press any key to continue01:29
frenchfaceI'm thinking this is due to my /boot partition being 100% full but i'm really unsure and not sure what is the best way to see if my /boot partition is 100% full01:29
frenchfacedoes anyone have any suggestions?01:29
sarnoldfrenchface: hmm, someone else had a similar issue a few weeks ago, but iirc they wound up being fixated on something that felt pretty unrelated to me01:31
_Sym_frenchface, check if your partitions are full by "df -h"01:32
sarnoldfrenchface: a few months ago there was a security update that caused grub records to be regenerated, which broke a lot of people with incorrectly configured systems01:32
frenchfaceI'm familiar with the df -h command, but I'm not sure how to run it as I cannot boot at all01:32
sarnoldfrenchface: your problem sounds different, but the recovery instructions may still be useful https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/GRUB2SecureBootBypass01:32
frenchfaceI've also tried using some boot repair that I found off of Ubuntu website. however it was unsuccessful but generated this output: paste.ubuntu.com/p/BVgNssrnKc/01:33
frenchfaceThanks sarnold, i'll take a look at the wiki01:34
frenchfacesarnold, there isn't a live CD for Ubuntu Server is there? If so I haven't been able to find it. Guess I should just use the desktop live cd?01:35
sarnoldfrenchface: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/focal/daily-live/current/ or https://releases.ubuntu.com/20.04.1/ubuntu-20.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso01:37
frenchfacesarnold, ah thanks!01:37
sarnoldman I completely don't grok the output of this boot repair thing01:38
_Sym_frenchface, your log says sda2 is 49% full01:38
pjsis it possible to upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04 yet?01:44
frenchfacesarnold, from the ubuntu server install, I do not know of a way to boot without installing. I know it is possible to do it from the Ubuntu Desktop, but how would you do it from the server install iso?01:45
oopssarnold: i insert a usb , but it's no rescue option, and the boot menu which include kernel option don't appear during start ,  where to use those kernel command you addressed01:45
sarnoldpjs: either do-release-upgrade or do-release-upgrade -d  will do the trick01:48
Tripknotixhello , im having an issue, when i try to load ubuntu, this happened when i moved the server from our warehouse to our indoor office space, https://imgur.com/a/B6cDy3M01:48
Tripknotixprior to that, everything worked01:48
sarnoldfrenchface: it's been a few months since I've seen the server installer, but you can certainly just grab a shell on the thing, it might have been in the upper right-hand menu01:49
sarnoldTripknotix: double-check all the drive connections, unplug and replug them all, double-check the power connections, etc01:50
Tripknotixsarnold,  ok thank you01:50
pjssarnold: ah nice! I thought there was some blockers but I guess they fixed it. Thanks!01:51
frenchfacesarnold, it looks like from the ubuntu docs that I should be able to hit F2 or ctr Z to get to shell, but it doesn't do anything. would it be a terrible idea to use the desktop installer?01:54
sarnoldpjs: I think I've heard they wanted to avoid offering it until they figured out a workaround for legacy boot folks who have misconfigured the debconf database that says where to install grub..01:54
sarnoldfrenchface: desktop installer should work fine if you've got enough video card to run it01:55
pjssarnold: ah ok. So I guess I'm good to give it a go then01:57
sarnoldpjs: yeah, probably01:57
sarnoldpjs: iirc dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc would let you pick where grub ought to be installed01:57
sarnoldpjs: .. and if that's correct, or if you're using uefi, then dpkg-reconfigure grub-efi-amd64 should do the job01:58
quazimodois the pulse user meant to be in the 'bluetooth' user group?02:01
quazimodoon ubuntu 20.04 my bose qc35II keep connect/disconnecting02:01
quazimodo18.04 was better but I think i had to mess with some profiles to get it to stream properly... don't remember02:02
sarnoldquazimodo: I don't think that user account is used by anything02:03
sarnoldbluetooth seems like it's super-flaky at best02:04
quazimodobluetooth has always been annoying, the spec is super ridiculous02:04
quazimodobut i'm *fairly certain that bluez is ok, it's a pulse/bluez thing02:04
quazimodoas far as I can tell blueman simply coordinates bluez & pulse02:04
quazimodostill murdering my will to live, tho02:05
quazimodothe bluez logging output is a bit... not so great though; profiles/audio/avctp.c:session_cb() AVCTP session 0x55f468c898f0 got disconnected02:06
quazimodoi recon i need to work on the a2dp profile or something02:07
quazimodocould be a GDM thing eh02:08
quazimodoi should try in gnome-shell & see if it works there02:08
frenchfacesarnold, the last part says to run: $ mount /boot/efi02:09
frenchfaceshould i run it as /boot/grub ?02:10
sarnoldfrenchface: hmm I don't recall seeing an EFI partition in your output, did I overlook it?02:11
frenchfacesarnold, no I do not have a EFI partition, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/GRUB2SecureBootBypass under teh recovery instructions tells you to run it02:12
sarnoldfrenchface: yeah, it's more there as a reminder to folks who do use uefi that they need to mount it in order to do many of the recovery options02:14
pjssarnold: ok cool. I'm pretty sure I installed with defaults so I'll just let it do it's thing02:16
=== zbenjamin_ is now known as zbenjamin
sarnoldpjs: that's probably fine; the trouble is, if your grub-pc or grub-efi-amd64 debconf databases aren't configured correctly, it's a *real* pain to recover, but if it's fine, then it's only a few seconds to run the useless command. heh.02:17
Gossethello, impossible to install wine on Ubuntu Mate 18.0402:17
frenchfacesarnold, this maybe a stupid question, but should I be able to mount the boot partition?02:18
sarnoldfrenchface: that should work fine02:19
sarnoldGosset: pastebin the errors you get when you try to install it?02:19
frenchfacesarnold, well I cannot, maybe that's my error02:19
sarnoldfrenchface: hmm that's troubling indeed; are there any messages in dmesg that describe why?02:20
frenchfacefrom fdisk -l, /dev/sda1 is a BIOS boot, when I try to mount it I get the error wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1, missing codepage or helper program, or other error02:20
sarnoldheh, that's entirely too many possibilities02:22
sarnoldis there anything more specific in dmesg?02:23
frenchfacesarnold, any keywords to looks for? running just dmesg | grep -i sda1 doesn't bring up anything useful02:25
Gossetwhy must I install wine32 if I am running Ubuntu 64 bits?02:27
mefistofeleswine is a 32bit app, iirc02:28
sarnoldfrenchface: dmesg | tail  isn't too bad starting point02:28
Gossetthen, big problem because I can't install wine3202:28
Gossetwine32:i386 : Dependency: libwine:i386 (= 3.0-1ubuntu1)02:29
Gossetbig mess02:29
frenchfacesarnold, I just tried mounting /dev/sda1 of a BIOS boot type from another working VM and it doesn't mount either. So I'm thinking that it shouldnt be able find02:30
pjssarnold: is there a way to know if I'm fine or not lol?02:31
sarnoldpjs: oh! thanks for the reminder. maybe there is :) try this: debconf-get-selections  | grep 'grub.*install_devices'02:37
sarnoldfrenchface: how did you try to mount it? how did it fail? where there more detailed errors in dmesg output?02:38
ducassefrenchface: is it a bios boot partition? those have no file system, you can't mount them02:39
frenchfacei tried by mount /dev/sda1 /mnt, there were no errors in dmesg | tail02:39
frenchfaceducassee yes it was02:39
pjssarnold: is htat in debconf-utils?02:39
frenchfacei'm thinking about following something like this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootPartition but concerning that it is talking about ubuntu 1102:40
sarnoldpjs: yeah02:40
sarnold"This free space must be located inside the first 100GB of the disk" omg that's ancient02:40
