
matsamannuala: yep, now I only have to hit the up arrow to send it later00:03
matsamanand it's in the chat log00:04
HackerIIto late ubuntu.. i have it all on a stick00:21
HackerIIyes, you have control of my system.. but.. not for long00:21
HackerIIcrash it00:21
YWH_1Ubuntu Software Center does not display any software to install00:22
HackerIIthe worlds intelligence agencies have gained control of all code.. prove me wrong..00:24
HackerIIboot me. i need proof00:24
sarnoldyou need to take a walk :)00:24
HackerIIboot me. i need proof00:25
sarnoldbest if you've got a dog, but if yo don't have one, well,do what you can with what you've got :)00:25
HackerIIi already have proof. and i will ;ost it00:25
HackerIIbig proof, not just some social media hack00:26
* cass sighs00:26
HackerIIi want ubunto to boot me00:26
cassHackerII: could you please try to contribute to #ubuntu without putting nonsense into it this time.00:26
casslike, actual technical support and such00:26
HackerIIi AM contributing00:27
HackerIIfor mthe safety of the community00:27
cassgoing on about "worlds intelligence agencies" is not contributing technical support to #ubuntu00:27
HackerIIim done00:27
cassyou've gotten kicked out of here three times already, i'd really rather not make it four00:27
HackerIIyour not that smart00:27
HackerIIi made ubunti think i was weak, and.. they took the bait.. i have proof00:28
seydari'm on ubuntu 13.0, and i'm having trouble upgrading my openssh (currently 6.1). i think i need to upgrade my sourcelist (https://paste.ofcode.org/rx9kEftGaaC7Ap3h2LKTz4). where can i find a recommended list of sources?00:39
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sarnoldseydar: I think your best bet is to upgrade to saucy, then to trusty, then to xenial, then to bionic, and then consider upgrading to focal00:40
seydarsarnold: i begrudgingly acknowledge that that is the correct answer00:41
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seydarthis is an old VPS that i have, so i'm hesitant to do *too* much low-level work, just in case i completely lose access00:42
sarnoldseydar: ah; it may be easier to spin up a new one already on focal and then copy over the things you want to keep00:43
sarnold(the hardware equivalent of getting a new drive, heh)00:43
sarnolderr I swear that made sense in my head00:43
seydarsarnold: thanks! i'll see what i can gin up00:59
seydarokay so i'm upgrading ssh on a remote server. and it's going... poorly01:21
seydari've got openssh 8.1 installed, but i'm having trouble linking it to `sudo service`, because that is not succeeding at restarting sshd01:22
seydarhow can i see the debug output of `service`?01:22
sarnoldseydar: focal comes with ssh 8.2, why isn't that good?01:45
seydarsarnold: because i haven't upgraded to focal yet! i will... soon?02:01
seydarsarnold: i thought this would be EASY! QUICK! in and out. 20 minute adventure02:01
sarnoldseydar: installing focal in a new machine is twenty minutes, sure :)02:03
sarnoldseydar: trying to upgrade pieces of a machine piecemeal is doomed to sadness02:03
sarnoldseydar: newer versions of openssh likely require newer versions of openssl. if you accidentally replace the systemd openssl with your new openssl, all sorts of *other* stuff will break.02:04
seydarsarnold: that is 100% what i did02:07
seydarsarnold: i consider myself technologically amish02:07
seydarsarnold: i will install openssh and openssl from sources the way my father did and his father before him and his father before him02:07
sarnoldseydar: that's a fun way to learn, no doubt, but also a bit exhausting :)02:09
seydarsarnold: holy shit i fixed it. once i looked a little more closely at the keys that it supposedly couldn't read... turns out i (duh) needed to run sshd as root02:10
seydarwhich then fixed the problem02:10
seydarand now i'm a happy camper02:10
sarnoldseydar: I don't know if I should ask why sshd wasn't running via whatever service manager we used seven years ago... probably upstart? :)02:12
seydarsarnold: service. it was, but i was testing it out manually before using my service manager02:12
seydarsarnold: i mean, that's forbidden technology02:13
* nuala hushes :002:13
seydarthanks everybody!02:15
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sla3kHi there, ubuntu 18.04 LTS server installed here, why each and every tutorial that I read online about installing vagrant mentions about installing it a .deb package downloaded from Vagrant website instead od using apt.? any specifics around this?05:01
matsamansla3k: tutorials are written by newbs?05:09
matsamanon their blogs?05:09
matsamanplus why would you even want to use vagrant05:09
sla3kWell, it makes easy to manage VMs for testing env as opposed to creating and destroying then via Virtualbox UI, is one thing I know05:11
polymidHello there. If someone here could help me, I would be very grateful! I have been trying to get my (built-in) webcam to work but up to this moment it's not even getting detected. I know it works because I used it for a short while today and it suddenly stopped working. Could you help me fix it? thank you05:15
polymidI am new to ubuntu, still a "noob"05:16
matsamansla3k: doesn't seem like you're having an easy time05:17
matsamanpolymid: what're you trying to use it with?05:17
polymidmatsaman: when I open cheese, I get the message "No device found"05:19
polymidmatsaman: and the webcam doesn't work when I use jitsi for example05:19
matsamanpolymid: does this command give you anything?: zcat /proc/config.gz | grep -i uvc05:22
polymidit gives me this "gzip: /proc/config.gz: No such file or directory"05:23
matsamanpolymid: can you get the output 'lsusb' from the usbutils package?05:27
polymidI get "Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub05:28
polymidBus 001 Device 004: ID 0a5c:216c Broadcom Corp. BCM43142A0 Bluetooth Device05:28
polymidBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub05:28
polymidmatsaman: *05:28
sla3kmatsaman: I've used it before efficiently but on a RHEL platform. Trying it for the first time on Ubuntu and was wondering which Vagrant should I install, the Ubuntu repo ones or from Vagrant website...guess I'll try both05:29
matsamansla3k: ubuntu repos05:30
matsamanpolymid: that's all?05:30
matsamanpolymid: what make/model computer is this?05:30
polymidmatsaman: yes, I have an hp pavilion laptop05:31
matsamanpolymid: which one?05:31
polymidmatsaman: I forgot the exact name, is there a way I can check with a command?05:32
matsamanjust look on the bottom =P05:32
polymidmatsaman: it just says pavilion05:33
matsamanpolymid: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/75750/how-can-i-find-the-hardware-model-in-linux05:35
polymidmatsaman: HP Pavilion 15 Notebook PC05:38
matsamanpolymid: it's pretty unlikely it isn't a USB webcam covered by UVC05:42
matsamanpolymid: if you reboot what does 'lsusb' say? Does the webcam work again?05:42
polymidmatsaman: I don't think it'll work but I'll reboot and come back to you05:44
