=== root is now known as Guest3742 [11:03] Hello === Marco is now known as Guest24041 [11:05] Hello [13:57] Hi, what is your question? [13:58] If anyone could chime in that would be very appreciated: https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/enabling-autorotate-in-lubuntu-20-10/1821 [14:08] RyuKurisu[m]: they're looooong gone [14:09] like 3 hours or so [14:15] RIP [14:15] RIP [14:16] RIP [14:16] lommy: need help with something? [14:17] oh thank you! just testing right now :) [15:31] Lol, didn't really check [16:19] can someone help me? [16:27] !ask [16:27] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [16:30] aleph ^^^ [17:34] RyuKurisu[m]: it happened again. ;-) aleph left a minute after asking for help with $SOMETHING [19:11] Ugh [19:47] * RyuKurisu[m] uploaded an image: 20201122_204624_5318597947297777362.jpg (99KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/AfgKZsRdtmyckWbGsvxkKOsK/20201122_204624_5318597947297777362.jpg > [19:49] With lxqt-config-monitor -l I can switch from 'Normal' to 'Music' (aka right side up) mode, but not in reverse. Is this expected behaviour or a bug? === zakaria is now known as doloren [21:48] anyone else got PM'ed by zakaria/doloren? [22:07] I did not Maik [22:28] kc2bez: ok thanks. I did and went searching in which channel they were. Only saw them here, that's why i asked. I don't even know them. [23:29] Different users PM me on occasion Maik, I usually only answer on public channels (or PM them back that's what I'll do)