
=== halvors1 is now known as halvors
eelstreborstrange issue. sometimes firefox stops connecting to a website until i run traceroute and then firefox connects to the site. does it on multiple sites00:46
entouragewhy is there no longer gpu acceleration available in the Firefox 83 build?01:21
sarnoldhow do you tell?01:22
Maikentourage: not really a Ubuntu related support question but one for mozilla i guess01:40
pavlosentourage: unclick performance in Preferences and you may see it, h/w acceleration01:44
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pavloseelstrebor: do you have an example website?01:51
entouragepavlos, yes I do02:01
* Bashing-om polishes on pavlos' crystal ball02:06
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entouragehow do I downgrade from Firefox 83 to Firefox 82 ?02:40
sarnoldyou could apt install firefox=specific-version-here02:40
entouragewhy didn't you type firefox=8202:42
sarnoldbecause that's not the version string02:42
entouragewell what is?02:42
sarnoldyou'll need a version string specific to the release you're running, what's still reachable via your configured mirrors, etc02:42
entouragesigh in other words I'm f-ed02:43
sarnoldyuou can find version numbers here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+publishinghistory02:44
entouragethank you02:47
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farkaanHoly hell why is changing DNS so difficult in 20.04? https://askubuntu.com/questions/1012641/dns-set-to-systemds-127-0-0-53-how-to-change-permanently09:03
farkaanAfter trying to use network-manager's interface, editing resolv.conf, systemd/resolv.conf... it turns out that you have to install resolvconf, add a line in resolv.conf.d/tail and *then* reboot. No wonder so many people hate systemd09:08
quadrathoch2idk farkaan you literally took the weirdest solution of the link you posted10:05
LopeI've installed ubuntu on a USB SSD, it's bootable with UEFI10:33
ilias_grhi all. any help for this error https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sZHygNFQWg/ ?10:41
eoli3n_where do i find netboot for UEFI ?10:55
eoli3n_this is legacy images10:55
eoli3n_can i use ubuntu server to deploy desktops as it has many deployments features ?11:00
eoli3n_ubuntu server images*11:00
EriC^^eoli3n_: maybe ask in #ubuntu-server11:02
MetamorphosisHello. Is there a vocal text reader available on Linux? (for those unhelpful people who want to tell me to search google: I searched Google and find nothing practical)11:03
EriC^^Metamorphosis: i know of 'espeak'11:04
eoli3n_thanks EriC^^11:04
EriC^^no problem eoli3n_11:04
MetamorphosisThanks Eric, I am familiar with espeak ng but I'm looking for something that can read PDF files and web pages too.11:12
EriC^^Metamorphosis: take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Accessibility11:14
MetamorphosisI have a blind nephew, I want that software for him.11:15
EriC^^Metamorphosis: is this useful at all ? https://askubuntu.com/questions/53896/natural-sounding-text-to-speech11:20
EriC^^the 2nd answer mentions some chrome extension and firefox addons that seem good11:20
MetamorphosisEriC^^ Thanks. Does Ocra work in KDE too? Cause I'm planning to ditch Gnome for KDE.11:35
eoli3n_can i perform an EFI install which a legacy image ?11:37
eoli3n_legacy booted image11:38
Lopeif I make a persistent Ubuntu Live USB, can I upgrade the kernel on it?11:40
FractalisI dont see why not, i imagine you can update through update manager. if not you may have to download a updated iso every time you do so.11:43
quadrathoch2Lope nope you wouldn't, if you want, it's best to just install ubuntu onto the usb11:45
tomreyneoli3n_: the installer doesn't support it, you'd need to do it all manually, and telling the firmware where to look for the boot loader would still need to be done seperately.11:50
eoli3n_tomreyn i need some help on this11:51
tomreyneoli3n_: why?11:51
eoli3n_because i don't fully understand how it needs to be done11:51
eoli3n_should i use ubuntu server image ?11:51
eoli3n_extract on nfs export and boot it with nfsroot ?11:51
tomreyneoli3n_: why do you not boot the installer in uefi mode?11:51
eoli3n_thats what i don't know how to do11:51
eoli3n_what i'm searching for11:52
