
IrcsomeBot1g_padua was added by: g_padua01:31
IrcsomeBot1<g_padua> Hello friends  … I forgot my root password and can't access the computer. Already tried to hold Shift in the initialization, but no good, Grub does not shows up.01:35
IrcsomeBot1<YesEyeCan> @TJ Wolf, Do you have any additional drives active? I'm not sure why but this problem has been popping up lately02:01
IrcsomeBot1Giao Linh was added by: Giao Linh02:28
braeis this server still active?03:25
IrcsomeBot1<YesEyeCan> Yea03:29
braeany of you using zorin os03:46
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MrSassyPantsdiogenes_, yes, sddm starts X. But how do I fix the issue? I guess I have to edit a config file so sddm is started later?10:20
diogenes_MrSassyPants, you can set the service to start after another specific service has started, it's systemd.10:25
MrSassyPantseven adding the driver module to the modules.conf equivalent doesn't seem to make sure the sound device is loaded before sddm causes the system to tally sound drivers10:27
MrSassyPantscould be wrong on the causality here, all I know is that if I log out and back in, the sound device appears, but if I plain kill X to force a reset, it doesn't.10:28
MrSassyPantsanyone know whats happening there?10:29
MrSassyPantsthe sound device would be snd_hda_intel , and until I logged out and back in again, the kde sound system only recognizes spdif, not normal line out10:30
diogenes_systemctl list-units | grep -i aud10:30
IrcsomeBot1Kaiser LEONA was added by: Kaiser LEONA10:31
MrSassyPantsloaded active plugged for the matching driver (right now only spdif is displayed in kde)10:31
IrcsomeBot1<Kaiser LEONA> (Photo, 515x738) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/NvNoLQvo/file_39101.jpg10:31
MrSassyPantsOh. just killing pulseaudio actually fixes it. This seems to be a pulseaudio problem10:40
MamarokMrSassyPants: that's weird, sounds like a bug11:17
MrSassyPantspulseaudio guys suspect it's pipewire11:26
MrSassyPantshow do I properly stop pipewire from being started without breaking things for good11:26
MrSassyPantsso I can test this11:26
MrSassyPantsI failed at "disabling" pipewire with systemctl, but apt-removing it has fixed the issue. Take note.11:33
MrSassyPantspulseaudio guys request I get this up with kubuntu devs11:35
MrSassyPantsThey say the issue would be fixed with versions >= 0.3.13 of pipewire11:36
Mamarokyes, as I said, this sounds like a bug11:36
MrSassyPantsanyhow, the version that I have in the repo right now (and has caused this problem) is 0.3.10-411:36
Mamarokfunnily enough I have the same version, but not your problems11:37
MrSassyPantsSo this may happen to more people11:37
MrSassyPantsyeah, it's basically a race condition where pipewire accesses the soundcard and locks it briefly and this just happens to coincide with when pulseaudio is doing the same11:37
MrSassyPantsand then pulseaudio can't tally the sound device11:38
MamarokWhat I don't understand is why pipewire is needed in the first place11:38
MrSassyPantsa simple pulseaudio -k fixes it11:38
MrSassyPantsI have no idea, I have apt removed it and everything seems to be fine.11:38
Mamarokmakes jsut one more sound server potentially causing havoc11:39
Mamarokand sound already is a tricky beast11:39
MrSassyPantsI'm not sure it's part of the standard kubuntu install, I may have installed it as a dependency of a dependency of a gnome-centric thing11:41
Mamarokit is nbeeded if you use Wayland instead of X11:42
MrSassyPantsI am running Xorg though11:42
Mamarokthat's why it is automatically installed11:42
Mamarokso you don't need it, at least not for now11:43
MrSassyPantswell, make sure you get >= 0.3.13 into the repo11:43
MrSassyPantsasap. This problem only popped up a few days ago11:43
Mamarokwhere did you report this? because you are talking about talking with other people, but did you report this as a bug to Kubuntu?11:43
MrSassyPantsI did not report this as a bug to kubuntu11:44
Mamarokplease do11:44
MrSassyPantsI talked to the pulseaudio guys11:44
Mamarokbecause you want it to be changed in Kubuntu, so you need to report it11:44
MrSassyPantsI don't do bug reports. bug report related PTSD. I'm just verbally informing you11:44
Mamarokwhich means it will disappear in Nirvana11:45
Mamarokbug reports are important11:45
Mamarokbecuaase you are hit by a race condition that might not hit other people11:45
Mamarokso unless it is reported there is no paper trail of it11:45