polymidhello, I'm back05:58
polymidmatsaman: now it gives me "Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub05:59
polymidBus 001 Device 003: ID 0bda:5775 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. HP "Truevision HD" laptop camera05:59
polymidBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub05:59
polymidand cheese works05:59
polymidit worked once before but as soon as I opened jitsi, it suddenly could not be found06:00
polymidI'll try again06:00
polymidmatsaman: wow, it's working now!06:02
matsamanpolymid: okay06:02
matsamanpolymid: hrmmm, not sure why it would disappear itself06:02
matsamancould be down to your browser if it always works from cheese06:02
polymidmatsaman: last time after I opened jitsi, the camera became unavailable. But the problem seems to be solved. If I have any more problems, I'll ask them here. Thanks for your time!06:03
matsamannp, best of luck06:05
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haroafter upgrading to 20.10 from 19, my gtk themes don't work. setting with `gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme mytheme` has no effect, but setting GTK_THEME to mytheme and executing is applying the theme properly07:02
DrNefariohow can I prevent landscape-sysinfo from running every ssh login? it seems to take a few seconds to complete on my RPi07:49
ducasseDrNefario: what are the contents of /etc/update-motd.d ?07:55
DrNefarioah, there's a landscape-sysinfo file there07:56
DrNefariohow should I disable it?07:56
ducassesudo chmod -x /etc/update-motd.d/landscape-sysinfo07:57
ducassetry that07:57
DrNefariowow thanks! it logs in so much faster now07:58
ducassegreat, have fun!07:58
ducassei don't know if that might break landscape if you ever decide to use it07:59
DrNefarioI'm not even entirely sure what that is07:59
ducasseit's a commercial product by canonical08:00
ducassecentralized control thingy08:00
DrNefariooh, I probably won't need that lol08:00
ducasseif you do just run +x instead of -x08:01
* pho}e{nix has risen back from the ashes. Good morning everyone :)08:02
DrNefariowell I guess I'll be leaving now, thanks for the help08:04
ducassemorning pho}e{nix08:05
pho}e{nixducasse, Hello :D08:11
wyoungHi team!08:12
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pho}e{nixhello wyoung08:17
bumblefuzzso, I downloaded the steam installer here: https://store.steampowered.com/about/08:32
bumblefuzzand it won't install08:32
lotuspsychjebumblefuzz: install steam from the ubuntu repos08:33
diskinHi all, sometimes when I open a new tab in Mozilla Firefox, it shows that it requires restart. Why is it doing it, and why it doesn't actually restart after that? I'm on 20.04 with the latest Firefox.08:51
lotuspsychjediskin: open firefox from a terminal please, and see if you can catch errors08:52
diskinlotuspsychje, good idea, thanks! It does not do it too often, but I'll catch it!08:53
ducassediskin: it is most likely because it has been upgraded in the background08:53
pho}e{nixdiskin, do you have automatic updates enabled?09:00
pho}e{nixI updated my computer yesterday and I believe there was also a Firefox update there09:00
ducassethere have been two recently09:01
pho}e{nixwell..there you go :D you got your answer :D09:01
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beweescan i delete duplicated service unit files in /lib/systemd?09:45
beweesnvm; i just do it :-)09:46
oceanhi, i have old(er) usb webcam, logitech c270, just not showing image. I'm on 20.04. The usb device shows up, dmesg says "Entity type for entity Camera 1 was not initialized!" (not sure what this means). See lsusb output and dmesg: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rVd5RCMq2s/10:06
oceanlots of similar issues in posts, forum etc, I just cannot seem to get any further...10:07
DeyaaI want to ask a question10:08
DeyaaHow can I include JSON files into my code??10:08
pho}e{nixDeyaa, what kind of code?10:08
pho}e{nixocean, what software are you using for it?10:09
oceanpho}e{nix: cheese, guvcview, basically "whatever" ... no dice10:10
pho}e{nixTry asking this on another C++ specific channel, this is Ubuntu support, not C++ support :)10:10
pho}e{nixocean, I once had similar issues...believe it or not -> changing the usb port worked for me back in the days10:10
pho}e{nix(USB 2.0 -> USB)10:10
DeyaaI tried#c++ but it requires an invitation10:10
pho}e{nixDeyaa, try ##c++10:11
DeyaaThere is an other question10:11
DeyaaHow can I drop into a running job std10:11
DeyaaSometimes I'm running a software on the command line but the server disconnect10:12
oceanpho}e{nix: good point. I tried several (all). Even led comes on, just no image. Hope someone point me into right direction, meanwhile I'll hit the interwebs again10:12
pho}e{nixocean, have you tried looking for a driver online?10:14
pho}e{nixocean, and another thing...are you positive that the Webcam still works? :D how old is it?10:23
pho}e{nixocean, does it work on any other machine?10:23
userDepthSLS multi monitor not supported in AMDGPU?10:27
userDepthit adds the monitro but says xrandr: cannot find output10:28
userDepthxrandr --setmonitor Eyefinity auto "DisplayPort, DVI-D-0"10:28
dob1hi, how does hexchat works with gnome shell? how do I know if someone message me?10:28
oceanpho}e{nix: where I'm now, I only have a 19.04 and 20.04 box, both same result for the camera, so tonight I'll try it on a windows box, but I really doubt that the issue is in the camera (hardware)10:29
dob1there is just a notification... nothing that blink10:29
ThinkT510dob1: typically they would need to use your nick10:30
ledenidob1: will green out message10:30
dob1no, sorry I am not clear, there not a tray icon whatever ?10:30
dob1I installed hexchat indicator but no way to get something that gives me a visual warning if someone set me a message.  yes there is a simple popup notification but it will disappear10:31
pho}e{nixocean, well...maybe, maybe not :D10:31
dob1am I the only one that use hexchat?10:33
ledenidob1➡ check settings preference alerts10:33
dob1ledeni, are you using hexchat?10:33
pho}e{nixdob1, nope, i use hexchat as well10:33
dob1pho}e{nix, it's a yes or a no?10:34
ledenidob1➡ yes10:34
dob1ledeni, ok if someone write a private message to you what happen?10:34
ledenidob1➡ got notification10:35
dob1ledeni, the one at the center of the top center?10:36
dob1*top center of the screen10:36
ledenidob1➡ yes10:36
dob1ledeni, me too, but it will disappear in 10 sec more or less and you don't know if someone sent a message to you if you are not there10:37
zetherooHow to set the 'Sort folders before files' preference globally for the Files app?10:41
zetherooand/or why doesn't Files/Nautilus remember the setting being set!?10:42
ledenidob1 go to 'gnome'  Settings -- Notifications -- Hexchat -- Notificatons Popups -- turn on10:44
userDepthIs SLS multi monitor (Eyefinity) supported in AMDGPU FOSS drivers? Kubuntu 20.04.110:46
quadrathoch2userDepth I don't think so :/10:47
dob1ledeni, where?10:47
