
ubptgbot<DINE6> @Andy Bleaden [<reply to media>], Bro03:03
ubptgbot<DINE6> @Andy Bleaden [<reply to media>], Can you tell me what model phone this … Any name ?03:04
ubptgbot<Shakendo> I just have to test with my config file for note 4 then I can add it to the installer03:05
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> @Heng Ye [is that the sailfish wallpaper?!!], it is the default sailfishos wallpaper03:18
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> it is called "Ambience Hero"03:18
ubptgbot<Roberto_Casciaro> Hello guyies  I looking for instructions to install UBports on Xiaomi MI A2   … Someone know where I can find the instructions? … Also I can try to contribute to porting the OS on this device, where are the instructions that explain how contribute at this project?04:00
ubptgbot<AaradhyaChatterjee> Fwd from Chatterjee: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFXzjji56uLI3-yIOg04:35
ubptgbot<nadennmallos> @Danfro [Done. https://gitlab.com/ubports/apps/calendar-app/-/issues/199], Thank you! Perhaps it would be helpful, when there could be a "paste"-button, too. And, perhaps, a Button to cut the event, so it would be deletet at the old place and pastet at the new place. In KOrganizer from KDE, it is possible to edit the tools, but the c06:28
ubptgbotalendar doesnt fit to the screen of thee phone right now.06:28
gitbotApps issue 199 in calendar-app "feature request: add option to copy a event into a new event" [Opened]06:28
ubptgbot<Lorxu> How is cut and paste different from just editing an event's time?06:35
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @Roberto_Casciaro [Hello guyies  I looking for instructions to install UBports on Xiaomi MI A2   … So …], https://t.me/shoukolab/3811507:40
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Lorxu [How is cut and paste different from just editing an event's time?], Exactly. I do not see the need for that too. Behaviour is slightly different on the phone.07:51
ubptgbot<Danfro> @Roberto_Casciaro [Hello guyies  I looking for instructions to install UBports on Xiaomi MI A2   … So …], And information about porting can be found here: http://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/Intro.htmlhttp://docs.halium.org/en/latest/index.html07:54
ubptgbotsimoni wheeler was added by: simoni wheeler08:09
ubptgbot<simoni wheeler> (Photo, 625x889) https://irc.ubports.com/xIIs26mC.png08:09
ubptgbotMukesh Kamboj was added by: Mukesh Kamboj08:40
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @me33YT [How abour UGSIB], But why 👀😂10:16
ubptgbot<BOT_179> Any redmi4x users here10:33
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @DINE6 [Can you tell me what model phone this … Any name ?], He said OP3T10:33
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @BOT_179 [Any redmi4x users here], I think several. I would recommend the 4X thread on the forum though10:35
ubptgbot<BOT_179> @Stereofont [I think several. I would recommend the 4X thread on the forum though], Thx sir10:37
ubptgbot<Nagendra> @BOT_179 [Any redmi4x users here], I use Ubuntu touch on Redmi 4x10:54
ubptgbotWC1Venom was added by: WC1Venom10:55
ubptgbot<BOT_179> @Nagendra [I use Ubuntu touch on Redmi 4x], How much sot you're getting with this ubuntu touch10:55
ubptgbot<Nagendra> @BOT_179 [How much sot you're getting with this ubuntu touch], Well haven't checked that the phone lasts a day so I think around 4 to 5 hours I think10:56
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @BOT_179 [How much sot you're getting with this ubuntu touch], Sot?10:56
ubptgbot<BOT_179> @Nagendra [Well haven't checked that the phone lasts a day so I think around 4 to 5 hours I …], Oh ok10:57
ubptgbot<BOT_179> @Stereofont [Sot?], Screen on time10:58
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @BOT_179 [Screen on time], Thanks10:59
ubptgbot<Andy Bleaden> @DINE6 [Can you tell me what model phone this … Any name ?], Hi of course it is the Oneplus 3t - great beast of a phone 6gb of ram and either 64 or 128 gb storage11:07
ubptgbot<Andy Bleaden> @Stereofont [Ah. Webapp. Text only], Yes web app and text only but it does help when I am out and about - no notifications of course but I can reply ...If I remember rightly it does call but no audio 011:08
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Andy Bleaden [Hi of course it is the Oneplus 3t - great beast of a phone 6gb of ram and either …], And great camera11:08
ubptgbot<Andy Bleaden> @RealDanct12 [it is the default sailfishos wallpaper], It is - I had sailfish os on it for a while and liked the wallpaper so downloaded it11:09
ubptgbot<Andy Bleaden> (Photo, 2048x2048) https://irc.ubports.com/sw01hlO0.png11:10
ubptgbot<Andy Bleaden> There you go11:10
ubptgbot<Andy Bleaden> (Photo, 2048x2048) https://irc.ubports.com/d706Cvsb.png11:10
ubptgbot<Andy Bleaden> Or the other one I use from Sailfish  for daylight11:11
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/q1CL8F1x.png11:13
ubptgbot<Andy Bleaden> (Photo, 1920x1080) https://irc.ubports.com/aRK7r0Hp.png11:13
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> enjoy it in full resolution :)11:13
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> desktop wallpaper or whatever idc11:13
ubptgbot<tomixug> thanks lol11:14
ubptgbot<Andy Bleaden> @RealDanct12 [enjoy it in full resolution :)], Cooolio11:14