MrSassyPantsyeah, this version of pipewire has been installed for 3 weeks, but it only started happening this week after I did a (possibly completely unrelated) update11:46
MamarokI don't even know the original problem you were hit with, not in my timeline here11:47
MrSassyPantsthe update may have changed the exact timings at which pulseaudio and pipewire do their things11:47
MamarokIRC is definitely the wrong place to report this11:47
Mamarokwe need a bug report that sums up the problem11:47
MrSassyPantsOh. Booting the system causes the sound device to be recognized incorrectly in the kde sound thingy11:47
Mamarokagain, please report this11:47
MrSassyPantsI at first thought the problem was SDDM related (SDDM starting too early before sound devices are fully initialized) but then noticed a simple pulseaudio -k fixes it11:48
MrSassyPantsso I dug into pulseaudio and they immediately named pipewire as a suspect, I confirmed that it was running and that removing it resolved the problem (of sound devices not being fully available after booting, until i kill the pulseaudio server)11:49
Mamarokyou do realise that I am not a developer, the Kubuntu devss might not be around in this channel right now and you repeating the issue might again go to Nirvana?11:49
MamarokBG Report, Please!11:49
MrSassyPantshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pipewire/+bug/1897965 already exists11:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1897965 in pipewire (Ubuntu) "PulseAudio doesn't work when pipewire is installed (ie. KDE)" [Medium,Triaged]11:51
Mamarokplease add more information there, then11:51
Mamarokyou said: <MrSassyPants> They say the issue would be fixed with versions >= 0.3.13 of pipewire" who is "They"?11:56
MrSassyPantspulseaudio devs11:56
Mamarokok, might be a good idea to add this to the bug reprt11:56
MrSassyPantsdon't worry11:57
BluesKajHi folks13:03
IrcsomeBot1<g_padua> @g_padua, Can someone help me?13:55
BluesKaj@g_padua, just ask your question13:55
IrcsomeBot1<g_padua> I cannot access Grub through pressing any keys on initialization. Forgot my root password and can't login.14:20
BluesKajblack screen?14:22
IrcsomeBot1<g_padua> The Kubuntu logo appears. And some "log scrolling", "command lines", if I keep pressing Esc, or E. By pressing Pause/Power it slows down. But cannot interact.14:26
BluesKajI assume this is a new kubuntu installation ?14:28
IrcsomeBot1<g_padua> It's not new. Ctrl+C doesn't go either.14:38
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IrcsomeBot1<Giao Linh> used to work fine15:59
IrcsomeBot1<E A> Kde kuralım dedik ama herkes İngilizce yazıyor. Hadi bana güle güle 😉16:04
TomTomI updated from 20.04. to 20.10. but pulseaudio has now a problem. I have to kill (`pulseaudio -k`) and restart it after each login to get sound.16:04
TomTomThis is found in the log: Nov 20 16:20:53 ws-thackel-01 pulseaudio[1229]: Failed to load module "module-alsa-card" (argument: "device_id="0" name="pci-0000_00_1f.3-platform-skl_hda_dsp_generic" card_name="alsa_card.pci-0000_00_1f.3-platform-skl_hda_dsp_generic" namereg_fail=false tsched=yes fixed_latency_range=no ignore_dB=no deferred_volume=yes use_ucm=yes avoid_resampling=no16:04
TomTomcard_properties="module-udev-detect.discovered=1""): initialization failed.16:04
IrcsomeBot1<g_padua> @Giao Linh, Guess my only option is to erase the whole SSD them16:57
user|2449Hi, i need drivers for Brother printer mfc 7440n, is possible?17:34
MamarokTomTom: don't, this is a known bug, removing pipewire should do the trick18:30
Mamarokunless you absolutely need it for wayland18:30
TomTomMamarok: thanks. i purged pipewire and now i have all devices in my kmixer without restarting pulseaudio. also the error message is not there. thanks!19:02
SorocabaHi. I am trying to use zoom and they ask for password?19:06
MamarokTomTom: the bug is fairly new, I learned about it today19:07
SorocabaHow can I solve it?19:07
MamarokSorocaba: not Kubuntu related, I bet19:07
SorocabaOkay. but is there some how I can fix it?19:08
TomTomMamarok: i also searched before i asked here, but found nothing obvious (for me). again thanks. i bet i would have lived half a year with the "kill/restart" solution B-)19:08
MamarokTomTom: it surfaced in the last few weeks apparently, but the problem is identified and should get fixed with the next pipewire version19:19
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