
skycandy[m]Hey Leute... Problem: Mein Chanonical Livepatch geht nichtmehr... Was kann Ich denn jetzt machen um Updates zu installieren??? Ich bin auf "Ubuntu Studio 20.10". Kann momentan garnicht updaten, und keine weiteren Apps ueber "Discover" mehr installieren...16:13
Maikskycandy[m]: Livepatch is for LTS releases only16:15
skycandy[m]<Maik "skycandy: Livepatch is for LTS r"> Yes, i know that now... what is with "LTS" exactly meant?16:16
MaikLTS = Long Term Support16:16
MaikUbuntu LTS is supported for 5 years on the desktop, it's other flavors like Ubuntu Studio, Xubuntu etc only 3 years.16:17
skycandy[m]<Maik "Ubuntu LTS is supported for 5 ye"> Hmm... bad... I choosed the KDE Plasma on 20.10 at my Beginning with Ubuntu Studio, because was the latest version...16:18
Maik20.04 is such a LTS release, 22.04 will be the next one. All other releases in between like 20.10 are only supported for 9 months16:18
skycandy[m]Is there an automatic way to put my changes on an new installation??? I worked much on installing... I like the 20.04 to have now, so i must reinstall...16:19
skycandy[m]When the 22.04 will be released?16:20
Maikas the numbering says April 202216:20
Maikhens 22.0416:20
skycandy[m]Ohwee... so is the best way a new Installation with 20.04 at  the moment?16:21
Maikif you want 20.04  with Xfce you need to re install16:21
rghskycandy: you can basically take any Ubuntu and use the studio installer to "studio-fy" it.16:22
Maikskycandy[m]: especially if you want to use Livepatch and want to have Long Term Support (3 years on Ubuntu Studio)16:23
Maikrgh: that's not what it's about16:23
Maikoh wait...16:24
skycandy[m]<rgh "skycandy: you can basically take"> Hmm okay, I know this installing technique. Thanks!16:24
Maikrgh: you mean they could take Kubuntu 20.04 LTS and turn that into Ubuntu Studio?16:25
skycandy[m]Because of the KDE Plasma?16:26
Maikright, that's an option too16:26
Maiksorry  rgh i forgot about that16:26
rghI've used that on lubuntu and Ubuntu16:26
skycandy[m]<Maik "right, that's an option too"> So it's equal, you can use 'tasksel'...16:26
rghXubuntu 20.10 wouldn't install. Very odd.16:27
skycandy[m]So I like to test some virtual installation in Boxen to test the manually Upgrade to Ubuntu Studio...16:30
Maikskycandy[m]: https://ubuntustudio.org/ubuntu-studio-installer/16:31
skycandy[m]<Maik "skycandy: https://ubuntustudio.o"> Thankz :-)16:33
Maikyou're welcome :)16:34
Maikthanks for the reminder rgh16:36
* OvenWerks uses kubuntu 20.04 with studio on to via ubuntustudio-installer16:45
OvenWerksskycandy[m]: if you save your home directory (in particular the .* files/directories) That should have your settings16:48
BoxBoyhello all, i recently downloaded my google play music library using google takeout20:28
BoxBoynon of the files have id3 tags...annoying20:28
BoxBoyhowever Ubuntu seems to be able to identify metadata for all of the files...how is it doing that?20:29
BoxBoyall of the mp3s are in a single directory, so no structure20:29
OvenWerksBoxBoy: there are two kinds of ids in the meta data. Perhaps use kid3-qt and see if that shows tags20:55
OvenWerks(it shows both kinds20:55
tomreynthere are also online services to identify music based on music patterns.20:55
OvenWerks(or embedded serial numbers20:57
tomreyni was thinking of https://acoustid.org/ and musicbrainz20:59
OvenWerksYeah, not normally used for offline or downloaded material.20:59
BoxBoythere are also csv files that came with the mp3s21:00
BoxBoythe don't have the same file names as the mp3 files, but just the song title21:00
BoxBoyinside is a list of the metadata21:00
BoxBoycould ubuntu be scraping that?21:00
BoxBoyseems far fetched21:00
OvenWerkscould be if it is standard or even semi standard21:01
OvenWerksBoxBoy: which application is showing meta data?21:01
tomreynfor now, the alternative tag format seems a lot more likely, though21:01
BoxBoynautilus i guess21:01
BoxBoythe file browser21:01
OvenWerksin ubuntustudio? would be thunar or Dolphin21:02
OvenWerksthough firefox may have nautilus as a depend21:03
BoxBoyheh, just had a 1 hour discussion with google support, too bad they don't know about this21:04
BoxBoyit's just regular ubuntu21:04
BoxBoygorilla something or other21:04
OvenWerksgroovy would be the same for all flavours21:05
BoxBoyso kid3-qt21:05
BoxBoydoes see the tags, in fact there is tag1 and tag221:05
BoxBoytag1 is empty, tag2 has the same info ubuntu sees21:05
BoxBoygood old irc21:05
OvenWerksMakes sense21:05
OvenWerkstag 2 in general means tag version221:06
OvenWerksit was made because tag version 1 did not have enough room for all the meta data people wanted21:06
OvenWerksAny media player should (In my opinion) read both21:07
OvenWerksIn fact I would file a bug against any media player that did not.21:08
BoxBoyyeah tag2:id3v2.3.021:08
BoxBoymp3info did not detect it21:09
BoxBoyi imported everything to plex and plex didn't detect them either21:09
BoxBoycrazy that my searches for "alternatives to id3 tags" made no mention of id3 v221:10
BoxBoynow to figure out a way to copy over in one simple bash script21:12
BoxBoyid3 -a %t -t %a "*.mp3"21:41
BoxBoynow i feel stupid, plex does see the tags but doesn't sort into albums because of the folder structure21:59

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