dob1ledeni, they are on10:47
dob1ledeni, I would like a blink icon not this popup10:48
dob1ledeni, have to go thanks anyway for the help10:49
ledenidob1➡ ok10:50
ledenidob1➡  but my hexchat icon on top bar blinking alawys you send me message10:52
pyrophiliaYo hey ubuntu the latest update gave me my abilility tyo type10:55
pyrophiliamy quotes key back10:55
pyrophiliasorry premature enter. " it works now.  it's been going back and forth between updates.10:56
pyrophiliaI have Japanese pack installed but even switching back and forth between both doesn't fix it when it gives trouble.10:57
pyrophiliaanyways just wanted to indiciate issue is resolved  for now. hopefully doesn't return.10:57
john_ramboHi want to stream Youtube using VLC or mpv in resolution no more than 360p .... Is this possible ?11:43
ducassejohn_rambo: i believe you can pipe it from youtube-dl through mpv, should be guides online11:44
quadrathoch2john_rambo you can tell YouTube-dl in which Resolution you want to watch idk about vlc11:50
wyoungHow is that even a ubuntu question?11:52
mortUh, what happened to libgnome-keyring in 20.10?11:52
diskinpho}e{nix, what kind of updates is it? I update my system manually using apt upgrade.12:29
f-awhen I am greeted by my ubuntu server, I receive a message which among other things says12:36
f-aMemory usage: 28%12:36
f-ahow can I inspect that 28% (which processes, etc.)12:36
quadrathoch2f-a probably something like top/htop12:37
BluesKajHi folks13:03
luizfrdsHello! is it okay to ask a question about libsoup here?13:04
leitzDoes apt/apt-get automatically resolve and install dependencies? Or, what should I look at when it fails to?  :)13:04
quadrathoch2leitz apt is resolving dependencies. as long as they are available (if not it complains)13:09
leitzquadrathoch2, that's what I thought. Not sure how to find the repo for the packages it can't find, though.13:10
quadrathoch2leitz if you tell us, we could maybe help13:10
leitzquadrathoch2, thanks. I'm trying to install Kotlin, and it seems to want clang. Running apt/apt-get for clang-10 and clang-tools-10 gives me:    clang-10 : Depends: libclang-common-10-dev (= 1:10.0.0-4ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed13:12
quadrathoch2leitz I assume you are on 20.04?13:13
leitzIn the Software and Updates viewer I have the Canonical-supported and Community-maintained.13:13
leitzquadrathoch2, yes; 20.0413:13
leitzI do not have snap installed.13:13
quadrathoch2leitz, you need to enable universe13:14
leitzRather, I have snap uninstalled.13:14
leitzquadrathoch2, universe is enabled, multiverse is not.13:14
leitz"Download from" is set to "Main server".13:15
quadrathoch2hm let me test it out for a sec in a vm13:15
leitzquadrathoch2, thanks! Standing by.13:16
ograleitz, sudo snap install kotlin --classic ... it is even maintained directly by jetbrains (see "snap info kotlin")13:24
leitzogra, you missed the "snap is uninstalled" bit above.13:25
ograhuh ?13:25
ace_merun-parts /etc/cron.daily gives error after upgrade to ubuntu 20 -  can not open a temporary file for `/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db'13:26
ograwhats the error ? thats extremely unusual13:26
leitzogra, I come from an OS background, and snap is not something I want on my computer.13:26
ograoops, sorry i read "uninstallable"13:26
leitzNo worries.13:26
ograwell, then stick with outdated versions from the archive or some third party repo that gives others root on your machine ... up to you indeed13:27
zetherooI'm really not happy with the performance of my brand new Thinkpad P14s with Ubuntu 20.04 running on it. I have been using a Thinkpad T440p with Ubuntu 18.04 and then 20.04 and had much better performance.13:27
ogra(i dont think any other version you could install is as well maintained as the kotlin snap from upstream)13:28
leitzogra, understood. Ubuntu has a lot to offer, but I really dislike piling things (snap, brew, flatpack) on.13:30
lotuspsychjezetheroo: define whats lacking on the performance exactly?13:30
zetheroofor one, Chrome just devours CPU like nuts13:30
lotuspsychjezetheroo: use chromium, the ubuntu alternate for chrome13:31
zetherooand have tried enabling and disabling hardware acceleration13:31
ograwell, snaps have a lot to offer to you, but it is indeed your system after all and nobody forces snaps on you if you dont want them 🙂13:31
ogra(and indeed debs wont go away ... )13:32
zetheroobut overall the performance is not as smooth and zippy as my T440p13:32
quadrathoch2leitz working fine here on a fresh install13:33
lotuspsychjezetheroo: sudo apt install preload stacer haveged gnome-tweaks and start tweaking your system13:33
leitzquadrathoch2, I even enabled multiverse and it gives the same error.13:33
zetheroolotuspsychje: I'll try with Chromium first I guess13:34
leitzquadrathoch2, "apt-get upgrade" doesn't show anything needing updating.13:34
leitzquadrathoch2, experimenting.13:35
ograleitz, was that an upgraded machine (could you still have older repos enabled) ?13:35
ogralibclang-common-10-dev is certainly in universe at the version clang-10 asks for13:36
leitzogra, fresh install of 20.04. I tried to install libclang-common-10-dev, and it gave the dependency errors on lib32gcc-s1, lib32stdc++6, and libc6-i38613:37
quadrathoch2leitz, any other weird repositories?13:38
leitzPutting those on the install command like with the libclang-common-10-dev let them install, and now13:38
leitzclang-10 and clang-tools-10 installs.13:38
leitzquadrathoch2, I had had postgresql, but un-enabled it.13:39
leitzIt sounds like the dependency checking failed after the initial level? But quadrathoch2's install worked.13:39
ograworks fine here (i didnt let it install but it finds all bits at the resolution level)13:40
ogra(for "sudo apt install clang-10")13:43
leitzorga, it probably realizes I'm from a Red Hat background, and thus it likes you more.   :)13:46
chalcedonyhow does one download hexchat for ubuntu 20.04? i don't see it in the programs14:02
lotuspsychje!info hexchat focal14:03
ograhttps://snapcraft.io/hexchat ?14:03
ubottuhexchat (source: hexchat): IRC client for X based on X-Chat 2. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.14.3-3 (focal), package size 317 kB, installed size 1015 kB14:03
lotuspsychjechalcedony: you have the universe repo enabled?14:03
chalcedonylotuspsychje, not sure. its hubby's computer14:04
chalcedonyhow do i tell?14:04
lotuspsychje!sources | chalcedony14:04
ubottuchalcedony: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.14:05
chalcedonythe download page for hexchat doesn't seem to have anything but windows now?14:05
chalcedonythanks looking :)14:06
pavloschalcedony: sudo apt install hexchat should work on 20.0414:09
chalcedonypavlos, that would be wonderful14:10
chalcedonyive been twiddling around with the guis14:10
leitzchalcedony, I'm using hexchat.14:12
pavloschalcedony: if you click on the 9 dots (show applications, there is one, Software & Updates. When opened, it shows the repositories enabled (main, universe, multiverse)14:12