pjssarnold: https://paste.sr.ht/~petersanchez/0debe806e3d56adbe4a497665018dc3a0c779add02:41
sarnoldpjs: hmm strange, I expected to see device names in there: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sYnFDNYbyv/02:41
pjssarnold: hrmm, weird02:42
pjsso maybe I shouldn't update then :)02:43
sarnoldpjs: or run dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc and make sure it's set up correctly before rebooting :)02:44
pjssarnold: dpkg-query: package 'grub-pc' is not installed and no information is available02:45
pjsTried it just to see lol02:45
pjsshould I install it?02:46
sarnoldpjs: very strange, I would have expected to see grub-efi-amd64 entries in your debconf selections if that's what you're using..02:47
sarnoldpjs: try dpkg-reconfigure grub-efi-amd64 then? :)02:47
pjsah yea, efi-amd64 is installed02:47
pjslet me try02:47
pjssarnold: seemed to complete OK02:48
pjsI left my custom options there (which may not even be needed anymore but...)02:48
sarnoldpjs: would you indulge my curiosity and re-run the debconf-get-selections  | grep 'grub.*install_devices'02:49
sarnoldI'm curious if those are populated now or not02:49
pjssarnold: they are not02:50
pjssame output (different order but same values)02:50
sarnoldpjs: strange. thanks :D02:51
pjssarnold: sure thing02:51
pjssarnold: so you feel it's safe to update? lol02:51
sarnoldpjs: yeah02:51
sarnoldpjs: I upgraded on my own laptop months back and it went pretty okay02:52
pjssarnold: ok so basically update, upgrade, dist-upgrade, do-release-upgrade, and finally dpkg-reconfigure grub-efi-amd64 - then reboot?02:53
sarnoldpjs: you can probably skip that final dpkg-reconfigure step02:55
sarnoldpjs: and probably dist-upgrade won't have anything to do after the upgrade, but it shouldn't hurt either02:55
pjsah ok02:56
pjsthanks, as always, for your help02:56
pjsI'll do it this weekend in case I screw things up I can restore with calm :)02:58
sarnoldpjs: good idea :) have fun :)03:01
sarnoldoh wait, that's like three days away. for a moment I thought this was friday night.03:01
chaslinuxIs there an online resource I can look at to see how to check within a .deb package for old versions and replace those with the new version of the .deb package? (created a .deb package, but don't want several old versions on a person's system)03:03
mozzarellaBlueEagle: bro03:04
sarnoldchaslinux: there's often a debian/watch file in the package that can be used with uscan to find and download new versions to package03:04
chaslinuxsarnold, the thing is I don't think I can get my package in repos (it's a game I created with GameMaker, so binary blob). Trying to make it simpler for people to install it rather than just run from folder.03:06
chaslinuxI've actually written a script to automate most of the debian package creation, but I wondered if perhaps a preinstall script or Makefile to do that task? Not really a programmer, so a bit confused.03:08
mozzarellaBlueEagle: are you there?03:08
sarnoldchaslinux: if you're willing to put in some work you could get it packaged in debian, then it'd be in ubuntu 'for free' -- you could also make a snap of it, you could probably have that done in a few hours, but it'd require folks to have snapd installed03:09
chaslinuxActually I did make a snap of it earlier, but never could get the audio working...03:09
lotuspsychjemozzarella: ask your question into the channel please03:10
sarnoldchaslinux: d'oh :(03:10
mozzarellalotuspsychje: I still can't print anything, doesn't seem to have anything to do with sleep03:11
chaslinuxI'll look a bit more sarnold, thanks, will try to get it in the repos.03:12
lotuspsychjemozzarella: re-ask your question with all details in channel, with your tryed steps03:13
quazimodobluetooth certainly is weird :/03:29
quazimodoconnects perfectly to my wife's qc35II headphones03:29
quazimododies in the ass when dealing with mine :/03:29
pjssarnold: hah, still Wednesday :)03:33
quazimodoturns out my idiot headphones were broken & bose pushed a fix jesus03:50
lalitmeeHey guys, I am facing a little bit weird problem and that is when I lock my system and login again some of my configurations are not applying like I have remapped my Caps Lock to Escape, that is not there after opening my system again after locking. Somehow the repeat keys configuration is also being reset and it is becoming to much distrubance04:39
lalitmeeI am using 20.04 Ubuntu04:39
=== hzmi is now known as hzmi35
oopsi have a encrypted usb  as a live usb , when i insert it as a live os , it will prompt enter password to decrypt it ,now i insert it as a common usb on my pc , how to decrypt it to view content05:13
quazimodooops: i think you need to mount it as an ecryptfs05:39
quazimodosomething like the instruction at the bottom there?05:39
quazimodois it ecryptfs encoded?05:40
oopsquazimodo , i opened it with command "cryptsetup luksOpen" , that usb is a encrypted kali live ,05:41
quazimodohrm that's different to ecryptfs isn't it05:47
tomreynoops: gnome files (nautilus) should be able to detect and open dmcrypt-luks encrypted storages.05:47
tomreynquazimodo: yes, that's different, ecryptfs was file system encryption, dmcrypt-luks is block device encryption.05:48
quazimodotomreyn: any reason why we have both dmcrypt & ecryptfs?05:48
ubottuEcryptFS is a file system encryption. It is deprecated since Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, see bug 1756840 for details. Use full disk encryption (dmcrypt-luks) instead.05:49
quazimodooh, interesting05:49
quazimodoso my ecryptfs encrypted home dir on 20.04 is shit05:49
tomreynit would be good to do a fresh installation at some point.05:50
quazimodoi literally just did :/05:51
quazimodoi think i ecryptfs'd my home dir my self05:51
tomreynoh, so you're saying 20.04 still supports ecryptfs?05:51
tomreynoh i see05:51
tomreyni think you can remove the encryption without data loss05:52
tomreynbut then you'll have none05:52
quazimodooh i remember now, I encrypted put /home on /dev/sda405:52
tomreynthere is also cryptsetuü-reencrypt, but it's not very user friendly.05:52
quazimodoso if I do block level encryption it would mean that the entire /home dir is unencrypted once any user logs in05:52
quazimodorather than being producted user-user05:52
tomreynright, that's a difference you get with file system vs block level encryption05:53
tomreynhow many human users are there using your system, though? most of the time, for desktops, the answer is 105:54
quazimodolol it's a laptop05:55
quazimodoactually i could use either, that doesn't matter, but im surprised that they deprecated ecryptfs for 20.0405:55
quazimodoit's a different way of doing it, dno why you'd deprecate05:55
tomreynbug 175684005:55
ubottubug 1756840 in ecryptfs-utils (Ubuntu) "Buggy, under-maintained, not fit for main anymore; alternatives exist" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175684005:55
quazimodothat was quick, did you prepare that answer earlier ?05:56
lotuspsychjequazimodo: volunteers follow the recent/biggest bugs05:57
tomreynit is a bug report, the one which the previous fact i requested from the ubottu bot points to.05:57
quazimodoah ok i didn't see05:58
quazimodoyeah ok05:58
quazimodopardon my paranoia but this feels like an nsa thing06:00
quazimodoit's encrypted, but only while the whole system is powered down06:00
mozzarellawhere is firefox's irc channel06:01
lotuspsychjemozzarella: #firefox ?06:03
quazimodooh wow no maintenance since 8 years ago06:03
quazimodoencfs looks good06:03
tomreynquazimodo: both file system encrpytion and block device encryption can only protect your data while it's not mounted / opened. if you want file system encryption (should not be for *this* reason) you should probably go for ext4 + fscrypt.06:05
quazimodounderstood, i haven't read about ext4+fscrypt06:07
quazimodoi presumed that that would be block level too06:07
tomreynext4 is the default file system on ubuntu installations.06:09
matsamanmozzarella: it's actually on mozilla's own IRC network06:11
matsamanencfs works pretty well indeed06:13
matsamanand gocryptfs is worth a look06:13