tomreynyou'll need to configure your mainboard firmware to boot in uefi mode (if it supports that)11:52
eoli3n_that part is done11:52
tomreynso this is a VM?11:53
eoli3n_client and server VM11:53
eoli3n_i have now my tftp root11:53
eoli3n_i don't know which image of ubuntu i need to dl11:53
eoli3n_then extract or not ? and how to boot it in uefi (legacy image will boot with grub in legacy mode)11:53
tomreynubuntu installers are hybrid, meaning they can be booted in either legacy bios or uefi mode11:53
eoli3n_which one11:53
eoli3n_netboot does not11:54
tomreynboth server and desktop iso's are hybrid11:54
tomreyni'm not familiar with pxe uefi booting, can't help there.11:54
Lopetomreyn, do you know how to install linux onto a USB SSD so that it's hybrid?11:54
eoli3n_that's the link i have http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/focal/main/installer-amd64/current/legacy-images/11:54
Lopemeaning that it will boot on legacy or UEFI?11:54
Lopeoh, ok11:55
tomreynLope: sure, you use "cp" or dd or any proper raw write utility to copy it to the usb11:55
tomreynLope: you can also use balena etcher, if you'd like a GUI11:56
Lopetomreyn, I'm not talking about copying the installer to the SSD11:56
LopeI'm talking about installing a proper installation onto the USB SSD11:56
tomreynoh, sorry, still waking up here.11:57
Lopeall good11:57
ThinkT510a hybrid iso means you can boot it from a cd or usb, it has nothing to do with bios or uefi11:57
tomreyni've seen how-to's on that, lope, but don't have any readily available.11:57
tomreynLope: effectively you'll wnat to install one way, probably uefi, then look into making the other possible as well.11:58
tomreyneoli3n_: i don't think mini.iso supports uefi booting11:59
eoli3n_it does not12:00
eoli3n_just read it12:00
eoli3n_the only way is to use https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/netbooting-the-live-server-installer/12:00
eoli3n_an alternate method would be to use a distant efi grub12:00
tomreynalso iso booting12:03
tomreyni.e. you could just add a12:03
tomreyn... virtual dvd-dom12:03
eoli3n_yes but image is 800Mo12:04
eoli3n_iso i mean12:04
eoli3n_and i manage 800 hosts12:04
eoli3n_deployed grouped by 4012:05
eoli3n_40*800Mo, i will kill my network12:05
Fractalisis there a reason you want mini specifically?12:08
eoli3n_i just tell12:09
eoli3n_eoli3n_: and i manage 800 hosts deployed grouped by 4012:09
eoli3n_or i don't get what you ask FNetSec12:09
tomreynplease decide for #ubuntu or #ubuntu-server on discussing this issue12:12
eoli3n_that's for both actually12:12
eoli3n_ubuntu-server if ubuntu server image is my best way12:13
eoli3n_ubuntu if not12:13
eoli3n_but lets discuss it here for now12:13
eoli3n_problem is that all images are too heavy12:13
eoli3n_i saw that12:15
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eoli3n_actually i can just run kernel and initrd of ubuntu desktop image with my kickstart file12:16
eoli3n_lets try12:16
tomreynhttps://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/netbooting-the-live-server-installer/14510 (which you pointed to) also suggest you just need to copy files from a mounted iso to the tftp server12:18
tomreynah actually the latter downloads the live-server installer, right12:19
BluesKajHi all12:31
FractalisHello BlueKaj12:33
BluesKajhey Fractalis12:35
nikolamI updated from 20.04 LTS to 20.10 some time ago and I see I previously had enabled "focal-security" repo for 20.04. Is there such thing as "groovy-security" for 20.10 or all updates are delivered during regular updates , because 20.10 is non-LTS ?12:37
farkaanOkay so how do I set-up DNS on 20.04? I've edited /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/systemd/resolved.conf and the DNS seems to be working according to systemd-resolve --status. But I still can't access blocked websites like I can do on Windows and Android with the official Cloudflare apps. What's going on?12:51
tomreynnikolam: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/12:53
harlinFor whatever reason, the option to choose Ubuntu-Wayland (the icon on login in gdm3) does not show consistently. Hardly at all really. What gives with that?13:10
farkaanIdk, I use lightdm and I can login fine in Wayland harlin13:10