chalcedonyleitz, hexchat is awesome.14:13
chalcedonyonce i get hexchat i can tell him what to do :)14:14
chalcedonygod bless putty ;P14:15
pavloschalcedony: since you're on putty, grep universe /etc/apt/sources.list | grep -v '#'   should output 4 lines14:18
leftyfbchalcedony: sudo add-apt-repository universe ; sudo apt install hexchat14:19
chullworks great :)14:20
pavloschalcedony: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tQK6ZXs7xV/14:20
chullpavlos, thank you :)14:31
chulldo you know how to get it to accept port 113 being open?14:31
jmoscoquestion - so I have tried different drivers, and kernels, but after installing the nvidia driver on 20.04, im stuck at the login loop screen14:38
jmoscoand I have disabled autologin and looked at perms of .Xauthority and some other settings as well14:39
jmoscoonly thing I can do is switch to console and startx14:39
lotuspsychjejmosco: startx is not the way to go anymore, that can result into a loop14:40
jmoscoright, thats what I said above that im using startx so I can use X because of the login loop issue14:40
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | jmosco try to bypass14:41
ubottujmosco try to bypass: Systems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.14:41
pavloschull: you could sudo apt install oidentd, then edit /etc/oidentd.conf ... netstat -plant | grep 113 shows 113 LISTEN for tcp and tcp614:41
chalcedonypavlos, thanks :)14:42
jmoscolotuspsychje: ok ill try that now, thanks14:42
lotuspsychjejmosco: after you bypass, install the nvidia driver of your choice14:43
jmoscoI do have the one installed I want14:43
jmoscoso will nomodset cause it to boot to console?14:47
samuelrajan747Can someone get me the URL for the  new wine like project that runs a windows VM and uses RDP to get the apps displayed14:47
jmoscohmm, reading about this now14:49
leftyfb!ot | samuelrajan74714:50
ubottusamuelrajan747: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:50
EriC^^jmosco: does the problem occur if you create a different user and test?14:53
EriC^^sounds like a user dependent issue and not system-wide14:54
jmoscoEriC^^: I can try that14:57
EriC^^jmosco: come to think of it, it seems like some issue with the desktop manager than the user cause you said doing startx works14:58
EriC^^but it's worth a shot who knows14:59
jmoscoright, im not sure beyond switching via ctrl-alt-fn to a diff term then starting X15:00
jmoscoI thought the problem was with gdm3 but cant find much about that15:00
EriC^^any logs in /var/log/gdm or similar?15:01
jmoscono gdm logs there15:02
jmoscodir is empty actually15:02
EriC^^maybe it's one of those pam etc issues?15:04
EriC^^jmosco: how about trying to install lightdm?15:06
EriC^^for me /var/log/lightdm has a ton of log files, maybe it would also give you logs and maybe work too15:06
jmoscoI did see that on the ubuntu forums, but did try it yet15:06
jmoscovery similar to this, I do have the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file but I dont know if I should remove it15:12
jmoscoits a razer blade 1515:12
EriC^^jmosco: try to do the 2nd user, since its so easy15:16
EriC^^'sudo adduser testuser'15:16
EriC^^jmosco: if that doesn't work, type 'sudo apt-get install lightdm' and see if it works, if not see if you now have logs in /var/log/lightdm15:17
jmoscodoing this now15:18
chullAre there instructions somewhere to get a computer to see a second Ubuntu drive, not make a new drive?15:26
quadrathoch2chull what do you mean?\15:31
chullquadrathoch2, he's on a new drive. He wants to install the old one and get his stuff off of it.15:33
quadrathoch2chull look into clonezilla15:35
gordonjcpchull: probably not, what are you trying to do?15:35
chullquadrathoch2, hmm I don't think we have used that before, thanks :)15:35
gordonjcpchull: are you planning on doing a new install onto a new drive, and then copying stuff off your old drive?15:35
chullgordonjcp, we are on his new drive with 20.04, but the old one has data he needs.15:36
quadrathoch2ahh sorry then chull, I misunderstood it then15:36
gordonjcpchull: that's easy enough15:36
chullOld one is 18.0415:36
gordonjcpchull: just plug your old drive in, and copy everything off15:37
gordonjcpchull: be careful when you reboot that you boot into the new drive and not the old one, but that ought to "just work" like you expect15:37
zetheroo lotuspsychje: I installed those packages (preload stacer haveged gnome-tweaks) anything in particular you can think of to improve performance?15:37
chullexcept it won't. it tries to boot to that drive, and there are problems with it. also with it plugged in if it boots to this one,  it crashes.15:37
gordonjcpchull: if you're doing a lot of that sort of thing I recommmend getting a USB-to-SATA cable15:37
chullmaybe we need that, an interface?15:39
gordonjcpwell that means you can plug it in once your 20.04 is already booted15:40
gordonjcpchull: actually, can the 18.04 drive still boot?15:40
gordonjcpchull: maybe it'd be easier to just stick it in another machine, and copy everything over the network15:40
bumbari have libssl 1.0 and 1.1 installed ( https://dpaste.org/PYet ) but when i try to run my binary, it says: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.1: version `OPENSSL_1_1_1' not found15:41
chullCan he copy back from windows 10 to ubuntu?15:41
bumbarlibssl seems to be pointing to 1.1 version: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so -> libssl.so.1.115:42
gordonjcpchull: You ought to be able to mount a VFAT drive and copy off that, yes15:42
gordonjcpchull: Windows 10 probably won't support an ext4 drive though15:43
chullgordonjcp, he was able to copy most of his data to the windows computer's drive. I was asking if it will copy back ok?15:50
chullwinscp is good for some things ;)15:51
gordonjcpchull: should do, although some permissions and things might need looked at because Windows doesn't really keep track of that15:51
chullit had trouble with some file names15:52
gordonjcpUnix in general is funny about spaces or forward slashes in filenames15:52
chullHubby likes spaces. Ubuntu seems to allow it sometimes. But Windows didn't like some of them.15:53
samuelrajan747I updated a xenial to focal by running sed on the sources.list, does that method has any known issues?15:56
samuelrajan747umm, guys..15:59
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/16:01
samuelrajan747Maik: ok...16:01
wolframHello, I have a quick question about eBPF that I would in other circumstances ask in #linux but I discovered long ago that it is overrun with trolls so I avoid it. To keep it in line with the topic, I can assure you that I use Ubuntu :)16:02
nikolamseelms like nvidia-340 driver package have problem installing on 20.10 : "E: nvidia-340: installed nvidia-340 package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 10 "16:03
zetheroo lotuspsychje: I switched to using the Nvidia GPU instead of the Intel one and now the system flies16:05