matsamananybody with physical access to your storage and real interest in your data won't be stopped by encryption, so you shouldn't try and protect against that06:14
matsamanwhat encryption does the best against is the odd mid-tier criminal, who just stole your laptop, and instead of pawning it _immediately_ for $5 of drugs, turns it on and sees if you have your bank account information saved in a text file06:14
matsamanpeople who really want your data don't waste time stealing your computers anyway06:15
quazimodomatsaman: i've seen antitrust i know how they put cameras & steal your stuff06:20
matsamancameras are pretty useful06:21
al_nz1why do I have netplan-eth0 and eth0 and which one is active?06:22
leftyfbal_nz1: because you created one of them and both are active06:23
al_nz1leftyfb: I have not created any of them06:24
leftyfbal_nz1: what version of ubuntu is this? Desktop or server?06:25
al_nz1but there is a 01-netcfg.yaml and a 01-network-manager-all.yaml06:25
Ricocan anyone here help me with this please ? https://paste.swordarmor.fr/3hrb06:26
leftyfbal_nz1: with ubuntu desktops, you shouldn't need to mess with any netplan files. Your network manager handles networking06:26
quazimodorecon it's possible to use gnome-shell applications like the wifi/bluetooth applets & the menu bar with i3?06:26
quazimodoor did they build gnome-shell so monolithic that you cant really use parts of it06:26
al_nz1leftyfb: well I have changed both adapters to static ip - but its not being reflected in ifconfig06:29
leftyfbal_nz1: how did you set them static? ifconfig isn't installed by default on ubuntu systems using netplan06:30
matsamanRico: what's the problem?06:30
Ricomatsaman:  the DNS config I enter for the VPN via network manager is not shown in systemd-resolve --status06:31
al_nz1leftyfb: using the gui network tool - perhaps network manager06:31
Ricoit should be06:31
Ricoit results in DNS not working correctly with VPN06:31
Ricoas my DNS config is not push into systemd-resolve when I brong my vpn up06:32
matsamanRico: what VPN system are we talking about?06:32
al_nz1leftyfb: I can screen share if you are able to take a look?06:32
Ricomatsaman:  openvpn06:32
Ricoin my pastebin, I should have DNS: in my tun2 description06:33
matsamanRico: you've got the network-manager-openvpn package/s installed?06:35
Ricomatsaman:  the only file where I'm able to find this DNS entry is /var/run/NetworkManager/resolv.conf06:35
Ricomatsaman:  yes. everything works fine ecept DNS06:35
al_nz1the netplan rendered is networkd06:38
al_nz1how do I change a IP with networkd06:38
Riconobody ?06:56
lotuspsychje!behelpful | mefistofeles06:57
ubottumefistofeles: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.06:57
RicoI'm fuc*ing stuck with that07:10
chownHello. What is a good standalone application panel/tray/menu using Xlib not gtk/qt. Standalone X panel if you will. Anyone have a suggestion? The idea is to use it with Ubuntu 20.04 and Xmonad07:14
BlueEaglechown: " Few applications use Xlib directly; rather, they employ other libraries that use Xlib functions to provide widget toolkits"08:03
BlueEaglechown: from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xlib08:03
BlueEaglechown: But xmobar is best fit I can find.08:07
chalcedonyhubby's new Ubuntu 20.04 says it can't see the internet. lshw doesn't mention network?08:08
chalcedonyclearly the lan is connected, i'm here.08:08
chalcedonybut the computer can't see it08:08
BlueEaglechalcedony: Does lsmod show anything ethernetty?08:08
chownI have that already. I have dmenu as well. I just wanted a panel I can click with my mouse with app switcher, app menu, systeray08:09
chalcedonyi will go see08:09
chownIf not, I can use stalonetray or tryaer, np. But application launcher/switcher is needed08:09
chownminimal panel08:09
BlueEaglechalcedony: I'm sorry, I meant lspci08:10
BlueEaglechalcedony: Also, which network interface card are they using?08:14
chalcedonyBlueEagle, oh that might be better, i didn't see much there08:14
chalcedonyBlueEagle, it would be onboard lan, gigabyte motherboard.08:14
chalcedonyBlueEagle, it looks like: 04:00.0 Ethernet Controller Realtek Semiconductor Com Ltd., RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller GF 218 [ GeForce 210 ] (rev a2)08:22
lotuspsychjechalcedony: realtek chipsets are kernel itchy, you might wanna try different kernels as a test08:28
chalcedonylotuspsychje, it's a brand new install from a dvd08:30
lotuspsychjechalcedony: wich kernel are you currently running?08:30
chalcedonyhow to tell?08:30
lotuspsychjechalcedony: uname -a08:31
chalcedonyk give me a moment08:31
chalcedonylotuspsychje, Linux vir 5.4.0-42-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 10 00:24:02 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux08:37
lotuspsychje!uptodate | chalcedony08:38
ubottuchalcedony: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.08:38
chalcedonyit can't see the internet.08:38
chalcedonythere is no way to do that atm08:38
chalcedonywe are trying for wired lan.08:39
chalcedonydoes anything on here sound useful? he actually had somewhat of a connection though?  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1103785/cant-connect-to-internet-via-ethernet-rtl8111-8168-841108:45
chalcedonyhttps://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=152180 This one doesn't seem as relevant, maybe?08:47
aeternum3hi. i am stuck in a dependency loop. i am trying to do-release-upgrade, and it upgraded glibc, but glibc requires kernel 3.6 or newer, but i can't upgrade my kernel because i get the error: Errrors were encountered while processing:09:12
aeternum3 /var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.27-3ubuntu1.3_amd64.deb09:12
aeternum3E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:12
aeternum3whenever i use dpkg or apt, i get that error09:12
jellyaeternum3: which release are you upgrading from?  What's the current kernel (uname -a)?09:22
jellyaeternum3: can you pastebin the WHOLE output, not just the last two lines09:22
cocakolahave you tried force with the dpkg removal of libc609:23
jellydon't do that.09:23
aeternum3no, i don't plan to do that09:24
jellyit's a bit hard for dynamically linked commands to work without libc609:25
jellyand almost all commands in ubuntu are dynamically linked09:25
aeternum3jelly https://pastebin.com/AUYxQ8T509:26
aeternum3jelly: also, from 16.04. trying to get up to 20.0409:32
jellyaeternum3: you can't skip from 16.04 straight to 20.04, can you?09:32
aeternum3no, i plan to go via 18.0409:33
jellyaeternum3: again, what does uname -a say?09:33
aeternum3Linux blastoise 2.6.32-042stab141.3 #1 SMP Fri Nov 15 22:45:34 MSK 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux09:33
jellyaeternum3: that's a VPS?09:34
jellyaeternum3: you don't have control of your kernel there, it's impossible to do a release upgrade until you ask your provider to migrate your VPS to a more recent OpenVZ/Virtuozzo kernel09:35
aeternum3how do i fix my current error though?09:35
aeternum3i can't use apt09:35
jellyyou could revert apt changes and go back to xenial09:35
aeternum3how do i do that?09:36
jellyfor the time being09:36
pho}e{nixaeternum3, have you tried sudo apt -f install ? :P09:36
aeternum3yup. sec. i;ll get the response09:36
jellypho}e{nix: how is that going to help preinst breakage in libc609:36
jelly(it's not)09:37
jelly(that check in preinst is there for a good reason)09:37
aeternum3ah. it goes through the loop again09:37
pho}e{nixjelly, oh missed that part...I've seen "problems with dependencies"09:37
jellyaeternum3: manually?  Edit /etc/apt/sources.list I guess, put repos for 16.04 (xenial) back instead of repos for 18.04 (bionic)09:38
pho}e{nixStupid question maybe -> Why don't you install a fresh copy of 20.04 if you really want it that bad? :D09:39
pho}e{nixI've had so many bad experiences with doing release upgrades in the past, that I'm never gonna do one again (although the latest releases may be easier to upgrade). I'm just not taking chances...09:40
