
RikMillsguiverc: did you test the Kubuntu iso again? it seem to no longer show the "The installer encountered an unrecoverable error" popup or go to the live session10:41
guivercprobably not sorry.  I saw it mentioned in #kubuntu, I'll endeavour to re-test in a few days, inc. Ubuntu (that gets more attention of Canonical folks I feel).. feel free to bump me if I forget (I'm forgetful), but may not have time till my wednesday10:43
guivercRikMills, ^10:43
RikMillsguiverc: I believe the gtk front end starts ok10:43
guivercexplains why I didn't see any other iso.qa.ubu hits...10:44
* guiverc is re-testing hirsute daily 11:57
guivercacts different on box used tonight, but it's not usable; live or installation :(12:01
RikMillsguiverc: if you remove 'maybe-ubiquity' from the grub command line, it should boot fine to the desktop. but the installer will still not be able to start12:20
guivercRikMills, this is weird; I've booted it on another box, different reaction, result though is the same, unusuable still; I'll note in bug report shortly12:20
guivercthanks RikMills, I'll try..   I'll log this boot on bug report & iso.qa first, and I'm heading to bed real soon12:21
RikMillsok, and thanks!12:21
* guiverc attempting boot without maybe-ubiquity on same box12:28
guivercYep RikMills, I've got a background, mouse-pointer & desktop..  install won't start as you suggested, but kate, dolphin & random apps start normally... will record as 'live' test & note on bug report (ie. boots with maybe-ubiquity removed)12:31
RikMillsyep, same here. it is ubiquity that is broken :/12:31
RikMillsor breaks the boot12:32
RikMillsguiverc: the imp module depreciation warning exists in groovy where all is fine, so I think possibly not the problem12:47
guivercfyi: booted daily on 3rd box.. different reaction again.. on first I had wallpaper & mouse-pointer, on 2nd I got black screen, on 3rd screen remained on kubuntu-plymouth...  (without maybe-ubiquity removed).12:47
guivercYep RikMills, I didn't know what that meant... so reported it12:47
RikMillsmaybe this is a message to switch to calamares!12:48
* guiverc was thinking I'd suggest that earlier, but opted nah.. but :)12:49
BluesKajHi all13:33

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