
hanshthat window minimize bug (which affects Xubuntu 20.04) has just been fixed upstream, https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/xfwm4/-/commit/43d5217209b0be0b4442cedee1ace57807400e1700:13
hanshxfce4 upstream, that is00:13
hanshwas even fixed by the original XFCE developer, "Olivier Fourdan", cool to see that the founder is still around00:16
Unit193He maintains xfwm4 in general.00:18
hanshand has been at it since 1996 apparently00:22
FurretUberHi, I need help with something a bit unusual: I'm searching the Xubuntu 14.04 ISO, but it does not exist on http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/xubuntu/releases/ Where could I find it?00:26
tomreynhmm indeed, those seem to be gone.00:47
Unit19314.04 went EOL, guess that's why.  Not even on the torrent tracker.00:48
tomreynUnit193: older xubuntu releases are at http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/xubuntu/releases/ though00:49
tomreynso just 14.04.* is missing00:49
tomreynor rather anything since 12.04.400:50
Unit19319.04 is there. :D00:50
guivercan annoucement was made giving reason for 'cleanup' for all release/flavors (august-nov); I forget why/when01:00
FurretUberIs it obtainable somehow? Booting the 12.04 live offers to upgrade to 14.04.6. Do 14.04.6 exists somewhere?01:00
* guiverc thinks https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2020-October/005113.html maybe what I was thinking of01:02
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Guest87172error upgrading from 12.04 to 12.1006:09
Guest87172error upgrading from 20.04 to 20.1006:10
Guest87172error upgrading from 20.04 to 20.1006:14
lanjanHello, I have a bit of a weird problem in both Ubuntu and Xubuntu. Sometimes everything related to sound just stops working, and I need to reboot to fix it. I have no idea what could cause it :(10:31
daniineed litle help10:58
psych094I had Windows 8.1 and Xubuntu 18.04 dual booted, it was a simple install of Xubuntu alongside Windows. I let the installer handle the partitioning and all. I then installed pm-utils and running the pm-hibernate command did hibernate the system.12:01
psych094Later I messed something up, not related to hibernating the system, and I needed to re-install the Xubuntu.12:01
psych094I installed more RAM into my laptop and so I wanted to switch my swapfile into a swap partition, but since I already had a separate home partition for the home directory, that is where I messed up when I joined the home partition with the root partition.12:03
psych094I wasn't able to log into the system anymore.12:03
psych094So I reinstalled the Xubuntu 18.04 OS and this time I set up a swap partition and decided to leave the home folder as is.12:04
diogenes_i'm already confused :)12:04
psych094I'll come back another time :v12:04
psych094I just want to hibernate my system.12:05
diogenes_but go ahead maybe someone else could follow through :)12:05
psych094I'm not able to do that now.12:05
psych094Previous installation I was able to hibernate my system when I had a swap partition, but it stopped when I change swap partition into a swap file.12:05
psych094So this time, so avoid not being able to hibernate my system, I decided to leave things with the swap partition, but I'm still not able to hibernate my laptop.12:06
psych094*to avoid12:07
psych094Was this simple? Or should I think things through again before continuing? o.O12:07
psych094Doesn't look like I messed up the last few texts/messages.12:08
psych094Anyway, is there a way to be able to hibernate my system without messing around with grub config files?12:10
diogenes_if you preserved the /home partitions during the countless reinstallations, i'd start with creating a fresh new user and try if it works there, if it doesn't then i'd do a clean reinstall exactly the way i did the first time when everything was working fine but, that's just me, maybe someone else has a better solution.12:10
psych094Oh, I did a backup before I messed, so reinstalling the OS wasn't a problem.12:10
psych094I'm just not able to hibernate my system despite using the same ISO file I did the last time it worked when I did have a swap partition.12:11
=== nikow3 is now known as nikow
psych094Just changing my swap partition into a swap file was a mistake and I didn't come across any information that computers can't be hibernated using a swap file.12:12
psych094My reinstall has a swap partition now and I am not sure as to why my system continues to shut down instead of hibernate.12:13
diogenes_psych094, try: systemctl hibernate12:14
diogenes_see what it shows.12:14
psych094Hmm. I think I did try that. Not sure. It was like 6 months ago. :P12:26
psych094I just got started with IRC for help...12:26
diogenes_psych094, what do you mean? i mean to open a terminal, write in the terminal the following commad: systemctl hibernate (and hit enter and see if it hibernates)12:27
psych094I can't at the moment. This might trigger some people. I'm using Windows at the moment. I have university assignments to do, so not booted in Xubuntu right now.12:30
diogenes_eh dammit12:30
psych094But I did write that it down in a text file located in the Windows desktop, which I use as a reminder when I boot into Xubuntu. :P12:31
=== ilvipero1 is now known as ilvipero
xubuntu44itrying to install xubuntu on asus t100taf. why is it so complicated17:41
xubuntu44itrying follow github step by step but im such a noob at this17:42
diogenes_xubuntu44i, complicated?17:43
xubuntu44iyeah like i have touch screen on the live boot and wifi and sound so do i need to do every step still17:44
xubuntu44ithe steps in chroot is what im worried about17:47
Guest79861error upgrading from 20.04 to 20.1017:58
Guest79861error upgrading from 20.04 to 20.1018:06
diogenes_Guest79861, details.18:08
ran_error upgrading from 20.04 to 20.1018:17
xubuntu39iHello everybody. I'm trying to get xubuntu installed on a preexisting partition of an external HDD drive. I've had an OS installed on it before, but now whatever I try to install it always tells me "check cable" and  OS not found. It says the same thing whether i try to install a live or full version. Any suggestions?18:18
xubuntu39iwhat error?18:18
bluefireerror upgrading from 20.04 to 20.1018:28
Maikplease stop joining and quiting, switching nicknames and finally tell us what error you get bluefire18:28
Maik!ask | bluefire18:29
ubottubluefire: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:29
=== sorinello1 is now known as sorinello
newbiemaxThanks in advance for all the help. I'm currently installing xbuntu wee!20:42

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