chalcedony if you have a ubuntu dvd, and windows 10 is already on a computer, how do you tell it not to delete the initial os?09:40
pho}e{nixspending hours/days fixing problems that arise09:40
pho}e{nixchalcedony, you first need to create a new partition on your harddrive where you wish to install Ubuntu.09:41
aeternum3pho}e{nix: it;s because it's a vps09:41
pho}e{nixThe installer will automatically detect the Windows installation and not delete it.09:41
pho}e{nixaeternum3, so what?09:41
aeternum3jelly i think i fixed it by changing /etc/apt/sources.list to xenial, doing apt -f install, then changing back09:42
aeternum3oh. nope. didn't fix shit09:43
pho}e{nixchalcedony, try not to take space from your existing windows partitions if you don't want headaches09:45
aeternum3pho}e{nix: they need to add ISOs for newer distros09:48
xaviergmailHi everyone I'm running into a weird issue with ubuntu-based docker images. / seems to be missing the world-executable flag so no user other than root can open a shell. Any ideas?10:02
jellyaet... eh10:05
jellypho}e{nix: a container-based VPS where aeternum3 did not have control of kernel or kernel version, and the kernel was a EL6 openvz 2.6.32 one.  You can't run the normal installer there at all10:08
BlueEaglechalcedony: If adding a separate drive for Ubuntu is not an option then you will have to shrink the existing partition. There are always risks in modifying the filesystem and partitions, so first make a backup of everything you need. Win10 does have a tool for resizing partitions. Alternatively there is gparted that can run from the installer environment.10:08
pho}e{nixjelly, container-based was missing there :D10:46
jellythere's more context above.  But it's all moot since the user is gone10:50
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ilias_grhi all. could you please advise me what exactly do 'install-info' utility package and if it is necessary for the system?11:33
DeyaaI wanna extract all rar files inside the directory tree to a path similar to .rar filename11:34
DeyaaCan someone help me please??11:34
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BlueEagleDeyaa: I read what you have written, but I am not sure what the problem is. Do you need a tool to extract the archive or do you need instructions on how to use a tool you have already found?12:19
BlueEagleDeyaa: apt search unrar-free12:19
BlueEagleDeyaa: man unrar12:20
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DeyaaBlueEagle: I want to unrar everything in side a directory12:35
DeyaaEverything single rar file12:36
Zennhi guys O12:40
ZennI'm having issue installing Ubuntu 20.10 on my Laptop it keeps saying intel rts is enable and I cant find the option to disable it, I have already wipe off the Windows from my system12:41
ZennI have check bios there isnt any ACHI option12:41
BluesKajHi all12:52
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DeyaaWire guard Vs openvpn13:13
BluesKajwireguard FTW!13:17
BluesKajgoogle is your friend13:27
* nuala snorts 'well.......'13:30
nualaalso btw: anything super drastic changed in 'recent' ubuntu versions? on lack of proper backup i resorted to extundelete and im just curious it says '0 recoverable inodes found', it was a long shot anyway but absolutely zero strikes me a lil bit odd13:32
nuala(like even lsdel in debugs says 0 deleted inodes found oO) ubuntu 20.04 ext4 ~ just curious *gets busy applying brain backup to machine* ^^;13:42
spicywallHaving WiFi issues with Ubuntu 20.04. The speeds are very slow ~1-2 Mbps, while my phone on the exact same broadband shows 50-60 Mbps. Any idea why?14:16
lotuspsychjespicywall: wich chipset is that please14:18
spicywallHow do I find the chipset? It's an Intel laptop. Lenovo Ideapad 13.14:19
lotuspsychjespicywall: sudo lshw -C network14:19
spicywall*-network                        description: Wireless interface       physical id: 1       bus info: usb@1:1.4       logical name: wlx2016d8b6a3fe       serial: 20:16:d8:b6:a3:fe       capabilities: ethernet physical wireless       configuration: broadcast=yes driver=rtl8xxxu driverversion=5.4.0-53-generic firmware=N/A ip= link=yes14:20
spicywallmulticast=yes wireless=IEEE 802.1114:20
spicywallOops, sorry for the bad formatting. Should I send it as a text file?14:20
bdiddyspicywall: did it work on earlier versions of ubuntu?14:21
spicywallYes, there wasn't a problem14:22
spicywallSince 20.04, I have started noticing the slow speeds14:22
bdiddylspci should tell you more about it14:22
spicywallThat's the weird thing when I do lspci14:22
spicywalllspci | grep Network Network returns nothing14:23
lotuspsychjespicywall: system up to date to latest please?14:23
bdiddyshouldn't have all that much stuff just lspci and find it14:23
tatertotsspicywall: are you chatting from the computer right now?14:23
spicywall00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor DRAM Controller (rev 09)00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller (rev 09)00:04.0 Signal processing controller: Intel Corporation 3rd Gen Core Processor Thermal Subsystem (rev 09)00:14.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C21014:24
lalitmeeHey guys, I am facing a little bit weird problem and that is when I lock my system and login again some of my configurations are not applying like I have remapped my Caps Lock to Escape, that is not there after opening my system again after locking. Somehow the repeat keys configuration is also being reset and it is becoming to much distrubance14:24
spicywallSeries Chipset Family USB xHCI Host Controller (rev 04)00:16.0 Communication controller: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family MEI Controller #1 (rev 04)00:1a.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller #2 (rev 04)00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family High14:24
spicywallDefinition Audio Controller (rev 04)00:1d.0 USB controller: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family USB Enhanced Host Controller #1 (rev 04)00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation QS77 Express Chipset LPC Controller (rev 04)00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation 7 Series Chipset Family 6-port SATA Controller [AHCI mode] (rev 04)00:1f.314:24
spicywallSMBus: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C216 Chipset Family SMBus Controller (rev 04)00:1f.6 Signal processing controller: Intel Corporation 7 Series/C210 Series Chipset Family Thermal Management Controller (rev 04)14:24
spicywallYes, I am chatting from the computer14:24
tatertotsspicywall: in terminal>    apt install inxi14:24
tatertotsspicywall: let me know when done14:24
lalitmeeI am using Ubuntu 20.0414:24
spicywall(installing inxi)14:25
spicywallAlso, shouldn't lspci have information on the network controller?14:25
hggdhspicywall: please use pastebin instead of directly posting multiple lines14:25
tatertotsspicywall: just wait until the install is finished to continue14:25
tatertotsspicywall: shouldn't take long14:26
spicywalltatertots, inxi has completed installation14:29
* fernando_ claps14:30
swenssonHey, Just installed ubuntu 20.04 on my Lenovo carboon x1 tablet, I have a removeable keyboard. When loggin in, a keyboard appears when I touch the screen but not when I'm logged in. Anyone familiar with this?14:32
fernando_why does ubuntu does not come with synaptic by default anymore?14:32
lotuspsychjefernando_: install synaptic?14:32
spicywallhggdh here is the https://pastebin.com/R4eFw3s6 for the lspci command14:32
fernando_i installed but im a newbie it was hard14:33
Maikfernando_: you asked why ubuntu does not come with synaptic by default anymore. If you know that ubuntu shipped synaptic before you are not a newb at all14:34
fernando_yes i played with it some years ago14:35
fernando_on my virtual machine14:35
Maikand installing synaptic is easy: sudp apt install synaptic14:35
Maikfernando_: was a typo so it's sudo apt install synaptic14:36
Maikyou're welcome :)14:37
spicywallBased on inxi output, "Realtek RTL8723AU 802.11n WLAN Adapter" is the network adapter. Is there an issue with this?14:39
