[09:13] morning [09:52] bthomas: yes it is [09:58] * bthomas double checks his conclusions [10:00] * Chipaca passes bthomas a bucket of ∎ [10:27] I just realized I was not checking for emitted events in my remove relation tests. So I am now modifying them to use RelationEventCharm and checking that the events are emitted. [10:28] Also there was a formatting error (fixed now) in a docstring. [10:33] 👍 [11:07] Chipaca: I see a harmless duplicated line "if self._charm is None or not self._hooks_enabled:" in _emit_relation_created. This probably came through in a merge commit. I am axing one copy. [11:08] bthomas: 🪓 [11:08] :-) [11:11] all future reviews will be done in emoji form [11:13] * Chipaca notes that includes '🯆' [11:15] * bthomas needs to update his emacs unicode fonts config to get more emojis displayed [11:22] bthomas: not many fonts have that last one [11:23] Chipaca: At present I am using https://pastebin.canonical.com/p/GGhRjxCZ2s/ but neither of the last two emoji's show up [11:23] bthomas: you might need http://unifoundry.com/unifont/index.html in fact [11:24] Thanks [11:24] * bthomas has his work cut out this for this weekend [11:24] as in, unifont 13 [11:24] (it's a good fallback font) [11:28] brb, rebooting [11:43] Fixed two bugs in the data for emitting relation departed and relation broken [11:44] Fixing all tests now [12:07] Chipaca: Do you know if my charm has a relation "db" with two units ("/0" and /1") of remote app "postgresql", then is it the case that both units have the same "relation_id" 0 ? [12:08] Never mind. I think the answer is yes. [12:08] * bthomas getting hungry now and it is getting harder to think [12:11] Fixed all tests and code. Will create PR after lunch some time. [12:16] Pushed all fixes. Travis is very excited, and is glad Chipaca did not burn him down. [12:26] Oos. Looks should have been "burn her down", judging from travis logo. [12:42] * bthomas -> lunch [13:06] * bthomas back [13:08] Oh no I just realised there is a typo in doc string. There should be no "Returns". Will wait for travis to finsh (almost done) and fix. [13:17] heh [13:17] bthomas: i hope to get to review today [13:17] bthomas: hold that fix until i do, to avoid tiring our frind travis out? [13:17] Chipaca: I am going to convert draft PR to PR in next 20 min [13:18] ah, sounds good [15:50] i need to step out for a while; will probably miss the standup [16:00] ack. PR is ready for review, and cleared all checks. [16:53] Issue operator#452 closed: event.unit is None when using update_relation_data [20:36] Is there a correct way to get the application name from harness? [20:36] I see harness.model in the docks but no harness.app [20:47] answer to my own question: self.model.app.name seems to work [20:47] self.harness.model.app.name that is