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eoli3n_Hi who's in charge of subiquity ?11:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1905296 in subiquity "autoinstall crash with python3[1872]: segfault" [Undecided,New]11:55
eoli3n_i'm trying to workaround this11:55
eoli3n_TJ- o/12:22
eoli3n_i am looking for what is "cmd-install/stage-curthooks/001-configure-apt/cmd-apt-config" doing12:28
eoli3n_where is that source code ?12:28
seb128eoli3n_, hey, you want mwhudson but he's in .nz so probably past his eod now12:58
eoli3n_TJ- found the source: https://git.launchpad.net/subiquity/tree/bin/subiquity-configure-apt12:58
eoli3n_what is eod ?12:59
eoli3n_end of day13:00
TJ-this is a strange one - seb128  can you think of a circumstance where the (subiquity) installer, when calling "apt-get update" and having sources.list = "deb file:///cdrom ..." would manage to read dists/focal/Release{,.gpg} but then immediately get "file not found" for "dists/focal/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz"13:04
seb128TJ-, no idea sorry, googling suggests it's not new than cdrom entries in sources.list create problems...13:09
seb128is subiquity enabling that source?13:09
eoli3n_seb128 yes it does13:22
eoli3n_check the last lines in previous link13:22
eoli3n_i can't even autocomment this from cloud-config13:23
seb128eoli3n_, well, you have the bug opened and mwhudson got pinged so hopefully he will get back to you later13:23
eoli3n_thanks santa_13:23
seb128unless juliank might be able to help you on why apt is unhappy there13:23
eoli3n_it would be great13:24
eoli3n_i added a lots of details if the issue, every tests we did with TJ-13:24
eoli3n_-> https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/190529613:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1905296 in subiquity "autoinstall crash with python3[1872]: segfault" [Undecided,New]13:24
eoli3n_i need to go for the moment, i come back in 3 or 4 hours13:27
juliankseb128: eoli3n_ Can only say that it looks like the file doesn't exist13:28
eoli3n_yep but Package.gz does13:29
eoli3n_and it is accessed13:29
eoli3n_so it should not fallback on Package, which does not exist13:29
dokovorlon: you synced/merged mime-support 3.66/3.66ubuntu1 (the latter removed?). needs a MIR, or some Ubuntu delta15:39
Unit193Could I convince an AA to remove xfce4-notes-plugin for now to let a bunch of things migrate?17:00
=== ijohnson is now known as ijohnson|lunch
seb128Unit193, removing xfce4-notes-plugin wouldn't be enough it seems, also why does it need to be removed rather than fixed?18:57
seb128Unit193, removed following Debian19:04
Unit193Last I saw that's what was holding libxfce4ui back, which is holding most other stuff back.  By "fix", you mean port to GTK3? :)  There's efforts to do so upstream, but it's a bit of vala mess, if we fully enabled vaapi in the core libs it'd build, but we don't plan to do that.  It's supposed to work with just introspection, but it doesn't even build yet with that.  There's also visual quirks when19:04
Unit193it does build (from what I've heard)19:04
Unit193seb128: Thanks!19:04
seb128Unit193, xfce4-panel makes orage, workrave, xfce4-equake-plugin uninstallable, I'm checking those now19:05
Unit193Orage is pretty dead, not sure if it's been officially canned upstream yet (moved to archive), workrave and equake seem a bit dorment, IIRC equake last had a release in '18 or so?19:06
Unit193Heh, Debian 950993.19:07
ubottuDebian bug 950993 in orage "orage: calendar window doesn't work anymore" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/95099319:07
Unit193Workrave is very much alive, just wasn't maintained in Debain for a while.  Ok.19:09
seb128I wonder why e.g orage doesn't have a rc bug filed in Debian19:10
seb128it Build-Depends on xfce4-panel-dev which went away19:10
Unit193Only in 4.15, which dropped gtk2.19:12
Unit193!info xfce4-panel-dev unstable19:12
ubottuxfce4-panel-dev (source: xfce4-panel): Xfce4 panel development files. In component main, is optional. Version 4.12.2-1 (unstable), package size 211 kB, installed size 705 kB19:13
Unit193...That's old data.19:13
seb128I've removed orage and xfce4-equake-plugin19:14
xnoxi've been trying to build notes, but alas needs nwer git snapshowt of libxfcui stuff that i didn't look into yet.19:14
xnoxbut it would be nice to keep notes-plugin as it is otherwise ported to gtk319:14
seb128it has the cycle to come back19:15
Unit193xnox: It's not a newer libxfce4ui it needs, it's vaapi to work right.  The gir stuff is a bit in the wrong namespace, so it works with vaapi only.  I debugged this and talked to upstream.19:16
seb128workrave could be easily built without xfce if someone wants to give it a try19:17
Unit193It looks like it works with gtk3 too, I'll give that a try first later today.19:18
Unit193Yes, sorry.  I'll poke at workrave later today.19:18
Unit193xnox: Well, to rephrase: It doesn't need anything newer than *proposed*.  And yes unfortunate to remove it, but we really need to get people testing 4.15 more.  I can pass along what I have though.19:32
vorlondoko: mime-support has changed into a metapackage and the contents have moved elsewhere; it's a no-op MIR, I'll subscribe & promote them19:46
xnoxUnit193:  oh, so things got updated in proposed. then maybe my staged package locally will now build, and i cna just upload it?19:51
=== ijohnson|lunch is now known as ijohnson

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