harlinThat's cool. I'd prefer to keep gdm313:10
harlinand not install lightdm13:11
farkaanTo each their own, I prefer the old Unity greeter. Could be an issue with GDM13:11
quadrathoch2harlin nvidia?13:11
harlinWhen the icon is present, I can login fine with Wayland too. But most of the time that desktop switcher icon is not there.13:11
harlinquadrathoch2, yes13:11
farkaanharlin: Why would you want to use Wayland though13:11
harlinI'd prefer to use the intel13:11
harlinit does better with certain games.13:11
quadrathoch2harlin i'm not 100% sure on that, but did you edit the gdm config?13:12
quadrathoch2for enabling13:12
harlinwhich file is that quadrathoch2 ?13:12
harlin ... /etc/gdm3/custom ?13:13
harlinif so, then yes13:13
harlinI have WaylandEnable=true13:13
quadrathoch2so then I can't help you. only had nvidia for a day, and then gave the gpu back13:14
harlinman it works great on the windows side.13:16
harlinthe nvidia anyways.13:17
quadrathoch2harlin complain to nvidia?13:17
harlinhah hah13:17
quadrathoch2it's their issue13:17
harlinOh I'm with you.13:17
NetTerminalGenewhat is the default file system for ubuntu 20.04?13:32
quadrathoch2ext4 NetTerminalGene13:33
NetTerminalGenei see. ubuntu based trisquel uses xfs13:33
__infinityHi :)13:36
__infinityI'm wondering if it's possible to switch between monitors with a shortcut or something? Like I will press a shortcut and the focus along with the mouse pointer will be on another display?13:37
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lotuspsychje__infinity: all hotkeys are shown in systemsettings/hotkeys13:44
monkeyisli need help on my systemd script... i made my.sh @ home dir and create it as service by add file /etc/systemd/system/my.service.13:58
monkeyislwhen i ran it,, i feel like it'suspened for a while and spi acitivity gets stop and resume .. like very 30 secs ... but when i run my.sh it work totally fine wihtout service.14:00
monkeyislwhere could be my problem?14:00
HamidrezaHi guys, I would appericiate if you help me out: https://pastebin.com/Zr7jXPVi14:22
Hamidrezamy problem is gwcli14:23
HamidrezaI followed this manpage http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man8/gwcli.8.html14:23
hotsoupHello all. Had a quick question.  Just want to verify that >> will append to a file. I'm placing this "sudo echo vm.swappiness=5 >>/etc/sysctl.conf" in a script14:55
quadrathoch2yes hotsoup14:55
hotsoupThanks much. was just a sanity check. appreciated.14:56
jeremy32hotsoup: why in a script?15:07
pjsI'm trying to ugrade but it says I need to free up space on /boot. I've already done autoremove but I still see older kernel files in /boot. Is it safe to just delete them?15:09
pjsalso dpkg --list | grep linux-image still shows a lot of kernels that I've since removed15:10
luizfrdsneed some command line, that shows memory consumption of a process in a graphic way, anyone suggests one?15:10
pjsnvm I think I got it figured out15:14
pavlospjs: paste dpkg -l | grep linux-image, those marked rc can be safely removed15:17
pjspavlos: ah ok.. so it's OK to just delete all files referencing say, kernel 4.15 in /boot.15:17
tomreynpjs: if that's not the kernel you'Re currently running, yes15:18
pjsupgrade is running now.. so looks like what I tried worked but good to know15:18
pjstomreyn: right, I run a mainline kernel.15:18
pavlospjs: imho, ls -l /boot should list the same kernels as dpkg -l | grep linux-image15:18
tomreynpjs: i recommend to ppa-purge all PPAs, clean up leftover packages identified through apt-forktracer, and to use a supported kernel image, too, before you start a release upgrade.15:19
pjswell shit15:20
pjshere's hoping I don't break something :)15:20
hotsoupjeremy32: I have a script setup that installs a host of apps all at the same time so when I have to install a new system, I go through and comment out the applications I don't want and then fire the script.  Personally I have a decent amount of ram (40GB) so I can tell the system to prefer ram to vm.15:25
tomreynhotsoup: there's /etc/sysctl.d/ for local changes15:42
nualapjs: i once got presented an update failure on a system with full /boot partition. I ended up nulling the older kernels so the files are still there but of size 0. then removing old kernels via apt was possible (removal failed to obeforehand due to full partition)15:43