zetheroostrange though that on my T440p there was only Intel gpu and yet it was as fast16:05
wolframEssentially, in an application, I have a long-running TCP connection between two hosts that sometimes gets broken by no one knows what reasons (not caused by the application). The application knows how to auto-reconnect but there is still a downtime of a few dozen seconds. I would like to investigate on a low level what the reason behind it all is. I wonder if eBPF is the answer - would it allow me to16:06
wolframkeep track of each and every TCP event (whatever the definition) that the kernel handles? Thanks.16:06
nikolamMaybe I should actually install drivers form Nvidia site, then..16:06
wolframSo as not to stray too far from the channel's topic, let me add that it would be investigated on Ubuntu 20.04.16:07
jellysamuelrajan747: I would (also, I am going to) use the do-release-upgrade tool to go from a LTS release to the next LTS release16:07
nikolamOr should I install older driver nvidia- from Ubuntu repos16:08
jellysamuelrajan747: just did a xenial -> bionic couple months ago.  bionic -> focal is next in turn.  I'm pretty sure skipping a step is NOT a good idea.16:08
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samuelrajan747jelly: that was a small VPS at my work with less memory, storage. Had to update it asap. update broke due to storage had to fix that and redo again and again16:13
jellysamuelrajan747: hopefully you took a snapshot or clone, because things are likely to break in weird and unusual ways if you skip release steps16:19
samuelrajan747no, never made any snapshot16:20
samuelrajan747jelly: going to install/configure ovenvpn on that machine, instead of outline running on docker. Wish me luck16:21
quadrathoch2samuelrajan747 editing sources.list is not a supportable upgradepath, do-release-upgrade is the way to go (editing sources.list is the debian way, so not ubuntu)16:35
samuelrajan747quadrathoch2: consider upgrading a machine with 300M free mem and 2G of free storage16:38
quadrathoch2shouldn't be an issue16:40
quadrathoch2samuelrajan747 ^16:40
jellyand the second thing do-release-upgrade does is... change sources.list, only automatically16:40
jellysamuelrajan747: 2G free might or might not be enough, depending on which packages are installed16:41
jellybut it's easy to expand or add a new disk to a VM or VPS if you control the host environment16:42
jellyand the release upgrade process includes a reboot, so "free RAM" is going to change anyway16:42
quadrathoch2imho, just stop the services for a sec, so that it can upgrade. can't hurt, and i would rather have a system have it down for a bit, then a broken upgrade16:43
mortDoes anyone know where libgnome-keyring went in ubuntu 20.10?16:58
samuelrajan747jelly: stopped mysql during the `apt upgrade`, I don't got approval to increase the VPS capacity (both mem, disk)17:00
quadrathoch2Sorry didn’t want to highlight17:02
quadrathoch2so now mort. libgnome-keyring was deprecated. Use libsecret instead17:05
jellysamuelrajan747: I would advise against going for the release upgrade at all, at that point17:06
mortquadrathoch2: I seem to already have libsecret, but ubuntu's nextcloud package doesn't seem to be using it?17:06
samuelrajan747jelly: but I made that a success17:06
jellysamuelrajan747: you were lucky.17:06
samuelrajan747It could have gone wrong, but luckily it didn't17:07
quadrathoch2mort so how did you install nc?17:07
mort`sudo apt install nextcloud-desktop` probably17:07
mortto be clear, i'm talking about the desktop sync client, not the server17:07
samuelrajan747better the dev guys upgrade programs one by one instead of all at once to solve the issue17:08
quadrathoch2hm weird I use next cloud on 20.04 without any issues17:08
mortdo you have libgnome-keyring0?17:08
quadrathoch2nope, as it’s not in 20.04 last version is 18.0417:09
mortmaybe it's something else then. Nextcloud started asking me to log in every time I restart, I assumed it was libgnome-keyring0 because that's what it usually is when nextcloud doesn't work properly17:09
nunya_I'm not sure why but I can't adjust volume during fullscreen games using medai keys on keyboard. Have to minimize the game, adjust volume, go back to game. Have Googled, found no solution. Please help.17:11
mortafter a recent upgrade to either sway or the rest of ubuntu, gtk apps take ages to start under sway, so it might be related to whatever causes that17:11
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pavlosquadrathoch2: nc is netcat which can be installed as: sudo apt install netcat17:13
quadrathoch2pavlos I know, we were talking about nextcloud-desktop17:14
pavlosquadrathoch2: sorry, I read the question how did you install nc17:15
nunya_Please direct answers to individuals17:15
EriC^^nunya_: who are you talking to? (see what i did there?)17:16
nunya_<EriC>Very funny17:16
pavlosnunya_: what are medai keys?17:16
quadrathoch2probably media keys17:17
pavlosI see ...17:17
nunya_<pavlos>sorry, media ( volume up, volume down,  mute)17:17
pavlosnunya_: thanks17:18
nunya_<pavlos>Not a huge issue just a pain in the posterior if I had volume down for something else before starting game.17:20
realiesis there a way to switch between integrated amd graphics and dedicated nvidia one on ubuntu17:25
pavlosnunya_: maybe an option in the game to "Show Controls" when fullscreen (eg. such option exists in vlc)17:26
quadrathoch2Realies, are we talking desktop?17:29
realiesquadrathoch2, laptop, asus g1417:29
quadrathoch2Since 3.36 gnome has an option to run a program on the other gpu, right clicking and running on dedicated (or whatever it’s called) but pretty sure nothing else, as the ui should already run only on the integrated17:31
realieshow to see what's active?17:33
quadrathoch2I guess something like nvtop probably (it’s a top for your gpu) other than that, good question. Never had that issue, as for me it was always easy to spot (games or blender for example)17:34
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eelstreborstrange issue. sometimes firefox stops connecting to a website until i run traceroute and then firefox connects to the site. does it on multiple sites18:22
TJ-eelstrebor: IPv6 or IP4 connections?18:36
aldcorHello, experts! So, ubuntu `just works` and can't even argue as it does for me to. However I'm curious about what exactly ubuntu does right to makes this happen - So, I got Roland Corp. Rubix 22 external soundcard for my piano keyboard. On lsusb it's visible and it's recognised systemwide so no problem. But on my voidlinux (daily driver) I can see it on lsusb but for example I don't see it and select in18:51
aldcorAudacity. Is it more up to date udevd or what? How would I make this work on voidlinux?18:51
elias_aaldcor: Missing drivers? This however is a bit offtopic on this chan. This channel is meant solely for Ubuntu support and as this is a global channel... :)19:36