tatertotsspicywall: in terminal>    inxi -Fxxxprzc0|nc termbin.com 999914:41
tatertotsspicywall: share url/link here...if you do not get a url/link..simply say so14:41
spicywall`nc: getaddrinfo for host "termbin.com" port 9999: Temporary failure in name resolution`14:42
spicywallSorry, worked now - https://termbin.com/46g414:43
lotuspsychjespicywall: update your system to latest please14:47
tatertotsspicywall: looks like that driver is known for slow performance and frequent disconnects14:50
tatertotsspicywall: you might try https://github.com/lwfinger/rtl8723au instead14:50
spicywalllotuspsychje you mean upgrade to the latest kernel? I can do that, but this issue has been there for quite sometime now - even when I was up to date.14:50
lotuspsychje!uptodate | spicywall your current system14:51
ubottuspicywall your current system: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.14:51
spicywalltatertots thanks, I will try the driver from lwfinger14:51
spicywalllotuspsychje sure, will do the update14:52
bdiddyspicywall: wifi can be a pita honestly.  I've seen where disabling IPV6 has helped.  Also disabling 802.11n or changing the wifi band your router is using.  Upgrading the kernel could work, or it's possible you just have a dying wifi card14:52
bdiddyi've also had to complie updated drivers of my own before to get things working14:53
lotuspsychjespicywall: before all other tryouts and advices, its good to have your system up tod ate first, specialy with realtek chipsets, kernel versions matter14:53
spicywallThanks, will try that out and get back14:53
nualaspicywall: i vaguely remember about 'disabling 802.11n' seemd to help when i had slow wifi on occasional networks, recently had to use it again with 18.04 .14:59
nualaso what its worth i keep that for years as a online `sudo  modprobe -r iwlwifi && sudo modprobe iwlwifi 11n_disable=1`15:00
speederhow I isntall and use gcc10 as default?15:10
speederI want to use a feature that doesn't exist in gcc9.3 that is the ubuntu default right now15:11
nualaspeeder: recommendation for toolchain ppa on askubuntu, have you seen that?15:13
frenchfacehey everyone, I have had some major issues with not being able to boot. somehow I have fixed it. But during the process I have I have broken some other things. My version of Ubuntu was 18.xx Server Edition. I used the 18 Desktop Version to launch Ubuntu Live. Now my ubuntu VM boots (something things aren't working yet) but it seems it doesn't know15:14
frenchfacewhat version it is anymore. After booting for the first time I did some apt upgrade. Now when logging into shell, I see my version is Ubuntu 20.10 but it tells me a new release 20.04.1 LTS is available and to run do-release-upgrade15:14
frenchfaceIf I run cat /etc/os-release it says it is version 20.1015:15
speedernuala, toolchain ppa?15:16
frenchfacealso if I run apt update I get alot of error saying public key is not available or that the signatures couldn't be verified15:16
nualaspeeder: yes, never heard of it before neither~ just reading out aloud to you :)15:17
frenchfaceand if I am really 20.10, when running apt update it is still looking at bionic releases15:17
mancman3sounds like you installed the live ubuntu instead of fixing server 18.04. you can't make change to installed server unless you chroot into it. if it's VM did u not make any snapshots15:21
EriC^frenchface: can you pastebin the link to 'cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 9999'15:23
EriC^*can you paste15:23
frenchfacemancman3, Well not to say I never screwed up. But to the best of my knowledge i used chroot everytime15:24
frenchfaceEriC^ I just updated all references in my sources.list from bionic to groovy15:25
EriC^frenchface: ok, try sudo apt update && sudo apt-get -f install15:25
frenchfaceEriC^ apt update now works, apt-get -f install only suggest running autoremove15:27
EriC^frenchface: sounds good15:30
frenchfaceEric^ is there a way to get it back to the server install vs the desktop? I even currently have the desktop splash screen as it boots..15:32
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EriC^frenchface: the easiest way would be to edit grub so that it boot to the multi-user.target which will just give a tty15:33
EriC^frenchface: or you could remove the desktop metapackage and see how much packages it removes15:34
EriC^frenchface: it's up to you, which one you prefer?15:37
mancman3obviously do your backups before regularly and before attempting this15:38
frenchfacei'll try removing the metapackage15:39
EriC^frenchface: ok, once you do the autoremove, it should remove the rest of the packages15:39
frenchfaceIt was hanging on cloud-init during boot, so I added ran touch /etc/cloud/cloud-init.disabled15:40
frenchfacewaiting to see if it will boot now...15:40
frenchfacebut not looking so hot, sitting with a red/purple screen with the curser just blinking15:41
EriC^try pressing 'esc' to see what's going on15:42
diskinHi all, sometimes when I open a new tab in Mozilla Firefox, it shows that it requires restart. Why is it doing it, and why it doesn't actually restart after that?15:42
frenchfacemancman3, I do use BackupPC - which is what this VM is. I also have another BackupPC that backs this one up. However, I do not have a good way to just backup vm by taking snapshots15:42
frenchfaceEriC^ esc does nothing, nor does any of the function key. I had already hit F12 at the start and I could see the typical boot sequence happen15:43
eliyahutbrHey guys. My bluetooth stopped working a few days ago and I've tried googling and whatnot and stopped in here a few times, but i didn't succeed in connecting with anyone.15:49
eliyahutbrI'm running Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS15:49
frenchfaceEriC^ I'm not sure which of these are desktop multiverses. https://termbin.com/jhqh15:52
EriC^frenchface: you need to remove the desktop meta-package, try "dpkg -l | grep desktop" and see which desktop is installed15:58
EriC^or if you already know it, just type 'sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop' for instance15:58
frenchfaceEriC^ https://termbin.com/j25wo15:59
EriC^frenchface: hmm, are you in the desktop right now?16:00
EriC^frenchface: is a desktop manager installed? dpkg -l | awk '$2 ~/dm$/'16:02
eliyahutbrprogress! https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HpcwrS9Mqg/16:05
eliyahutbrbut the GUI still tells me to plug in a blue tooth dongle16:05
eliyahutbrhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fQrX5kFYwt/ a slightly more complete picture16:06
eliyahutbri think more progress, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rxqvSGkRzc/ but i could use some help16:13
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chalcedonyhopefully helpers are awake16:16
eliyahutbrhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GgTGd45TZN/ dmesg output16:17
chalcedonyMy husband's new install of Ubuntu 20.04 is crashing. It says an internal error and offeres to report the problem. We tried starting firefox and it's also crashing before we start to search for the solution to the problem.16:18
eliyahutbrrfkill list doesn't show anything bluetooth16:18
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eliyahutbrone suggestion i found online was removing pci=nomsi from the kernel, but I'm a newbie and I don't know how and if that is safe16:23
EriC^^frenchface: ?16:23
frenchfaceEriC^^ i'm working on booting issues currently16:24
eliyahutbrwell guys i've been trying for an hour16:40
eliyahutbranyone have the capacity to assist w/ a blue tooth issue?16:41
eliyahutbrotherwise, i'll try another day16:41
BlueEagleeliyahutbr: What you can do is press E on the grub boot menu and then add it to the boot option you are using. Press F10 after adding it. If it works then you can add it permanently. If it doesn't work then the boot settings are reverted next power on.16:42
BlueEagleeliyahutbr: Sorry, that was not for you.16:42
