
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
sitteris kubuntu-debug-installer still used?12:27
BluesKajHi folks12:33
RikMillssitter: I don't think it is used for some time14:00
sitterit'd be grand if someone took care of deprecating the sources on the KDE side when they are no longer used ;)14:12
sitterRikMills: without replacment I presume?14:12
RikMillssitter: I have never had anything to do with it, so was possibly dropped before I got involved. I don't even recall know it existed until not long ago14:15
sitterI too completely forgot it existed but presumably someone would have had to drop it from the seed at some point14:20
sitterhuh. wouldn't you know it appears it only ever was dragged in by kde-runtime and eventually got lost in the move to plasma514:28
RikMillsah, that makes sense14:29
sitteranyway. long story short I'm getting it marked unmaintained. and I'm kinda working on a replacement based on packagekit which you could opt to use https://invent.kde.org/sitter/drkonqi-pk-debug-installer14:29
RikMillsinteresting. thanks!14:30

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