leftyfbaldcor: probably the drivers that are compiled into the kernel. You're better off asking voidlinux what they're doing wrong in that aspect19:37
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aldcorhello! I'm trying to make this module https://github.com/umlaeute/v4l2loopback but I got this https://pastebin.com/2FiCSjqv19:58
EriC^^aldcor: it looks like it worked, nothing in /home/davis/v4l2loopback/utils ?20:01
aldcoryeah there are files20:02
EriC^^and /home/davis/v4l2loopback/v4l2loopback.ko is the module20:02
aldcorEriC^^: thanks! I got error though. Now I want to install this https://github.com/CatxFish/obs-v4l2sink and I got https://pastebin.com/mjHMeCib20:06
EriC^^aldcor: maybe try 'sudo apt-get install cmake'20:07
aldcori did that already20:07
EriC^^aldcor: did you do sudo apt install qtbase5-dev ?20:08
aldcorEriC^^: yes20:08
aldcorCompiling the CXX compiler identification source file "CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp" failed.20:09
aldcorit's in that error log20:09
EriC^^try 'which cmake'20:09
EriC^^what's it give?20:09
aldcor /usr/bin/cmake20:10
EriC^^aldcor: try doing 'export CXX=/usr/bin/cmake'20:10
EriC^^then trying the command again20:10
EriC^^actually that seems it wont work20:11
EriC^^aldcor: i think it needs to know where the C++ compiler is (CXX)20:12
aldcoryeah it gave this https://pastebin.com/B9GV0dra20:12
aldcoryeah, so it seems20:12
EriC^^aldcor: what does 'dpkg -L cmake | grep bin' give?20:13
aldcor /usr/bin /usr/bin/cmake /usr/bin/cpack /usr/bin/ctest20:13
EriC^^aldcor: try adding -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="/usr/bin/g++" after 'cmake' in the command20:16
aldcornothing happens, it looks like this20:18
EriC^^press ctrl+c20:18
EriC^^cmake -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="/usr/bin/g++" -DLIBOBS_INCLUDE_DIR="../../obs-studio/libobs" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr ..20:18
EriC^^try that command20:19
aldcor /usr/bin/g++ is not a full path to an existing compiler tool.20:20
aldcorTell CMake where to find the compiler by setting either the environment variable "CXX" or the CMake cache entry CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER to the full path to the compiler, or to the compiler name if it is in the PATH.20:21
EriC^^aldcor: try sudo apt-get install g++20:21
EriC^^then try the command again20:21
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EriC^^aldcor: any luck?20:27
aldcorit seems it's not reading a right path. The rest is now fixed I think. -- Could NOT find Libobs (missing: LIBOBS_LIB) . libobs directories are in /home/davis/obs-studio20:27
aldcori think they wanted to make it "automated" but this makes it more complex20:29
aldcori have no problem manually browsing directories and entering commands20:30
EriC^^what's the last error it gave and stuff? can you pastebin the basic errors/last output?20:30
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aldcorEriC^^: https://pastebin.com/iBbsiCHb20:33
EriC^^aldcor: odd, why can't it find them20:35
EriC^^did you run the git command with the --recursive ?20:36
fribMy wifi randomly gets disabled on recent ubuntu 20 installation20:36
EriC^^aldcor: try "ls -l ~/obs-studio/libobs" see what's there20:36
fribBluetooth also gets disabled and I have to `rfkill unblock 0` to enable it20:36
EriC^^frib: anything in "dmesg" output when it happens?20:37
fribEriC^^, well I haven't checked that but I can't 'make' it happen20:37
aldcorEriC^^: i did git clone --recursive https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio.git as mentioned in this link https://github.com/CatxFish/obs-v4l2sink20:37
EriC^^aldcor: ok20:38
aldcorEriC^^: it's full with files20:38
mesyetifrib: that might be something you left on in power settings20:39
EriC^^frib: mesyeti has a good point, also maybe its a setting in the bios, or power saving20:40
mesyetiit just turned off for me20:40
fribmesyeti, yes you're right! thanks20:41
mesyetii tried turning it off just now and it disconnected me, when I tried to connect again the option enabled itself..20:41
fribmesyeti, you're right20:42
fribbut when I turn that setting off I see that it gets automatically re-enabled20:42
aldcorit would be much easier if obs-v4l2sink would be in repos20:42
mesyetisame happened to me20:42
mesyetii said about it after you disconnected20:42
friboh, did you find a sln?20:42
EriC^^aldcor: im trying to install it here as a test20:43
aldcorEriC^^: oh thank you very much20:43
mesyetido you mean solution?20:43
mesyetinot yet20:43
frib /etc/pm/power.d directory ?20:43
EriC^^aldcor: for me it seems that it detected the libobs, then it cut out at an error about qt5core (which i didnt install), it says -- Found Libobs: /usr/local/../lib/libobs.so20:45
jonnHello, I have a fairly classic line in my `.Xresources`: `URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,clipboard,keyboard-select,url-select`. On NixOS and Arch Linux it kind of worked out of the box, while on Ubuntu LTS 20.04 it doesn't. I can't find any information on why does it happen and when I look at ubuntu manpages, I see that ubuntu-extensions should be packed under rxvt-unicode_9.19-120:46
EriC^^aldcor: let me see which package gave me that lib20:46
jonnQuestion: how to make url-select work on Ubuntu LTS 20.04? :)20:46
tomreynfib + mesyeti: are you discussing the settings -> power -> power saving -> wifi option?20:46
EriC^^aldcor: obs-studio: /usr/lib/libobs.so20:46
MESYETI_sorry for disconnecting I switched device20:47
tomreynand frib lost patience20:47
MESYETI_i left my other client on and now I can't identify20:48
aldcorEriC^^: i got libosp.so.5  and libosp.so.5 in /usr/lib20:48
EriC^^aldcor: i think you need to install obs-studio i tried find -iname 'libobs*' in the git dir of it and its nowhere to be found20:48
aldcorfrom repos you mean?20:49
EriC^^it looks like it wants that file libobs.so, which for me the obs-studio package provided it20:49
EriC^^!find libobs.so20:49
aldcoroh makes sense20:49
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 11932 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libobs.so&searchon=names&suite=focal&section=all20:49
aldcorI installed obs from repos but it isn't a fix right? I mean, that command still look in wrong path20:53
sarnoldjonn: hmm, is this the url-select script? https://github.com/muennich/urxvt-perls/blob/master/deprecated/url-select20:54
aldcorEriC^^: instead of this cmake -DLIBOBS_INCLUDE_DIR="../../obs-studio/libobs" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr .. how would i `normally` make ?20:54
jonnsarnold: that explains things.20:54
sarnoldjonn: aha, it looks like in 9.21 something new was added .. https://github.com/muennich/urxvt-perls/commit/532ccecae67210386b4e2dd730c221ab9218d11720:55
EriC^^aldcor: nah for me the same cmake command found it in /usr/lib/20:55
jonnAwesome, thank you very much!20:55
sarnoldjonn: heh, and thank you :) I hadn't realized urxvt had something for this. :D20:55