hotsouptomreyn:  Thanks much but would the swappiness setting be local or system wide? I thought that would be sytemwide?15:45
tomreynhotsoup: yes, it's system wide. by "local" i was referring to changes which apply to this system, but are not affected by release upgrades / changes to the default sysctl.conf configuration file.15:53
hotsouptomreyn: oh ok. Got it. I didn't know this was possible.  So I can append my command to  /etc/sysctl.d/sysctl.conf and this change would remain in effect even after a kernel update?15:57
tomreynhotsoup: it's be better to name it /etc/sysctl.d/swappiness.conf - but yes, that's so.15:59
tomreynkernel updates would also not affect changes to /etc/sysctl.conf, but release upgrades may16:00
hotsoupThanks much. I'll modify my script and make notes accordingly. I appreciate the direction. Thats not something that I'd have picked up on immediately.16:08
tomreynhotsoup: it's a common mechanism (does't work everywhere, though): https://askubuntu.com/questions/7648/many-directories-have-a-d-suffix-extension-what-does-it-mean16:10
troozersHowdo Gurus... quick question; I have created a bash script to move lollypop config files around based on whether I am on my network or not and then launch lollypop.  Is there a way to override the menu application entry for lollypop other than change the /usr/share/applications/org.gnome.Lollypop.desktop file?16:13
tomreyntroozers: you can place a modified copy in your home16:17
troozersoooh, that easy?  Just trying now16:19
troozersI love linux ^_^16:20
troozerstomreyn: many thanks for that :)16:21
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onioHi I am running Ubuntu mate 20.04 and having problem with hackrf one not connecting but getting the following "hackrf_open() failed: input/output error (-1000)"18:41
onioThe hackrf one works fine with Pentoo linux on a different machine but not on Ubuntu which is my main dev machine. Any idea on how to resolve18:41
EriC^^onio: did you try sudo modprobe hackrf ?18:42
onioEriC^^, no let me try now18:46
onioEriC^^, just did nothing happened.18:47
EriC^^onio: did you try the hackrf command after it?18:48
onioEriC^^, no sorry, I am newbie18:48
onioEriC^^, should I be issuing "modprobe hackrf_info"?18:50
onioif yes I get modprobe: FATAL: Module hackrf_info not found in directory /lib/modules/5.8.0-29-generic18:50
EriC^^onio: try "LIBUSB_DEBUG=3 hackrf_info"18:50
onioEriC^^, yes that is responding with the correct serial number18:52
EriC^^onio: so first you tried hackrf_info and you get input/output error, then modprobe hackrf and now hackrf_info is working?18:52
onioEriC^^, wow I have spent the last 7 hours on this18:52
EriC^^onio: 1sec18:52
EriC^^onio: did you try earlier twice in a row running hackrf_info ?18:53
onioyes multiple times18:53
EriC^^like directly after the first time?18:53
onioI read somewhere that you have to send command multiple times18:54
EriC^^onio: yeah i saw it too, something to do with the usb auto-suspend18:54
EriC^^onio: do you have any tlp stuff running? try "systemctl status tlp"18:54
pjsnuala: ah well, everything seemed to go smoothly18:54
pjsother than my st build died and I have to find all my patches/configs again... and switch back to multi-user.target18:55
onioEriC^^, I get this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/K7Htt7sF3M/18:56
EriC^^onio: ah ok, try sudo nano /etc/tlp.conf18:57
EriC^^add the line18:57
EriC^^USB_BLACKLIST="1d50:604b 1d50:6089 1d50:cc15 1fc9:000c"18:57
EriC^^onio: then save and exit with ctrl+x, and restart tlp, sudo systemctl restart tlp18:57
onioEriC^^, done18:59
EriC^^onio: ok, that should do it18:59
onioEriC^^, wow I can not believe this. I have spent hours on the gnuradio and hackrf channels19:01
onioEriC^^, so what was wrong because I am not sure I understand some of the command that you told me to enter19:02
EriC^^onio: apparently running modprobe fixes it but really it's just masking the problem which could be due to tlp and usb power suspension, now that the usb is blacklisted the power wont get autosuspended anymore19:03
EriC^^onio: no problem19:05
KILbKAHi all! I would like to know who has experience with Canon PIXMA MFP`s like G3415. Thank you in advance.19:10