BlueEaglechalcedony: What you can do is press E on the grub boot menu and then add it to the boot option you are using. Press F10 after adding it. If it works then you can add it permanently. If it doesn't work then the boot settings are reverted next power on.16:43
diskinHi all, sometimes when I open a new tab in Mozilla Firefox, it shows that it requires restart. Why is it doing it, and why it doesn't actually restart after that?16:45
=== jeddo- is now known as jeddo
frenchfaceEriC^^ after fixing my boot issues, when I run dpkg -l grep desktop it says no packages found matching desktop16:54
spicywallHi, I had messaged earlier about Wifi issues in Ubuntu 20.04. My adapter was rtl8xxxu. Based on the responses then, I updated the system and tried using the driver from lwfinger github page. The problem still persists.17:00
pavlosfrenchface: you need | before grep17:01
spicywallTo recap: internet speeds on laptop with Ubuntu is very slow [speed test shows 1-2 Mbps], while mobile connected to same Wifi is very high [50-60 Mbps]. Additional information: same laptop, if I boot in Windows, the speeds are very high as well.17:01
HarlinHappy report .... first brand new laptop I've bought in a while works great out of the box with most recent version of Ubuntu! ASUS VivoBook :-)17:01
HarlinThis being 20.04.17:01
frenchfacepavlos, thanks!17:02
frenchfaceEriC^, I'm not sure if a desktop manager is installed, https://termbin.com/3zzi17:04
spicywalllotuspsychje tatertots nuala any suggestions?17:05
nualanope, its really what i posted what keeps me running for years on old hardware here. sry :C17:09
pavlosspicywall: what the actual chipset (not rtl8xxxu) ?17:12
pavloswhat is17:12
spicywallpavlos the actual chipset is RTL8723A17:29
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
eldowanI'm trying to grab the current CPU% of a long running process and store in a variable. if I use ' ps -p <pid> -o %cpu ' I'm returned a long term average. but if I do ' top -b -n 1 -p <pid> ' I get the instantaneous value, which I want. Is there a stright foward way to retrieve the instant CPU %?17:51
Habbieit's not instant, it's averaged over a second17:52
Habbieor some shorter period17:52
eldowanfair point, but good enough for my purposes17:52
Habbieps can also tell you total cpu time used since start; get that twice at some useful interval and you can calculate the 'instantaneous' %17:52
eldowanI don't follow17:53
Habbiewhat top does is ask the kernel how many CPU seconds a process has used; then a very short time later, it asks the kernel again17:53
Habbiethe difference between those numbers is what it calculates the percentage from17:54
Habbiei suspect a tool that would give you that number directly already exists17:55
eldowanso maybe I'm going about this incorrect.17:55
Habbieperhaps one of top's competitors, like atop or htop, can export things more directly17:55
eldowanI have a long running ffmpeg process, and I'm trying to detect when it hangs up. I thought that ps would be the tool to use17:55
Habbiehow is 'hangs up' defined? goes to 0%?17:55
eldowanbut ps shows 18% because it's been running for 24ish hours17:56
Habbiethen ask ps how many CPU seconds it has used; wait a short time; ask again; if that number has not changed, it's stuck17:56
eldowanoooohhh, now I get what you're saying17:56
Habbieit is the column that ps calls 'TIME'17:57
eldowanHm. So since the process is still listening on a UDP port, the TIME value continues to incriment17:58
eldowanSince it spawns multiple children processes, I thought maybe I'd just watch the process count, but even working instances give 0 when I do something like 'ps -eo ppid= | grep -Fwc $pid' from https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/273760/finding-number-of-child-processes-of-a-particular-process17:59
codecutterctrl+R allows me to scroll through recent commands, how do i remove a cmd from the memory?18:04
codecutterI have to commads that a very similar and sometimes I end up pressing enter on the wrong command18:05
eldowanyou might try something like removing the last line, the reloading .bash_history? Not sure by that might work18:05
eldowanAlso, I recently learned if you have a space before a command it's not submitted to the history and won't show up in ctrl+r18:06
codecutterrm /bar/foo & rm /zoo/bar <-- latter is outdated but still shows up in history18:06
codecutterwill that remove a cmd already in history?18:07
eldowanso, you're wanting to type 'rm /bar/foo & rm /zoo/bar' and later hit up and it shows something different?18:07
eldowanIs the command you want to remove always the last command, or can it be anywhere in the history?18:07
eldowanalright. makes it more complex I think.18:08
codecutterhow do i remove the 'rm /zoo/ba' from hsitory?18:08
codecutter'rm /zoo/bar'18:08
eldowansed -n '/pattern/!p' file18:09
eldowanthe file you're concerned with is ~/.bash_history, and once you remove the lines, you need your shell to reload the file.18:10
codecutterhow do i reload?18:10
eldowannow that's a good question. not sure there18:10
codecutterwill restart do it?18:11
eldowanyou /could/ just type in 'bash' again18:11
eldowanI don't know, but maybe running ~/.bashrc may help.18:12
eldowangotta run, good luck18:12
jayjoI'm trying to create a custom ISO (or custom memstick) for a server installation that has afew additional packages (virt-tools, qemu, etc). Am I better off customizing the installation itself, or using pre-seeding to install from a usb stick partition that I maintain a snapshot of the packages? They both seem like they achieve the same goal18:12
ash_worksiwhere would you keep plantuml.jar? (ref: https://plantuml.com/starting )18:21
ash_worksi /opt perhaps?18:22
HekkarykI can't get Ubuntu 20.04.1 to be stable without setting maxcpus=1 (i7-6700K on ASUS Z170-P) - any ideas how to use all cores? Win10 runs fine but, well, it's not Linux.18:53
HekkarykKubuntu 20.10 also crashes without setting maxcpus=1 in GRUB18:53
Hekkaryk... safe graphics also crashes18:54
Hekkaryk:| hoped anybody would be so kind to help and have some idea18:56
Hekkaryk... ok then... it's quiet for 1231 people here. Hope you all have a nice day!19:00
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KE0VVTIs there a tool to patch fonts to include the Apple logo at U+F8FF?19:53
nualai really struggle with setting up a 'physical volume for encryption' during installation. ideally that volume should hold 2 partitions for / and /home, i also use a seperate ext4 partition for /boot20:32
nualae.g. right now i used partition p6 as mentionend but i can't split it up in 2 different partitions anymore20:34
TJ-nuala: maybe my guide can help you? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_201920:48
=== nckx is now known as jorts
nualaTJ-: yus! i skimmed at that: case is i am required to keep dual-boot with windows working. about 2 weeks ago someone said they used a commercial installer for partitioning a LUKS encrypted ubuntu side-by-side a win1020:51
TJ-nuala: as long as you can put aside some space to create a single partition for the Linux install (talking about UEFI install here) then you can easily dual-boot20:52
TJ-nuala: in that single partition you can do LUKS > PV > VG > LVs (you'll have GRUB core in the separate EFI system partition)20:53
=== jorts is now known as nckx
nualayes uefi, ssd install. (please shout if i ommit vital information). it seems to be an nvme drive as well ( /dev/nvme??p1 nvme??p2... etc.)20:55
TJ-nuala: you can do that alternate layout in the same way as my guide ( don't need to create the optional BIOS Boot partition) and the separate /boot/ can be a Logical Volume inside the LUKS > PV > VG20:55
TJ-nuala: GRUB has an lvm module so would detect that layout at the 'grub-install' stage and include the correct modules in it's core EFI loader in the EFI-SP at /EFI/ubuntu/grub64.efi20:56
nualai need to study your link more i assume, lie that LUKS > PV (primaryy volume)  VG... *bites* dont get it right now. and i see i dont really understand how many partitions i need in this case/how to stack it.20:57
TJ-nuala: i'd suggest you 'play' with the layout inside a UEFI-boot Virtual Machine with a 'fake' placeholder Windows partition20:57