EriC^^aldcor: try the standard command from the git page20:55
sarnoldbummer though, this description sounds like only arrow keys work, jk gG would have been nice20:56
aldcorI did. -- Could NOT find Libobs (missing: LIBOBS_LIB)20:57
EriC^^aldcor: ok, try to remove the stuff in build in case it's caching it20:57
EriC^^aldcor: also try 'ls /usr/lib/libobs.so'20:58
EriC^^is it there?20:58
EriC^^aldcor: odd, try 'dpkg -L obs-studio | grep libobs.so'20:59
aldcorno output20:59
jonnsarnold: agreed, but it's still better than nothing. The only other terminal emulator I'm aware of that can do something like this is termite (?), but it isn't packaged in aptitude, and I'm staying away from snaps because of the way I do devops in the new company (long story).20:59
aldcorobs working fine though21:00
EriC^^aldcor: which ubuntu version are you on?21:00
aldcorthis is Mint but guys in Mint couldn't help21:00
EriC^^ok, try sudo apt-get install aptsearch21:00
sarnoldjonn: I think a lot of the VTE-based terminals can let you click on urls, and they even have a "hyperlink specification" that lets just some random piece of text be a clickable link, like <a href=http://example.org>link to junk</a> -- but with escape codes instead of html. I'm not super-keen o nthat.21:01
EriC^^aldcor: sorry, sudo apt-get install apt-file21:01
sarnoldjonn: *maybe* the vte-based terms can offer a keyboard navigation to the links, but .. I doubt it, vte folks tend to like the mouse :)21:01
aldcorEriC^^: ok21:01
aldcorwhat now?21:01
EriC^^aldcor: then try 'apt-file update'21:01
EriC^^then 'apt-file search libobs.so'  it should show the packages that provide that file21:02
EriC^^aldcor: while it updates the info, try 'sudo updatedb && locate libobs.so' in case it's already on the pc somewhere21:03
EriC^^aldcor: any luck on the locate command?21:09
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EriC^^aldcor: maybe i have that file from obs-studio cause i just remembered in using the ppa for obs-studio , https://launchpad.net/~obsproject/+archive/ubuntu/obs-studio21:12
aldcorupdatedb: can not open a temporary file for `/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db21:15
aldcorEriC^^: i will add repos21:15
aldcorreinstall obs21:15
EriC^^aldcor: you need to use sudo with updatedb21:17
aldcorit is in /lib/libobs.so21:17
aldcorlet me try cmake21:18
aldcori mean /usr/lib/libobs.so21:18
aldcornow lets see21:18
aldcorhm, ok now it seems that module is not actually working21:22
aldcorit's not found21:22
aldcorwhen i try to run it as root21:23
aldcori will probably build again.. the whole process seemed a bit wrong21:23
aldcorsome files missing or some warnings21:24
EriC^^if it still happens pastebin the output to see21:26
aldcorhm, I assumed /dev/video should have something21:27
aldcorthere is nothing21:27
EriC^^aldcor: what do you mean?21:28
EriC^^maybe /dev/video0 or so?21:28
luizfrdswhat is the current version of libsoup?21:29
EriC^^!info libsoup21:30
ubottuPackage libsoup does not exist in focal21:30
EriC^^!find libsoup21:30
ubottuFound: libsoup-gnome2.4-1, libsoup-gnome2.4-dev, libsoup2.4-1, libsoup2.4-dev, libsoup2.4-doc21:30
EriC^^luizfrds: 2.4-1 i think21:31
luizfrds... hum when i built from source, 2.4 is actually 2.7221:32
luizfrdsand lookslike there is 3.021:32
luizfrdswhich is actually 2.9221:32
luizfrdsjust want to know, if i should stick to 2.4 or should migrate to 3.021:32
EriC^^luizfrds: if nobody here knows to give some insight you might find people in ##programming who know21:34
EriC^^or maybe ##Linux21:34
luizfrdsokay, thanks!21:40
aldcorbrowsing a bit more I see that sudo apt install v4l2loopback-dkms obs-v4l2sink v4l-utils have fixed things everything for someone. However E: Unable to locate package obs-v4l2sink21:41
aldcor 21:41
EriC^^no problem luizfrds21:42
aldcorproblem is, this pluggin supposed to be in Tools section in obs. I have nothing there21:42
EriC^^!info obs-v4l2sink21:42
ubottuPackage obs-v4l2sink does not exist in focal21:42
aldcorhave not21:42
aldcorok but dkms and utils are there21:43
aldcorinstalling now21:43
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aldcori see many people even after succesful compilations don't still that plugin in Tools21:49
aldcordont't see*21:49
aldcoroh my.. this is no good. I have work on monday and I hope i will fix this21:51
EriC^^does 'v4l2-ctl --list-devices' show anything?21:52
EriC^^or "sudo modprobe rmmod v4l2loopback; sudo modprobe v4l2loopback" ?21:52
aldcoryes, it shows it21:52
aldcorDummy video device (0x0000) (platform:v4l2loopback-000):21:53
aldcorthis is it21:53
aldcoralso shows webcam21:53
aldcorso, video0 is what I need. And clicking that plugin in Tools I would enter then /dev/video021:54
aldcorand vuala21:54
aldcorthere is maybe workaround21:54
EriC^^maybe it's /dev/video?21:54
EriC^^what does "ls /dev/video*" give?21:54
aldcorwell point here is now to use this plugin to enable obs to use this `virtual camera` this is output /dev/video0  /dev/video1  /dev/video221:56
aldcorhm wait21:56
EriC^^aldcor: is the loopback module thing loaded? lsmod | grep loopback21:56
EriC^^try /dev/video221:56
aldcoryes I also added it to load on buut21:56
aldcorwhat do you mean try?21:56
EriC^^see this guys comment, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eca509IDLdM&lc=UgyaIqXH7IZPEVNiAbF4AaABAg.9C3TSTfOGcz9C4LXMUd48U21:57
EriC^^it's the first one, Claude V.21:57
EriC^^aldcor: try 'lsmod | grep loopback' does it list it?21:58
aldcorv4l2loopback           45056  021:59
aldcorvideodev              225280  4 videobuf2_v4l2,v4l2loopback,uvcvideo,videobuf2_common21:59
aldcorooo wait a minute22:00
aldcori don't remember doing make -j422:00
EriC^^also sudo make install22:01
aldcormaybe i did.. lets see22:01
EriC^^the plugin should be in ~/.config/obs-studio/ or /usr/share/obs/obs-plugins/22:01
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aldcor-j4 and sudo make install .. not sure how I missed that before22:03
aldcordamn.. all you have to do is follow instructions :)22:03
aldcorEriC^^: I thank you greatly!22:04
EriC^^aldcor: no problem!22:04
aldcorI appreciate your help!22:04
EriC^^you're welcome22:04
aldcoroh my.. now we're talking :) thing is. I'm piano teacher and now we need those very interesting lessons.22:04
aldcori will have webcam which will be showing my keyboard22:05
aldcorand my pc webcam will be showing my face22:05
aldcorand also screen will be shared and here I will be writing notes22:05
aldcorso, quite a setup22:05
EriC^^damn, yeah22:05
aldcorthis was the last bit I had to take care of22:05
aldcorand now it's done!!22:05
aldcoramazing! such a relief :)22:05
=== ProprietaryDev is now known as kreyren
BoxBoy$ ls *.csvls: unrecognized option '---.csv'Try 'ls --help' for more information.22:11
BoxBoy$ ls *.csv22:11
EriC^^aldcor: i'm not sure exactly, but just to keep in mind in case in the future it stops working maybe you have to rebuild the module when the kernel gets updated, or maybe the dkms stuff will just rebuild it automatically, but just to keep in mind22:11