daedelothi have a swapping server caused by a heavy mysql query and I'm not sure what to do now20:22
EriC^^daedeloth: perhaps ask in #ubuntu-server as they might have some good ideas about it20:25
EriC^^no problem20:25
UncleRon1My computer, starting today, shuts down upon trying to load the kernel.20:29
EriC^^UncleRon1: did you try an older kernel?20:37
EriC^^UncleRon1: how soon does it shut down? do you get a splash at all?20:38
UncleRon1No, after grub says its loading the kernel, the screen goes black, and then the computer shuts down20:39
EriC^^UncleRon1: try to see the logs of /var/log/syslog20:40
EriC^^you might be able to access them from grub > advanced options > recovery kernel20:40
EriC^^then drop to shell and run "less /var/log/syslog" and see the last boot20:41
UncleRon1Recovery kernel produces same problem20:43
zutatis WSL any good?20:44
zutatwith ubuntu20:45
tomreyn!wsl | zutat20:45
ubottuzutat: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide20:45
tomreynUncleRon1: which ubuntu version do you have installed?20:46
UncleRon1upon, closer inspection, it could possibly be a hardware issue, bc it happens on all the pendrives and live disks I have too, but I am not sure what the problem might be, it is consistent across all of them20:47
EriC^^UncleRon1: did you update the bios or change any settings there?20:48
UncleRon1Not recently20:48
tomreynUncleRon1: this sounds like a hardware or firmware problem, yes. ubuntu would automatically update the mainboard firmware for some systems which vendors provide support for.20:49
tomreynwhich hardware is it?20:49
EriC^^oh wow, automatically tomreyn ?20:49
tomreynyes, though lvfs / fwupd20:50
tomreynit's a vendor opt-in mechanism20:50
UncleRon1Intel Celeron and integrated Braswell graphics; just a low power computer I use for working sometimes20:50
EriC^^which motherboard UncleRon1 ?20:51
tomreynit should say the exact model number on the first boot screen on or on the setup screen20:51
UncleRon1a wiped CELES chromebook20:51
UncleRon1Its all single board20:52
tomreynhmm, chromebook, most likely no firmware upgrades then20:52
ubottuTo get a more verbose log of the boot process, remove "quiet" and "splash" from the kernel boot parameters and add "debug systemd.log_level=info". For info on editing kernel boot parameters, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters20:53
EriC^^UncleRon1: maybe secure boot needs to be disabled and somehow it got reenabled?20:53
tomreynhow much ram does this have? maybe unpacking the kernel just fails20:54
tomreyninitrd rather20:54
UncleRon1How should I go about disabling if it did?20:54
UncleRon14GB of ram20:54
tomreynokay 4 gb is enough.20:54
UncleRon1Even, if I don't use it, I check it every day, but it didn't work today20:54
tomreynyou'd disable secure boot on the firmware configuration screens, if there are such for chromebooks20:55
BoffeyHi, I'm currently running Bionic Beaver, and wanting to upgrade to the latest version.  However, when I run the Updater, I get the message "Failed to download repository information"20:55
BoffeyThere is nothing wrong with my internet connection.20:55
tomreynBoffey: hi. post these commands and their output, as you run them, in a terminal: sudo apt update; sudo apt policy; sudo apt full-upgrade -V20:56
tomreynBoffey: post them to https://paste.ubuntu.com and provide the url20:56
tomreynUncleRon1: for help with testing your hardware, i suggest to    /join ##hardware20:57
UncleRon1Okay, the fact that it would always turn off after bootloader seems to be not be the problem, it actually seems to turn off about 30 seconds after turning on, I will consult ##hardware then?21:02
tomreynUncleRon1: i would say so. start with a memtest. memtest86.com 's works fine for me.21:04
UncleRon1it times out before memtest loads though21:05
tomreynBoffey: you mistyped the last command21:06
tomreynBoffey: sudo apt full-upgrade -V       ( not sudo apt full-upgrade-V )21:07
BoffeyHmm... Didn't notice that space :(21:08
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EriC^^Boffey: you're trying to upgrade to 20.10 ?21:12
BoffeyEriC^^: If that's the current version, then yes.21:13
