[21:31] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Kubuntu General News: Kubuntu is not Free, it is Free @ https://kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-is-not-free-it-is-free/ [22:50] UWN: Issue 658 up for review and final edits: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue658. [22:55] ack Bashing-om , fyi: I may not be around tomorrow (publish time, late my arvo or near your sign off time maybe) [22:55] krytarik: Van you take a look at our ./stats/translations.py script ? It is generating garbage for me this issue. Past issues the outputs are sane. [22:55] guiverc: Ack - hope Wild_Man is up to speed now :P [23:17] Bashing-om, I will be able to publish tomorrow we have two doctor appointments I am not sure what time but I will be here [23:18] Wild_Man: Great - thanks :D [23:18] Bashing-om, you're welcome [23:27] Bashing-om: Well, the last time you ran the script, was it before pulling in the python3 shebang change on the scripts or afterwards? Otherwise, I was assuming you've been running all Python scripts using v3 for a while anyway, no? But yeah, while the code looks alright generally, I get the same stuff here too. Anyway, pretty sure I've tested all Python scripts if they run properly under v3 when ... [23:27] ... making them compatible with it. [23:32] krytarik: I have made no additional changes to my scripts since updating to python3 - I had considered corruption in my copy, but could see no error when I looked at the script. I have no idea of what has changed since last week on the server (?). // Any idea how to correct the translation numbers ? [23:34] Haven't looked that far yet. And do you have 'python-bs4' installed? If not, then it's safe the script wasn't run under Python 2 before. [23:37] krytarik: Nope on 'python-bs4' - running "python3-bs4 4.8.2-1". [23:37] https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hirsute - in any case, the workaround for until it's fixed would be to simply manually write down the respective value from here, sorted in decreasing order by status. Ok, that's good then. Hmm... [23:40] krytarik: Thanks will do ther manual intervention - suggest however to be LTS release numbers - maybe hirsute is not worked on as hard ? [23:42] Oh, have you been tracking Focal recently instead? Because I don't think tracking any stable release makes particularly sense here.. [23:42] krytarik: Been tracking focal yes . [23:42] Heh. [23:44] krytarik: I am thinking that translations are an ongoing process such that the present LTS release should be the focus, no ? [23:46] https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu - well, if you hit up this instead, you'll notice that it recommends Hirsute as translation target, which is therefore the focus, so.. [23:47] Also, just noticed you made "Seth Forshee" bold in this issue? Was it deliberate or by mistake? [23:49] krytarik: Ack on tanslations will do so :) .. as to the bold This issue I did catch up with your prior recomendation: "it'd have to be like '''bold''' for the names." . [23:53] I don't remember saying that recently, was it? And was it in a different context perhaps?