BoxBoyls: unrecognized option '---.csv'22:11
BoxBoyTry 'ls --help' for more information.22:12
BoxBoydoes anyone know what is going on here? ls *.mp3  works fine22:12
BoxBoyjust *.csv22:12
EriC^^BoxBoy: i think there's a file called '--.csv' there or so22:12
BoxBoythere are 16,000 .csv files in the dir22:12
EriC^^BoxBoy: what are you trying to do ultimately?22:13
aldcorEriC^^: thanks22:13
BoxBoymv the files to another directory22:13
EriC^^aldcor: no problem22:13
BoxBoyi guess i could just move all of the other files....22:14
BoxBoybut the output of ls is being interpreted as a command?22:14
BoxBoythis is a new one for me22:14
EriC^^BoxBoy: no, first bash is expanding the "*", so your actual command being typed is "echo ls *.csv"22:15
EriC^^if you type that echo line, it'll show you how it ends up after bash expands it, so then it's being ls ...... and that's where ls is getting confused22:15
BoxBoyoh ok i understand, thanks22:16
sarnoldBoxBoy: try ls -- *.csv22:16
EriC^^BoxBoy: ah, if you do "ls -- *.csv" it sohuld work22:16
sarnoldBoxBoy: many tools use -- to separate arguments from files22:16
EriC^^same for 'rm' and other commands22:16
BoxBoyyeah i get that22:16
BoxBoysame error in that case22:16
BoxBoyyeah it affects all of the commands22:17
BoxBoyI didn't realize that bash set up a for loop for wildcards (or somethign like that)22:18
BoxBoyonly been using linux for 25 years, take it easy on me22:18
EriC^^i think it just expands it to 'ls blabla blabla bla ......'22:19
EriC^^BoxBoy: it still isn't working with the ls -- you said?22:20
BoxBoyoh ok, i see, so you get a long string and some are prefixed by -- which gets interpreted as a non singular charcater command22:22
EriC^^BoxBoy: odd, try using "find -name '*.csv' -exec ls -- {} \;"22:22
fribI can't turn off wifi power saving without it also turning off wifi. I tried to disable wifi power saving in /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf but it still stays on22:22
EriC^^BoxBoy: oh22:23
BoxBoy"find: missing argument to `-exec'"22:23
jayjowhat's the difference between a live installation and a regular installation? Is the non-live installation more complete (and can also be booted live) or vice-versa? Or does something else distinguish them22:23
quadrathoch2jayjo there shouldn't be a difference22:24
EriC^^BoxBoy: i think you missed the "\;" at the end22:24
BoxBoyYou would think that22:24
BoxBoyis tehre a space between {} and \?22:24
BoxBoyheh sorry, my bad22:25
sarnoldjayjo: the "non-live" installer is based on the classic debian installer; the end result to the user should be the same, but the debian-install images won't be made for future releases22:25
BoxBoynow i get a series of the error but with the rest of the filename22:25
BoxBoythere seems to be a bunch of tracks that start with --22:25
BoxBoyTHis is a dir of mp3s that i downloaded from google play music. they were so nice to flatten it all down for me into a single folder22:26
BoxBoybasically trying to take back control of my library, but that is an aside, they seem to have named the files Artist-Album-Trackmp3 but sometimes it doesn't know artist or album and just ends up being --Track.mp322:26
gordonjcpI'm kind of disappointed in media players on Linux22:28
BoxBoyimporting to plex22:28
gordonjcpthere's been nothing good since xmms, and that's long gone22:28
BoxBoywhich i found to be decent before22:29
gordonjcpis that not some streaming thing?22:29
BoxBoyit handles local media files like xmms did22:31
BoxBoyactually it's better than xmms imo22:31
gordonjcpso you don't need all the server stuff?22:31
BoxBoythere is also some streaming bits22:31
BoxBoyserver stuff?22:32
gordonjcpBoxBoy: like I said, isn't it supposed to be some streaming server?22:32
gordonjcpI literally just want a small media player that I point at a directory of audio files and hit play22:32
gordonjcprhythmbox can't do that22:32
gordonjcpactually I've yet to find anything that rhythmbox *can* play22:33
gordonjcpit doesn't support any audio format I've thrown at it yet22:33
BoxBoyi used to use it, it was ok22:33
gordonjcpBoxBoy: it's particularly annoying since it tries to be a "library"22:34
gordonjcpand it's huge, and slow22:34
jmichel_nickserv group jmichel__22:34
sarnoldI've heard good things about https://github.com/beetbox/beets22:34
BoxBoyyeah, not great,22:34
sarnoldjmichel_: hello we're not nickserv ;)22:34
gordonjcpsarnold: falls at the first fence - "library management system"22:35
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BoxBoygordonjcp: what about winamp22:36
sarnoldgordonjcp: mplayer *.mp3? :)22:36
gordonjcpBoxBoy: looks like the right kind of thing, but windows-only?22:41
gordonjcpsarnold: well that does work22:42
gordonjcpBoxBoy: yeah, even older than the latest xmms22:42
BoxBoyheh, yeah probably22:42
BoxBoyisn't xmms a library type thing though?22:43
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fradi have an external SSD with important data connected to my computer. on /media/home its name is 49284929820103858392. Id like to change it to something easier, but I don't want to lose any data. Im using thunar as sudo to rename it. If I go ahead, will I lose data?23:29
tomreynfrad: unlikely. but not impossible.23:36
EriC^^frad: renaming the dir won't do anything, you have to change the filesystem label23:36
EriC^^or partition label or whatever23:36
fradEriC^^, which means gparted23:37
EriC^^yeah that should do it23:37
EriC^^unmount the fs, and see which options you can edit in gparted23:37
fradEriC^^, how high is the chance I lose data?23:37
tomreynwrong question: have backups.23:38
EriC^^frad: type 'sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999' and paste the link23:38
fradim out of empty ssds...23:38
fradill have to buy...23:38
sarnoldbackups can be done to spinning metal :)23:39
EriC^^frad: if it's a ntfs fs, you can use ntfslabel to change the label, very easy23:41
EriC^^frad: https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/8-ntfslabel/23:41
fradEriC^^, your command returned 'Error: /dev/mapper/luks-94d3c9a8-1d51-45d8-b394-6d283c7e6c01: unrecognised disk label' its a luks encrypted unit, inside its all ext423:43
EriC^^frad: you could always just have the file manager mount it under where you want btw23:44
EriC^^i think the 'disks' program has an options for mounting which the file manager uses23:44
EriC^^frad: if it's ext4 then "sudo e2label /dev/device new-label-name-here"23:47
EriC^^frad: did the parted not give any link at all?23:47
fradEriC^^, do you mean /dev/mapper/nvme0n1p3_crypt?23:48
fradthere is an option to name the partition23:49
fradwould this change that huge string of numbers to the name I want in thunar?23:50
EriC^^frad: no23:50
EriC^^frad: mount what you want in thunar, then type "mount | grep 492" and paste the line here23:50
fradthat command returns nothing23:52
fradi have to go, thank anyway EriC^^23:54

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