tomreynBoffey: so it seems that apt works fine in general on your ubuntu 18.04 LTS system, although i have not eent he output of    sudo apt update21:13
EriC^^Boffey: could you pastebin 'sudo apt update' ?21:13
tomreynit should be more than just "WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts."21:14
UncleRon1Yup, definitely a hardware issue, chromebook won't even turn on anymore21:15
EriC^^UncleRon1: maybe it's an overheating problem?21:15
UncleRon1It doesn't seem to be hot, but i could set it aside to see if it improves21:16
tomreynit doesn't seem like an ubuntu problem anyways21:16
tomreynBoffey: your apt configuration is lacking the gpg apt repository signing key 78BD65473CB3BD13 - you will need to retrieve a copy of it and trust it, if you can, or remove the repository depending on it.21:19
BoffeyHow do I do that?21:19
tomreynhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/1205540/failure-to-load-repository-information seems to discuss this21:20
tomreynthe first part of the first answer suggests to configure your system to trust the GPG apt signing key located at https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub21:21
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EriC^^Boffey: also one of the official repo files seems currently being updated21:22
tomreynthat, or a bad (transient?) proxy is getting in the way.21:23
tomreynhttp://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/Release says that main/source/Sources.xz should be 829308 bytes long. However, for unknown reasons, the one which was downloaded to your system was only 65144 bytes long, even though the one on the server has the right size.21:34
tomreynwget -O /dev/null http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/source/Sources.xz -> "‘/dev/null’ saved [829308/829308]"21:34
Boffey Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/multiverse/source/Sources.xz  File has unexpected size (181064 != 1336). Mirror sync in progress? [IPL 80]21:46
Boffey Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/multiverse/source/Sources.xz  File has unexpected size (181064 != 1336). Mirror sync in progress? [IP: 80]21:47
EriC^^Boffey: try wget -O /tmp/Sources.xz http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/source/Sources.xz21:54
BoffeyOk, so retrieved Sources.xz. length 82930822:02
jayjois https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/amd64/apbs04.html still the most up to date guide for automating an ubuntu installation, or has there been a transition to cloud-init completely? Should I still try to use `d-i` format?22:04
EriC^^Boffey: try sudo apt-get update22:05
EriC^^it might work this time if it has it cached, otherwise you have to decompress it somewhere, 1sec22:06
EriC^^Boffey: can you pastebin "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" ?22:12
quadrathoch2jayjo i would also look into autoinstall22:14
EriC^^you can comment out the sources as they're not really needed for the update. just for dowloading the sourcecode, and after the upgrade re enable them if you need them22:14
EriC^^Boffey: type sudo sed -i 's/^deb-src/#deb-src/' /etc/apt/sources.list22:18
Boffeyapt-get update still not behaving itself22:22
EriC^^what's the output now?22:22
EriC^^type 'cat /etc/apt/sources.list; sudo apt update'22:22
EriC^^Boffey: type 'sudo sed -i 's/gb.archive/archive/' /etc/apt/sources.list22:27
tomreynjayjo: debian-installer is legacy. the default and supported installer is subiquity as provided on "ubuntu-live-server" ISOs. https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/installation22:27
tomreynhttps://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall for automation22:28
leitzBack to apt/apt-get not installing dependencies.22:28
leitzEven with -f option. Anything else to try?22:29
tomreyn!details | leitz22:30
ubottuleitz: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.22:30
leitzAlso, Ubuntu 20.04, and it says nothing else needs to be updated.22:31
tomreynwhat's the output of    sudo apt-get update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999922:32
tomreynBoffey: 1k packages to upgrade, not bad.22:33
leitzapt-get update   Hit:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal InRelease  Hit:2 http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu focal InRelease22:34
