
xu-help12whello, im instaling xubuntu on a blank system, and its not fully instaling. it stops at starting ´update grub´ ,can you help me?00:16
xu-help12whello im trying to iinstall xubuntu on a ´´new´´ sistem, but it stops instaling at, starting update-grub , can you help me?00:21
xu-irc26wIs there a good way to have an Xubuntu install on a USB stick that acts like a normal install?  I've tried the persistent methods on the Ubuntu wiki, I've tried mkusb, and neither gets me what I want, and even where they do, the persistence does not work.  Do I just need to create install media and go through the installer and install to the USB?02:36
xu-irc26wIs there no better way?02:36
guivercxu-irc26w, the ISO is intended to be used as *live* media which includes allowing an installation. You seem to be asking for it to do something that it wasn't designed to do. Persistence/mkusb allow it to go beyond that, but as ISO creation changes over time (ie. releases), the effects can vary (ie. persistence that works great on one release can be more problematic on other releases). install to another device is an intended function.02:52
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nunya I'm not sure why but I ca't adjust volume in fullscreen games. I have Googled it and found many reporting the same issue but no solutions. Please help.15:26
gnrpnunya: how do you try to adjust volume?15:27
nunya<gnrp> media keys on keyboard. Works on all other fullscreen apps i.e. vlc Firefox15:29
gnrpnunya: What would  be these fullscreen games?15:30
gnrpcould it be that they catch the keyboard events and don't pass them on?15:31
nunyaI'm noob. Don't even know what that means15:31
nunyaWhat would I do about it?15:32
Maiknunya: are you running xubuntu?15:33
nunyaArmagetronad Flobopuyo  in Ubuntu 20.4 I believe. Tried #ubuntu and got message channel unavailable. Hopefully you can still hgelp15:34
Maiknunya: channel is available but you can't get in because your nickname isn't registered15:35
nunyaI did everything on the screen to register and login but still getting messages saying not registered or identified15:36
Maikjust checked nunya. This is your issue on freenode: nunya has NOT COMPLETED registration verification15:37
Maikyou need to do that first15:37
Maikthen you can join #ubuntu15:38
nunya<Maik> Ok how do I comlete the registration?15:38
Maikcheck your email15:38
nunyaAre these short term registrations? I thought I did this a couple days ago.15:39
Maiknunya: pleas check the link i gave and read what's explained there on the website15:41
Maikit answers all your questions on the registration matter15:42
nunyaAs far as I know I have done all of this and still nothing works trying to login and join #ubuntu Ah to hell with it. So far Ubuntu support sucks!15:49
nunyaYou are already logged in as nunya15:51
nunya<Maik>  You are already logged in as nunya is the message I get at #ubuntu15:51
nunyaOnce this nic identify etc.. has been sorted out is there some way to have xchat automatically do this from now on?15:53
Maikyes there is, should be tutorials online somewhere on how to do that. Hold on, will have a look.15:55
nunyaIt seems like every time I try to do one of the things I am prompted to do to login identify or comlete registration I am prompted to do one of the things I just did WTF?15:58
nunyaI guess it's back to Google since I can't even join the support channel!15:58
Maikargh... don't leave.. :/16:00
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Sephiroth23hi all21:20

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