ubptgbot<RealDanct12> i also unticked "compress images" when uploading11:14
ubptgbot<Andy Bleaden> Ah did I do some thing wrong?11:15
ubptgbot<Andy Bleaden> BTW..  does anyone have the old OLD Ubuntu touch more orange original wallpaper for Ubuntu touch:?11:15
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Andy Bleaden [Ah did I do some thing wrong?], Telegram has options to compress or not. Sending as 'file' avoids compression11:16
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> I may have asked this before and sorry if Im repeating myself.  I am unable to turn down the volume within a call on the Xperia X, is this normal behaviour?11:16
ubptgbot<Andy Bleaden> @Stereofont [Telegram has options to compress or not. Sending as 'file' avoids compression], Another lesson learn....thanks11:17
ubptgbot<Danfro> @wayneTBT [I may have asked this before and sorry if Im repeating myself.  I am unable to t …], Yes. Same here. I don't think there is a solution yet. Maybe calling on @fredldotme will shed some light on that.11:17
ubptgbot<Danfro> Also sometimes speaker is very loud, on other calls it is too quiet.11:18
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> Its a biggie for me, listening to my manager shouting down my ear...11:20
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Danfro [Also sometimes speaker is very loud, on other calls it is too quiet.], Is that also true when using headphones?11:21
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> [Edit] Its a biggie for me, listening to my manager shouting down my ear..., thanks for the info, just wanted to make sure it wasnt just me11:21
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> @Stereofont [Is that also true when using headphones?], I'll check that again but Im pretty sure its still the case.11:21
ubptgbot<Danfro> Need some thinking about it. I would say headphones seem to be fine. But I need to check. Maybe the difference in sound level does not appear to bad because it goes straight into your head? 😉11:22
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> hahaha, depends on the person on the other end I'd say11:22
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @wayneTBT [I'll check that again but Im pretty sure its still the case.], I was wondering about the proximity sensor11:24
ubptgbot<Danfro> Nope, I don't think that is the bad boy. It more seems to be first call bad, other calls good thing.11:25
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> Ive gone back to my Nexus 5 for now.  I'll pull out the Xperia X again and do a bit of testing various scenarios.11:28
ubptgbot<Danfro> 👍11:36
ubptgbot<me33YT> @Fuseteam [But why 👀😂], U GSI Buntu11:40
ubptgbot<me33YT> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/vGqu0vt1.webp11:40
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> but why? 👀11:42
ubptgbot<me33YT> cause can11:42
ubptgbot<me33YT> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/tYLW5pYP.webp11:42
ubptgbot<Flohack> No Pepe here plz11:42
ubptgbot<me33YT> @Flohack [No Pepe here plz], why lmao11:52
ubptgbotAbhishek Blaze was added by: Abhishek Blaze11:54
ubptgbot<fredldotme> @wayneTBT [I may have asked this before and sorry if Im repeating myself.  I am unable to t …], This issue happens on other ports as well, I couldn't find time to fix it yet. A workaround might be using uVolMan from the Open Store and set the volume with that.11:57
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> Ok, thanks for the heads up @fredldotme11:58
ubptgbot<wayneTBT> I'll have a look at uVolMan.11:59
ubptgbot<Flohack> @me33YT [why lmao], Its considered political, into a very bad direction of ultrarightwing white supremacy things. Sorry, that one got so much connotated that it will raise discussions from time to time, that we want to avoid12:22
ubptgbotDim Dak was added by: Dim Dak12:24
ubptgbot<me33YT> @Flohack [Its considered political, into a very bad direction of ultrarightwing white supr …], ok ok ok14:31
ubptgbot<stkalb> Just a big thanks to all devs here for latest ota. BT on OPO is working great so far:  … - bt speakers for playing music 👍 … - having a call, going into the car, bt autoconnects, audio and micro automatically switched to car bt system 👍 … - leaving the car still on phone, audio comes back to phone automatically 👍14:49
ubptgbot<Flohack> @stkalb [Just a big thanks to all devs here for latest ota. BT on OPO is working great so …], Which car is it15:05
ubptgbot<Flohack> We really need to start a matrix of good/bad car/phone pairs15:05
ubptgbot<Flohack> Maybe you can organize that somehow? Would be great!15:06
ubptgbot<Lorxu> (I wonder what the next step is: giving a dev a Tesla to try to debug? I just kid, list is always useful, but debugging is always a pain without the hardware in question :P)15:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Flohack [We really need to start a matrix of good/bad car/phone pairs], there's a thread in forum about bluetooth devices working15:07
ubptgbot<stkalb> @Flohack [Which car is it], Citroen C4 Grand Picasso (2016?)15:08
ubptgbot<boriseto> So I just contacted the Pure maps dev cause we can't start navigation right away. Apparently we don't have last position on GPS? That would help a lot for many apps as I'm aware. Is this something it's being worked on?15:08