leitzReading package lists... Done22:34
leitztomreyn, assuming that was for me.  :)22:34
EriC^^Boffey: type 'cat /etc/issue' what's it say?22:34
tomreynleitz: this was for you:    what's the output of    sudo apt-get update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999922:34
BoffeyUbuntu 18.04.1 LTS \n \l22:35
EriC^^Boffey: ok, type sudo apt full-upgrade22:36
leitztomreyn, effectively what I posted above.22:36
leitzThough it dropped the "Done" on the last line.  https://termbin.com/mrhnk22:36
BoffeySeems to be downloading the packages ok.22:37
tomreynyou seem to have removed a lot of apt sources which you shouldn't remove22:37
tomreynleitz: let's try this instead:   sudo grep -hEv '^([ ]*#.*)?$' /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/*.list} 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999922:38
leitztomreyn, I have main, universe, and multiverse enabled.22:38
tomreynapt-get update should have tried to update these22:39
leitztomreyn, https://termbin.com/n97d922:39
tomreynwhat about security patches, updates, you prefer not to have those?22:40
leitztomreyn, are you talking about snap, or something else?22:41
Boffeytomreyn: The reason 1k packages to upgrade is because I've not had an internet connection for over a year.22:42
tomreynleitz: i'm talking about default ubuntu 20.04 LTS apt sources22:42
leitztomreyn, I thought things were set up for updates. The "Updates" tab says "Snap package updates..."22:43
leitztomreyn, are there non-snapd update methods?22:43
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.22:44
tomreynhmm tat's not too useful. hold on, i'll prepare one for you22:45
leitztomreyn, yeah, it's a little old.22:45
leitzIf the "Snap package updates" does NOT mean that snap gets reinstalled in patching, I can change the subscription from Custom.22:46
leitztomreyn, added the security and updates bit. Doing the upgrade first, and then will re-try the ImageMagick install22:49
tomreynleitz: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BMYmsqg9YQ/22:50
tomreynleitz: i'm not discussing snaps at all, all of this is about apt.22:50
leitztomreyn, understood. The reason I had mucked with "Updates" is that it first talked about Snaps. Not sure who did the UI there, but it's sub-optimal.22:51
leitzEh, the upgrade is chugging along...22:52
leitzIs there an apt way to find which package installs a file?23:10
EriC^^leitz: dpkg -S /path/to/file23:10
EriC^^it has to be on your system though (package already installed)23:11
leitzEriC^^, I need to get the package to install the file.  :)23:11
EriC^^otherwise use apt-file search file   to search the repo for the file23:11
EriC^^ah, you need to install apt-file then, and run apt-file update then the above23:11
EriC^^which file is it leitz ?23:12
leitzEriC^^, got it; your apt-file search worked. Looking for MagickCore.h23:12
EriC^^there's also !find filename   in the channel here if you ever find the need23:13
EriC^^leitz: ^23:13
leitzEriC^^, well, it's saying it can't locate the file. Still working on it.23:14
BoffeyOk, so 1029 packages downloaded.  Now updating.  Ta.23:15
en1gmai have a fresh install of windows 10 on my C: which is a 120GB ssd. i need to make dual boot system with ubuntu 20.04 lts on the same ssd. will ubuntu resize the C: automatically or do i need to tell it how much size i need23:17
leitzEriC^^, for some reason "universe" had been disabled, even after I enabled multiverse. Things are starting to work, now.23:18
leftyfben1gma: you can resize as part of the installation procedure. Make sure you have a backup though23:22
BoffeyWhy don't package managers start installing as soon as they have downloaded the first package?  I can't believe that a modern processor cannot cope with that.23:24
en1gmaleftyfb thanks23:27
leftyfbBoffey: dependencies23:27
leftyfbBoffey: you try to install package X, but it needs packages Y and Z are dependencies. It starts downloading all 3 but finishes X first. You still can't install X without first installing Y and Z23:28
BoffeyCan't the manager d/l a file detailing the dependencies first, then order the d/ls in such a way that the issue doesn't arise?23:30

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