
RyuKurisu[m]With lxqt-config-monitor -l I can switch from 'Normal' to 'Music' (aka right side up) mode, but not in reverse.  Is this expected behaviour or a bug?05:31
lubot<lynorian> -l says load last seettings10:00
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mrkewl20hi guys11:21
lubotwanarek was added by: wanarek14:22
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lubotDanilo Dondi was added by: Danilo Dondi15:36
kenwayanyone there?17:23
lubot<teward001> ask a realquestion17:26
tewarddon't ask if anyone is here or ask to ask, just ask your question.17:27
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:27
kenwayOh sorry. In fact I did not even know what IRC is. I installed my first linux system last week, only now I saw an app named quassel IRC. Out of curiosity, I opened it and it appeared to be som sort of messaging platform, so I said "hi". Only few minutes ago I looked iu IRC on google.17:30
RyuKurisu[m]<lubot "<lynorian> -l says load last see"> True, but I can even tab-complete Normal and Music.20:04
dani1515hi, it seems that not many people are using xfce4 with ubuntu, kubuntu room has more users21:38
tewardum... relevance?21:40
teward(this is #lubuntu not #xubuntu)21:40
dani1515oh ok21:44
tewarddani1515: note though the number of people in an IRC room doesn't equate to number of people using that given DE21:45
dani1515i think it does, kde is more popular, should be21:46
wxlthis discussion is not relevant here21:46
dani1515but of course  its not important, i like xfce4 :) but i also like kde21:47
wxlplease try one of the -offtopic channels instead21:47
tewardwxl: you have mail21:48
wxlteward: this discussion is not relevant here, either21:48

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