nualauh! that might be a good idea! ^^20:58
TJ-nuala: Let's assume you've got /dev/nvme0n1p1 = EFI-SP, /dev/nvme0n1p2 = Windows (and some other 'recovery' partitions) and you shrink p2 and create a partition in that space called /dev/nvme0n1p420:59
TJ-nuala: so you start the installer in "Try" mode, open a terminal, and make sure you understand the layout, then you'd do "pvcreate /dev/nvme0n1p4; vgcreate MY_VG /dev/nvme0n1p4; lvcreate -L 1G -n boot MY_VG; lvcreate -L 16G -n rootfs MY_VG; lvcreate -L 16G -n var MY_VG; lcreate -l 50%FREE -n home MY_VG;" ... then you'd use mkfs.ext -L <name> /dev/mapper/MY_VG-<name> for each21:02
TJ-nuala: at that point you'd have LVs and file-systems ready, and could then run the installer, choose 'Something Else' at the paritioning stage, and choose all the LVs and set their mount points, and of course include the already-present EFI-SP at /dev/nvme0n1p121:04
TJ-nuala: the installer would set the Ubuntu install first in the UEFI boot order, so at power-on to start Windows you'd have to tap the firmware's manual boot manager hot-key (often F9, F10, or F11) but varies based on make of PC21:05
nualaok yes *nods, doesnt  feel like getting it* but! i am digging into the article right now (ofc i have stopped reading too early). i'll setup some VM as suggested and check against your advice here! i don't feel so lost anymore.21:06
nualaTJ-: thanks a lot already for your help <321:07
TJ-nuala: I know it can be confusing at first, but remember, all you're doing is created chains of block devices inside block devices21:07
nuala(i honestly struggle regulary with UEFI install, where to put that boot thingy again? oh sda not sda1... that level, stacking devices i can picture though yes21:08
TJ-nuala: for partitioning based installs you've only got three levels: partition > LUKS container > file-system but for more flexible layouts you'll have partition > LUKS container > LVM > file-system21:08
nuala! LVM adds e.g. flexibility to resize partitions later on?21:09
ubottunuala: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:09
* nuala pats ubottu ~ sorry for nudging21:09
TJ-nuala: well, if you're talking about telling GRUB install where to go, it is ALWAYS the whole device, not a partition - you're telling GRUB which device to LOOK on for the location of its bootstrap/core21:09
TJ-nuala: yes, LVM gives flexibility - you may notice in my example above, I used "lvcreate -l 50%FREE -n home MY_VG" as the last command ... that would only allocate 50% of the remaining free space in MY_VG to /home/ file-system, so you can create additional LVs or extend existings LVS at will. I regularly do that as an online resize: "lvextend --resizefs -L +5G MY_VG/LV-name" - takes 5 seconds max21:11
TJ-nuala: you can check the remaining free space with "vgdisplay" and see something like "Free  PE / Size       27628 / 107.92 GiB"21:13
TJ-nuala: I use that free space for temporary virtual machines, containers, testing environments, and such21:13
nualapartition managing via CLI... didnt expect that adventure when i woke up this morning 🙈  if i havent bricked the device by tonight that would be a major success :]21:16
TJ-nuala: if you need to free space from Windows grasp, first try using Windows Disk Management - if that fails even after a defrag due to an unmovable file, resort to GPartEd which'll call on the ntfsresize tools that can do it, then simply make the free space into a partition21:24
KurozenSo uuuuum Muon package manager does not uninstall the dependency modules when uninstalling the package that installed the dependencies ???21:26
BlueEagleKurozen: I am not sure what Moun does, but apt autoremove will remove orphaned packages.21:26
KurozenBlueEagle: but what about after I already removed the parent package with Muon?21:27
nuala(( TJ- its fine, had/have again a dual boot installation and enough space to play in the VM. again thanks for all the information <3))21:28
Kurozenbecause ... the way History works it's kinda useless, they just show things which installed/uninstalled today, there's no grouping by hour/minute/ uninstall/install and whether it's orphaned/dependency/autoselect21:28
BlueEagleKurozen: What does apt autoremove yield? Does it list packages that will be removed?21:29
KurozenWell yeah exactly, I don't want to remove some thing it may think are not used but may be. I did install some things manually for development, like qt5base-private-dev and others21:29
BlueEagleapt should not remove anything not installed with apt21:30
KurozenIf it were more fine grain control it be better.21:30
KurozenOh, I did never install anything with apt.21:30
TJ-Kurozen: apt, and dpkg, build the dependency graph from the 'debian/control' file in each package, so as long as those are correct apt won't break anything21:30
KurozenMuon does list in it's history "automatic" but there's no way to select all automatics and click uninstall, history is mostly useless because you can't copy paste text even, nor do anything in there, I have to manually deinstal 100x packages. weird.21:32
TJ-Kurozen: all the GUI tools calls on the APT libraries under the hood21:33
KurozenRight I was wondering about that, so if Moun correctly configured the manually selected packages to not be orphaned then it should work ... I'll try it, at least in this case I don't have anything that important going on, hopefully it lists whatever it autoremoves.21:34
KurozenOh wait, Muon has a feature "Remove Unnecessary Packages" selected 101 of them21:35
KurozenWhy does it think linux headers are unneded, I was messing around with custom themes and stuff21:37
KurozenI think those thigns were preinstalled by something21:37
TJ-Kurozen: probably headers for kernels that have been superceded and removed21:40
KurozenAha, yeah,21:44
KurozenHuh, the update kinda bugged, showing me updates for obsolete packages I just removed.21:50
KurozenThat'll need a reboot.21:50
KurozenOh ... hmm running update for Software Sources and Additional Drivers seemed to fix it, but I think it just refreshed cache once any kind of install process runs TBH.21:53
halvorsHi! The mainline kernel ppa seems to not pass build 5.9.9 for amd64? Could anyone look into this? :-)22:26
HackerIIi know most will deny this.. i may get booted22:26
droid3hey curious guys when working with the tweak settings program whats the difference between changing the application vs changing the Shell under appearance> themes22:26
HackerIIwhy has the intelligence agencies invaded my internet22:27
HackerIII made a video22:27
droid3isnt the shell normally the gnome , kde ,...etc shell meaning the whole desktop env22:27
HackerIIdont make a kook out og me22:27
droid3what is the application vs shell setting they do give different affects but you can reason reasonable the same thing with either or depending on your installed theme22:28
HackerIIi posted a vid to FB.. and (immediately) everything went haywire22:28
droid3just curious never really had to install a Shell. But have installed cursors , icons  , applications22:28
HackerIIreminder. everything that is sais is recorded to an external source22:29
HackerIIUbuntu.. explain. .. thanks22:29
droid3just curious not a huge deal just one button i not sure about22:29
HackerIIit even went through my von22:30
sarnoldHackerII: the whole point of facebook is to inspect every interaction you ever do with it or millions of other websites so that they can sell advertising to you based on your interests, your friends, your friends interests, etc. if you give facebook your data it doesn't matter if you used a vpn, because they can identify you through many other mechanisms22:31
droid3I guess what i am asking is what these  GNOME Shell Extensions  are for when you already got themes, icons, cursor that you can install or even totally new windows managers or desktop managers22:32
sarnoldHackerII: this is probably a decent enough introduction to the tools used https://coveryourtracks.eff.org/22:32
shibbolethso that they can market their insights into you and the ability to manipulate those who are like you22:33