ubptgbot<Flohack> @dohbee [there's a thread in forum about bluetooth devices working], A thread is not very informative, a matrix/table would be much better. Less scrolling, less fuzz - you see quickly what works and what doesnt15:09
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Flohack [A thread is not very informative, a matrix/table would be much better. Less scro …], the person who made the thread keeps updating the list in the first post. but if you want to build a web site to maintain a table for that and curate data from users, feel free i guess? it seems like a lot of work for little benefit though15:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> ie, work on getting pulseaudio and bluez updated to latest versions would be more useful, and actually solve a lot of the issues with various devices not being usable15:12
ubptgbot<dohbee> would also get us the ability to show battery level for BLE devices in indicator-bluetooth for example15:13
ubptgbot<Flohack> I want to have later on structured testing with each car model/make versus certain devices, so we can catch regressions. Its not necessarily only for end users15:15
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> (Photo, 1080x2160) https://irc.ubports.com/NFve7E1v.png16:08
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> (Photo, 1080x2160) https://irc.ubports.com/HTRCvuul.png16:08
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> Who needs spotify when you have funkwhale16:09
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> [Edit] Who needs spotify when you have funkwhale, cloud music stops working now and then, so this works really good16:10
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> [Edit] Who needs spotify when you have funkwhale, cloud music stops working now and then, so fw is really good for streaming music16:10
ubptgbotmubashirrehman was added by: mubashirrehman16:14
ubptgbot<mubashirrehman> @ItsMeShouko [Who needs spotify when you have funkwhale, cloud music stops working now and the …], How about freezer?16:14
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @mubashirrehman [How about freezer?], ah I'll check it out16:15
ubptgbot<mubashirrehman> @ItsMeShouko [ah I'll check it out], @freezereleases16:15
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> Thanks!16:15
ubptgbot<mubashirrehman> Anyone using this on Nexus 6p (angler)16:16
ubptgbot<mubashirrehman> @ItsMeShouko [Thanks!], Pleasure is all mine16:16
ubptgbot<mubashirrehman> [Edit] Anyone using UbuntuTouch on Nexus 6p (angler)16:16
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @mubashirrehman [Anyone using UbuntuTouch on Nexus 6p (angler)], a few, excluding me, whazzup?16:35
ubptgbot<Nagendra> @ItsMeShouko [Who needs spotify when you have funkwhale, cloud music stops working now and the …], Is this app available on UT ?16:36
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> @Nagendra [Is this app available on UT ?], You just need to use webber to create a shortcut to any funkwhale instance16:37
ubptgbot<ItsMeShouko> I use fw.neko.bar16:37
ubptgbot<Nagendra> @ItsMeShouko [You just need to use webber to create a shortcut to any funkwhale instance], Ah got it ,thank you16:38
ubptgbot<mubashirrehman> @Fuseteam [a few, excluding me, whazzup?], Doing well. Nothing. Just wanted to know how's the project working on it.16:41
ubptgbot<branja6> @mubashirrehman [Anyone using UbuntuTouch on Nexus 6p (angler)], I use it too. A crippled version with 4 cores only but it's working ok. Not as a daily driver though.16:41
ubptgbot<branja6> Or, at least, I'm not using it as a daily driver. The device is running just fine.16:42
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @mubashirrehman [Doing well. Nothing. Just wanted to know how's the project working on it.], ah i see, @flohack may be able to fill ya in16:44
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> ohw you got an answer too :p16:44
ubptgbot<mubashirrehman> @branja6 [I use it too. A crippled version with 4 cores only but it's working ok. Not as a …], Thanks for the help and explanation16:47
ubptgbot<PauloAndrePMP> https://youtu.be/RiHcEa0x3BI17:00
ubptgbot<Flohack> @mubashirrehman [Anyone using UbuntuTouch on Nexus 6p (angler)], I ported it and use it as daily currently17:20
ubptgbot<branja6> @mubashirrehman [Thanks for the help and explanation], YW18:26
ubptgbotprabhukpm was added by: prabhukpm18:58
ubptgbotMarmita_boy was added by: Marmita_boy20:10
ubptgbot<Pete Nell> cant i install UT via UBports on pxel 3a xl bonito?  ,,installer says device not supported but will allow me to install anywys lol23:12
ubptgbot<Pete Nell> ty23:13
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> if you screenshot it that would be great23:42
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> [Edit] if you can screenshot it that would be great23:42
ubptgbot<Fuseteam> @neothethird [ok, then that's the issue. what's new in the installer's 7.x series is that it's …], it may be related to this issue23:43
ubptgbot<Pete Nell> (Photo, 983x537) https://irc.ubports.com/Wy5X70g0.png23:53
ubptgbot<Pete Nell> (Photo, 800x545) https://irc.ubports.com/QTD0iiOH.png23:53
ubptgbot<Pete Nell> there is no version 9 of android for the 3a xl to flash back to,,23:54

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