droid3what does  GNOME Shell Extensions  provide that you cannt achieve from the other ones / ways22:33
shibbolethdroid3, apparently it's a framework that might, eventually be able to make the top bar useful again. they just haven't been able to figure out how22:34
shibboleththe best minds have been at it for ten years though22:34
droid3why does people care about that bar i see know major advantage of even having of it22:34
shibbolethyeah, that was sarcasm. the top bar used to be useful in gnome222:35
droid3one could make his own custom widget to show up on the desktop like weather or time or other widgets but for programmers at least me i find it a nuisance22:35
droid3getting in the way when developing or doing graphical development22:35
droid3So i tend to like a regular desktop background nothing special , nothing animated22:36
droid3but on down days i play around with customizing shit and fun cool graphical app hacks and such or talk about  :)22:36
droid3So right now not many downloadable shell extensions for any major uses or point . I take it by what your said22:37
hello_kittyhow do I get grub to see windows10? I've freshly installed ubuntu 20.04 on a partition of a secondary drive, and now the computer will *only* boot into ubuntu. I can see the other drives if I run os-prober myself but update-grub doesn't seem to add them to the boot list23:02
nerdthatnooneliktry that link23:03
nerdthatnoonelikif u dont want to run this sudo os-prober23:03
nerdthatnoonelikto see if windows is recognized23:03
nerdthatnoonelikbut first mount ur windows partition23:03
nerdthatnoonelikbefore running the os-prober command23:03
hello_kittywhat is nautilus?23:04
nerdthatnooneliknautilus is a file manager23:04
hello_kittyis that the 'Files' icon in a graphical ubuntu?23:05
matsamanhello_kitty: nautilus is the old name for 'Files', yes23:06
matsamanthe purpose of GNOME is to be a macOS clone, so they naturally also eventually started naming entire applications after ordinary words describing the paradigm or purpose they fill23:06
nerdthatnoonelikif your using KDE it will be called dolphin23:06
nerdthatnoonelikxfce uses thunar23:07
matsamanthey also renamed their browser to 'Web'23:07
nerdthatnooneliklxde/lxqt uses pcmanfm23:07
matsamanI'm sure eventually they'll rename 'GNOME' to be 'DE'23:07
matsamaninstall OS, install DE, open Files, browse the Web23:08
* matsaman rolls the eyes23:08
nerdthatnoonelikhow do you do that rolls the eyes thing23:08
nerdthatnoonelikthis is my first time on irc23:08
matsaman/me emotes a thing23:08
* nerdthatnoonelik 23:08
* nerdthatnoonelik cool23:08
matsaman/ /me sends a /command publically without executing it23:08
matsamanfor example23:09
matsaman/ /me emotes a thing23:09
hello_kittyso i've opened all the drives via Files, which in theory causes the Windows partition to mount. I then ran os-prober and update grub.  But in Grub Customizer I do not see windows. Does that mean that step didn't work and it is time to go on to manually mounting?23:10
nerdthatnooneliktry manually mounting it23:11
matsamannerdthatnoonelik: https://irssi-import.github.io/themes/ (I like elho); https://scripts.irssi.org/ (I like nickcolor_expando.pl & nm2.pl)23:11
matsamanhello_kitty: you trying to fix a dual boot?23:12
hello_kittymatsaman yeah23:12
nerdthatnooneliki think they're tryna get grub to recognize windows23:12
matsamannerdthatnoonelik: same thing really23:12
hello_kittyI installed ubuntu on what used to be a secondary drive (well, a partion of it.. it already had stuff on it). This machine now only boots into ubuntu23:13
nerdthatnoonelikinteresting, i've never heard of grub overwriting windows boot manager23:13
nerdthatnoonelikonly windows boot manager overwriting grub23:13
matsamanso if you take out the first (windows) drive, and Ubuntu still boots, then you know GRUB is on the second drive with Ubuntu23:14
matsamans/take out/unplug/23:14
nerdthatnoonelikthis is why i stopped dualbooting23:14
matsamanwell, how many OSes does a person really need23:14
matsamanI propose the answer is one at most23:15
nerdthatnoonelikwelcome back23:15
hello_kittywhoops sorry, lost connection23:15
matsamanhello_kitty: so if you unplug the first (windows) drive, and Ubuntu still boots, then you know GRUB is on the second drive with Ubuntu23:15
matsamanthat would mean you only need to tell GRUB where Windows is to fix the issue23:15
* nuala votes for more polyOSmory23:16
matsamannuala: for fun I can get behind it23:16
matsamanbut not for function23:16
matsamanyou're only going to waste your time using so many OSes simultaneously23:16
hello_kittyhow what is the actual target that would be windows? I can see the drives in lsblk and the drive is called nvme0n1p*23:16
hello_kittymy drive with the data is '2', but there are some other 500m drives... which are maybe the windows boot partion and something else..?23:17
hello_kittydo i aim at the boot partition23:17
matsamanhello_kitty: pastebin the output of lsblk -f somewhere (like http://dpaste.com/)23:17
jeremy31A 500Mb partition might be the EFI system partition23:17
=== jeremy31 is now known as jeremy32
hello_kittywhat is the nice way to edit text files now that i'm usual graphical ubuntu? i only know nano :x23:19
nerdthatnoonelikor emacs23:19
matsamanhello_kitty: gedit should come with Ubuntu/GNOME23:20
matsamanalthough I don't remember what Ubuntu's favorite command to open GUI apps with root privs is at this time23:21
matsamanhello_kitty: so looks like you've got 3 storage devices here -- that right?23:22
matsamansda, sdb, nvme23:22
matsamanmatsaman: can't really say which of sda and nvme is the Windows install you're after23:24
matsamanhello_kitty: ^23:24
matsamanhello_kitty: if you run fdisk -l, you can see each device's storage capacity (size) and that might help23:25
hello_kittyis my goal to add the drive that has my files on it or the boot partition? b/c i think i know which one that is23:25
hello_kittyi'll just add them all and spare myself some reboots23:27
matsamanhello_kitty: it's usually about the same, because Windows doesn't really ever separate across devices23:28
hello_kittyi'm looking at a line in someone else's grub config and im not sure how to adapt it to my hardware: set root='(hd0,1)'23:29
hello_kittyis hd0 for that person what would be nvme0n1p1 for me..?23:30
matsamanhello_kitty: probably not23:30
matsamanhello_kitty: usually hd0,1 is the same as sda1 (0=a, 1=1)23:30
matsaman(because GRUB2 simultaneously counts from 0 and 1)23:30
matsaman(that is, it counts devices from 0 and partitions from 1 ... no one knows why)23:31
matsamanhello_kitty: so if Windows was on sda, which it usually is23:31
matsamanhello_kitty: then 'set root=hd0,1' is indeed what you'd want23:31
hello_kittymine is on nvme0n123:31
matsamanprobably along with 'chainloader +1' on the next line23:31
matsamanwhat makes you think it's the nvme?23:31
hello_kittyit matches the size23:32
matsamanhello_kitty: so I'm guessing 'set root=nvme0n1,1 \n chainloader +1' might work, or23:34
matsamanyou could try using the UUID: set root=UUID=F266335966331DB323:34
hello_kittytrying this out maybe https://dpaste.com/HZY6YXHDK23:36
hello_kittythanks for the help btw23:36
matsamanseems reasonable23:37
hello_kittydid find this https://askubuntu.com/questions/1160197/adding-windows-10-to-grub-separate-nvme-drives which says something about 'gparted' (no idea what that is) and needing to set a boot flag (also no idea) after which grub picked up the drive on its own, i mention it b/c the general hardware looks very similar23:38
hello_kittyunfortunately this is my only machine that can connect to irc at the moment... let the rebooting begin!23:40
matsamanhello_kitty: if the device your Windows is installed on is untouched, and GRUB is simply missing the lines to boot from it, then you don't need to mess with any boot flags or gparted (which is for managing partitions)23:44
nualathey weren't connected for your last comment, matsaman23:53
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